Source code for pyomo.gdp.util

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from pyomo.gdp import GDP_Error, Disjunction
from pyomo.gdp.disjunct import DisjunctData, Disjunct

import pyomo.core.expr as EXPR
from pyomo.core import (
from pyomo.core.base.block import BlockData
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap, ComponentSet, OrderedSet
from pyomo.opt import TerminationCondition, SolverStatus

from weakref import ref as weakref_ref
from collections import defaultdict
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.gdp')

_acceptable_termination_conditions = set(
_infeasible_termination_conditions = set(
    [TerminationCondition.infeasible, TerminationCondition.invalidProblem]

[docs] class NORMAL(object): pass
[docs] class INFEASIBLE(object): pass
[docs] class NONOPTIMAL(object): pass
[docs] def verify_successful_solve(results): status = results.solver.status term = results.solver.termination_condition if status == SolverStatus.ok and term in _acceptable_termination_conditions: return NORMAL elif term in _infeasible_termination_conditions: return INFEASIBLE else: return NONOPTIMAL
[docs] def clone_without_expression_components(expr, substitute=None): """A function that is used to clone an expression. Cloning is roughly equivalent to calling ``copy.deepcopy``. However, the :attr:`clone_leaves` argument can be used to clone only interior (i.e. non-leaf) nodes in the expression tree. Note that named expression objects are treated as leaves when :attr:`clone_leaves` is :const:`True`, and hence those subexpressions are not cloned. This function uses a non-recursive logic, which makes it more scalable than the logic in ``copy.deepcopy``. Args: expr: The expression that will be cloned. substitute (dict): A dictionary mapping object ids to objects. This dictionary has the same semantics as the memo object used with ``copy.deepcopy``. Defaults to None, which indicates that no user-defined dictionary is used. Returns: The cloned expression. """ if substitute is None: substitute = {} # visitor = EXPR.ExpressionReplacementVisitor( substitute=substitute, remove_named_expressions=True ) return visitor.walk_expression(expr)
def _raise_disjunct_in_multiple_disjunctions_error(disjunct, disjunction): # we've transformed it, which means this is the second time it's appearing # in a Disjunction raise GDP_Error( "The disjunct '%s' has been transformed, but '%s', a disjunction " "it appears in, has not. Putting the same disjunct in " "multiple disjunctions is not supported." % (, )
[docs] class GDPTree: """ Stores a forest representing the hierarchy between GDP components on a model: for single-level GDPs, each tree is rooted at a Disjunction and each of the Disjuncts in the Disjunction is a leaf. For nested GDPs, the Disjuncts may not be leaves, and could have child Disjunctions of their own. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self._children = {} self._in_degrees = {} # Every node has exactly one or 0 parents. self._parent = {} self._root_disjunct = {} # This needs to be ordered so that topological sort is deterministic self._vertices = OrderedSet()
@property def vertices(self): return self._vertices def add_node(self, u): self._vertices.add(u)
[docs] def parent(self, u): """Returns the parent node of u, or None if u is a root. Arg: u : A node in the tree """ if u in self._parent: return self._parent[u] if u not in self._vertices: raise ValueError( "'%s' is not a vertex in the GDP tree. Cannot " "retrieve its parent." % u ) else: return None
[docs] def children(self, u): """Returns the direct descendents of node u. Arg: u : A node in the tree """ return self._children[u]
[docs] def parent_disjunct(self, u): """Returns the parent Disjunct of u, or None if u is the closest-to-root Disjunct in the forest. Arg: u : A node in the forest """ if u.ctype is Disjunct: return self.parent(self.parent(u)) else: return self.parent(u)
[docs] def root_disjunct(self, u): """Returns the highest parent Disjunct in the hierarchy, or None if the component is not nested. Arg: u : A node in the tree """ rootmost_disjunct = None parent = self.parent(u) while True: if parent is None: return rootmost_disjunct if parent.ctype is Disjunct: rootmost_disjunct = parent parent = self.parent(parent)
def add_node(self, u): if u not in self._children: self._children[u] = OrderedSet() self._vertices.add(u) def add_edge(self, u, v): self.add_node(u) self.add_node(v) self._children[u].add(v) if v in self._parent and self._parent[v] is not u: _raise_disjunct_in_multiple_disjunctions_error(v, u) self._parent[v] = u def _visit_vertex(self, u, leaf_to_root): if u in self._children: for v in self._children[u]: if v not in leaf_to_root: self._visit_vertex(v, leaf_to_root) # we're done--we've been to all its children leaf_to_root.add(u) def _reverse_topological_iterator(self): # this returns nodes of the tree ordered so that no node is before any # of its descendents. leaf_to_root = OrderedSet() for u in self.vertices: if u not in leaf_to_root: self._visit_vertex(u, leaf_to_root) return leaf_to_root def topological_sort(self): return list(reversed(self._reverse_topological_iterator())) def reverse_topological_sort(self): return self._reverse_topological_iterator() def in_degree(self, u): if u not in self._parent: return 0 return 1 def is_leaf(self, u): if len(self._children[u]) == 0: return True return False @property def leaves(self): for u, children in self._children.items(): if len(children) == 0: yield u @property def disjunct_nodes(self): for v in self._vertices: if v.ctype is Disjunct: yield v
def _parent_disjunct(obj): parent = obj.parent_block() while parent is not None: if parent.ctype is Disjunct: return parent parent = parent.parent_block() return None def _check_properly_deactivated(disjunct): if disjunct.indicator_var.is_fixed(): if not value(disjunct.indicator_var): # The user cleanly deactivated the disjunct: there # is nothing for us to do here. return else: raise GDP_Error( "The disjunct '%s' is deactivated, but the " "indicator_var is fixed to %s. This makes no sense." % (, value(disjunct.indicator_var)) ) if disjunct._transformation_block is None: raise GDP_Error( "The disjunct '%s' is deactivated, but the " "indicator_var is not fixed and the disjunct does not " "appear to have been transformed. This makes no sense. " "(If the intent is to deactivate the disjunct, fix its " "indicator_var to False.)" % (,) ) def _gather_disjunctions(block, gdp_tree, include_root=True): if not include_root: # The argument 'block' may be a root node (it was in the list of # targets): We will not add it to the tree in this call. It may be added # later if in fact it is a descendent of another target, but as far as # we know now, it does not belong in the tree. root = block to_explore = [block] while to_explore: block = to_explore.pop() for disjunction in block.component_data_objects( Disjunction, active=True, sort=SortComponents.deterministic, descend_into=Block, ): # add the node (because it might be an empty Disjunction and block # might be a Block, in case it wouldn't get added below.) gdp_tree.add_node(disjunction) for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts: if not if disjunct.transformation_block is not None: _raise_disjunct_in_multiple_disjunctions_error( disjunct, disjunction ) _check_properly_deactivated(disjunct) continue gdp_tree.add_edge(disjunction, disjunct) to_explore.append(disjunct) if block.ctype is Disjunct: if not include_root and block is root: continue gdp_tree.add_edge(block, disjunction) return gdp_tree
[docs] def get_gdp_tree(targets, instance, knownBlocks=None): if knownBlocks is None: knownBlocks = {} gdp_tree = GDPTree() for t in targets: # first check it's not insane, that is, it is at least on the instance if not is_child_of(parent=instance, child=t, knownBlocks=knownBlocks): raise GDP_Error( "Target '%s' is not a component on instance " "'%s'!" % (, ) if t.ctype is Block or isinstance(t, BlockData): _blocks = t.values() if t.is_indexed() else (t,) for block in _blocks: if not continue gdp_tree = _gather_disjunctions(block, gdp_tree, include_root=False) elif t.ctype is Disjunction: parent = _parent_disjunct(t) if parent is not None and parent in targets: gdp_tree.add_edge(parent, t) _disjunctions = t.values() if t.is_indexed() else (t,) for disjunction in _disjunctions: if disjunction.algebraic_constraint is not None: # It's already transformed. continue gdp_tree.add_node(disjunction) for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts: if not if disjunct.transformation_block is not None: _raise_disjunct_in_multiple_disjunctions_error( disjunct, disjunction ) _check_properly_deactivated(disjunct) continue gdp_tree.add_edge(disjunction, disjunct) gdp_tree = _gather_disjunctions(disjunct, gdp_tree) else: # There's nothing else we care about, so we don't know how to # deal with this raise GDP_Error( "Target '%s' was not a Block, Disjunct, or Disjunction. " "It was of type %s and can't be transformed." % (, type(t)) ) return gdp_tree
[docs] def preprocess_targets(targets, instance, knownBlocks, gdp_tree=None): if gdp_tree is None: gdp_tree = get_gdp_tree(targets, instance, knownBlocks) # this is for bigm: We need to transform from the leaves up, so we want a # reverse of a topological sort: no parent can come before its child. return gdp_tree.reverse_topological_sort()
# [ESJ 07/09/2019 Should this be a more general utility function elsewhere? I'm # putting it here for now so that all the gdp transformations can use it. # Returns True if child is a node or leaf in the tree rooted at parent, False # otherwise. Accepts list of known components in the tree and updates this list # to enhance performance in future calls. Note that both child and parent must # be blocks!
[docs] def is_child_of(parent, child, knownBlocks=None): # Note: we can get away with a dictionary and not ComponentMap because we # will only store Blocks (or their ilk), and Blocks are hashable (only # derivatives of NumericValue are not hashable) if knownBlocks is None: knownBlocks = {} tmp = set() node = child if isinstance(child, (Block, BlockData)) else child.parent_block() while True: known = knownBlocks.get(node) if known: knownBlocks.update({c: True for c in tmp}) return True if known is not None and not known: knownBlocks.update({c: False for c in tmp}) return False if node is parent: knownBlocks.update({c: True for c in tmp}) return True if node is None: knownBlocks.update({c: False for c in tmp}) return False tmp.add(node) container = node.parent_component() if container is node: node = node.parent_block() else: node = container
def _to_dict(val): if isinstance(val, (dict, ComponentMap)): return val return {None: val}
[docs] def get_src_disjunction(xor_constraint): """Return the Disjunction corresponding to xor_constraint Parameters ---------- xor_constraint: Constraint, which must be the logical constraint (located on the transformation block) of some Disjunction """ # NOTE: This is indeed a linear search through the Disjunctions on the # model. I am leaving it this way on the assumption that asking XOR # constraints for their Disjunction is not going to be a common # question. If we ever need efficiency then we should store a reverse # map from the XOR constraint to the Disjunction on the transformation # block while we do the transformation. And then this method could query # that map. m = xor_constraint.model() for disjunction in m.component_data_objects( Disjunction, descend_into=(Block, Disjunct) ): if disjunction._algebraic_constraint: if disjunction._algebraic_constraint() is xor_constraint: return disjunction raise GDP_Error( "It appears that '%s' is not an XOR or OR constraint " "resulting from transforming a Disjunction." % )
[docs] def get_src_disjunct(transBlock): """Return the Disjunct object whose transformed components are on transBlock. Parameters ---------- transBlock: BlockData which is in the relaxedDisjuncts IndexedBlock on a transformation block. """ if ( not hasattr(transBlock, "_src_disjunct") or type(transBlock._src_disjunct) is not weakref_ref ): raise GDP_Error( "Block '%s' doesn't appear to be a transformation " "block for a disjunct. No source disjunct found." % ) return transBlock._src_disjunct()
[docs] def get_src_constraint(transformedConstraint): """Return the original Constraint whose transformed counterpart is transformedConstraint Parameters ---------- transformedConstraint: Constraint, which must be a component on one of the BlockDatas in the relaxedDisjuncts Block of a transformation block """ transBlock = transformedConstraint.parent_block() src_constraints = transBlock.private_data('pyomo.gdp').src_constraint # This should be our block, so if it's not, the user messed up and gave # us the wrong thing. If they happen to also have a _constraintMap then # the world is really against us. if transformedConstraint not in src_constraints: raise GDP_Error( "Constraint '%s' is not a transformed constraint" % ) # if something goes wrong here, it's a bug in the mappings. return src_constraints[transformedConstraint]
def _find_parent_disjunct(constraint): # traverse up until we find the disjunct this constraint lives on parent_disjunct = constraint.parent_block() while not isinstance(parent_disjunct, DisjunctData): if parent_disjunct is None: raise GDP_Error( "Constraint '%s' is not on a disjunct and so was not " "transformed" % ) parent_disjunct = parent_disjunct.parent_block() return parent_disjunct def _get_constraint_transBlock(constraint): parent_disjunct = _find_parent_disjunct(constraint) # we know from _find_parent_disjunct that parent_disjunct is a Disjunct, # so the below is OK transBlock = parent_disjunct._transformation_block if transBlock is None: raise GDP_Error( "Constraint '%s' is on a disjunct which has not been " "transformed" % ) # if it's not None, it's the weakref we wanted. transBlock = transBlock() return transBlock
[docs] def get_transformed_constraints(srcConstraint): """Return the transformed version of srcConstraint Parameters ---------- srcConstraint: ScalarConstraint or ConstraintData, which must be in the subtree of a transformed Disjunct """ if srcConstraint.is_indexed(): raise GDP_Error( "Argument to get_transformed_constraint should be " "a ScalarConstraint or ConstraintData. (If you " "want the container for all transformed constraints " "from an IndexedDisjunction, this is the parent " "component of a transformed constraint originating " "from any of its ComponentDatas.)" ) transBlock = _get_constraint_transBlock(srcConstraint) transformed_constraints = transBlock.private_data( 'pyomo.gdp' ).transformed_constraints if srcConstraint in transformed_constraints: return transformed_constraints[srcConstraint] else: raise GDP_Error( "Constraint '%s' has not been transformed." % )
def _warn_for_active_disjunct(innerdisjunct, outerdisjunct): assert problemdisj = innerdisjunct if innerdisjunct.is_indexed(): for i in sorted(innerdisjunct.keys()): if innerdisjunct[i].active: # This shouldn't be true, we will complain about it. problemdisj = innerdisjunct[i] break raise GDP_Error( "Found active disjunct '{0}' in disjunct '{1}'! Either {0} " "is not in a disjunction or the disjunction it is in " "has not been transformed. {0} needs to be deactivated " "or its disjunction transformed before {1} can be " "transformed.".format( problemdisj.getname(fully_qualified=True), outerdisjunct.getname(fully_qualified=True), ) )
[docs] def check_model_algebraic(instance): """Checks if there are any active Disjuncts or Disjunctions reachable via active Blocks. If there are not, it returns True. If there are, it issues a warning detailing where in the model there are remaining non-algebraic components, and returns False. Parameters ---------- instance: a Model or Block """ disjunction_set = { i for i in instance.component_data_objects( Disjunction, descend_into=(Block, Disjunct), active=None ) } active_disjunction_set = { i for i in instance.component_data_objects( Disjunction, descend_into=(Block, Disjunct), active=True ) } disjuncts_in_disjunctions = set() for i in disjunction_set: disjuncts_in_disjunctions.update(i.disjuncts) disjuncts_in_active_disjunctions = set() for i in active_disjunction_set: disjuncts_in_active_disjunctions.update(i.disjuncts) for disjunct in instance.component_data_objects( Disjunct, descend_into=(Block,), descent_order=TraversalStrategy.PostfixDFS ): # check if it's relaxed if disjunct.transformation_block is not None: continue # It's not transformed, check if we should complain elif ( and _disjunct_not_fixed_true(disjunct) and _disjunct_on_active_block(disjunct) ): # If someone thinks they've transformed the whole instance, but # there is still an active Disjunct on the model, we will warn # them. In the future this should be the writers' job.) if disjunct not in disjuncts_in_disjunctions: logger.warning( 'Disjunct "%s" is currently active, ' 'but was not found in any Disjunctions. ' 'This is generally an error as the model ' 'has not been fully relaxed to a ' 'pure algebraic form.' % (,) ) return False elif disjunct not in disjuncts_in_active_disjunctions: logger.warning( 'Disjunct "%s" is currently active. While ' 'it participates in a Disjunction, ' 'that Disjunction is currently deactivated. ' 'This is generally an error as the ' 'model has not been fully relaxed to a pure ' 'algebraic form. Did you deactivate ' 'the Disjunction without addressing the ' 'individual Disjuncts?' % (,) ) return False else: logger.warning( 'Disjunct "%s" is currently active. It must be ' 'transformed or deactivated before solving the ' 'model.' % (,) ) return False for cons in instance.component_data_objects( LogicalConstraint, descend_into=Block, active=True ): if logger.warning( 'LogicalConstraint "%s" is currently active. It ' 'must be transformed or deactivated before solving ' 'the model.' % ) return False # We didn't find anything bad. return True
def _disjunct_not_fixed_true(disjunct): # Return true if the disjunct indicator variable is not fixed to True return not (disjunct.indicator_var.fixed and disjunct.indicator_var.value) def _disjunct_on_active_block(disjunct): # Check first to make sure that the disjunct is not a descendent of an # inactive Block or fixed and deactivated Disjunct, before raising a # warning. parent_block = disjunct.parent_block() while parent_block is not None: # deactivated Block if parent_block.ctype is Block and not return False # properly deactivated Disjunct elif ( parent_block.ctype is Disjunct and not and parent_block.indicator_var.value == False and parent_block.indicator_var.fixed ): return False else: # Step up one level in the hierarchy parent_block = parent_block.parent_block() continue return True