Source code for pyomo.dae.simulator

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

#  _________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2014 Sandia Corporation.
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
#  the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the BSD License.
#  _________________________________________________________________________
import logging

from pyomo.core.base import Constraint, Param, value, Suffix, Block
from pyomo.dae import ContinuousSet, DerivativeVar
from pyomo.dae.diffvar import DAE_Error
import pyomo.core.expr as EXPR
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import native_numeric_types
from pyomo.core.expr.template_expr import IndexTemplate, _GetItemIndexer
from pyomo.common.dependencies import (
    numpy as np,

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')

casadi_intrinsic = {}

def _finalize_casadi(casadi, available):
    if available:
                'log': casadi.log,
                'log10': casadi.log10,
                'sin': casadi.sin,
                'cos': casadi.cos,
                'tan': casadi.tan,
                'cosh': casadi.cosh,
                'sinh': casadi.sinh,
                'tanh': casadi.tanh,
                'asin': casadi.asin,
                'acos': casadi.acos,
                'atan': casadi.atan,
                'exp': casadi.exp,
                'sqrt': casadi.sqrt,
                'asinh': casadi.asinh,
                'acosh': casadi.acosh,
                'atanh': casadi.atanh,
                'ceil': casadi.ceil,
                'floor': casadi.floor,

casadi, casadi_available = attempt_import('casadi', callback=_finalize_casadi)

def _check_getitemexpression(expr, i):
    Accepts an equality expression and an index value. Checks the
    GetItemExpression at expr.arg(i) to see if it is a
    :py:class:`DerivativeVar<pyomo.dae.DerivativeVar>`. If so, return the
    GetItemExpression for the :py:class:`DerivativeVar<DerivativeVar>` and
    the RHS. If not, return None.
    if type(expr.arg(i).arg(0)) is DerivativeVar:
        return [expr.arg(i), expr.arg(1 - i)]
        return None

def _check_productexpression(expr, i):
    Accepts an equality expression and an index value. Checks the
    ProductExpression at expr.arg(i) to see if it contains a
    :py:class:`DerivativeVar<pyomo.dae.DerivativeVar>`. If so, return the
    GetItemExpression for the
    :py:class:`DerivativeVar<pyomo.dae.DerivativeVar>` and the RHS. If not,
    return None.
    expr_ = expr.arg(i)
    stack = [(expr_, 1)]
    pterms = []
    dv = None

    while stack:
        curr, e_ = stack.pop()
        if curr.__class__ is EXPR.ProductExpression:
            stack.append((curr.arg(0), e_))
            stack.append((curr.arg(1), e_))
        elif curr.__class__ is EXPR.DivisionExpression:
            stack.append((curr.arg(0), e_))
            stack.append((curr.arg(1), -e_))
        elif (
            isinstance(curr, EXPR.GetItemExpression)
            and type(curr.arg(0)) is DerivativeVar
            dv = (curr, e_)
            pterms.append((curr, e_))

    if dv is None:
        return None

    numerator = 1
    denom = 1
    for term, e_ in pterms:
        if e_ == 1:
            denom *= term
            numerator *= term
    curr, e_ = dv
    if e_ == 1:
        return [curr, expr.arg(1 - i) * numerator / denom]
        return [curr, denom / (expr.arg(1 - i) * numerator)]

def _check_negationexpression(expr, i):
    Accepts an equality expression and an index value. Checks the
    NegationExpression at expr.arg(i) to see if it contains a
    :py:class:`DerivativeVar<pyomo.dae.DerivativeVar>`. If so, return the
    GetItemExpression for the
    :py:class:`DerivativeVar<pyomo.dae.DerivativeVar>` and the RHS. If not,
    return None.
    arg = expr.arg(i).arg(0)

    if isinstance(arg, EXPR.GetItemExpression) and type(arg.arg(0)) is DerivativeVar:
        return [arg, -expr.arg(1 - i)]

    if type(arg) is EXPR.ProductExpression:
        lhs = arg.arg(0)
        rhs = arg.arg(1)

        if not (type(lhs) in native_numeric_types or not lhs.is_potentially_variable()):
            return None
        if not (
            isinstance(rhs, EXPR.GetItemExpression)
            and type(rhs.arg(0)) is DerivativeVar
            return None

        return [rhs, -expr.arg(1 - i) / lhs]

    return None

def _check_viewsumexpression(expr, i):
    Accepts an equality expression and an index value. Checks the
    Sum expression at expr.arg(i) to see if it contains a
    :py:class:`DerivativeVar<pyomo.dae.DerivativeVar>`. If so, return the
    GetItemExpression for the
    :py:class:`DerivativeVar<pyomo.dae.DerivativeVar>` and the RHS. If not,
    return None.
    # Get the side of the equality expression with the derivative variable
    sumexp = expr.arg(i)
    items = []
    dv = None
    dvcoef = 1

    for idx, item in enumerate(sumexp.args):
        if dv is not None:
        elif (
            isinstance(item, EXPR.GetItemExpression)
            and type(item.arg(0)) is DerivativeVar
            dv = item
        elif type(item) is EXPR.ProductExpression:
            # This will contain the constant coefficient if there is one
            lhs = item.arg(0)
            # This is a potentially variable expression
            rhs = item.arg(1)
            if (
                type(lhs) in native_numeric_types or not lhs.is_potentially_variable()
            ) and (
                isinstance(rhs, EXPR.GetItemExpression)
                and type(rhs.arg(0)) is DerivativeVar
                dv = rhs
                dvcoef = lhs

    if dv is not None:
        # Form the "other" side of the equality expression
        RHS = expr.arg(1 - i)
        for item in items:
            RHS -= item
        RHS = RHS / dvcoef
        return [dv, RHS]

    return None

[docs] class Pyomo2Scipy_Visitor(EXPR.ExpressionReplacementVisitor): """ Expression walker that replaces _GetItemExpression instances with mutable parameters. """
[docs] def __init__(self, templatemap): # Note because we are creating a "nonPyomo" expression tree, we # want to remove all Expression nodes (as opposed to replacing # them in place) super().__init__( descend_into_named_expressions=True, remove_named_expressions=True ) self.templatemap = templatemap
def beforeChild(self, node, child, child_idx): if type(child) is IndexTemplate: return False, child if isinstance(child, EXPR.GetItemExpression): _id = _GetItemIndexer(child) if _id not in self.templatemap: self.templatemap[_id] = Param(mutable=True) self.templatemap[_id].construct() self.templatemap[_id]._name = "%s[%s]" % (, ','.join(str(x) for x in _id.args), ) return False, self.templatemap[_id] return super().beforeChild(node, child, child_idx)
[docs] def convert_pyomo2scipy(expr, templatemap): """Substitute _GetItem nodes in an expression tree. This substitution function is used to replace Pyomo _GetItem nodes with mutable Params. Args: templatemap: dictionary mapping _GetItemIndexer objects to mutable params Returns: a new expression tree with all substitutions done """ if not scipy_available: raise DAE_Error( "SciPy is not installed. Cannot substitute SciPy intrinsic functions." ) visitor = Pyomo2Scipy_Visitor(templatemap) return visitor.walk_expression(expr)
[docs] class Substitute_Pyomo2Casadi_Visitor(EXPR.ExpressionReplacementVisitor): """ Expression walker that replaces * _UnaryFunctionExpression instances with unary functions that point to casadi intrinsic functions. * _GetItemExpressions with _GetItemIndexer objects that references CasADi variables. """
[docs] def __init__(self, templatemap): # Note because we are creating a "nonPyomo" expression tree, we # want to remove all Expression nodes (as opposed to replacing # them in place) super().__init__( descend_into_named_expressions=True, remove_named_expressions=True ) self.templatemap = templatemap
[docs] def exitNode(self, node, data): """Replace a node if it's a unary function.""" ans = super().exitNode(node, data) if type(ans) is EXPR.UnaryFunctionExpression: return EXPR.UnaryFunctionExpression( ans.args, ans.getname(), casadi_intrinsic[ans.getname()] ) return ans
[docs] def beforeChild(self, node, child, child_idx): """Replace a node if it's a _GetItemExpression.""" if isinstance(child, EXPR.GetItemExpression): _id = _GetItemIndexer(child) if _id not in self.templatemap: name = "%s[%s]" % (, ','.join(str(x) for x in _id.args)) self.templatemap[_id] = casadi.SX.sym(name) return False, self.templatemap[_id] elif type(child) is IndexTemplate: return False, child return super().beforeChild(node, child, child_idx)
[docs] class Convert_Pyomo2Casadi_Visitor(EXPR.ExpressionValueVisitor): """ Expression walker that evaluates an expression generated by the Substitute_Pyomo2Casadi_Visitor walker. In Coopr3 this walker was not necessary because the expression could be simply evaluated. But in Pyomo5, the evaluation logic was changed to be non-recursive, which involves checks on the types of leaves in the expression tree. Hence, the evaluation logic fails if leaves in the tree are not standard Pyomo5 variable types. """
[docs] def visit(self, node, values): """Visit nodes that have been expanded""" return node._apply_operation(values)
[docs] def visiting_potential_leaf(self, node): """ Visiting a potential leaf. Return True if the node is not expanded. """ if node.__class__ in native_numeric_types: return True, node if node.__class__ is casadi.SX: return True, node if node.is_variable_type(): return True, value(node) if not node.is_expression_type(): return True, value(node) return False, None
[docs] def substitute_pyomo2casadi(expr, templatemap): """Substitute IndexTemplates in an expression tree. This substitution function is used to replace Pyomo intrinsic functions with CasADi functions. Args: expr: a Pyomo expression templatemap: dictionary mapping _GetItemIndexer objects to mutable params Returns: a new expression tree with all substitutions done """ if not casadi_available: raise DAE_Error( "CASADI is not installed. Cannot substitute CasADi " "variables and intrinsic functions." ) visitor = Substitute_Pyomo2Casadi_Visitor(templatemap) return visitor.walk_expression(expr)
[docs] def convert_pyomo2casadi(expr): """Convert a Pyomo expression tree to Casadi. This function replaces a Pyomo expression with a CasADi expression. This assumes that the `substitute_pyomo2casadi` function has been called, so the Pyomo expression contains CasADi variables and intrinsic functions. The resulting expression can be used with the CasADi integrator. Args: expr: a Pyomo expression with CasADi variables and intrinsic functions Returns: a CasADi expression tree. """ if not casadi_available: raise DAE_Error( "CASADI is not installed. Cannot convert a Pyomo " "expression to a Casadi expression." ) visitor = Convert_Pyomo2Casadi_Visitor() return visitor.dfs_postorder_stack(expr)
[docs] class Simulator: """ Simulator objects allow a user to simulate a dynamic model formulated using pyomo.dae. Parameters ---------- m : Pyomo Model The Pyomo model to be simulated should be passed as the first argument package : `string` The Python simulator package to use. Currently 'scipy' and 'casadi' are the only supported packages """
[docs] def __init__(self, m, package='scipy'): self._intpackage = package if self._intpackage not in ['scipy', 'casadi']: raise DAE_Error( "Unrecognized simulator package %s. Please select from " "%s" % (self._intpackage, ['scipy', 'casadi']) ) if self._intpackage == 'scipy': if not scipy_available: # Converting this to a warning so that Simulator initialization # can be tested even when scipy is unavailable logger.warning( "The scipy module is not available. " "You may build the Simulator object but you will not " "be able to run the simulation." ) else: if not casadi_available: # Initializing the simulator for use with casadi requires # access to casadi objects. Therefore, we must throw an error # here instead of a warning. raise ValueError( "The casadi module is not available. Cannot simulate model." ) # Check for active Blocks and throw error if any are found if len(list(m.component_data_objects(Block, active=True, descend_into=False))): raise DAE_Error( "The Simulator cannot handle hierarchical models at the moment." ) temp = m.component_map(ContinuousSet) if len(temp) != 1: raise DAE_Error( "Currently the simulator may only be applied to " "Pyomo models with a single ContinuousSet" ) # Get the ContinuousSet in the model contset = list(temp.values())[0] # Create a index template for the continuous set cstemplate = IndexTemplate(contset) # Ensure that there is at least one derivative in the model derivs = m.component_map(DerivativeVar) derivs = list(derivs.keys()) if hasattr(m, '_pyomo_dae_reclassified_derivativevars'): for d in m._pyomo_dae_reclassified_derivativevars: derivs.append( if len(derivs) == 0: raise DAE_Error("Cannot simulate a model with no derivatives") templatemap = {} # Map for template substituter rhsdict = {} # Map of derivative to its RHS templated expr derivlist = [] # Ordered list of derivatives alglist = [] # list of templated algebraic equations # Loop over constraints to find differential equations with separable # RHS. Must find a RHS for every derivative var otherwise ERROR. Build # dictionary of DerivativeVar:RHS equation. for con in m.component_objects(Constraint, active=True): # Skip the discretization equations if model is discretized if '_disc_eq' in continue # Check dimension of the Constraint. Check if the # Constraint is indexed by the continuous set and # determine its order in the indexing sets if con.dim() == 0: continue conindex = con.index_set() # if not hasattr(conindex, 'set_tuple'): # # Check if the continuous set is the indexing set # if conindex is not contset: # continue # else: # csidx = 0 # noncsidx = (None,) # else: dimsum = 0 csidx = -1 noncsidx = None for s in conindex.subsets(): if s is contset: if csidx != -1: raise DAE_Error( "Cannot simulate the constraint %s because " "it is indexed by duplicate ContinuousSets" % ) csidx = dimsum elif noncsidx is None: noncsidx = s else: noncsidx = noncsidx.cross(s) dimsum += s.dimen if csidx == -1: continue if noncsidx is None: noncsidx = (None,) # Get the rule used to construct the constraint conrule = con.rule for i in noncsidx: # Insert the index template and call the rule to # create a templated expression if i is None: tempexp = conrule(m, cstemplate) else: if not isinstance(i, tuple): i = (i,) tempidx = i[0:csidx] + (cstemplate,) + i[csidx:] tempexp = conrule(m, tempidx) # Check to make sure it's an EqualityExpression if not type(tempexp) is EXPR.EqualityExpression: continue # Check to make sure it's a differential equation with # separable RHS args = None # Case 1: m.dxdt[t] = RHS if isinstance(tempexp.arg(0), EXPR.GetItemExpression): args = _check_getitemexpression(tempexp, 0) # Case 2: RHS = m.dxdt[t] if args is None: if isinstance(tempexp.arg(1), EXPR.GetItemExpression): args = _check_getitemexpression(tempexp, 1) # Case 3: m.p*m.dxdt[t] = RHS if args is None: if ( type(tempexp.arg(0)) is EXPR.ProductExpression or type(tempexp.arg(0)) is EXPR.DivisionExpression ): args = _check_productexpression(tempexp, 0) # Case 4: RHS = m.p*m.dxdt[t] if args is None: if ( type(tempexp.arg(1)) is EXPR.ProductExpression or type(tempexp.arg(1)) is EXPR.DivisionExpression ): args = _check_productexpression(tempexp, 1) # Case 5: m.dxdt[t] + sum(ELSE) = RHS # or CONSTANT + m.dxdt[t] = RHS if args is None: if type(tempexp.arg(0)) is EXPR.SumExpression: args = _check_viewsumexpression(tempexp, 0) # Case 6: RHS = m.dxdt[t] + sum(ELSE) if args is None: if type(tempexp.arg(1)) is EXPR.SumExpression: args = _check_viewsumexpression(tempexp, 1) # Case 7: RHS = m.p*m.dxdt[t] + CONSTANT # This case will be caught by Case 6 if p is immutable. If # p is mutable then this case will not be detected as a # separable differential equation # Case 8: - dxdt[t] = RHS if args is None: if type(tempexp.arg(0)) is EXPR.NegationExpression: args = _check_negationexpression(tempexp, 0) # Case 9: RHS = - dxdt[t] if args is None: if type(tempexp.arg(1)) is EXPR.NegationExpression: args = _check_negationexpression(tempexp, 1) # At this point if args is not None then args[0] contains # the _GetItemExpression for the DerivativeVar and args[1] # contains the RHS expression. If args is None then the # constraint is considered an algebraic equation if args is None: # Constraint is an algebraic equation or unsupported # differential equation if self._intpackage == 'scipy': raise DAE_Error( "Model contains an algebraic equation or " "unrecognized differential equation. Constraint " "'%s' cannot be simulated using Scipy. If you are " "trying to simulate a DAE model you must use " "CasADi as the integration package." % str( ) tempexp = tempexp.arg(0) - tempexp.arg(1) algexp = substitute_pyomo2casadi(tempexp, templatemap) alglist.append(algexp) continue # Add the differential equation to rhsdict and derivlist dv = args[0] RHS = args[1] dvkey = _GetItemIndexer(dv) if dvkey in rhsdict.keys(): raise DAE_Error( "Found multiple RHS expressions for the " "DerivativeVar %s" % str(dvkey) ) derivlist.append(dvkey) if self._intpackage == 'casadi': rhsdict[dvkey] = substitute_pyomo2casadi(RHS, templatemap) else: rhsdict[dvkey] = convert_pyomo2scipy(RHS, templatemap) # Check to see if we found a RHS for every DerivativeVar in # the model # FIXME: Not sure how to rework this for multi-index case # allderivs = derivs.keys() # if set(allderivs) != set(derivlist): # missing = list(set(allderivs)-set(derivlist)) # print("WARNING: Could not find a RHS expression for the " # "following DerivativeVar components "+str(missing)) # Create ordered list of differential variables corresponding # to the list of derivatives. diffvars = [] for deriv in derivlist: sv = deriv.base.get_state_var() diffvars.append(_GetItemIndexer(sv[deriv._args])) # Create ordered list of algebraic variables and time-varying # parameters algvars = [] for item in templatemap.keys(): if in derivs: # Make sure there are no DerivativeVars in the # template map raise DAE_Error( "Cannot simulate a differential equation with " "multiple DerivativeVars" ) if item not in diffvars: # Finds time varying parameters and algebraic vars algvars.append(item) if self._intpackage == 'scipy': # Function sent to scipy integrator def _rhsfun(t, x): residual = [] cstemplate.set_value(t) for idx, v in enumerate(diffvars): if v in templatemap: templatemap[v].set_value(x[idx]) for d in derivlist: residual.append(rhsdict[d]()) return residual self._rhsfun = _rhsfun # Add any diffvars not added by expression walker to self._templatemap if self._intpackage == 'casadi': for _id in diffvars: if _id not in templatemap: name = "%s[%s]" % (, ','.join(str(x) for x in _id.args), ) templatemap[_id] = casadi.SX.sym(name) self._contset = contset self._cstemplate = cstemplate self._diffvars = diffvars self._derivlist = derivlist self._templatemap = templatemap self._rhsdict = rhsdict self._alglist = alglist self._algvars = algvars self._model = m self._tsim = None self._simsolution = None # The algebraic vars in the most recent simulation self._simalgvars = None # The time-varying inputs in the most recent simulation self._siminputvars = None
[docs] def get_variable_order(self, vartype=None): """ This function returns the ordered list of differential variable names. The order corresponds to the order being sent to the integrator function. Knowing the order allows users to provide initial conditions for the differential equations using a list or map the profiles returned by the simulate function to the Pyomo variables. Parameters ---------- vartype : `string` or None Optional argument for specifying the type of variables to return the order for. The default behavior is to return the order of the differential variables. 'time-varying' will return the order of all the time-dependent algebraic variables identified in the model. 'algebraic' will return the order of algebraic variables used in the most recent call to the simulate function. 'input' will return the order of the time-dependent algebraic variables that were treated as inputs in the most recent call to the simulate function. Returns ------- `list` """ if vartype == 'time-varying': return self._algvars elif vartype == 'algebraic': return self._simalgvars elif vartype == 'input': return self._siminputvars else: return self._diffvars
[docs] def simulate( self, numpoints=None, tstep=None, integrator=None, varying_inputs=None, initcon=None, integrator_options=None, ): """ Simulate the model. Integrator-specific options may be specified as keyword arguments and will be passed on to the integrator. Parameters ---------- numpoints : int The number of points for the profiles returned by the simulator. Default is 100 tstep : int or float The time step to use in the profiles returned by the simulator. This is not the time step used internally by the integrators. This is an optional parameter that may be specified in place of 'numpoints'. integrator : string The string name of the integrator to use for simulation. The default is 'lsoda' when using Scipy and 'idas' when using CasADi varying_inputs : ``pyomo.environ.Suffix`` A :py:class:`Suffix<pyomo.environ.Suffix>` object containing the piecewise constant profiles to be used for certain time-varying algebraic variables. initcon : list of floats The initial conditions for the the differential variables. This is an optional argument. If not specified then the simulator will use the current value of the differential variables at the lower bound of the ContinuousSet for the initial condition. integrator_options : dict Dictionary containing options that should be passed to the integrator. See the documentation for a specific integrator for a list of valid options. Returns ------- numpy array, numpy array The first return value is a 1D array of time points corresponding to the second return value which is a 2D array of the profiles for the simulated differential and algebraic variables. """ if not numpy_available: raise ValueError( "The numpy module is not available. Cannot simulate the model." ) if integrator_options is None: integrator_options = {} if self._intpackage == 'scipy': # Specify the scipy integrator to use for simulation valid_integrators = ['vode', 'zvode', 'lsoda', 'dopri5', 'dop853'] if integrator is None: integrator = 'lsoda' elif integrator == 'odeint': integrator = 'lsoda' else: # Specify the casadi integrator to use for simulation. # Only a subset of these integrators may be used for # DAE simulation. We defer this check to CasADi. valid_integrators = ['cvodes', 'idas', 'collocation', 'rk'] if integrator is None: integrator = 'idas' if integrator not in valid_integrators: raise DAE_Error( "Unrecognized %s integrator \'%s\'. Please select" " an integrator from %s" % (self._intpackage, integrator, valid_integrators) ) # Set the time step or the number of points for the lists # returned by the integrator if tstep is not None and tstep > (self._contset.last() - self._contset.first()): raise ValueError( "The step size %6.2f is larger than the span of the " "ContinuousSet %s" % (tstep, ) if tstep is not None and numpoints is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot specify both the step size and the number of " "points for the simulator" ) if tstep is None and numpoints is None: # Use 100 points by default numpoints = 100 if tstep is None: tsim = np.linspace( self._contset.first(), self._contset.last(), num=numpoints ) # Consider adding an option for log spaced time points. Can be # important for simulating stiff systems. # tsim = np.logspace(-4,6, num=100) # np.log10(self._contset.first()),np.log10( # self._contset.last()),num=1000, endpoint=True) else: tsim = np.arange(self._contset.first(), self._contset.last(), tstep) switchpts = [] self._siminputvars = {} self._simalgvars = [] if varying_inputs is not None: if type(varying_inputs) is not Suffix: raise TypeError( "Varying input values must be specified using a " "Suffix. Please refer to the simulator documentation." ) for alg in self._algvars: if alg._base in varying_inputs: # Find all the switching points switchpts += varying_inputs[alg._base].keys() # Add to dictionary of siminputvars self._siminputvars[alg._base] = alg else: self._simalgvars.append(alg) if self._intpackage == 'scipy' and len(self._simalgvars) != 0: raise DAE_Error( "When simulating with Scipy you must " "provide values for all parameters " "and algebraic variables that are indexed " "by the ContinuoutSet using the " "'varying_inputs' keyword argument. " "Please refer to the simulator documentation " "for more information." ) # Get the set of unique points switchpts = list(set(switchpts)) switchpts.sort() # Make sure all the switchpts are within the bounds of # the ContinuousSet if ( switchpts[0] < self._contset.first() or switchpts[-1] > self._contset.last() ): raise ValueError( "Found a switching point for one or more of " "the time-varying inputs that is not within " "the bounds of the ContinuousSet." ) # Update tsim to include input switching points # This numpy function returns the unique, sorted points tsim = np.union1d(tsim, switchpts) else: self._simalgvars = self._algvars # Check if initial conditions were provided, otherwise obtain # them from the current variable values if initcon is not None: if len(initcon) > len(self._diffvars): raise ValueError( "Too many initial conditions were specified. The " "simulator was expecting a list with %i values." % len(self._diffvars) ) if len(initcon) < len(self._diffvars): raise ValueError( "Too few initial conditions were specified. The " "simulator was expecting a list with %i values." % len(self._diffvars) ) else: initcon = [] for v in self._diffvars: for idx, i in enumerate(v._args): if type(i) is IndexTemplate: break initpoint = self._contset.first() vidx = tuple(v._args[0:idx]) + (initpoint,) + tuple(v._args[idx + 1 :]) # This line will raise an error if no value was set initcon.append(value(v._base[vidx])) # Call the integrator if self._intpackage == 'scipy': if not scipy_available: raise ValueError( "The scipy module is not available. Cannot simulate the model." ) tsim, profile = self._simulate_with_scipy( initcon, tsim, switchpts, varying_inputs, integrator, integrator_options ) else: if len(switchpts) != 0: tsim, profile = self._simulate_with_casadi_with_inputs( initcon, tsim, varying_inputs, integrator, integrator_options ) else: tsim, profile = self._simulate_with_casadi_no_inputs( initcon, tsim, integrator, integrator_options ) self._tsim = tsim self._simsolution = profile return [tsim, profile]
def _simulate_with_scipy( self, initcon, tsim, switchpts, varying_inputs, integrator, integrator_options ): scipyint = scipy.integrate.ode(self._rhsfun).set_integrator( integrator, **integrator_options ) scipyint.set_initial_value(initcon, tsim[0]) profile = np.array(initcon) i = 1 while scipyint.successful() and scipyint.t < tsim[-1]: # check if tsim[i-1] is a switching time and update value if tsim[i - 1] in switchpts: for v in self._siminputvars.keys(): if tsim[i - 1] in varying_inputs[v]: p = self._templatemap[self._siminputvars[v]] p.set_value(varying_inputs[v][tsim[i - 1]]) profilestep = scipyint.integrate(tsim[i]) profile = np.vstack([profile, profilestep]) i += 1 if not scipyint.successful(): raise DAE_Error( "The Scipy integrator %s did not terminate " "successfully." % integrator ) return [tsim, profile] def _simulate_with_casadi_no_inputs( self, initcon, tsim, integrator, integrator_options ): # Old way (10 times faster, but can't incorporate time # varying parameters/controls) xalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._diffvars] xall = casadi.vertcat(*xalltemp) odealltemp = [convert_pyomo2casadi(self._rhsdict[i]) for i in self._derivlist] odeall = casadi.vertcat(*odealltemp) dae = {'x': xall, 'ode': odeall} if len(self._algvars) != 0: zalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._simalgvars] zall = casadi.vertcat(*zalltemp) algalltemp = [convert_pyomo2casadi(i) for i in self._alglist] algall = casadi.vertcat(*algalltemp) dae['z'] = zall dae['alg'] = algall integrator_options['grid'] = tsim integrator_options['output_t0'] = True F = casadi.integrator('F', integrator, dae, integrator_options) sol = F(x0=initcon) profile = sol['xf'].full().T if len(self._algvars) != 0: algprofile = sol['zf'].full().T profile = np.concatenate((profile, algprofile), axis=1) return [tsim, profile] def _simulate_with_casadi_with_inputs( self, initcon, tsim, varying_inputs, integrator, integrator_options ): xalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._diffvars] xall = casadi.vertcat(*xalltemp) time = casadi.SX.sym('time') odealltemp = [ time * convert_pyomo2casadi(self._rhsdict[i]) for i in self._derivlist ] odeall = casadi.vertcat(*odealltemp) # Time-varying inputs ptemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._siminputvars.values()] pall = casadi.vertcat(time, *ptemp) dae = {'x': xall, 'p': pall, 'ode': odeall} if len(self._algvars) != 0: zalltemp = [self._templatemap[i] for i in self._simalgvars] zall = casadi.vertcat(*zalltemp) # Need to do anything special with time scaling?? algalltemp = [convert_pyomo2casadi(i) for i in self._alglist] algall = casadi.vertcat(*algalltemp) dae['z'] = zall dae['alg'] = algall integrator_options['tf'] = 1.0 F = casadi.integrator('F', integrator, dae, integrator_options) N = len(tsim) # This approach removes the time scaling from tsim so must # create an array with the time step between consecutive # time points tsimtemp = np.hstack([0, tsim[1:] - tsim[0:-1]]) tsimtemp.shape = (1, len(tsimtemp)) palltemp = [casadi.DM(tsimtemp)] # Need a similar np array for each time-varying input for p in self._siminputvars.keys(): profile = varying_inputs[p] tswitch = list(profile.keys()) tswitch.sort() tidx = [tsim.searchsorted(i) for i in tswitch] + [len(tsim) - 1] ptemp = [profile[0]] + [ casadi.repmat(profile[tswitch[i]], 1, tidx[i + 1] - tidx[i]) for i in range(len(tswitch)) ] temp = casadi.horzcat(*ptemp) palltemp.append(temp) I = F.mapaccum('simulator', N) sol = I(x0=initcon, p=casadi.vertcat(*palltemp)) profile = sol['xf'].full().T if len(self._algvars) != 0: algprofile = sol['zf'].full().T profile = np.concatenate((profile, algprofile), axis=1) return [tsim, profile]
[docs] def initialize_model(self): """ This function will initialize the model using the profile obtained from simulating the dynamic model. """ if self._tsim is None: raise DAE_Error("Tried to initialize the model without simulating it first") tvals = list(self._contset) # Build list of state and algebraic variables # that can be initialized initvars = self._diffvars + self._simalgvars for idx, v in enumerate(initvars): for idx2, i in enumerate(v._args): if type(i) is IndexTemplate: break valinit = np.interp(tvals, self._tsim, self._simsolution[:, idx]) for i, t in enumerate(tvals): vidx = tuple(v._args[0:idx2]) + (t,) + tuple(v._args[idx2 + 1 :]) v._base[vidx] = valinit[i]