Source code for pyomo.core.plugins.transform.radix_linearization

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from pyomo.core.expr import ProductExpression, PowExpression
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import as_numeric
from pyomo.core import Binary, value
from pyomo.core.base import (
from pyomo.core.base.var import VarData

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @TransformationFactory.register( "core.radix_linearization", doc="Linearize bilinear and quadratic terms through " "radix discretization (multiparametric disaggregation)", ) class RadixLinearization(Transformation): """ This plugin generates linear relaxations of bilinear problems using the multiparametric disaggregation technique of Kolodziej, Castro, and Grossmann. See: Scott Kolodziej, Pedro M. Castro, and Ignacio E. Grossmann. "Global optimization of bilinear programs with a multiparametric disaggregation technique." J.Glob.Optim 57 pp.1039-1063. 2013. (DOI 10.1007/s10898-012-0022-1) """ def _create_using(self, model, **kwds): precision = kwds.pop('precision', 8) user_discretize = kwds.pop('discretize', set()) verbose = kwds.pop('verbose', False) M = model.clone() # TODO: if discretize is not empty, we must translate those # components over to the components on the cloned instance _discretize = {} if user_discretize: for _var in user_discretize: _v = M.find_component( if _v.component() is _v: for _vv in _v.itervalues(): _discretize.setdefault(id(_vv), len(_discretize)) else: _discretize.setdefault(id(_v), len(_discretize)) # Iterate over all Constraints and identify the bilinear and # quadratic terms bilinear_terms = [] quadratic_terms = [] for constraint in M.component_map(Constraint, active=True).itervalues(): for cname, c in constraint._data.iteritems(): if c.body.polynomial_degree() != 2: continue self._collect_bilinear(c.body, bilinear_terms, quadratic_terms) # We want to find the (minimum?) number of variables to # discretize so that we cover all the bilinearities -- without # discretizing both sides of any single bilinear expression. # First step: figure out how many expressions each term appears # in _counts = {} for q in quadratic_terms: if not q[1].is_continuous(): continue _id = id(q[1]) if _id not in _counts: _counts[_id] = (q[1], set()) _counts[_id][1].add(_id) for bi in bilinear_terms: for i in (0, 1): if not bi[i + 1].is_continuous(): continue _id = id(bi[i + 1]) if _id not in _counts: _counts[_id] = (bi[i + 1], set()) _counts[_id][1].add(id(bi[2 - i])) _tmp_counts = dict(_counts) # First, remove the variables that the user wants to have discretized for _id in _discretize: for _i in _tmp_counts[_id][1]: if _i == _id: continue _tmp_counts[_i][1].remove(_id) del _tmp_counts[_id] # All quadratic terms must be discretized (?) # for q in quadratic_terms: # _id = id(q[1]) # if _id not in _tmp_counts: # continue # _discretize.setdefault(_id, len(_discretize)) # for _i in _tmp_counts[_id][1]: # if _i == _id: # continue # _tmp_counts[_i][1].remove(_id) # del _tmp_counts[_id] # Now pick a (minimal) subset of the terms in bilinear expressions while _tmp_counts: _ct, _id = max((len(_tmp_counts[i][1]), i) for i in _tmp_counts) if not _ct: break _discretize.setdefault(_id, len(_discretize)) for _i in list(_tmp_counts[_id][1]): if _i == _id: continue _tmp_counts[_i][1].remove(_id) del _tmp_counts[_id] # # Discretize things # # Define a block (namespace) for holding the disaggregated # variables and new constraints if False: # Set to true when the LP writer is fixed M._radix_linearization = Block() _block = M._radix_linearization else: _block = M _block.DISCRETIZATION = RangeSet(precision) _block.DISCRETIZED_VARIABLES = RangeSet(0, len(_discretize) - 1) _block.z = Var( _block.DISCRETIZED_VARIABLES, _block.DISCRETIZATION, within=Binary ) _block.dv = Var(_block.DISCRETIZED_VARIABLES, bounds=(0, 2**-precision)) # Actually discretize the terms we have marked for discretization for _id, _idx in _discretize.items(): if verbose: "Discretizing variable %s as %s" % (_counts[_id][0].name, _idx) ) self._discretize_variable(_block, _counts[_id][0], _idx) _known_bilinear = {} # For each quadratic term, if it hasn't been discretized / # generated, do so, and remember the resulting W term for later # use... # for _expr, _x1 in quadratic_terms: # self._discretize_term( _expr, _x1, _x1, # _block, _discretize, _known_bilinear ) # For each bilinear term, if it hasn't been discretized / # generated, do so, and remember the resulting W term for later # use... for _expr, _x1, _x2 in bilinear_terms: self._discretize_term(_expr, _x1, _x2, _block, _discretize, _known_bilinear) # Return the discretized instance! return M def _discretize_variable(self, b, v, idx): _lb, _ub = v.bounds if _lb is None or _ub is None: raise RuntimeError( "Couldn't discretize variable %s: missing " "finite lower/upper bounds." % ( ) _c = Constraint( expr=v == _lb + (_ub - _lb) * (b.dv[idx] + sum(b.z[idx, k] * 2**-k for k in b.DISCRETIZATION)) ) b.add_component("c_discr_v%s" % idx, _c) def _discretize_term(self, _expr, _x1, _x2, _block, _discretize, _known_bilinear): if id(_x1) in _discretize: _v = _x1 _u = _x2 elif id(_x2) in _discretize: _u = _x1 _v = _x2 else: raise RuntimeError( "Couldn't identify discretized variable for expression '%s'!" % _expr ) _id = (id(_v), id(_u)) if _id not in _known_bilinear: _known_bilinear[_id] = self._discretize_bilinear( _block, _v, _discretize[id(_v)], _u, len(_known_bilinear) ) # _expr should be a "simple" product expression; substitute # in the bilinear "W" term for the raw bilinear terms _expr._numerator = [_known_bilinear[_id]] def _discretize_bilinear(self, b, v, v_idx, u, u_idx): _z = b.z _dv = b.dv[v_idx] _u = Var(b.DISCRETIZATION, within=u.domain, bounds=u.bounds) "Discretizing (v=%s)*(u=%s) as u%s_v%s" % (,, u_idx, v_idx) ) b.add_component("u%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _u) _lb, _ub = u.bounds if _lb is None or _ub is None: raise RuntimeError( "Couldn't relax variable %s: missing " "finite lower/upper bounds." % ( ) _c = ConstraintList() b.add_component("c_disaggregate_u%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _c) for k in b.DISCRETIZATION: # _lb * z[v_idx,k] <= _u[k] <= _ub * z[v_idx,k] _c.add(expr=_lb * _z[v_idx, k] <= _u[k]) _c.add(expr=_u[k] <= _ub * _z[v_idx, k]) # _lb * (1-z[v_idx,k]) <= u - _u[k] <= _ub * (1-z[v_idx,k]) _c.add(expr=_lb * (1 - _z[v_idx, k]) <= u - _u[k]) _c.add(expr=u - _u[k] <= _ub * (1 - _z[v_idx, k])) _v_lb, _v_ub = v.bounds _bnd_rng = (_v_lb * _lb, _v_lb * _ub, _v_ub * _lb, _v_ub * _ub) _w = Var(bounds=(min(_bnd_rng), max(_bnd_rng))) b.add_component("w%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _w) K = max(b.DISCRETIZATION) _dw = Var( bounds=(min(0, _lb * 2**-K, _ub * 2**-K), max(0, _lb * 2**-K, _ub * 2**-K)) ) b.add_component("dw%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _dw) _c = Constraint( expr=_w == _v_lb * u + (_v_ub - _v_lb) * (sum(2**-k * _u[k] for k in b.DISCRETIZATION) + _dw) ) b.add_component("c_bilinear_u%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _c) _c = ConstraintList() b.add_component("c_mccormick_u%s_v%s" % (u_idx, v_idx), _c) # u_lb * dv <= dw <= u_ub * dv _c.add(expr=_lb * _dv <= _dw) _c.add(expr=_dw <= _ub * _dv) # (u-u_ub)*2^-K + u_ub*dv <= dw <= (u-u_lb)*2^-K + u_lb*dv _c.add(expr=(u - _ub) * 2**-K + _ub * _dv <= _dw) _c.add(expr=_dw <= (u - _lb) * 2**-K + _lb * _dv) return _w def _collect_bilinear(self, expr, bilin, quad): if not expr.is_expression_type(): return if type(expr) is ProductExpression: if len(expr._numerator) != 2: for e in expr._numerator: self._collect_bilinear(e, bilin, quad) # No need to check denominator, as this is poly_degree==2 return if not isinstance(expr._numerator[0], VarData) or not isinstance( expr._numerator[1], VarData ): raise RuntimeError("Cannot yet handle complex subexpressions") if expr._numerator[0] is expr._numerator[1]: quad.append((expr, expr._numerator[0])) else: bilin.append((expr, expr._numerator[0], expr._numerator[1])) return if type(expr) is PowExpression and value(expr._args[1]) == 2: # Note: directly testing the value of the exponent above is # safe: we have already verified that this expression is # polynomial, so the exponent must be constant. tmp = ProductExpression() tmp._numerator = [expr._args[0], expr._args[0]] tmp._denominator = [] expr._args = (tmp, as_numeric(1)) # THIS CODE DOES NOT WORK # quad.append( (tmp, tmp._args[0]) ) self._collect_bilinear(tmp, bilin, quad) return # All other expression types for e in expr._args: self._collect_bilinear(e, bilin, quad)