Source code for pyomo.core.plugins.transform.eliminate_fixed_vars

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from pyomo.core.expr import ExpressionBase, as_numeric
from pyomo.core import Constraint, Objective, TransformationFactory
from pyomo.core.base.var import Var, VarData
from pyomo.core.util import sequence
from pyomo.core.plugins.transform.hierarchy import IsomorphicTransformation

[docs] @TransformationFactory.register( 'core.remove_fixed_vars', doc="Create an equivalent model that omits all fixed variables.", ) class EliminateFixedVars(IsomorphicTransformation): """ Create an equivalent model that omits all fixed variables. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): kwds['name'] = "eliminate_fixed_vars" super(EliminateFixedVars, self).__init__(**kwds)
def _create_using(self, model, **kwds): # # Clone the model # M = model.clone() # # Iterate over the expressions in all objectives and constraints, replacing fixed # variables with their associated constants. # for ctype in [Objective, Constraint]: for obj in M.component_map(Objective).values(): for name in obj: if not obj[name].expr is None: obj[name].expr = self._fix_vars(obj[name].expr, model) # # Iterate over variables, omitting those that have fixed values # ctr = 0 for i in sequence(M.nvariables()): var = M.variable(i) del M._var[i - 1] if var.fixed: if var.is_binary(): M.statistics.number_of_binary_variables -= 1 elif var.is_integer(): M.statistics.number_of_integer_variables -= 1 elif var.is_continuous(): M.statistics.number_of_continuous_variables -= 1 M.statistics.number_of_variables -= 1 del M._label_var_map[var.label] del var.component()._data[var.index] else: M._var[ctr] = var var._old_id = = ctr ctr += 1 return M def _fix_vars(self, expr, model): """Walk through the S-expression, fixing variables.""" # TODO - Change this to use a visitor pattern! if expr._args is None: return expr _args = [] for i in range(len(expr._args)): if isinstance(expr._args[i], ExpressionBase): _args.append(self._fix_vars(expr._args[i], model)) elif ( isinstance(expr._args[i], Var) or isinstance(expr._args[i], VarData) ) and expr._args[i].fixed: if expr._args[i].value != 0.0: _args.append(as_numeric(expr._args[i].value)) else: _args.append(expr._args[i]) expr._args = _args return expr