Source code for pyomo.core.kernel.base

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import copy
import weakref
from pyomo.common.autoslots import AutoSlots

def _not_implemented(*args, **kwds):
    raise NotImplementedError("This property is abstract")  # pragma:nocover

def _abstract_readwrite_property(**kwds):
    p = property(fget=_not_implemented, fset=_not_implemented, **kwds)
    return p

def _abstract_readonly_property(**kwds):
    p = property(fget=_not_implemented, **kwds)
    return p

class _no_ctype(object):
    """The default argument for methods that accept a ctype."""


# This will be populated outside of core.kernel. It will map
# AML classes (which are the ctypes used by all of the
# solver interfaces) to Kernel classes
_convert_ctype = {}
_kernel_ctype_backmap = {}

def _convert_descend_into(value):
    """Converts the descend_into keyword to a function"""
    if hasattr(value, "__call__"):
        return value
    elif value:
        return _convert_descend_into._true
        return _convert_descend_into._false

_convert_descend_into._true = lambda x: True
_convert_descend_into._false = lambda x: False

[docs] class ICategorizedObject(AutoSlots.Mixin): """ Interface for objects that maintain a weak reference to a parent storage object and have a category type. This class is abstract. It assumes any derived class declares the attributes below with or without slots: Attributes: _ctype: Stores the object's category type, which should be some class derived from ICategorizedObject. This attribute may be declared at the class level. _parent: Stores a weak reference to the object's parent container or :const:`None`. _storage_key: Stores key this object can be accessed with through its parent container. _active (bool): Stores the active status of this object. """ __slots__ = () __autoslot_mappers__ = {'_parent': AutoSlots.weakref_mapper} # These flags can be used by implementations # to avoid isinstance calls. _is_container = False """A flag used to indicate that the class is an instance of ICategorizedObjectContainer.""" _is_heterogeneous_container = False """A flag used to indicate that the class is an instance of ICategorizedObjectContainer that stores objects with different category types than its own.""" # # Interface # @property def ctype(self): """The object's category type.""" return self._ctype @property def parent(self): """The object's parent (possibly None).""" if isinstance(self._parent, weakref.ReferenceType): return self._parent() else: return self._parent @property def storage_key(self): """The object's storage key within its parent""" return self._storage_key @property def active(self): """The active status of this object.""" return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value): raise AttributeError("Assignment not allowed. Use the (de)activate method") ### The following group of methods use object.__setattr__ ### to update the _parent, _storage_key, and _active flags. ### This is done to allow the block implementation ( ### to protect them from being overwritten with user added ### components in its __setattr__ method def _update_parent_and_storage_key(self, parent, key): object.__setattr__(self, "_parent", weakref.ref(parent)) object.__setattr__(self, "_storage_key", key) def _clear_parent_and_storage_key(self): object.__setattr__(self, "_parent", None) object.__setattr__(self, "_storage_key", None)
[docs] def activate(self): """Activate this object.""" object.__setattr__(self, "_active", True)
[docs] def deactivate(self): """Deactivate this object.""" object.__setattr__(self, "_active", False)
[docs] def getname( self, fully_qualified=False, name_buffer={}, # HACK: ignored (required to work with some solver interfaces, but that code should change soon) convert=str, relative_to=None, ): """ Dynamically generates a name for this object. Args: fully_qualified (bool): Generate a full name by iterating through all ancestor containers. Default is :const:`False`. convert (function): A function that converts a storage key into a string representation. Default is the built-in function str. relative_to (object): When generating a fully qualified name, generate the name relative to this block. Returns: If a parent exists, this method returns a string representing the name of the object in the context of its parent; otherwise (if no parent exists), this method returns :const:`None`. """ assert fully_qualified or (relative_to is None) parent = self.parent if parent is None: return None key = self.storage_key name = parent._child_storage_entry_string % convert(key) if fully_qualified: parent_name = parent.getname(fully_qualified=True, relative_to=relative_to) if (parent_name is not None) and ( (relative_to is None) or (parent is not relative_to) ): return parent_name + parent._child_storage_delimiter_string + name else: return name else: return name
@property def name(self): """The object's fully qualified name. Alias for `obj.getname(fully_qualified=True)`.""" return self.getname(fully_qualified=True) @property def local_name(self): """The object's local name within the context of its parent. Alias for `obj.getname(fully_qualified=False)`.""" return self.getname(fully_qualified=False) def __str__(self): """Convert this object to a string by first attempting to generate its fully qualified name. If the object does not have a name (because it does not have a parent, then a string containing the class name is returned.""" name = if name is None: return "<" + self.__class__.__name__ + ">" else: return name
[docs] def clone(self): """ Returns a copy of this object with the parent pointer set to :const:`None`. A clone is almost equivalent to deepcopy except that any categorized objects encountered that are not descendents of this object will reference the same object on the clone. """ save_parent = self._parent object.__setattr__(self, "_parent", None) try: new_block = copy.deepcopy( self, {'__block_scope__': {id(self): True, id(None): False}} ) finally: object.__setattr__(self, "_parent", save_parent) return new_block
# # The following method must be defined to allow # expressions and blocks to be correctly cloned. # (copied from JDS code in original, # comments removed for now) # def __deepcopy__(self, memo): if '__block_scope__' in memo: _known = memo['__block_scope__'] _new = None tmp = self.parent _in_scope = tmp is None while id(tmp) not in _known: _new = (_new, id(tmp)) tmp = tmp.parent _in_scope |= _known[id(tmp)] while _new is not None: _new, _id = _new _known[_id] = _in_scope if not _in_scope and id(self) not in _known: # component is out-of-scope. shallow copy only memo[id(self)] = self return self if id(self) in memo: return memo[id(self)] ans = memo[id(self)] = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__) ans.__setstate__(copy.deepcopy(self.__getstate__(), memo)) return ans
[docs] class ICategorizedObjectContainer(ICategorizedObject): """ Interface for categorized containers of categorized objects. """ _is_container = True _child_storage_delimiter_string = None _child_storage_entry_string = None __slots__ = () # # Interface #
[docs] def activate(self, shallow=True): """Activate this container.""" super(ICategorizedObjectContainer, self).activate() if not shallow: for child in self.children(): if not child._is_container: child.activate() else: child.activate(shallow=False)
[docs] def deactivate(self, shallow=True): """Deactivate this container.""" super(ICategorizedObjectContainer, self).deactivate() if not shallow: for child in self.children(): if not child._is_container: child.deactivate() else: child.deactivate(shallow=False)
[docs] def child(self, *args, **kwds): """Returns a child of this container given a storage key.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma:nocover
[docs] def children(self, *args, **kwds): """A generator over the children of this container.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma:nocover
[docs] def components(self, *args, **kwds): """A generator over the set of components stored under this container.""" raise NotImplementedError # pragma:nocover