# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
import operator
from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated
from pyomo.common.errors import PyomoException, DeveloperError
from pyomo.common.numeric_types import (
from .base import ExpressionBase
from .boolean_value import BooleanValue
from .expr_common import _lt, _le, _eq, ExpressionType
from .numvalue import is_potentially_variable, is_constant
from .visitor import polynomial_degree
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Expression classes
# -------------------------------------------------------
class RelationalExpression(ExpressionBase, BooleanValue):
__slots__ = ('_args_',)
def __init__(self, args):
self._args_ = args
def __bool__(self):
if self.is_constant():
return bool(self())
raise PyomoException(
Cannot convert non-constant Pyomo expression (%s) to bool.
This error is usually caused by using a Var, unit, or mutable Param in a
Boolean context such as an "if" statement, or when checking container
membership or equality. For example,
>>> m.x = Var()
>>> if m.x >= 1:
... pass
>>> m.y = Var()
>>> if m.y in [m.x, m.y]:
... pass
would both cause this exception.""".strip()
% (self,)
def args(self):
Return the child nodes
Returns: Either a list or tuple (depending on the node storage
model) containing only the child nodes of this node
return self._args_[: self.nargs()]
"is_relational() is deprecated in favor of "
def is_relational(self):
return self.is_expression_type(ExpressionType.RELATIONAL)
def is_potentially_variable(self):
return any(is_potentially_variable(arg) for arg in self._args_)
def polynomial_degree(self):
Return the polynomial degree of the expression.
A non-negative integer that is the polynomial
degree if the expression is polynomial, or :const:`None` otherwise.
return polynomial_degree(self)
def _compute_polynomial_degree(self, result):
# NB: We can't use max() here because None (non-polynomial)
# overrides a numeric value (and max() just ignores it)
ans = 0
for x in result:
if x is None:
return None
elif ans < x:
ans = x
return ans
def __eq__(self, other):
Equal to operator
This method is called when Python processes statements of the form::
self == other
other == self
return _generate_relational_expression(_eq, self, other)
def __lt__(self, other):
Less than operator
This method is called when Python processes statements of the form::
self < other
other > self
return _generate_relational_expression(_lt, self, other)
def __gt__(self, other):
Greater than operator
This method is called when Python processes statements of the form::
self > other
other < self
return _generate_relational_expression(_lt, other, self)
def __le__(self, other):
Less than or equal operator
This method is called when Python processes statements of the form::
self <= other
other >= self
return _generate_relational_expression(_le, self, other)
def __ge__(self, other):
Greater than or equal operator
This method is called when Python processes statements of the form::
self >= other
other <= self
return _generate_relational_expression(_le, other, self)
class RangedExpression(RelationalExpression):
Ranged expressions, which define relations with a lower and upper bound::
x < y < z
x <= y <= z
args (tuple): child nodes
strict (tuple): flags that indicate whether the inequalities are strict
__slots__ = ('_strict',)
# Shared tuples for the most common RangedExpression objects encountered
# in math programming. Creating a single (shared) tuple saves memory
False: (False, False),
True: (True, True),
(True, True): (True, True),
(False, False): (False, False),
(True, False): (True, False),
(False, True): (False, True),
def __init__(self, args, strict):
super(RangedExpression, self).__init__(args)
self._strict = RangedExpression.STRICT[strict]
def nargs(self):
return 3
def create_node_with_local_data(self, args):
return self.__class__(args, self._strict)
def _apply_operation(self, result):
_l, _b, _r = result
if not self._strict[0]:
if not self._strict[1]:
return _l <= _b and _b <= _r
return _l <= _b and _b < _r
elif not self._strict[1]:
return _l < _b and _b <= _r
return _l < _b and _b < _r
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "%s %s %s %s %s" % (
"<="[: 2 - self._strict[0]],
"<="[: 2 - self._strict[1]],
def strict(self):
return self._strict
class InequalityExpression(RelationalExpression):
Inequality expressions, which define less-than or
less-than-or-equal relations::
x < y
x <= y
args (tuple): child nodes
strict (bool): a flag that indicates whether the inequality is strict
__slots__ = ('_strict',)
def __init__(self, args, strict):
self._strict = strict
def nargs(self):
return 2
def create_node_with_local_data(self, args):
return self.__class__(args, self._strict)
def _apply_operation(self, result):
_l, _r = result
if self._strict:
return _l < _r
return _l <= _r
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "%s %s %s" % (values[0], "<="[: 2 - self._strict], values[1])
def strict(self):
return self._strict
def inequality(lower=None, body=None, upper=None, strict=False):
A utility function that can be used to declare inequality and
ranged inequality expressions. The expression::
inequality(2, model.x)
is equivalent to the expression::
2 <= model.x
The expression::
inequality(2, model.x, 3)
is equivalent to the expression::
2 <= model.x <= 3
.. note:: This ranged inequality syntax is deprecated in Pyomo.
This function provides a mechanism for expressing
ranged inequalities without chained inequalities.
lower: an expression defines a lower bound
body: an expression defines the body of a ranged constraint
upper: an expression defines an upper bound
strict (bool): A boolean value that indicates whether the inequality
is strict. Default is :const:`False`.
A relational expression. The expression is an inequality
if any of the values :attr:`lower`, :attr:`body` or
:attr:`upper` is :const:`None`. Otherwise, the expression
is a ranged inequality.
if lower is None:
if body is None or upper is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid inequality expression.")
return InequalityExpression((body, upper), strict)
if body is None:
if lower is None or upper is None:
raise ValueError("Invalid inequality expression.")
return InequalityExpression((lower, upper), strict)
if upper is None:
return InequalityExpression((lower, body), strict)
return RangedExpression((lower, body, upper), strict)
class EqualityExpression(RelationalExpression):
Equality expression::
x == y
__slots__ = ()
def nargs(self):
return 2
def __bool__(self):
lhs, rhs = self.args
if lhs is rhs:
return True
return super().__bool__()
def _apply_operation(self, result):
_l, _r = result
return _l == _r
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "%s == %s" % (values[0], values[1])
class NotEqualExpression(RelationalExpression):
Not-equal expression::
x != y
__slots__ = ()
def nargs(self):
return 2
def __bool__(self):
lhs, rhs = self.args
if lhs is not rhs:
return True
return super().__bool__()
def _apply_operation(self, result):
_l, _r = result
return _l != _r
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "%s != %s" % (values[0], values[1])
_relational_op = {
_eq: (operator.eq, '==', None),
_le: (operator.le, '<=', False),
_lt: (operator.lt, '<', True),
def _process_nonnumeric_arg(obj):
if hasattr(obj, 'as_numeric'):
# We assume non-numeric types that have an as_numeric method
# are instances of AutoLinkedBooleanVar. Calling as_numeric
# will return a valid Binary Var (and issue the appropriate
# deprecation warning)
obj = obj.as_numeric()
elif check_if_numeric_type(obj):
return obj
# User assistance: provide a helpful exception when using an
# indexed object in an expression
if obj.is_component_type() and obj.is_indexed():
raise TypeError(
"Argument for expression is an indexed numeric "
"value\nspecified without an index:\n\t%s\nIs this "
"value defined over an index that you did not specify?" % (obj.name,)
raise TypeError(
"Attempting to use a non-numeric type (%s) in a "
"numeric expression context." % (obj.__class__.__name__,)
def _process_relational_arg(arg, n):
_numeric = arg.is_numeric_type()
except AttributeError:
_numeric = False
if _numeric:
if arg.is_constant():
arg = value(arg)
_process_relational_arg.constant = False
if arg.__class__ is InequalityExpression:
_process_relational_arg.relational += n
_process_relational_arg.constant = False
arg = _process_nonnumeric_arg(arg)
if arg.__class__ not in native_numeric_types:
_process_relational_arg.constant = False
return arg
def _generate_relational_expression(etype, lhs, rhs):
# Note that the use of "global" state flags is fast, but not
# thread-safe. This should not be an issue because the GIL
# effectively prevents parallel model construction. If we ever need
# to revisit this design, we can pass in a "state" to
# _process_relational_arg() - at the cost of creating/destroying the
# state and an extra function argument.
_process_relational_arg.relational = 0
_process_relational_arg.constant = True
if lhs.__class__ not in native_numeric_types:
lhs = _process_relational_arg(lhs, 1)
if rhs.__class__ not in native_numeric_types:
rhs = _process_relational_arg(rhs, 2)
if _process_relational_arg.constant:
return _relational_op[etype][0](value(lhs), value(rhs))
if etype == _eq:
if _process_relational_arg.relational:
raise TypeError(
"Cannot create an EqualityExpression where one of the "
"sub-expressions is a relational expression:\n"
" %s\n {==}\n %s" % (lhs, rhs)
return EqualityExpression((lhs, rhs))
elif _process_relational_arg.relational:
if _process_relational_arg.relational == 1:
return RangedExpression(
lhs._args_ + (rhs,), (lhs._strict, _relational_op[etype][2])
elif _process_relational_arg.relational == 2:
return RangedExpression(
(lhs,) + rhs._args_, (_relational_op[etype][2], rhs._strict)
else: # _process_relational_arg.relational == 3
raise TypeError(
"Cannot create an InequalityExpression where both "
"sub-expressions are relational expressions:\n"
" %s\n {%s}\n %s" % (lhs, _relational_op[etype][1], rhs)
return InequalityExpression((lhs, rhs), _relational_op[etype][2])
def tuple_to_relational_expr(args):
if len(args) == 2:
return EqualityExpression(args)
return inequality(*args)