# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
import types
from itertools import islice
import logging
import traceback
logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')
from pyomo.common.errors import PyomoException, DeveloperError
from pyomo.common.deprecation import (
from .numvalue import (
from .base import ExpressionBase
from .boolean_value import BooleanValue, BooleanConstant
from .expr_common import _and, _or, _equiv, _inv, _xor, _impl, ExpressionType
from .numeric_expr import NumericExpression
import operator
def _generate_logical_proposition(etype, lhs, rhs):
if (
lhs.__class__ in native_types and lhs.__class__ not in native_logical_types
) and not isinstance(lhs, BooleanValue):
return NotImplemented
if (
(rhs.__class__ in native_types and rhs.__class__ not in native_logical_types)
and not isinstance(rhs, BooleanValue)
and not (rhs is None and etype == _inv)
return NotImplemented
if etype == _equiv:
return EquivalenceExpression((lhs, rhs))
elif etype == _inv:
assert rhs is None
return NotExpression((lhs,))
elif etype == _xor:
return XorExpression((lhs, rhs))
elif etype == _impl:
return ImplicationExpression((lhs, rhs))
elif etype == _and:
return land(lhs, rhs)
elif etype == _or:
return lor(lhs, rhs)
raise ValueError(
"Unknown logical proposition type '%s'" % etype
) # pragma: no cover
class BooleanExpression(ExpressionBase, BooleanValue):
Logical expression base class.
This class is used to define nodes in an expression
args (list or tuple): Children of this node.
__slots__ = ('_args_',)
def __init__(self, args):
self._args_ = args
def args(self):
Return the child nodes
Returns: Either a list or tuple (depending on the node storage
model) containing only the child nodes of this node
return self._args_[: self.nargs()]
class BooleanExpressionBase(metaclass=RenamedClass):
__renamed__new_class__ = BooleanExpression
__renamed__version__ = '6.4.3'
The following methods are static methods for nodes creator. Those should
do the exact same thing as the class methods as well as overloaded operators.
def lnot(Y):
Construct a NotExpression for the passed BooleanValue.
return NotExpression((Y,))
def equivalent(Y1, Y2):
Construct an EquivalenceExpression Y1 == Y2
return EquivalenceExpression((Y1, Y2))
def xor(Y1, Y2):
Construct an XorExpression Y1 xor Y2
return XorExpression((Y1, Y2))
def implies(Y1, Y2):
Construct an Implication using function, where Y1 implies Y2
return ImplicationExpression((Y1, Y2))
def _flattened(args):
"""Flatten any potentially indexed arguments."""
for arg in args:
if arg.__class__ in native_types:
yield arg
if isinstance(arg, (types.GeneratorType, list)):
for _argdata in arg:
yield _argdata
elif arg.is_indexed():
for _argdata in arg.values():
yield _argdata
yield arg
def _flattened_boolean_args(args):
"""Flatten any potentially indexed arguments and check that they are
for arg in args:
if arg.__class__ in native_types:
myiter = (arg,)
elif isinstance(arg, (types.GeneratorType, list)):
myiter = arg
elif arg.is_indexed():
myiter = arg.values()
myiter = (arg,)
for _argdata in myiter:
if _argdata.__class__ in native_logical_types:
yield _argdata
elif hasattr(_argdata, 'is_logical_type') and _argdata.is_logical_type():
yield _argdata
elif isinstance(_argdata, BooleanValue):
yield _argdata
raise ValueError(
"Non-Boolean-valued argument '%s' encountered when constructing "
"expression of Boolean arguments" % arg
def _flattened_numeric_args(args):
"""Flatten any potentially indexed arguments and check that they are
for arg in args:
if arg.__class__ in native_types:
myiter = (arg,)
elif isinstance(arg, (types.GeneratorType, list)):
myiter = arg
elif arg.is_indexed():
myiter = arg.values()
myiter = (arg,)
for _argdata in myiter:
if _argdata.__class__ in native_numeric_types:
yield _argdata
elif hasattr(_argdata, 'is_numeric_type') and _argdata.is_numeric_type():
yield _argdata
raise ValueError(
"Non-numeric argument '%s' encountered when constructing "
"expression with numeric arguments" % arg
def land(*args):
Construct an AndExpression between passed arguments.
result = AndExpression([])
for argdata in _flattened_boolean_args(args):
result = result.add(argdata)
return result
def lor(*args):
Construct an OrExpression between passed arguments.
result = OrExpression([])
for argdata in _flattened_boolean_args(args):
result = result.add(argdata)
return result
def exactly(n, *args):
"""Creates a new ExactlyExpression
Require exactly n arguments to be True, to make the expression True
Usage: exactly(2, m.Y1, m.Y2, m.Y3, ...)
result = ExactlyExpression([n] + list(_flattened_boolean_args(args)))
return result
def atmost(n, *args):
"""Creates a new AtMostExpression
Require at most n arguments to be True, to make the expression True
Usage: atmost(2, m.Y1, m.Y2, m.Y3, ...)
result = AtMostExpression([n] + list(_flattened_boolean_args(args)))
return result
def atleast(n, *args):
"""Creates a new AtLeastExpression
Require at least n arguments to be True, to make the expression True
Usage: atleast(2, m.Y1, m.Y2, m.Y3, ...)
result = AtLeastExpression([n] + list(_flattened_boolean_args(args)))
return result
def all_different(*args):
"""Creates a new AllDifferentExpression
Requires all of the arguments to take on a different value
Usage: all_different(m.X1, m.X2, ...)
return AllDifferentExpression(list(_flattened_numeric_args(args)))
def count_if(*args):
"""Creates a new CountIfExpression
Counts the number of True-valued arguments
Usage: count_if(m.Y1, m.Y2, ...)
return CountIfExpression(list(_flattened_boolean_args(args)))
class UnaryBooleanExpression(BooleanExpression):
Abstract class for single-argument logical expressions.
def nargs(self):
Returns number of arguments in expression
return 1
class NotExpression(UnaryBooleanExpression):
This is the node for a NotExpression, this node should have exactly one child
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'Logical Negation'
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "~%s" % values[0]
def _apply_operation(self, result):
return not result[0]
class BinaryBooleanExpression(BooleanExpression):
Abstract class for binary logical expressions.
def nargs(self):
Return the number of argument the expression has
return 2
class EquivalenceExpression(BinaryBooleanExpression):
Logical equivalence statement: Y_1 iff Y_2.
__slots__ = ()
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'iff'
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return " iff ".join(values)
def _apply_operation(self, result):
return result[0] == result[1]
class XorExpression(BinaryBooleanExpression):
Logical Exclusive OR statement: Y_1 ⊻ Y_2
__slots__ = ()
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'xor'
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return " ⊻ ".join(values)
def _apply_operation(self, result):
return operator.xor(result[0], result[1])
class ImplicationExpression(BinaryBooleanExpression):
Logical Implication statement: Y_1 --> Y_2.
__slots__ = ()
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'implies'
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return " --> ".join(values)
def _apply_operation(self, result):
return (not result[0]) or result[1]
class NaryBooleanExpression(BooleanExpression):
The abstract class for NaryBooleanExpression.
This class should never be initialized.
__slots__ = ('_nargs',)
def __init__(self, args):
self._args_ = args
self._nargs = len(self._args_)
def nargs(self):
Return the number of expression arguments
return self._nargs
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'NaryBooleanExpression'
def _add_to_and_or_expression(orig_expr, new_arg):
Since AND and OR are Nary expressions, we extend the existing expression
instead of creating a nested expression object if the types are compatible.
# Clone 'self', because AndExpression/OrExpression are immutable
if new_arg.__class__ is orig_expr.__class__:
# adding new AndExpression/OrExpression on the right
new_expr = orig_expr.__class__(orig_expr._args_)
new_expr._args_.extend(islice(new_arg._args_, new_arg._nargs))
# adding new singleton on the right
new_expr = orig_expr.__class__(orig_expr._args_)
# TODO set up id()-based scheme for avoiding duplicate entries
new_expr._nargs = len(new_expr._args_)
return new_expr
class AndExpression(NaryBooleanExpression):
This is the node for AndExpression.
__slots__ = ()
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'and'
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return " ∧ ".join(values)
def _apply_operation(self, result):
return all(result)
def add(self, new_arg):
if new_arg.__class__ in native_logical_types:
if new_arg is False:
return BooleanConstant(False)
elif new_arg is True:
return self
return _add_to_and_or_expression(self, new_arg)
class OrExpression(NaryBooleanExpression):
This is the node for OrExpression.
__slots__ = ()
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'or'
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return " ∨ ".join(values)
def _apply_operation(self, result):
return any(result)
def add(self, new_arg):
if new_arg.__class__ in native_logical_types:
if new_arg is False:
return self
elif new_arg is True:
return BooleanConstant(True)
return _add_to_and_or_expression(self, new_arg)
class ExactlyExpression(NaryBooleanExpression):
Logical constraint that exactly N child statements are True.
The first argument N is expected to be a numeric non-negative integer.
Subsequent arguments are expected to be Boolean.
Usage: exactly(1, True, False, False) --> True
__slots__ = ()
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'exactly'
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "exactly(%s: [%s])" % (values[0], ", ".join(values[1:]))
def _apply_operation(self, result):
return sum(result[1:]) == result[0]
class AtMostExpression(NaryBooleanExpression):
Logical constraint that at most N child statements are True.
The first argument N is expected to be a numeric non-negative integer.
Subsequent arguments are expected to be Boolean.
Usage: atmost(1, True, False, False) --> True
__slots__ = ()
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'atmost'
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "atmost(%s: [%s])" % (values[0], ", ".join(values[1:]))
def _apply_operation(self, result):
return sum(result[1:]) <= result[0]
class AtLeastExpression(NaryBooleanExpression):
Logical constraint that at least N child statements are True.
The first argument N is expected to be a numeric non-negative integer.
Subsequent arguments are expected to be Boolean.
Usage: atleast(1, True, False, False) --> True
__slots__ = ()
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'atleast'
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "atleast(%s: [%s])" % (values[0], ", ".join(values[1:]))
def _apply_operation(self, result):
return sum(result[1:]) >= result[0]
class AllDifferentExpression(NaryBooleanExpression):
Logical expression that all of the N child statements have different values.
All arguments are expected to be discrete-valued.
__slots__ = ()
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'all_different'
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "all_different(%s)" % (", ".join(values))
def _apply_operation(self, result):
last = None
# we know these are integer-valued, so we can just sort them an make
# sure that no adjacent pairs have the same value.
for val in sorted(result):
if last == val:
return False
last = val
return True
class CountIfExpression(NumericExpression):
Logical expression that returns the number of True child statements.
All arguments are expected to be Boolean-valued.
__slots__ = ()
# NumericExpression assumes binary operator, so we have to override.
def nargs(self):
return len(self._args_)
def getname(self, *arg, **kwd):
return 'count_if'
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "count_if(%s)" % (", ".join(values))
def _apply_operation(self, result):
return sum(value(r) for r in result)
special_boolean_atom_types = {ExactlyExpression, AtMostExpression, AtLeastExpression}