Source code for pyomo.core.expr.cnf_walker

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from pyomo.common import DeveloperError
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap
from pyomo.common.dependencies import attempt_import
from pyomo.core.expr.logical_expr import special_boolean_atom_types
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import native_types, value
from pyomo.core.expr.sympy_tools import (

[docs] class CNF_Pyomo2SympyVisitor(Pyomo2SympyVisitor):
[docs] def __init__(self, object_map, bool_varlist): super().__init__(object_map) self.boolean_variable_list = bool_varlist self.special_atom_map = ComponentMap()
def beforeChild(self, node, child, child_idx): descend, result = super().beforeChild(node, child, child_idx) if descend: if child.__class__ in special_boolean_atom_types: indicator_var = self.boolean_variable_list.add() self.special_atom_map[indicator_var] = child return False, self.object_map.getSympySymbol(indicator_var) return descend, result
[docs] def to_cnf(expr, bool_varlist=None, bool_var_to_special_atoms=None): """Converts a Pyomo logical constraint to CNF form. Note: the atoms AtMostExpression, AtLeastExpression, and ExactlyExpression require special treatment if they are not the root node, or if their children are not atoms, e.g. .. code:: atmost(2, Y1, Y1 | Y2, Y2, Y3) As a result, the model may need to be augmented with additional boolean indicator variables and logical propositions. This function will raise ValueError if a BooleanVarList is not provided on which to store the augmented variables, and augmented variables are needed. This function will return a list of CNF logical constraints, including: - CNF of original statement, including possible substitutions - Additional CNF statements (for enforcing equivalence to augmented variables) In addition, the function will have side effects: - augmented variables are added to the passed bool_varlist - mapping from augmented variables to equivalent special atoms (see note above) with only literals as logical arguments """ if type(expr) in special_boolean_atom_types: # If root node is one of the special atoms, recursively convert its # children nodes to CNF. return _convert_children_to_literals( expr, bool_varlist, bool_var_to_special_atoms ) # If root node is not an expression, just return it. if type(expr) in native_types or not expr.is_expression_type(): return [expr] # While performing conversion to sympy, substitute new boolean variables for # non-root special atoms. pyomo_sympy_map = PyomoSympyBimap() bool_var_to_special_atoms = ( ComponentMap() if bool_var_to_special_atoms is None else bool_var_to_special_atoms ) visitor = CNF_Pyomo2SympyVisitor(pyomo_sympy_map, bool_varlist) sympy_expr = visitor.walk_expression(expr) new_statements = [] # If visitor encountered any special atoms in non-root node, ensure # that their children are literals: for indicator_var, special_atom in visitor.special_atom_map.items(): atom_cnf = _convert_children_to_literals( special_atom, bool_varlist, bool_var_to_special_atoms ) bool_var_to_special_atoms[indicator_var] = atom_cnf[0] new_statements.extend(atom_cnf[1:]) cnf_form = sympy.to_cnf(sympy_expr) return [ sympy2pyomo_expression(cnf_form, pyomo_sympy_map) ] + new_statements # additional statements
def _convert_children_to_literals( special_atom, bool_varlist, bool_var_to_special_atoms ): """If the child logical constraints are not literals, substitute augmented boolean variables. Same return types as to_cnf() function. """ new_args = [special_atom.args[0]] new_statements = [] need_new_expression = False for child in special_atom.args[1:]: if type(child) in native_types or not child.is_expression_type(): # Child is a literal. Simply append to new argument list. new_args.append(child) else: # We need to do a substitution need_new_expression = True new_indicator = bool_varlist.add() if type(child) in special_boolean_atom_types: child_cnf = _convert_children_to_literals( child, bool_varlist, bool_var_to_special_atoms ) bool_var_to_special_atoms[new_indicator] = child_cnf[0] else: child_cnf = to_cnf( new_indicator.equivalent_to(child), bool_varlist, bool_var_to_special_atoms, ) new_statements.append(child_cnf[0]) new_args.append(new_indicator) new_statements.extend(child_cnf[1:]) if need_new_expression: new_atom_with_literals = special_atom.__class__(new_args) return [new_atom_with_literals] + new_statements else: return [special_atom]