# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
import enum
from .diff_with_sympy import differentiate as sympy_diff
from .diff_with_pyomo import reverse_sd, reverse_ad
class Modes(str, enum.Enum):
sympy = 'sympy'
reverse_symbolic = 'reverse_symbolic'
reverse_numeric = 'reverse_numeric'
# Overloading __str__ is needed to match the behavior of the old
# pyutilib.enum class (removed June 2020). There are spots in the
# code base that expect the string representation for items in the
# enum to not include the class name. New uses of enum shouldn't
# need to do this.
def __str__(self):
return self.value
def differentiate(expr, wrt=None, wrt_list=None, mode=Modes.reverse_numeric):
"""Return derivative of expression.
This function returns the derivative of expr with respect to one or
more variables. The type of the return value depends on the
arguments wrt, wrt_list, and mode. See below for details.
expr: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NumericExpression
The expression to differentiate
wrt: pyomo.core.base.var.VarData
If specified, this function will return the derivative with
respect to wrt. wrt is normally a VarData, but could
also be a ParamData. wrt and wrt_list cannot both be specified.
wrt_list: list of pyomo.core.base.var.VarData
If specified, this function will return the derivative with
respect to each element in wrt_list. A list will be returned
where the values are the derivatives with respect to the
corresponding entry in wrt_list.
mode: pyomo.core.expr.calculus.derivatives.Modes
Specifies the method to use for differentiation. Should be one
of the members of the Modes enum:
The pyomo expression will be converted to a sympy
expression. Differentiation will then be done with
sympy, and the result will be converted back to a pyomo
expression. The sympy mode only does symbolic
differentiation. The sympy mode requires exactly one of
wrt and wrt_list to be specified.
Symbolic differentiation will be performed directly with
the pyomo expression in reverse mode. If neither wrt nor
wrt_list are specified, then a ComponentMap is returned
where there will be a key for each node in the
expression tree, and the values will be the symbolic
Numeric differentiation will be performed directly with
the pyomo expression in reverse mode. If neither wrt nor
wrt_list are specified, then a ComponentMap is returned
where there will be a key for each node in the
expression tree, and the values will be the floating
point values of the derivatives at the current values of
the variables.
res: float, :py:class:`NumericExpression`, :py:class:`ComponentMap`, or list
The value or expression of the derivative(s)
mode = Modes(mode)
raise ValueError(
f'differentiate(): Unrecognized differentiation mode: {mode}\n'
f'Expected one of {list(map(str, Modes))}.'
if mode == Modes.reverse_numeric or mode == Modes.reverse_symbolic:
if mode == Modes.reverse_numeric:
res = reverse_ad(expr=expr)
res = reverse_sd(expr=expr)
if wrt is not None:
if wrt_list is not None:
raise ValueError(
'differentiate(): Cannot specify both wrt and wrt_list.'
if wrt in res:
res = res[wrt]
res = 0
elif wrt_list is not None:
_res = list()
for _wrt in wrt_list:
if _wrt in res:
res = _res
assert mode == Modes.sympy
res = sympy_diff(expr=expr, wrt=wrt, wrt_list=wrt_list)
return res
differentiate.Modes = Modes