Source code for pyomo.core.expr.calculus.derivatives

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import enum
from .diff_with_sympy import differentiate as sympy_diff
from .diff_with_pyomo import reverse_sd, reverse_ad

[docs] class Modes(str, enum.Enum): sympy = 'sympy' reverse_symbolic = 'reverse_symbolic' reverse_numeric = 'reverse_numeric' # Overloading __str__ is needed to match the behavior of the old # pyutilib.enum class (removed June 2020). There are spots in the # code base that expect the string representation for items in the # enum to not include the class name. New uses of enum shouldn't # need to do this. def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs] def differentiate(expr, wrt=None, wrt_list=None, mode=Modes.reverse_numeric): """Return derivative of expression. This function returns the derivative of expr with respect to one or more variables. The type of the return value depends on the arguments wrt, wrt_list, and mode. See below for details. Parameters ---------- expr: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NumericExpression The expression to differentiate wrt: pyomo.core.base.var.VarData If specified, this function will return the derivative with respect to wrt. wrt is normally a VarData, but could also be a ParamData. wrt and wrt_list cannot both be specified. wrt_list: list of pyomo.core.base.var.VarData If specified, this function will return the derivative with respect to each element in wrt_list. A list will be returned where the values are the derivatives with respect to the corresponding entry in wrt_list. mode: pyomo.core.expr.calculus.derivatives.Modes Specifies the method to use for differentiation. Should be one of the members of the Modes enum: Modes.sympy: The pyomo expression will be converted to a sympy expression. Differentiation will then be done with sympy, and the result will be converted back to a pyomo expression. The sympy mode only does symbolic differentiation. The sympy mode requires exactly one of wrt and wrt_list to be specified. Modes.reverse_symbolic: Symbolic differentiation will be performed directly with the pyomo expression in reverse mode. If neither wrt nor wrt_list are specified, then a ComponentMap is returned where there will be a key for each node in the expression tree, and the values will be the symbolic derivatives. Modes.reverse_numeric: Numeric differentiation will be performed directly with the pyomo expression in reverse mode. If neither wrt nor wrt_list are specified, then a ComponentMap is returned where there will be a key for each node in the expression tree, and the values will be the floating point values of the derivatives at the current values of the variables. Returns ------- res: float, :py:class:`NumericExpression`, :py:class:`ComponentMap`, or list The value or expression of the derivative(s) """ try: mode = Modes(mode) except: raise ValueError( f'differentiate(): Unrecognized differentiation mode: {mode}\n' f'Expected one of {list(map(str, Modes))}.' ) if mode == Modes.reverse_numeric or mode == Modes.reverse_symbolic: if mode == Modes.reverse_numeric: res = reverse_ad(expr=expr) else: res = reverse_sd(expr=expr) if wrt is not None: if wrt_list is not None: raise ValueError( 'differentiate(): Cannot specify both wrt and wrt_list.' ) if wrt in res: res = res[wrt] else: res = 0 elif wrt_list is not None: _res = list() for _wrt in wrt_list: if _wrt in res: _res.append(res[_wrt]) else: _res.append(0) res = _res else: assert mode == Modes.sympy res = sympy_diff(expr=expr, wrt=wrt, wrt_list=wrt_list) return res
differentiate.Modes = Modes