Source code for pyomo.core.base.var

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import sys
from pyomo.common.pyomo_typing import overload
from weakref import ref as weakref_ref
from typing import Union, Type

from pyomo.common.deprecation import RenamedClass
from pyomo.common.log import is_debug_set
from pyomo.common.modeling import NOTSET
from pyomo.common.timing import ConstructionTimer

from pyomo.core.staleflag import StaleFlagManager
from pyomo.core.expr import GetItemExpression
from pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr import NPV_MaxExpression, NPV_MinExpression
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import (
from pyomo.core.base.component import ComponentData, ModelComponentFactory
from pyomo.core.base.global_set import UnindexedComponent_index
from pyomo.core.base.disable_methods import disable_methods
from pyomo.core.base.indexed_component import (
from pyomo.core.base.initializer import (
from pyomo.core.base.set import (
from pyomo.core.base.units_container import units

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')

_inf = float('inf')
_ninf = -_inf
_nonfinite_values = {_inf, _ninf}
_known_global_real_domains = dict(
    [(_, True) for _ in real_global_set_ids]
    + [(_, False) for _ in integer_global_set_ids]
    ('__call__', "access property 'value' on"),

[docs] class VarData(ComponentData, NumericValue): """This class defines the data for a single variable.""" __slots__ = ('_value', '_lb', '_ub', '_domain', '_fixed', '_stale') __autoslot_mappers__ = {'_stale': StaleFlagManager.stale_mapper}
[docs] def __init__(self, component=None): # # These lines represent in-lining of the # following constructors: # - VarData # - ComponentData # - NumericValue self._component = weakref_ref(component) if (component is not None) else None self._index = NOTSET self._value = None # # The type of the lower and upper bound attributes can either be # atomic numeric types in Python, expressions, etc. Basically, # they can be anything that passes an "not # is_potentially_variable" test. # self._lb = None self._ub = None self._domain = None self._fixed = False self._stale = 0 # True
@classmethod def copy(cls, src): self = cls.__new__(cls) self._component = src._component self._value = src._value self._lb = src._lb self._ub = src._ub self._domain = src._domain self._fixed = src._fixed self._stale = src._stale self._index = src._index return self
[docs] def set_value(self, val, skip_validation=False): """Set the current variable value. Set the value of this variable. The incoming value is converted to a numeric value (i.e., expressions are evaluated). If the variable has units, the incoming value is converted to the correct units before storing the value. The final value is checked against both the variable domain and bounds, and an exception is raised if the value is not valid. Domain and bounds checking can be bypassed by setting the ``skip_validation`` argument to :const:`True`. """ # Special case: setting a variable to None "clears" the variable. if val is None: self._value = None self._stale = 0 # True return # TODO: generate a warning/error: # # Check if this Var has units: assigning dimensionless # values to a variable with units should be an error if val.__class__ in native_numeric_types: pass elif self.parent_component()._units is not None: _src_magnitude = value(val) # Note: value() could have just registered a new numeric type if val.__class__ in native_numeric_types: val = _src_magnitude else: _src_units = units.get_units(val) val = units.convert_value( num_value=_src_magnitude, from_units=_src_units, to_units=self.parent_component()._units, ) else: val = value(val) if not skip_validation: if val not in self.domain: logger.warning( "Setting Var '%s' to a value `%s` (%s) not in domain %s." % (, val, type(val).__name__, self.domain), extra={'id': 'W1001'}, ) elif (self._lb is not None and val < value(self._lb)) or ( self._ub is not None and val > value(self._ub) ): logger.warning( "Setting Var '%s' to a numeric value `%s` " "outside the bounds %s." % (, val, self.bounds), extra={'id': 'W1002'}, ) self._value = val self._stale = StaleFlagManager.get_flag(self._stale)
@property def value(self): """Return (or set) the value for this variable.""" return self._value @value.setter def value(self, val): self.set_value(val) def __call__(self, exception=True): """Compute the value of this variable.""" return self._value @property def domain(self): """Return (or set) the domain for this variable.""" return self._domain @domain.setter def domain(self, domain): try: self._domain = SetInitializer(domain)( self.parent_block(), self.index(), self ) except: logger.error( "%s is not a valid domain. Variable domains must be an " "instance of a Pyomo Set or convertible to a Pyomo Set." % (domain,), extra={'id': 'E2001'}, ) raise
[docs] def has_lb(self): """Returns :const:`False` when the lower bound is :const:`None` or negative infinity""" return is not None
[docs] def has_ub(self): """Returns :const:`False` when the upper bound is :const:`None` or positive infinity""" return self.ub is not None
# TODO: deprecate this? Properties are generally preferred over "set*()"
[docs] def setlb(self, val): """ Set the lower bound for this variable after validating that the value is fixed (or None). """ self.lower = val
# TODO: deprecate this? Properties are generally preferred over "set*()"
[docs] def setub(self, val): """ Set the upper bound for this variable after validating that the value is fixed (or None). """ self.upper = val
@property def bounds(self): """Returns (or set) the tuple (lower bound, upper bound). This returns the current (numeric) values of the lower and upper bounds as a tuple. If there is no bound, returns None (and not +/-inf) """ # Custom implementation of lb / ub to avoid unnecessary # expression generation and duplicate calls to domain.bounds() domain_lb, domain_ub = self.domain.bounds() # lb is the tighter of the domain and bounds lb = self._lb if lb.__class__ not in native_numeric_types: if lb is not None: lb = float(value(lb)) if lb in _nonfinite_values or lb != lb: if lb == _ninf: lb = None else: raise ValueError( "Var '%s' created with an invalid non-finite " "lower bound (%s)." % (, lb) ) if domain_lb is not None: if lb is None: lb = domain_lb else: lb = max(lb, domain_lb) # ub is the tighter of the domain and bounds ub = self._ub if ub.__class__ not in native_numeric_types: if ub is not None: ub = float(value(ub)) if ub in _nonfinite_values or ub != ub: if ub == _inf: ub = None else: raise ValueError( "Var '%s' created with an invalid non-finite " "upper bound (%s)." % (, ub) ) if domain_ub is not None: if ub is None: ub = domain_ub else: ub = min(ub, domain_ub) return lb, ub @bounds.setter def bounds(self, val): self.lower, self.upper = val @property def lb(self): """Return (or set) the numeric value of the variable lower bound.""" # Note: Implementation avoids unnecessary expression generation domain_lb, domain_ub = self.domain.bounds() # lb is the tighter of the domain and bounds lb = self._lb if lb.__class__ not in native_numeric_types: if lb is not None: lb = float(value(lb)) if lb in _nonfinite_values or lb != lb: if lb == _ninf: lb = None else: raise ValueError( "Var '%s' created with an invalid non-finite " "lower bound (%s)." % (, lb) ) if domain_lb is not None: if lb is None: lb = domain_lb else: lb = max(lb, domain_lb) return lb @lb.setter def lb(self, val): self.lower = val @property def ub(self): """Return (or set) the numeric value of the variable upper bound.""" # Note: implementation avoids unnecessary expression generation domain_lb, domain_ub = self.domain.bounds() # ub is the tighter of the domain and bounds ub = self._ub if ub.__class__ not in native_numeric_types: if ub is not None: ub = float(value(ub)) if ub in _nonfinite_values or ub != ub: if ub == _inf: ub = None else: raise ValueError( "Var '%s' created with an invalid non-finite " "upper bound (%s)." % (, ub) ) if domain_ub is not None: if ub is None: ub = domain_ub else: ub = min(ub, domain_ub) return ub @ub.setter def ub(self, val): self.upper = val @property def lower(self): """Return (or set) an expression for the variable lower bound. This returns a (not potentially variable) expression for the variable lower bound. This represents the tighter of the current domain and the constant or expression assigned to :attr:`lower`. Note that the expression will NOT automatically reflect changes to either the domain or the bound expression (e.g., because of assignment to either :attr:`lower` or :attr:`domain`). """ dlb, _ = self.domain.bounds() if self._lb is None: return dlb elif dlb is None: return self._lb # _process_bound() guarantees _lb is not potentially variable return NPV_MaxExpression((self._lb, dlb)) @lower.setter def lower(self, val): self._lb = self._process_bound(val, 'lower') @property def upper(self): """Return (or set) an expression for the variable upper bound. This returns a (not potentially variable) expression for the variable upper bound. This represents the tighter of the current domain and the constant or expression assigned to :attr:`upper`. Note that the expression will NOT automatically reflect changes to either the domain or the bound expression (e.g., because of assignment to either :attr:`upper` or :attr:`domain`). """ _, dub = self.domain.bounds() if self._ub is None: return dub elif dub is None: return self._ub # _process_bound() guarantees _lb is not potentially variable return NPV_MinExpression((self._ub, dub)) @upper.setter def upper(self, val): self._ub = self._process_bound(val, 'upper')
[docs] def get_units(self): """Return the units for this variable entry.""" # parent_component() returns self if this is scalar, or the owning # component if not scalar return self.parent_component()._units
[docs] def fix(self, value=NOTSET, skip_validation=False): """Fix the value of this variable (treat as nonvariable) This sets the :attr:`fixed` indicator to True. If ``value`` is provided, the value (and the ``skip_validation`` flag) are first passed to :meth:`set_value()`. """ self.fixed = True if value is not NOTSET: self.set_value(value, skip_validation)
[docs] def unfix(self): """Unfix this variable (treat as variable in solver interfaces) This sets the :attr:`fixed` indicator to False. """ self.fixed = False
[docs] def free(self): """Alias for :meth:`unfix`""" return self.unfix()
@property def fixed(self): """Return (or set) the fixed indicator for this variable. Alias for :meth:`is_fixed` / :meth:`fix` / :meth:`unfix`. """ return self._fixed @fixed.setter def fixed(self, val): self._fixed = bool(val) @property def stale(self): """The stale status for this variable. Variables are "stale" if their current value was not updated as part of the most recent model update. A "model update" can be one of several things: a solver invocation, loading a previous solution, or manually updating a non-stale :class:`Var` value. Returns ------- bool Notes ----- Fixed :class:`Var` objects will be stale after invoking a solver (as their value was not updated by the solver). Updating a stale :class:`Var` value will not cause other variable values to be come stale. However, updating the first non-stale :class:`Var` value after a solve or solution load *will* cause all other variables to be marked as stale """ return StaleFlagManager.is_stale(self._stale) @stale.setter def stale(self, val): if val: self._stale = 0 # True else: self._stale = StaleFlagManager.get_flag(0)
[docs] def is_integer(self): """Returns True when the domain is a contiguous integer range.""" _id = id(self.domain) if _id in _known_global_real_domains: return not _known_global_real_domains[_id] _interval = self.domain.get_interval() if _interval is None: return False # Note: it is not sufficient to just check the step: the # starting / ending points must be integers (or not specified) start, stop, step = _interval return ( step == 1 and (start is None or int(start) == start) and (stop is None or int(stop) == stop) )
[docs] def is_binary(self): """Returns True when the domain is restricted to Binary values.""" domain = self.domain if domain is Binary: return True if id(domain) in _known_global_real_domains: return False return domain.get_interval() == (0, 1, 1)
[docs] def is_continuous(self): """Returns True when the domain is a continuous real range""" _id = id(self.domain) if _id in _known_global_real_domains: return _known_global_real_domains[_id] _interval = self.domain.get_interval() return _interval is not None and _interval[2] == 0
[docs] def is_fixed(self): """Returns True if this variable is fixed, otherwise returns False.""" return self._fixed
[docs] def is_constant(self): """Returns False because this is not a constant in an expression.""" return False
[docs] def is_variable_type(self): """Returns True because this is a variable.""" return True
[docs] def is_potentially_variable(self): """Returns True because this is a variable.""" return True
def clear(self): self.value = None def _compute_polynomial_degree(self, result): """ If the variable is fixed, it represents a constant is a polynomial with degree 0. Otherwise, it has degree 1. This method is used in expressions to compute polynomial degree. """ if self._fixed: return 0 return 1 def _process_bound(self, val, bound_type): if type(val) in native_numeric_types or val is None: # TODO: warn/error: check if this Var has units: assigning # a dimensionless value to a united variable should be an error pass elif is_potentially_variable(val): raise ValueError( "Potentially variable input of type '%s' supplied as " "%s bound for variable '%s' - legal types must be constants " "or non-potentially variable expressions." % (type(val).__name__, bound_type, ) else: # We want to create an expression and not just convert the # current value so that things like mutable Params behave as # expected. _units = self.parent_component()._units if _units is not None: val = units.convert(val, to_units=_units) return val
class _VarData(metaclass=RenamedClass): __renamed__new_class__ = VarData __renamed__version__ = '6.7.2' class _GeneralVarData(metaclass=RenamedClass): __renamed__new_class__ = VarData __renamed__version__ = '6.7.2'
[docs] @ModelComponentFactory.register("Decision variables.") class Var(IndexedComponent, IndexedComponent_NDArrayMixin): """A numeric variable, which may be defined over an index. Args: domain (Set or function, optional): A Set that defines valid values for the variable (e.g., ``Reals``, ``NonNegativeReals``, ``Binary``), or a rule that returns Sets. Defaults to ``Reals``. within (Set or function, optional): An alias for ``domain``. bounds (tuple or function, optional): A tuple of ``(lower, upper)`` bounds for the variable, or a rule that returns tuples. Defaults to ``(None, None)``. initialize (float or function, optional): The initial value for the variable, or a rule that returns initial values. rule (float or function, optional): An alias for ``initialize``. dense (bool, optional): Instantiate all elements from :meth:`index_set` when constructing the Var (True) or just the variables returned by ``initialize``/``rule`` (False). Defaults to ``True``. units (pyomo units expression, optional): Set the units corresponding to the entries in this variable. name (str, optional): Name for this component. doc (str, optional): Text describing this component. """ _ComponentDataClass = VarData @overload def __new__(cls: Type[Var], *args, **kwargs) -> Union[ScalarVar, IndexedVar]: ... @overload def __new__(cls: Type[ScalarVar], *args, **kwargs) -> ScalarVar: ... @overload def __new__(cls: Type[IndexedVar], *args, **kwargs) -> IndexedVar: ... def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls is not Var: return super(Var, cls).__new__(cls) if not args or (args[0] is UnindexedComponent_set and len(args) == 1): return super(Var, cls).__new__(AbstractScalarVar) else: return super(Var, cls).__new__(IndexedVar) @overload def __init__( self, *indexes, domain=Reals, within=Reals, bounds=None, initialize=None, rule=None, dense=True, units=None, name=None, doc=None, ): ...
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # # Default keyword values # self._rule_init = Initializer( self._pop_from_kwargs('Var', kwargs, ('rule', 'initialize'), None) ) self._rule_domain = SetInitializer( self._pop_from_kwargs('Var', kwargs, ('domain', 'within'), Reals) ) _bounds_arg = kwargs.pop('bounds', None) self._dense = kwargs.pop('dense', True) self._units = kwargs.pop('units', None) if self._units is not None: self._units = units.get_units(self._units) # # Initialize the base class # kwargs.setdefault('ctype', Var) IndexedComponent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # # Now that we can call is_indexed(), process bounds initializer # if not self.is_indexed() and not self._dense: logger.warning( "ScalarVar object '%s': dense=False is not allowed " "for scalar variables; converting to dense=True" % (,) ) self._dense = True self._rule_bounds = BoundInitializer(_bounds_arg, self)
[docs] def flag_as_stale(self): """ Set the 'stale' attribute of every variable data object to True. """ for var_data in self._data.values(): var_data.stale = True
[docs] def get_values(self, include_fixed_values=True): """ Return a dictionary of index-value pairs. """ if include_fixed_values: return {idx: vardata.value for idx, vardata in self._data.items()} return { idx: vardata.value for idx, vardata in self._data.items() if not vardata.fixed }
extract_values = get_values
[docs] def set_values(self, new_values, skip_validation=False): """ Set the values of a dictionary. The default behavior is to validate the values in the dictionary. """ for index, new_value in new_values.items(): self[index].set_value(new_value, skip_validation)
[docs] def get_units(self): """Return the units expression for this Var.""" return self._units
# TODO: deprecate this? __getitem__ is generally preferable"
[docs] def add(self, index): """Add a variable with a particular index.""" return self[index]
[docs] def construct(self, data=None): """ Construct the VarData objects for this variable """ if self._constructed: return self._constructed = True timer = ConstructionTimer(self) if is_debug_set(logger): logger.debug("Constructing Variable %s" % (,)) if self._anonymous_sets is not None: for _set in self._anonymous_sets: _set.construct() # Note: define 'index' to avoid 'variable referenced before # assignment' in the error message generated in the 'except:' # block below. index = None try: # We do not (currently) accept data for constructing Variables assert data is None if not self.index_set().isfinite() and self._dense: # Note: if the index is not finite, then we cannot # iterate over it. This used to be fatal; now we # just warn logger.warning( "Var '%s' indexed by a non-finite set, but declared " "with 'dense=True'. Reverting to 'dense=False' as " "it is not possible to make this variable dense. " "This warning can be suppressed by specifying " "'dense=False'" % (,) ) self._dense = False if self._rule_init is not None and self._rule_init.contains_indices(): # Historically we have allowed Vars to be initialized by # a sparse map (i.e., a dict containing only some of the # keys). We will wrap the incoming initializer to map # KeyErrors to None self._rule_init = DefaultInitializer(self._rule_init, None, KeyError) # The index is coming in externally; we need to validate it for index in self._rule_init.indices(): self[index] # If this is a dense object, we need to ensure that it # has been filled in. if self._dense: for index in self.index_set(): if index not in self._data: self._getitem_when_not_present(index) elif not self.is_indexed(): # As there is only a single VarData to populate, just do # so and bypass all special-case testing below self._getitem_when_not_present(None) elif self._dense: # Special case: initialize every VarData. For the # initializers that are constant, we can avoid # re-calling (and re-validating) the inputs in certain # cases. To support this, we will create the first # VarData and then use it as a template to initialize # (constant portions of) every VarData so as to not # repeat all the domain/bounds validation. try: ref = self._getitem_when_not_present(next(iter(self.index_set()))) except StopIteration: # Empty index! return call_domain_rule = not self._rule_domain.constant() call_bounds_rule = ( self._rule_bounds is not None and not self._rule_bounds.constant() ) call_init_rule = self._rule_init is not None and ( not self._rule_init.constant() # If either the domain or bounds change, then we # need to re-verify the initial value, even if it is # constant: or call_domain_rule or call_bounds_rule ) # Initialize all the component datas with the common data for index in self.index_set(): self._data[index] = self._ComponentDataClass.copy(ref) # NOTE: This is a special case where a key, value pair is # added to the _data dictionary without calling # _getitem_when_not_present, which is why we need to set the # index here. self._data[index]._index = index # Now go back and initialize any index-specific data block = self.parent_block() if call_domain_rule: for index, obj in self._data.items(): # We can directly set the attribute (not the # property) because the SetInitializer ensures # that the value is a proper Set. obj._domain = self._rule_domain(block, index, self) if call_bounds_rule: for index, obj in self._data.items(): obj.lower, obj.upper = self._rule_bounds(block, index) if call_init_rule: for index, obj in self._data.items(): obj.set_value(self._rule_init(block, index)) else: # non-dense indexed var with generic # (non-index-containing) initializer: nothing to do pass except Exception: err = sys.exc_info()[1] logger.error( "Rule failed when initializing variable for " "Var %s with index %s:\n%s: %s" % (, str(index), type(err).__name__, err) ) raise finally:
# # This method must be defined on subclasses of # IndexedComponent that support implicit definition # def _getitem_when_not_present(self, index): """Returns the default component data value.""" if index is None and not self.is_indexed(): obj = self._data[index] = self else: obj = self._data[index] = self._ComponentDataClass(component=self) parent = self.parent_block() obj._index = index # We can directly set the attribute (not the property) because # the SetInitializer ensures that the value is a proper Set. obj._domain = self._rule_domain(parent, index, self) if self._rule_bounds is not None: obj.lower, obj.upper = self._rule_bounds(parent, index) if self._rule_init is not None: obj.set_value(self._rule_init(parent, index)) return obj # # Because we need to do more initialization than simply calling # set_value(), we need to override _setitem_when_not_present # def _setitem_when_not_present(self, index, value=NOTSET): if value is self.Skip: return None try: obj = self._getitem_when_not_present(index) if value is not NOTSET: obj.set_value(value) except: self._data.pop(index, None) raise return obj def _pprint(self): """Print component information.""" headers = [ ("Size", len(self)), ("Index", self._index_set if self.is_indexed() else None), ] if self._units is not None: headers.append(('Units', str(self._units))) return ( headers, self._data.items(), ("Lower", "Value", "Upper", "Fixed", "Stale", "Domain"), lambda k, v: [ value(, v.value, value(v.ub), v.fixed, v.stale, v.domain, ], )
[docs] class ScalarVar(VarData, Var): """A single variable."""
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwd): VarData.__init__(self, component=self) Var.__init__(self, *args, **kwd) self._index = UnindexedComponent_index
[docs] @disable_methods(_VARDATA_API) class AbstractScalarVar(ScalarVar): pass
[docs] class SimpleVar(metaclass=RenamedClass): __renamed__new_class__ = ScalarVar __renamed__version__ = '6.0'
[docs] class IndexedVar(Var): """An array of variables."""
[docs] def setlb(self, val): """ Set the lower bound for this variable. """ for vardata in self.values(): vardata.lower = val
[docs] def setub(self, val): """ Set the upper bound for this variable. """ for vardata in self.values(): vardata.upper = val
[docs] def fix(self, value=NOTSET, skip_validation=False): """Fix all variables in this :class:`IndexedVar` (treat as nonvariable) This sets the :attr:`fixed` indicator to True for every variable in this IndexedVar. If ``value`` is provided, the value (and the ``skip_validation`` flag) are first passed to :meth:`set_value`. """ for vardata in self.values(): vardata.fix(value, skip_validation)
[docs] def unfix(self): """Unfix all variables in this :class:`IndexedVar` (treat as variable) This sets the :attr:`VarData.fixed` indicator to False for every variable in this :class:`IndexedVar`. """ for vardata in self.values(): vardata.unfix()
[docs] def free(self): """Alias for :meth:`unfix`""" return self.unfix()
@property def domain(self): raise AttributeError( "The domain is not an attribute for IndexedVar. It " "can be set for all indices using this property setter, " "but must be accessed for individual variables in this container." ) @domain.setter def domain(self, domain): """Sets the domain for all variables in this container.""" try: domain_rule = SetInitializer(domain) if domain_rule.constant(): domain = domain_rule(self.parent_block(), None, self) for vardata in self.values(): vardata._domain = domain elif domain_rule.contains_indices(): parent = self.parent_block() for index in domain_rule.indices(): self[index]._domain = domain_rule(parent, index, self) else: parent = self.parent_block() for index, vardata in self.items(): vardata._domain = domain_rule(parent, index, self) except: logger.error( "%s is not a valid domain. Variable domains must be an " "instance of a Pyomo Set or convertible to a Pyomo Set." % (domain,), extra={'id': 'E2001'}, ) raise # Because CP supports indirection [the ability to index objects by # another (inter) Var] for certain types (including Var), we will # catch the normal RuntimeError and return a (variable) # GetItemExpression. # # FIXME: We should integrate this logic into the base implementation # of `__getitem__()`, including the recognition / differentiation # between potentially variable GetItemExpression objects and # "constant" GetItemExpression objects. That will need to wait for # the expression rework [JDS; Nov 22]. def __getitem__(self, args) -> VarData: try: return super().__getitem__(args) except RuntimeError: tmp = args if args.__class__ is tuple else (args,) if any( hasattr(arg, 'is_potentially_variable') and arg.is_potentially_variable() for arg in tmp ): return GetItemExpression((self,) + tmp) raise
[docs] @ModelComponentFactory.register("List of decision variables.") class VarList(IndexedVar): """ Variable-length indexed variable objects used to construct Pyomo models. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._starting_index = kwargs.pop('starting_index', 1) args = (Set(dimen=1),) IndexedVar.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def construct(self, data=None): """Construct this component.""" if self._constructed: return # Note: do not set _constructed here, or the super() call will # not actually construct the component. if is_debug_set(logger): logger.debug("Constructing variable list %s", self.index_set().construct() # We need to ensure that the indices needed for initialization are # added to the underlying implicit set. We *could* verify that the # indices in the initialization dict are all sequential integers, # OR we can just add the correct number of sequential integers and # then let _validate_index complain when we set the value. if self._rule_init is not None and self._rule_init.contains_indices(): for i, idx in enumerate(self._rule_init.indices()): self._index_set.add(i + self._starting_index) super(VarList, self).construct(data)
[docs] def add(self): """Add a variable to this list.""" next_idx = len(self._index_set) + self._starting_index self._index_set.add(next_idx) return self[next_idx]