Source code for pyomo.core.base.sos

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import sys
import logging

from pyomo.common.deprecation import RenamedClass
from pyomo.common.log import is_debug_set
from pyomo.common.timing import ConstructionTimer

from pyomo.core.base.misc import apply_indexed_rule
from pyomo.core.base.component import ActiveComponentData, ModelComponentFactory
from pyomo.core.base.global_set import UnindexedComponent_index
from pyomo.core.base.indexed_component import (
from pyomo.core.base.set_types import PositiveIntegers

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')

[docs] class SOSConstraintData(ActiveComponentData): """ This class defines the data for a single special ordered set. Constructor arguments: owner The Constraint object that owns this data. Public class attributes: active A boolean that is true if this objective is active in the model. component The constraint component. Private class attributes: _variables SOS variables. _weights SOS variable weights. _level SOS level (Positive Integer) """ __slots__ = ('_variables', '_weights', '_level')
[docs] def __init__(self, owner): """Constructor""" self._level = None self._variables = [] self._weights = [] ActiveComponentData.__init__(self, owner)
def num_variables(self): return len(self._variables) def items(self): return zip(self._variables, self._weights) @property def level(self): """ Return the SOS level """ return self._level @level.setter def level(self, level): if level not in PositiveIntegers: raise ValueError("SOS Constraint level must be a positive integer") self._level = level @property def variables(self): """ Return the variable list for the SOS constraint """ return self._variables def get_variables(self): for val in self._variables: yield val def get_items(self): assert len(self._variables) == len(self._weights) for v, w in zip(self._variables, self._weights): yield v, w def set_items(self, variables, weights): self._variables = [] self._weights = [] for v, w in zip(variables, weights): self._variables.append(v) if w < 0.0: raise ValueError( "Cannot set negative weight %f for variable %s" % (w, ) self._weights.append(w)
class _SOSConstraintData(metaclass=RenamedClass): __renamed__new_class__ = SOSConstraintData __renamed__version__ = '6.7.2'
[docs] @ModelComponentFactory.register("SOS constraint expressions.") class SOSConstraint(ActiveIndexedComponent): """ Implements constraints for special ordered sets (SOS). Parameters ---------- sos : int The type of SOS. var : pyomo.environ.Var The group of variables from which the SOS(s) will be created. index : pyomo.environ.Set, list or dict, optional A data structure with the indexes for the variables that are to be members of the SOS(s). The indexes can be provided as a pyomo Set: either indexed, if the SOS is indexed; or non-indexed, otherwise. Alternatively, the indexes can be provided as a list, for a non-indexed SOS, or as a dict, for indexed SOS(s). weights : pyomo.environ.Param or dict, optional A data structure with the weights for each member of the SOS(s). These can be provided as pyomo Param or as a dict. If not provided, the weights will be determined automatically using the var index set. rule : optional A method returning a 2-tuple with lists of variables and the respective weights in the same order, or a list of variables whose weights are then determined from their position within the list or, alternatively, pyomo.environ.Constraint.Skip if the constraint should be not be included in the model/instance. This parameter cannot be used in combination with var, index or weights. Examples ------- 1 - An SOS of type **N** made up of all members of a pyomo Var component: >>> # import pyomo >>> import pyomo.environ as pyo >>> # declare the model >>> model = pyo.AbstractModel() >>> # define the SOS type >>> N = 1 # 2, 3, ... >>> # the set that indexes the variables >>> model.A = pyo.Set() >>> # the variables under consideration >>> model.x = pyo.Var(model.A) >>> # the sos constraint >>> model.mysos = pyo.SOSConstraint(var=model.x, sos=N) 2 - An SOS of type **N** made up of all members of a pyomo Var component, each with a specific weight: >>> # declare the model >>> model = pyo.AbstractModel() >>> # define the SOS type >>> N = 1 # 2, 3, ... >>> # the set that indexes the variables >>> model.A = pyo.Set() >>> # the variables under consideration >>> model.x = pyo.Var(model.A) >>> # the weights for each variable used in the sos constraints >>> model.mysosweights = pyo.Param(model.A) >>> # the sos constraint >>> model.mysos = pyo.SOSConstraint( ... var=model.x, ... sos=N, ... weights=model.mysosweights ... ) 3 - An SOS of type **N** made up of selected members of a Var component: >>> # declare the model >>> model = pyo.AbstractModel() >>> # define the SOS type >>> N = 1 # 2, 3, ... >>> # the set that indexes the variables >>> model.A = pyo.Set() >>> # the variables under consideration >>> model.x = pyo.Var(model.A) >>> # the set that indexes the variables actually used in the constraint >>> model.B = pyo.Set(within=model.A) >>> # the sos constraint >>> model.mysos = pyo.SOSConstraint(var=model.x, sos=N, index=model.B) 4 - An SOS of type **N** made up of selected members of a Var component, each with a specific weight: >>> # declare the model >>> model = pyo.AbstractModel() >>> # define the SOS type >>> N = 1 # 2, 3, ... >>> # the set that indexes the variables >>> model.A = pyo.Set() >>> # the variables under consideration >>> model.x = pyo.Var(model.A) >>> # the set that indexes the variables actually used in the constraint >>> model.B = pyo.Set(within=model.A) >>> # the weights for each variable used in the sos constraints >>> model.mysosweights = pyo.Param(model.B) >>> # the sos constraint >>> model.mysos = pyo.SOSConstraint( ... var=model.x, ... sos=N, ... index=model.B, ... weights=model.mysosweights ... ) 5 - A set of SOS(s) of type **N** made up of members of a pyomo Var component: >>> # declare the model >>> model = pyo.AbstractModel() >>> # define the SOS type >>> N = 1 # 2, 3, ... >>> # the set that indexes the variables >>> model.A = pyo.Set() >>> # the variables under consideration >>> model.x = pyo.Var(model.A) >>> # the set indexing the sos constraints >>> model.B = pyo.Set() >>> # the sets containing the variable indexes for each constraint >>> model.mysosvarindexset = pyo.Set(model.B) >>> # the sos constraints >>> model.mysos = pyo.SOSConstraint( ... model.B, ... var=model.x, ... sos=N, ... index=model.mysosvarindexset ... ) 6 - A set of SOS(s) of type **N** made up of members of a pyomo Var component, each with a specific weight: >>> # declare the model >>> model = pyo.AbstractModel() >>> # define the SOS type >>> N = 1 # 2, 3, ... >>> # the set that indexes the variables >>> model.A = pyo.Set() >>> # the variables under consideration >>> model.x = pyo.Var(model.A) >>> # the set indexing the sos constraints >>> model.B = pyo.Set() >>> # the sets containing the variable indexes for each constraint >>> model.mysosvarindexset = pyo.Set(model.B) >>> # the set that indexes the variables used in the sos constraints >>> model.C = pyo.Set(within=model.A) >>> # the weights for each variable used in the sos constraints >>> model.mysosweights = pyo.Param(model.C) >>> # the sos constraints >>> model.mysos = pyo.SOSConstraint( ... model.B, ... var=model.x, ... sos=N, ... index=model.mysosvarindexset, ... weights=model.mysosweights, ... ) 7 - A simple SOS of type **N** created using the rule parameter: >>> # declare the model >>> model = pyo.AbstractModel() >>> # define the SOS type >>> N = 1 # 2, 3, ... >>> # the set that indexes the variables >>> model.A = pyo.Set() >>> # the variables under consideration >>> model.x = pyo.Var(model.A, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals) >>> # the rule method creating the constraint >>> def rule_mysos(m): ... var_list = [m.x[a] for a in m.x] ... weight_list = [i+1 for i in range(len(var_list))] ... return (var_list, weight_list) >>> # the sos constraint(s) >>> model.mysos = pyo.SOSConstraint(rule=rule_mysos, sos=N) 8 - A simple SOS of type **N** created using the rule parameter, in which the weights are determined automatically: >>> # declare the model >>> model = pyo.AbstractModel() >>> # define the SOS type >>> N = 1 # 2, 3, ... >>> # the set that indexes the variables >>> model.A = pyo.Set() >>> # the variables under consideration >>> model.x = pyo.Var(model.A, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals) >>> # the rule method creating the constraint >>> def rule_mysos(m): ... return [m.x[a] for a in m.x] >>> # the sos constraint(s) >>> model.mysos = pyo.SOSConstraint(rule=rule_mysos, sos=N) 9 - A set of SOS(s) of type **N** involving members of distinct pyomo Var components, each with a specific weight. This requires the rule parameter: >>> # declare the model >>> model = pyo.AbstractModel() >>> # define the SOS type >>> N = 1 # 2, 3, ... >>> # the set that indexes the x variables >>> model.A = pyo.Set() >>> # the set that indexes the y variables >>> model.B = pyo.Set() >>> # the set that indexes the SOS constraints >>> model.C = pyo.Set() >>> # the x variables, which will be used in the constraints >>> model.x = pyo.Var(model.A, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals) >>> # the y variables, which will be used in the constraints >>> model.y = pyo.Var(model.B, domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals) >>> # the x variable indices for each constraint >>> model.mysosindex_x = pyo.Set(model.C) >>> # the y variable indices for each constraint >>> model.mysosindex_y = pyo.Set(model.C) >>> # the weights for the x variable indices >>> model.mysosweights_x = pyo.Param(model.A) >>> # the weights for the y variable indices >>> model.mysosweights_y = pyo.Param(model.B) >>> # the rule method with which each constraint c is built >>> def rule_mysos(m, c): ... var_list = [m.x[a] for a in m.mysosindex_x[c]] ... var_list.extend([m.y[b] for b in m.mysosindex_y[c]]) ... weight_list = [m.mysosweights_x[a] for a in m.mysosindex_x[c]] ... weight_list.extend([m.mysosweights_y[b] for b in m.mysosindex_y[c]]) ... return (var_list, weight_list) >>> # the sos constraint(s) >>> model.mysos = pyo.SOSConstraint( ... model.C, ... rule=rule_mysos, ... sos=N ... ) """ Skip = (1000,) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): if cls != SOSConstraint: return super(SOSConstraint, cls).__new__(cls) if not args or (args[0] is UnindexedComponent_set and len(args) == 1): return ScalarSOSConstraint.__new__(ScalarSOSConstraint) else: return IndexedSOSConstraint.__new__(IndexedSOSConstraint)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor """ # # The 'initialize' or 'rule' argument # initialize = kwargs.pop('initialize', None) initialize = kwargs.pop('rule', initialize) if not initialize is None: if 'var' in kwargs: raise TypeError( "Cannot specify the 'var' argument with the 'rule' or 'initialize' argument" ) if 'index' in kwargs: raise TypeError( "Cannot specify the 'index' argument with the 'rule' or 'initialize' argument" ) if 'weights' in kwargs: raise TypeError( "Cannot specify the 'weights' argument with the 'rule' or 'initialize' argument" ) # # The 'var' argument # sosVars = kwargs.pop('var', None) if sosVars is None and initialize is None: raise TypeError( "SOSConstraint() requires either the 'var' or 'initialize' arguments" ) # # The 'weights' argument # sosWeights = kwargs.pop('weights', None) # # The 'index' argument # sosSet = kwargs.pop('index', None) # # The 'sos' or 'level' argument # if 'sos' in kwargs and 'level' in kwargs: raise TypeError( "Specify only one of 'sos' and 'level' -- " "they are equivalent keyword arguments" ) sosLevel = kwargs.pop('sos', None) sosLevel = kwargs.pop('level', sosLevel) if sosLevel is None: raise TypeError( "SOSConstraint() requires that either the " "'sos' or 'level' keyword arguments be set to indicate " "the type of SOS." ) # # Set attributes # self._sosVars = sosVars self._sosWeights = sosWeights self._sosSet = sosSet self._sosLevel = sosLevel self._rule = initialize # # Construct the base class # kwargs.setdefault('ctype', SOSConstraint) ActiveIndexedComponent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def construct(self, data=None): """ Construct this component """ assert data is None # because I don't know why it's an argument generate_debug_messages = is_debug_set(logger) if self._constructed is True: # pragma:nocover return if generate_debug_messages: # pragma:nocover logger.debug("Constructing SOSConstraint %s", timer = ConstructionTimer(self) self._constructed = True if self._rule is None: if self._sosSet is None and self.is_indexed(): if generate_debug_messages: # pragma:nocover logger.debug( " Cannot construct " + + ". No rule is defined and no SOS sets are defined." ) else: if not self.is_indexed(): if self._sosSet is None: if getattr( self._sosVars.index_set(), 'isordered', lambda *x: False )(): _sosSet = {None: list(self._sosVars.index_set())} else: _sosSet = {None: set(self._sosVars.index_set())} else: _sosSet = {None: self._sosSet} else: _sosSet = self._sosSet for index, sosSet in _sosSet.items(): if generate_debug_messages: # pragma:nocover logger.debug( " Constructing " + + " index " + str(index) ) if self._sosLevel == 2: # # Check that the sets are ordered. # ordered = False if ( type(sosSet) is list or sosSet is UnindexedComponent_set or len(sosSet) == 1 ): ordered = True if hasattr(sosSet, 'isordered') and sosSet.isordered(): ordered = True if not ordered: raise ValueError( "Cannot define a SOS over an unordered index." ) variables = [self._sosVars[idx] for idx in sosSet] if self._sosWeights is not None: weights = [self._sosWeights[idx] for idx in sosSet] else: weights = None self.add(index, variables, weights) else: _self_rule = self._rule _self_parent = self._parent() for index in self._index_set: try: tmp = apply_indexed_rule(self, _self_rule, _self_parent, index) except Exception: err = sys.exc_info()[1] logger.error( "Rule failed when generating expression for " "sos constraint %s with index %s:\n%s: %s" % (, str(index), type(err).__name__, err) ) raise if tmp is None: raise ValueError( "SOSConstraint rule returned None instead of SOSConstraint.Skip for index %s" % str(index) ) if type(tmp) is tuple: if tmp is SOSConstraint.Skip: continue # tmp is a tuple of variables, weights self.add(index, tmp[0], tmp[1]) else: # tmp is a list of variables self.add(index, tmp)
[docs] def add(self, index, variables, weights=None): """ Add a component data for the specified index. """ if index is None: # because ScalarSOSConstraint already makes an SOSConstraintData instance soscondata = self else: soscondata = SOSConstraintData(self) self._data[index] = soscondata soscondata._index = index soscondata.level = self._sosLevel if weights is None: soscondata.set_items(variables, list(range(1, len(variables) + 1))) else: soscondata.set_items(variables, weights)
# NOTE: the prefix option is ignored
[docs] def pprint(self, ostream=None, verbose=False, prefix=""): """TODO""" if ostream is None: ostream = sys.stdout ostream.write(" " + self.local_name + " : ") if not self.doc is None: ostream.write(self.doc + '\n') ostream.write(" ") ostream.write("\tSize=" + str(len(self._data.keys())) + ' ') if self.is_indexed(): ostream.write("\tIndex= " + + '\n') else: ostream.write("\n") for val in self._data: if not val is None: ostream.write("\t" + str(val) + '\n') ostream.write("\t\tType=" + str(self._data[val].level) + '\n') ostream.write("\t\tWeight : Variable\n") for var, weight in self._data[val].get_items(): ostream.write("\t\t" + str(weight) + ' : ' + + '\n')
[docs] class ScalarSOSConstraint(SOSConstraint, SOSConstraintData):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwd): SOSConstraintData.__init__(self, self) SOSConstraint.__init__(self, *args, **kwd) self._index = UnindexedComponent_index
[docs] class SimpleSOSConstraint(metaclass=RenamedClass): __renamed__new_class__ = ScalarSOSConstraint __renamed__version__ = '6.0'
[docs] class IndexedSOSConstraint(SOSConstraint):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(IndexedSOSConstraint, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)