Source code for pyomo.core.base.piecewise

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

This file contains a library of functions needed to construct
piecewise constraints for a Pyomo model. All piecewise types except
for SOS2, BIGM_SOS1, BIGM_BIN were taken from the paper:

Mixed-Integer Models for Non-separable Piecewise Linear Optimization:
Unifying framework and Extensions (Vielma, Nemhauser 2008).

TODO: Add regression tests for the following completed tasks
  - user not providing floats can be an major issue for BIGM's and MC
  - nonconvex/nonconcave functions - BIGM_SOS1, BIGM_SOS2 ***** possible edge case bug

Possible Extensions
  - Consider another piecewise rep ("SOS2_MANUAL"?) where we manually implement
    extra constraints to define an SOS2 set, this would be compatible with GLPK,
  - double check that LOG and DLOG reps really do require (2^n)+1 points, or can
    we just add integer cuts (or something more intelligent) in order to handle
    piecewise functions without 2^n polytopes
  - piecewise for functions of the form y = f(x1,x2,...)


import logging
import math
import itertools
import operator
import types
import enum

from pyomo.common.log import is_debug_set
from pyomo.common.deprecation import RenamedClass, deprecation_warning
from pyomo.common.numeric_types import value
from pyomo.common.timing import ConstructionTimer
from pyomo.core.base.block import Block, BlockData
from pyomo.core.base.component import ModelComponentFactory
from pyomo.core.base.constraint import Constraint, ConstraintList
from pyomo.core.base.sos import SOSConstraint
from pyomo.core.base.var import Var, VarData, IndexedVar
from pyomo.core.base.set_types import PositiveReals, NonNegativeReals, Binary
from pyomo.core.base.util import flatten_tuple

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')

[docs] class PWRepn(str, enum.Enum): SOS2 = 'SOS2' BIGM_BIN = 'BIGM_BIN' BIGM_SOS1 = 'BIGM_SOS1' CC = 'CC' DCC = 'DCC' DLOG = 'DLOG' LOG = 'LOG' MC = 'MC' INC = 'INC'
[docs] class Bound(str, enum.Enum): Lower = 'Lower' Upper = 'Upper' Equal = 'Equal'
# BE SURE TO CHANGE THE PIECEWISE DOCSTRING # IF THIS GETS CHANGED _WARNING_TOLERANCE = 1e-8 def _isNonDecreasing(vals): """ checks that list of points is nondecreasing """ it = iter(vals) next(it) op = return all(itertools.starmap(op, zip(it, vals))) def _isNonIncreasing(vals): """ checks that list of points is nonincreasing """ it = iter(vals) next(it) op = operator.le return all(itertools.starmap(op, zip(it, vals))) def _isPowerOfTwo(x): """ checks that a number is a nonzero and positive power of 2 """ if x <= 0: return False else: return (x & (x - 1)) == 0 def _GrayCode(nbits): """ Generates a GrayCode of nbits represented by a list of lists """ bitset = [0 for i in range(nbits)] # important that we copy bitset each time graycode = [list(bitset)] for i in range(2, (1 << nbits) + 1): if i % 2: for j in range(-1, -nbits, -1): if bitset[j]: bitset[j - 1] = bitset[j - 1] ^ 1 break else: bitset[-1] = bitset[-1] ^ 1 # important that we copy bitset each time graycode.append(list(bitset)) return graycode def _characterize_function(name, tol, f_rule, model, points, *index): """ Generates a list of range values and checks for convexity/concavity. Assumes domain points are sorted in increasing order. """ # Make sure the list is a list of raw # numbers and not Pyomo Params or Expressions. # Failing to do this can generate strange # expression generation errors in the checks below points = [value(_p) for _p in points] if isinstance(f_rule, types.FunctionType): values = [f_rule(model, *flatten_tuple((index, x))) for x in points] elif f_rule.__class__ is dict: if len(index) == 1: values = f_rule[index[0]] else: values = f_rule[index] else: # a list or tuple values = f_rule # Make sure the list is a list of raw # numbers and not Pyomo Params or Expressions. # Failing to do this can generate strange # expression generation errors in the checks below values = [value(_p) for _p in values] step = False try: slopes = [ (values[i] - values[i - 1]) / (points[i] - points[i - 1]) for i in range(1, len(points)) ] except ZeroDivisionError: # we have a step function step = True slopes = [ ( (None) if (points[i] == points[i - 1]) else ((values[i] - values[i - 1]) / (points[i] - points[i - 1])) ) for i in range(1, len(points)) ] # TODO: Warn when the slopes of two consecutive line # segments are nearly equal since this is likely # due to a user mistake and may cause issue with # the solver. # *** This is already done below but there # is probably a more correct way # to send this warning through Pyomo if not all( itertools.starmap( lambda x1, x2: ( (True) if ((x1 is None) or (x2 is None)) else (abs(x1 - x2) > tol) ), zip(slopes, itertools.islice(slopes, 1, None)), ) ): msg = ( "**WARNING: Piecewise component '%s[%s]' has detected slopes of consecutive piecewise " "segments to be within " + str(tol) + " of one another. Refer to the Piecewise help " "documentation for information on how to disable this warning." ) if index == (): index = None print(msg % (name, flatten_tuple(index))) if step is True: return 0, values, True if _isNonDecreasing(slopes): # convex return 1, values, False if _isNonIncreasing(slopes): # concave return -1, values, False return 0, values, False
[docs] class PiecewiseData(BlockData): """ This class defines the base class for all linearization and piecewise constraint generators.. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent): BlockData.__init__(self, parent) self._constructed = True self._bound_type = None self._domain_pts = None self._range_pts = None self._x = None self._y = None
def updateBoundType(self, bound_type): self._bound_type = bound_type def updatePoints(self, domain_pts, range_pts): # ***Note: most (if not all) piecewise constraint generators # assume the list of domain points is sorted. if not _isNonDecreasing(domain_pts): msg = "'%s' does not have a list of domain points that is non-decreasing" raise ValueError(msg % (,)) self._domain_pts = domain_pts self._range_pts = range_pts def build_constraints(self, functor, x_var, y_var): functor.construct(self, x_var, y_var) self.__dict__['_x'] = x_var self.__dict__['_y'] = y_var def referenced_variables(self): return (self._x, self._y) def __call__(self, x): if self._constructed is False: raise ValueError( "Piecewise component %s has not been constructed yet" % ) for i in range(len(self._domain_pts) - 1): xL = self._domain_pts[i] xU = self._domain_pts[i + 1] if (xL <= x) and (x <= xU): yL = self._range_pts[i] yU = self._range_pts[i + 1] if xL == xU: # a step function return yU return yL + ((yU - yL) / (xU - xL)) * (x - xL) raise ValueError( "The point %s is outside the list of domain " "points for Piecewise component %s. The valid " "point range is [%s,%s]." % (x,, min(self._domain_pts), max(self._domain_pts)) )
class _PiecewiseData(metaclass=RenamedClass): __renamed__new_class__ = PiecewiseData __renamed__version__ = '6.7.2' class _SimpleSinglePiecewise(object): """ Called when the piecewise points list has only two points """ def construct(self, pblock, x_var, y_var): x_pts = pblock._domain_pts y_pts = pblock._range_pts bound_type = pblock._bound_type if None in [x_pts, y_pts, bound_type]: raise RuntimeError( "_SimpleSinglePiecewise: construct() called duringinvalid state." ) # create a single linear constraint LHS = y_var F_AT_XO = y_pts[0] dF_AT_XO = (y_pts[1] - y_pts[0]) / (x_pts[1] - x_pts[0]) X_MINUS_XO = x_var - x_pts[0] if bound_type == Bound.Upper: expr = LHS <= F_AT_XO + dF_AT_XO * X_MINUS_XO elif bound_type == Bound.Lower: expr = LHS >= F_AT_XO + dF_AT_XO * X_MINUS_XO elif bound_type == Bound.Equal: expr = LHS == F_AT_XO + dF_AT_XO * X_MINUS_XO else: raise ValueError("Invalid Bound for _SimpleSinglePiecewise object") pblock.single_line_constraint = Constraint(expr=expr) # In order to enforce the same behavior as actual piecewise # constraints, we constrain the domain variable between the # outer domain pts. But in order to prevent filling the model # with unnecessary constraints, we only do this when absolutely # necessary. if not is None and < x_pts[0]: pblock.simplified_piecewise_domain_constraint_lower = Constraint( expr=x_pts[0] <= x_var ) if not x_var.ub is None and x_var.ub > x_pts[1]: pblock.simplified_piecewise_domain_constraint_upper = Constraint( expr=x_var <= x_pts[-1] ) class _SimplifiedPiecewise(object): """ Called when piecewise constraints are simplified due to a lower bounding convex function or an upper bounding concave function """ def construct(self, pblock, x_var, y_var): x_pts = pblock._domain_pts y_pts = pblock._range_pts bound_type = pblock._bound_type if None in [x_pts, y_pts, bound_type]: raise RuntimeError( "_SimplifiedPiecewise: construct() called during invalid state." ) len_x_pts = len(x_pts) conlist = pblock.simplified_piecewise_constraint = ConstraintList() for i in range(len_x_pts - 1): F_AT_XO = y_pts[i] dF_AT_XO = (y_pts[i + 1] - y_pts[i]) / (x_pts[i + 1] - x_pts[i]) XO = x_pts[i] if bound_type == Bound.Upper: conlist.add((0, -y_var + F_AT_XO + dF_AT_XO * (x_var - XO), None)) elif bound_type == Bound.Lower: conlist.add((None, -y_var + F_AT_XO + dF_AT_XO * (x_var - XO), 0)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid Bound for _SimplifiedPiecewise object") # In order to enforce the same behavior as actual piecewise # constraints, we constrain the domain variable between the # outer domain pts. But in order to prevent filling the model # with unnecessary constraints, we only do this when absolutely # necessary. if not is None and < x_pts[0]: pblock.simplified_piecewise_domain_constraint_lower = Constraint( expr=x_pts[0] <= x_var ) if not x_var.ub is None and x_var.ub > x_pts[-1]: pblock.simplified_piecewise_domain_constraint_upper = Constraint( expr=x_var <= x_pts[-1] ) class _SOS2Piecewise(object): """ Called to generate Piecewise constraint using the SOS2 formulation """ def construct(self, pblock, x_var, y_var): x_pts = pblock._domain_pts y_pts = pblock._range_pts bound_type = pblock._bound_type if None in [x_pts, y_pts, bound_type]: raise RuntimeError( "_SOS2Piecewise: construct() called during invalid state." ) len_x_pts = len(x_pts) # create indexers sos2_index = range(len_x_pts) # create vars sos2_y = pblock.SOS2_y = Var(sos2_index, within=NonNegativeReals) # create piecewise constraints conlist = pblock.SOS2_constraint = ConstraintList() conlist.add((x_var - sum(sos2_y[i] * x_pts[i] for i in sos2_index), 0)) LHS = y_var RHS = sum(sos2_y[i] * y_pts[i] for i in sos2_index) expr = None if bound_type == Bound.Upper: conlist.add((None, LHS - RHS, 0)) elif bound_type == Bound.Lower: conlist.add((0, LHS - RHS, None)) elif bound_type == Bound.Equal: conlist.add((LHS - RHS, 0)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid Bound for _SOS2Piecewise object") conlist.add((sum(sos2_y[j] for j in sos2_index), 1)) def SOS2_rule(model): return [sos2_y[i] for i in sos2_index] pblock.SOS2_sosconstraint = SOSConstraint(initialize=SOS2_rule, sos=2) class _DCCPiecewise(object): """ Called to generate Piecewise constraint using the DCC formulation """ def construct(self, pblock, x_var, y_var): x_pts = pblock._domain_pts y_pts = pblock._range_pts bound_type = pblock._bound_type if None in [x_pts, y_pts, bound_type]: raise RuntimeError( "_DCCPiecewise: construct() called during invalid state." ) len_x_pts = len(x_pts) # create indexers polytopes = range(1, len_x_pts) vertices = range(1, len_x_pts + 1) def polytope_verts(p): return range(p, p + 2) # create vars pblock.DCC_lambda = Var(polytopes, vertices, within=PositiveReals) lmda = pblock.DCC_lambda pblock.DCC_bin_y = Var(polytopes, within=Binary) bin_y = pblock.DCC_bin_y # create piecewise constraints pblock.DCC_constraint1 = Constraint( expr=x_var == sum( lmda[p, v] * x_pts[v - 1] for p in polytopes for v in polytope_verts(p) ) ) LHS = y_var RHS = sum( lmda[p, v] * y_pts[v - 1] for p in polytopes for v in polytope_verts(p) ) expr = None if bound_type == Bound.Upper: expr = LHS <= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Lower: expr = LHS >= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Equal: expr = LHS == RHS else: raise ValueError("Invalid Bound for _DCCPiecewise object") pblock.DCC_constraint2 = Constraint(expr=expr) def con3_rule(model, p): return bin_y[p] == sum(lmda[p, v] for v in polytope_verts(p)) pblock.DCC_constraint3 = Constraint(polytopes, rule=con3_rule) pblock.DCC_constraint4 = Constraint(expr=sum(bin_y[p] for p in polytopes) == 1) class _DLOGPiecewise(object): """ Called to generate Piecewise constraint using the DLOG formulation """ def _Branching_Scheme(self, L): """ Branching scheme for DLOG """ MAX = 2**L mylists1 = {} for i in range(1, L + 1): mylists1[i] = [] start = 1 step = int(MAX / (2**i)) while start < MAX: mylists1[i].extend([j for j in range(start, start + step)]) start += 2 * step biglist = range(1, MAX + 1) mylists2 = {} for i in sorted(mylists1.keys()): mylists2[i] = [] for j in biglist: if j not in mylists1[i]: mylists2[i].append(j) mylists2[i] = sorted(mylists2[i]) return mylists1, mylists2 def construct(self, pblock, x_var, y_var): if not _isPowerOfTwo(len(pblock._domain_pts) - 1): msg = "'%s' does not have a list of domain points with length (2^n)+1" raise ValueError(msg % (,)) x_pts = pblock._domain_pts y_pts = pblock._range_pts bound_type = pblock._bound_type if None in [x_pts, y_pts, bound_type]: raise RuntimeError( "_DLOGPiecewise: construct() called during invalid state." ) len_x_pts = len(x_pts) # create branching schemes L_i = int(math.log(len_x_pts - 1, 2)) B_ZERO, B_ONE = self._Branching_Scheme(L_i) # create indexers polytopes = range(1, len_x_pts) vertices = range(1, len_x_pts + 1) bin_y_index = range(1, L_i + 1) def polytope_verts(p): return range(p, p + 2) # create vars pblock.DLOG_lambda = Var(polytopes, vertices, within=PositiveReals) lmda = pblock.DLOG_lambda pblock.DLOG_bin_y = Var(bin_y_index, within=Binary) bin_y = pblock.DLOG_bin_y # create piecewise constraints pblock.DLOG_constraint1 = Constraint( expr=x_var == sum( lmda[p, v] * x_pts[v - 1] for p in polytopes for v in polytope_verts(p) ) ) LHS = y_var RHS = sum( lmda[p, v] * y_pts[v - 1] for p in polytopes for v in polytope_verts(p) ) expr = None if bound_type == Bound.Upper: expr = LHS <= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Lower: expr = LHS >= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Equal: expr = LHS == RHS else: raise ValueError("Invalid Bound for _DLOGPiecewise object") pblock.DLOG_constraint2 = Constraint(expr=expr) pblock.DLOG_constraint3 = Constraint( expr=sum(lmda[p, v] for p in polytopes for v in polytope_verts(p)) == 1 ) def con4_rule(model, l): return ( sum(lmda[p, v] for p in B_ZERO[l] for v in polytope_verts(p)) <= bin_y[l] ) pblock.DLOG_constraint4 = Constraint(bin_y_index, rule=con4_rule) def con5_rule(model, l): return sum(lmda[p, v] for p in B_ONE[l] for v in polytope_verts(p)) <= ( 1 - bin_y[l] ) pblock.DLOG_constraint5 = Constraint(bin_y_index, rule=con5_rule) class _CCPiecewise(object): """ Called to generate Piecewise constraint using the CC formulation """ def construct(self, pblock, x_var, y_var): x_pts = pblock._domain_pts y_pts = pblock._range_pts bound_type = pblock._bound_type if None in [x_pts, y_pts, bound_type]: raise RuntimeError("_CCPiecewise: construct() called during invalid state.") len_x_pts = len(x_pts) # create indexers polytopes = range(1, len_x_pts) vertices = range(1, len_x_pts + 1) def vertex_polys(v): if v == 1: return [v] if v == len_x_pts: return [v - 1] else: return [v - 1, v] # create vars pblock.CC_lambda = Var(vertices, within=NonNegativeReals) lmda = pblock.CC_lambda pblock.CC_bin_y = Var(polytopes, within=Binary) bin_y = pblock.CC_bin_y # create piecewise constraints pblock.CC_constraint1 = Constraint( expr=x_var == sum(lmda[v] * x_pts[v - 1] for v in vertices) ) LHS = y_var RHS = sum(lmda[v] * y_pts[v - 1] for v in vertices) expr = None if bound_type == Bound.Upper: expr = LHS <= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Lower: expr = LHS >= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Equal: expr = LHS == RHS else: raise ValueError("Invalid Bound for _CCPiecewise object") pblock.CC_constraint2 = Constraint(expr=expr) pblock.CC_constraint3 = Constraint(expr=sum(lmda[v] for v in vertices) == 1) def con4_rule(model, v): return lmda[v] <= sum(bin_y[p] for p in vertex_polys(v)) pblock.CC_constraint4 = Constraint(vertices, rule=con4_rule) pblock.CC_constraint5 = Constraint(expr=sum(bin_y[p] for p in polytopes) == 1) class _LOGPiecewise(object): """ Called to generate Piecewise constraint using the LOG formulation """ def _Branching_Scheme(self, n): """ Branching scheme for LOG, requires a gray code """ BIGL = 2**n S = range(1, n + 1) # turn the GrayCode into a dictionary indexed # starting at 1 G = {k: v for k, v in enumerate(_GrayCode(n), start=1)} L = { s: [ k + 1 for k in range(BIGL + 1) if ((k == 0) or (G[k][s - 1] == 1)) and ((k == BIGL) or (G[k + 1][s - 1] == 1)) ] for s in S } R = { s: [ k + 1 for k in range(BIGL + 1) if ((k == 0) or (G[k][s - 1] == 0)) and ((k == BIGL) or (G[k + 1][s - 1] == 0)) ] for s in S } return S, L, R def construct(self, pblock, x_var, y_var): if not _isPowerOfTwo(len(pblock._domain_pts) - 1): msg = "'%s' does not have a list of domain points with length (2^n)+1" raise ValueError(msg % (,)) x_pts = pblock._domain_pts y_pts = pblock._range_pts bound_type = pblock._bound_type if None in [x_pts, y_pts, bound_type]: raise RuntimeError( "_LOGPiecewise: construct() called during invalid state." ) len_x_pts = len(x_pts) # create branching schemes L_i = int(math.log(len_x_pts - 1, 2)) S_i, B_LEFT, B_RIGHT = self._Branching_Scheme(L_i) # create indexers polytopes = range(1, len_x_pts) vertices = range(1, len_x_pts + 1) bin_y_index = S_i # create vars pblock.LOG_lambda = Var(vertices, within=NonNegativeReals) lmda = pblock.LOG_lambda pblock.LOG_bin_y = Var(bin_y_index, within=Binary) bin_y = pblock.LOG_bin_y # create piecewise constraints pblock.LOG_constraint1 = Constraint( expr=x_var == sum(lmda[v] * x_pts[v - 1] for v in vertices) ) LHS = y_var RHS = sum(lmda[v] * y_pts[v - 1] for v in vertices) expr = None if bound_type == Bound.Upper: expr = LHS <= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Lower: expr = LHS >= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Equal: expr = LHS == RHS else: raise ValueError("Invalid Bound for _LOGPiecewise object") pblock.LOG_constraint2 = Constraint(expr=expr) pblock.LOG_constraint3 = Constraint(expr=sum(lmda[v] for v in vertices) == 1) def con4_rule(model, s): return sum(lmda[v] for v in B_LEFT[s]) <= bin_y[s] pblock.LOG_constraint4 = Constraint(bin_y_index, rule=con4_rule) def con5_rule(model, s): return sum(lmda[v] for v in B_RIGHT[s]) <= (1 - bin_y[s]) pblock.LOG_constraint5 = Constraint(bin_y_index, rule=con5_rule) class _MCPiecewise(object): """ Called to generate Piecewise constraint using the MC formulation """ def construct(self, pblock, x_var, y_var): x_pts = pblock._domain_pts y_pts = pblock._range_pts bound_type = pblock._bound_type if None in [x_pts, y_pts, bound_type]: raise RuntimeError("_MCPiecewise: construct() called during invalid state.") len_x_pts = len(x_pts) # create indexers polytopes = range(1, len_x_pts) # create constants SLOPE = { p: (y_pts[p] - y_pts[p - 1]) / (x_pts[p] - x_pts[p - 1]) for p in polytopes } INTERSEPT = {p: y_pts[p - 1] - (SLOPE[p] * x_pts[p - 1]) for p in polytopes} # create vars pblock.MC_poly_x = Var(polytopes) poly_x = pblock.MC_poly_x pblock.MC_bin_y = Var(polytopes, within=Binary) bin_y = pblock.MC_bin_y # create piecewise constraints pblock.MC_constraint1 = Constraint( expr=x_var == sum(poly_x[p] for p in polytopes) ) LHS = y_var RHS = sum(poly_x[p] * SLOPE[p] + bin_y[p] * INTERSEPT[p] for p in polytopes) expr = None if bound_type == Bound.Upper: expr = LHS <= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Lower: expr = LHS >= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Equal: expr = LHS == RHS else: raise ValueError("Invalid Bound for _INCPiecewise object") pblock.MC_constraint2 = Constraint(expr=expr) def con3_rule(model, p): return bin_y[p] * x_pts[p - 1] <= poly_x[p] pblock.MC_constraint3 = Constraint(polytopes, rule=con3_rule) def con4_rule(model, p): return poly_x[p] <= bin_y[p] * x_pts[p] pblock.MC_constraint4 = Constraint(polytopes, rule=con4_rule) pblock.MC_constraint5 = Constraint(expr=sum(bin_y[p] for p in polytopes) == 1) class _INCPiecewise(object): """ Called to generate Piecewise constraint using the INC formulation """ def construct(self, pblock, x_var, y_var): x_pts = pblock._domain_pts y_pts = pblock._range_pts bound_type = pblock._bound_type if None in [x_pts, y_pts, bound_type]: raise RuntimeError( "_INCPiecewise: construct() called during invalid state." ) len_x_pts = len(x_pts) # create indexers polytopes = range(1, len_x_pts) bin_y_index = range(1, len_x_pts - 1) # create vars pblock.INC_delta = Var(polytopes) delta = pblock.INC_delta delta[1].setub(1) delta[len_x_pts - 1].setlb(0) pblock.INC_bin_y = Var(bin_y_index, within=Binary) bin_y = pblock.INC_bin_y # create piecewise constraints pblock.INC_constraint1 = Constraint( expr=x_var == x_pts[0] + sum(delta[p] * (x_pts[p] - x_pts[p - 1]) for p in polytopes) ) LHS = y_var RHS = y_pts[0] + sum(delta[p] * (y_pts[p] - y_pts[p - 1]) for p in polytopes) expr = None if bound_type == Bound.Upper: expr = LHS <= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Lower: expr = LHS >= RHS elif bound_type == Bound.Equal: expr = LHS == RHS else: raise ValueError("Invalid Bound for _INCPiecewise object") pblock.INC_constraint2 = Constraint(expr=expr) def con3_rule(model, p): if p != polytopes[-1]: return delta[p + 1] <= bin_y[p] else: return Constraint.Skip pblock.INC_constraint3 = Constraint(polytopes, rule=con3_rule) def con4_rule(model, p): if p != polytopes[-1]: return bin_y[p] <= delta[p] else: return Constraint.Skip pblock.INC_constraint4 = Constraint(polytopes, rule=con4_rule) class _BIGMPiecewise(object): """ Called to generate Piecewise constraint using the BIGM formulation """ def __init__(self, binary=True): self.binary = binary if not (self.binary in [True, False]): raise ValueError( "_BIGMPiecewise must be initialized with the binary " "flag set to True or False (choose one)." ) def construct(self, pblock, x_var, y_var): # The BIGM methods currently determine tightest possible M # values. This method is implemented in such a way that # binary/sos1 variables are not created when this M is zero tag = "" x_pts = pblock._domain_pts y_pts = pblock._range_pts bound_type = pblock._bound_type if None in [x_pts, y_pts, bound_type]: raise RuntimeError( "_BIGMPiecewise: construct() called during invalid state." ) len_x_pts = len(x_pts) if self.binary is True: tag += "bin" else: tag += "sos1" # generate tightest bigM values OPT_M = {} OPT_M['UB'] = {} OPT_M['LB'] = {} if bound_type in [Bound.Upper, Bound.Equal]: OPT_M['UB'] = self._find_M(x_pts, y_pts, Bound.Upper) if bound_type in [Bound.Lower, Bound.Equal]: OPT_M['LB'] = self._find_M(x_pts, y_pts, Bound.Lower) all_keys = set(OPT_M['UB'].keys()).union(OPT_M['LB'].keys()) full_indices = [] full_indices.extend(range(1, len_x_pts)) bigm_y_index = None bigm_y = None if len(all_keys) > 0: bigm_y_index = all_keys def y_domain(): if self.binary is True: return Binary else: return NonNegativeReals setattr(pblock, tag + '_y', Var(bigm_y_index, within=y_domain())) bigm_y = getattr(pblock, tag + '_y') def con1_rule(model, i): if bound_type in [Bound.Upper, Bound.Equal]: rhs = 1.0 if i not in OPT_M['UB']: rhs *= 0.0 else: rhs *= OPT_M['UB'][i] * (1 - bigm_y[i]) return ( y_var - y_pts[i - 1] - ((y_pts[i] - y_pts[i - 1]) / (x_pts[i] - x_pts[i - 1])) * (x_var - x_pts[i - 1]) <= rhs ) elif bound_type == Bound.Lower: rhs = 1.0 if i not in OPT_M['LB']: rhs *= 0.0 else: rhs *= OPT_M['LB'][i] * (1 - bigm_y[i]) return ( y_var - y_pts[i - 1] - ((y_pts[i] - y_pts[i - 1]) / (x_pts[i] - x_pts[i - 1])) * (x_var - x_pts[i - 1]) >= rhs ) def con2_rule(model): expr = [bigm_y[i] for i in range(1, len_x_pts) if i in all_keys] if len(expr) > 0: return sum(expr) == 1 else: return Constraint.Skip def conAFF_rule(model, i): rhs = 1.0 if i not in OPT_M['LB']: rhs *= 0.0 else: rhs *= OPT_M['LB'][i] * (1 - bigm_y[i]) return ( y_var - y_pts[i - 1] - ((y_pts[i] - y_pts[i - 1]) / (x_pts[i] - x_pts[i - 1])) * (x_var - x_pts[i - 1]) >= rhs ) pblock.BIGM_constraint1 = Constraint(full_indices, rule=con1_rule) if len(all_keys) > 0: pblock.BIGM_constraint2 = Constraint(rule=con2_rule) if bound_type == Bound.Equal: pblock.BIGM_constraint3 = Constraint(full_indices, rule=conAFF_rule) if len(all_keys) > 0: if self.binary is False: pblock.BIGM_constraint4 = SOSConstraint(var=bigm_y, sos=1) # In order to enforce the same behavior as actual piecewise # constraints, we constrain the domain variable between the # outer domain pts. But in order to prevent filling the model # with unnecessary constraints, we only do this when absolutely # necessary. if not is None and < x_pts[0]: pblock.bigm_domain_constraint_lower = Constraint(expr=x_pts[0] <= x_var) if not x_var.ub is None and x_var.ub > x_pts[-1]: pblock.bigm_domain_constraint_upper = Constraint(expr=x_var <= x_pts[-1]) def _M_func(self, a, Fa, b, Fb, c, Fc): return Fa - Fb - ((a - b) * ((Fc - Fb) / (c - b))) def _find_M(self, x_pts, y_pts, bound_type): len_x_pts = len(x_pts) _self_M_func = self._M_func M_final = {} for j in range(1, len_x_pts): index = j if bound_type == Bound.Lower: M_final[index] = min( [ 0.0, min( [ _self_M_func( x_pts[k], y_pts[k], x_pts[j - 1], y_pts[j - 1], x_pts[j], y_pts[j], ) for k in range(len_x_pts) ] ), ] ) elif bound_type == Bound.Upper: M_final[index] = max( [ 0.0, max( [ _self_M_func( x_pts[k], y_pts[k], x_pts[j - 1], y_pts[j - 1], x_pts[j], y_pts[j], ) for k in range(len_x_pts) ] ), ] ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid Bound passed to _find_M function") if M_final[index] == 0.0: del M_final[index] return M_final
[docs] @ModelComponentFactory.register( "Constraints that contain piecewise linear expressions." ) class Piecewise(Block): r"""Adds piecewise constraints to a Pyomo model for functions of the form, y = f(x). Examples -------- .. code:: model.const = Piecewise(index_1,...,index_n,yvar,xvar,**Keywords) model.const = Piecewise(yvar,xvar,**Keywords) Parameters ---------- pw_pts : dict A dictionary of lists (keys are index set) or a single list (for the non-indexed case or when an identical set of breakpoints is used across all indices) defining the set of domain breakpoints for the piecewise linear function. **ALWAYS REQUIRED** pw_repn : str Indicates the type of piecewise representation to use. This can have a major impact on solver performance. Choices: (Default 'SOS2') - ``SOS2``: + Standard representation using sos2 constraints - ``BIGM_BIN``: BigM constraints with binary variables. Theoretically tightest M values are automatically determined. - ``BIGM_SOS1``: BigM constraints with sos1 variables. Theoretically tightest M values are automatically determined. - ``DCC``: \*+ Disaggregated convex combination model - ``DLOG``: \*+ Logarithmic disaggregated convex combination model - ``CC``: \*+ Convex combination model - ``LOG``: \*+ Logarithmic branching convex combination - ``MC``: \* Multiple choice model - ``INC``: \*+ Incremental (delta) method .. note:: \+\: Supports step functions \*\: From "Mixed-Integer Models for Non-separable Piecewise Linear Optimization: Unifying framework and Extensions" (Vielma, Nemhauser 2008) .. seealso:: Refer to the optional 'force_pw' keyword. pw_constr_type : str Indicates the bound type of the piecewise function. Choices: - ``UB`` - y variable is bounded above by piecewise function - ``LB`` - y variable is bounded below by piecewise function - ``EQ`` - y variable is equal to the piecewise function f_rule : f(model,i,j,...,x), {}, [], () An object that returns a numeric value that is the range value corresponding to each piecewise domain point. For functions, the first argument must be a Pyomo model. The last argument is the domain value at which the function evaluates (Not a Pyomo Var). Intermediate arguments are the corresponding indices of the Piecewise component (if any). Otherwise, the object can be a dictionary of lists/tuples (with keys the same as the indexing set) or a singe list/tuple (when no indexing set is used or when all indices use an identical piecewise function). Examples: .. code:: python # A function which changes with index def f(model,j,x): if (j == 2): return x**2 + 1.0 else: return x**2 + 5.0 # A nonlinear function f = lambda model, x: return exp(x) + value(model.p) # (where model.p is a Pyomo Param) # A step function f = [0,0,1,1,2,2] force_pw : bool Using the given function rule and pw_pts, a check for convexity/concavity is implemented. If (1) the function is convex and the piecewise constraints are lower bounds or if (2) the function is concave and the piecewise constraints are upper bounds then the piecewise constraints will be substituted for linear constraints. Setting 'force_pw=True' will force the use of the original piecewise constraints even when one of these two cases applies. warning_tol : float, default=1e-8 To aid in debugging, a warning is printed when consecutive slopes of piecewise segments are within <warning_tol> of each other. warn_domain_coverage : bool, default=True Print a warning when the feasible region of the domain variable is not completely covered by the piecewise breakpoints. unbounded_domain_var : bool, default=False Allow an unbounded or partially bounded Pyomo Var to be used as the domain variable. .. note:: This does not imply unbounded piecewise segments will be constructed. The outermost piecewise breakpoints will bound the domain variable at each index. However, the Var attributes .lb and .ub will not be modified. """ _ComponentDataClass = PiecewiseData def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): if cls != Piecewise: return super(Piecewise, cls).__new__(cls) if len(args) == 2: return SimplePiecewise.__new__(SimplePiecewise) else: return IndexedPiecewise.__new__(IndexedPiecewise)
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): # this is temporary as part of a move to user inputs # using Enums rather than strings translate_repn = { 'BIGM_SOS1': PWRepn.BIGM_SOS1, PWRepn.BIGM_SOS1: PWRepn.BIGM_SOS1, 'BIGM_BIN': PWRepn.BIGM_BIN, PWRepn.BIGM_BIN: PWRepn.BIGM_BIN, 'SOS2': PWRepn.SOS2, PWRepn.SOS2: PWRepn.SOS2, 'CC': PWRepn.CC, PWRepn.CC: PWRepn.CC, 'DCC': PWRepn.DCC, PWRepn.DCC: PWRepn.DCC, 'DLOG': PWRepn.DLOG, PWRepn.DLOG: PWRepn.DLOG, 'LOG': PWRepn.LOG, PWRepn.LOG: PWRepn.LOG, 'MC': PWRepn.MC, PWRepn.MC: PWRepn.MC, 'INC': PWRepn.INC, PWRepn.INC: PWRepn.INC, None: None, } # this is temporary as part of a move to user inputs # using Enums rather than strings translate_bound = { 'UB': Bound.Upper, Bound.Upper: Bound.Upper, 'LB': Bound.Lower, Bound.Lower: Bound.Lower, 'EQ': Bound.Equal, Bound.Equal: Bound.Equal, None: None, } # TODO: Update the keyword names. I think these are more clear # pw_pts -> breakpoints # pw_repn -> repn # pw_constr_type -> bound # f_rule -> rule # force_pw -> simpify # warning_tol # warn_domain_coverage -> warning_domain_coverage # unbounded_domain_var # # extract all keywords used by this class pw_points = kwds.pop('pw_pts', None) # translate the user input to the enum type pw_rep = kwds.pop('pw_repn', 'SOS2') pw_rep = translate_repn.get(pw_rep, pw_rep) if (pw_rep == PWRepn.BIGM_BIN) or (pw_rep == PWRepn.BIGM_SOS1): deprecation_warning( "The 'BIGM_BIN' and 'BIGM_SOS1' " "piecewise representations will be removed in " "a future version of Pyomo. They produce incorrect " "results in certain cases", version='5.3', ) # translate the user input to the enum type bound_type = kwds.pop('pw_constr_type', None) bound_type = translate_bound.get(bound_type, bound_type) f_rule = kwds.pop('f_rule', None) force_pw = kwds.pop('force_pw', False) warning_tol = kwds.pop('warning_tol', _WARNING_TOLERANCE) warn_domain_coverage = kwds.pop('warn_domain_coverage', True) unbounded_domain_var = kwds.pop('unbounded_domain_var', False) # all but the last two args should go to Block try: # Blocks have special handling when calling # __setattr__ with anything derived from component. # However, in this particular case we need to override # this so that these two variables don't get re-added # as new model components, therefore we directly modify # __dict__ self.__dict__['_domain_var'] = args[-1] self.__dict__['_range_var'] = args[-2] except IndexError: msg = "Piecewise component initialized with less than two arguments" raise TypeError(msg) args = args[:-2] # # NOTE: The 'ctype' keyword argument is not defined here. This # mocks what is done in, although here it # feels like somewhat of a hack. The alternative is to # modify the block_data_objects() method to include Piecewise # type components. I'm not sure which is best at this # time. Although, a consequence of the current # implementation is that model.pprint() labels Piecewise # blocks as simply Blocks. # # kwds.setdefault('ctype', Piecewise) Block.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) # Check that the variables args are actually Pyomo Vars if not ( isinstance(self._domain_var, VarData) or isinstance(self._domain_var, IndexedVar) ): msg = ( "Piecewise component has invalid " "argument type for domain variable, %s" ) raise TypeError(msg % (repr(self._domain_var),)) if not ( isinstance(self._range_var, VarData) or isinstance(self._range_var, IndexedVar) ): msg = ( "Piecewise component has invalid " "argument type for range variable, %s" ) raise TypeError(msg % (repr(self._range_var),)) # Test that the keyword values make sense if f_rule.__class__ not in [type(lambda: None), dict, list, tuple]: msg = ( "Piecewise component keyword 'f_rule' must " "be a function, dict, list, or tuple" ) raise ValueError(msg) try: bound_type = Bound(bound_type) except ValueError: try: bound_type = Bound[bound_type] except KeyError: msg = "Invalid value for Piecewise component keyword 'pw_constr_type'" raise ValueError(msg) if warning_tol.__class__ is not float: msg = ( "Invalid type '%s' for Piecewise component " "keyword 'warning_tol', which must be of type 'float'" ) raise TypeError(msg % (type(warning_tol),)) if warn_domain_coverage not in [True, False]: msg = ( "Invalid value for Piecewise component " "keyword 'warn_domain_coverage', which must be True or False" ) raise ValueError(msg) if unbounded_domain_var not in [True, False]: msg = ( "Invalid value for Piecewise component " "keyword 'unbounded_domain_var', which must be True or False" ) raise ValueError(msg) self._pw_rep = pw_rep self._bound_type = bound_type self._f_rule = f_rule self._force_pw = force_pw self._warning_tol = warning_tol self._warn_domain_coverage = warn_domain_coverage self._unbounded_domain_var = unbounded_domain_var if self.is_indexed() is False: if not (isinstance(pw_points, list) or isinstance(pw_points, tuple)): msg = ( "Invalid type '%s' for Piecewise component " "keyword 'pw_pts', which must be of type " "'list' or 'tuple' for non-indexed Piecewise component" ) raise TypeError(msg % (type(pw_points),)) self._domain_points = {None: pw_points} else: if isinstance(pw_points, list) or isinstance(pw_points, tuple): self._domain_points = {None: pw_points} elif isinstance(pw_points, dict): self._domain_points = pw_points else: msg = ( "Invalid type '%s' for Piecewise component " "keyword 'pw_pts', which must be of type " "'dict', 'list', or 'tuple' for indexed Piecewise component" ) raise TypeError(msg % (type(pw_points),))
[docs] def construct(self, *args, **kwds): """ A quick hack to call add after data has been loaded. """ generate_debug_messages = is_debug_set(logger) if self._constructed: return timer = ConstructionTimer(self) # We need to be able to add and construct new model # components on the fly so we make this Block behave concretely self._constructed = True # cache this because it is apparently expensive is_indexed = self.is_indexed() # construct each index of this component if not is_indexed: if generate_debug_messages: logger.debug(" Constructing single Piecewise component (index=None)") self.add(None, _is_indexed=is_indexed) else: for index in self._index_set: if generate_debug_messages: logger.debug(" Constructing Piecewise index " + str(index)) self.add(index, _is_indexed=is_indexed)
def add(self, index, _is_indexed=None): if _is_indexed is None: _is_indexed = self.is_indexed() _self_parent = self._parent() _self_xvar = None _self_yvar = None _self_domain_pts_index = None if not _is_indexed: # allows one to mix Var and VarData as input to # non-indexed Piecewise, index would be None in this case # so for Var elements Var[None] is Var, but VarData[None] would fail _self_xvar = self._domain_var _self_yvar = self._range_var _self_domain_pts_index = self._domain_points[index] else: # The following allows one to specify a Var or VarData # object even with an indexed Piecewise component. # The most common situation will most likely be a VarArray, # so we try this first. if not isinstance(self._domain_var, VarData): _self_xvar = self._domain_var[index] else: _self_xvar = self._domain_var if not isinstance(self._range_var, VarData): _self_yvar = self._range_var[index] else: _self_yvar = self._range_var try: _self_domain_pts_index = self._domain_points[index] except KeyError: # This hack was set up in __init__ for using a single list or tuple # with an indexed piecewise constraint. I assume this will fail if # None is ever allowed as a valid index for an IndexedComponent, # hence the assert below assert not (_is_indexed and (index is None)) _self_domain_pts_index = self._domain_points[None] if self._unbounded_domain_var is False: # We add the requirement that the domain variable used by Piecewise is # always bounded from above and below. if ( is None) or (_self_xvar.ub is None): msg = ( "Piecewise '%s[%s]' found an unbounded variable " "used for the constraint domain: '%s'. " "Piecewise component requires the domain variable have " "lower and upper bounds. Refer to the Piecewise help " "documentation for information on how to disable this " "restriction" ) raise ValueError(msg % (, index, _self_xvar)) if self._warn_domain_coverage is True: # Print a warning when the feasible region created by the piecewise # constraints does not include the domain variables bounds if ( is not None) and ( < min(_self_domain_pts_index) ): msg = ( "**WARNING: Piecewise '%s[%s]' feasible region does not " "include the lower bound of domain variable: = %s < %s. " "Refer to the Piecewise help documentation for information on " "how to disable this warning." ) print( msg % (, index, _self_xvar,, min(_self_domain_pts_index), ) ) if (_self_xvar.ub is not None) and ( _self_xvar.ub > max(_self_domain_pts_index) ): msg = ( "**WARNING: Piecewise '%s[%s]' feasible region does not " "include the upper bound of domain variable: %s.ub = %s > %s. " "Refer to the Piecewise help documentation for information on " "how to disable this warning." ) print( msg % (, index, _self_xvar, _self_xvar.ub, max(_self_domain_pts_index), ) ) if len(_self_domain_pts_index) <= 1: # TODO: Technically one could interpret this # case by adding simple constraints that # fix the domain and range variable to the # single (x,y) point that is given. This # seems like it would be a bug more often # than not, so I don't believe it should # be the default behavior. raise ValueError( "Piecewise component '%s[%s]' failed to construct " "piecewise representation. List of breakpoints " "must contain at least two elements. Current list: %s" % (, index, str(_self_domain_pts_index)) ) # generate the list of range values using the function rule # check if convexity or concavity holds as well force_simple = False if not _is_indexed: character, range_pts, isStep = _characterize_function(, self._warning_tol, self._f_rule, _self_parent, _self_domain_pts_index, ) else: character, range_pts, isStep = _characterize_function(, self._warning_tol, self._f_rule, _self_parent, _self_domain_pts_index, index, ) assert not ((isStep) and (character in [-1, 1])) if (isStep) and ( self._pw_rep in [PWRepn.MC, PWRepn.BIGM_BIN, PWRepn.BIGM_SOS1] ): msg = ( "Piecewise '%s[%s]' has detected a step function but the selected " "piecewise representation '%s' does not currently support this " "functionality. Refer to the Piecewise help documentation for " "information about which piecewise representations support step functions." ) raise ValueError(msg % (, index, self._pw_rep)) # Make automatic simplications to the piecewise constraints # for the special cases of convexity and lower bound # or concavity and upper bound if character == -1: if self._bound_type == Bound.Upper: force_simple = True elif character == 1: if self._bound_type == Bound.Lower: force_simple = True # make sure the user does not want to disable the automatic # simplifications above if self._force_pw is True: force_simple = False func = None if force_simple is True: # In the case where the feasible region is convex or # concave (and the user does not want to force the use of # piecewise constraints) use simple linear constraints. func = _SimplifiedPiecewise() else: if len(_self_domain_pts_index) == 2: # Always use a simple single line constraint when # only two points are present in the piecewise list func = _SimpleSinglePiecewise() else: # generate piecewise constraints if self._pw_rep == PWRepn.SOS2: func = _SOS2Piecewise() elif self._pw_rep == PWRepn.INC: func = _INCPiecewise() elif self._pw_rep == PWRepn.MC: func = _MCPiecewise() elif self._pw_rep == PWRepn.DCC: func = _DCCPiecewise() elif self._pw_rep == PWRepn.DLOG: func = _DLOGPiecewise() elif self._pw_rep == PWRepn.CC: func = _CCPiecewise() elif self._pw_rep == PWRepn.LOG: func = _LOGPiecewise() elif self._pw_rep == PWRepn.BIGM_BIN: func = _BIGMPiecewise(binary=True) elif self._pw_rep == PWRepn.BIGM_SOS1: func = _BIGMPiecewise(binary=False) else: msg = ( "Piecewise '%s[%s]' does not have a valid " "piecewise representation: '%s'" ) raise ValueError(msg % (, index, self._pw_rep)) if _is_indexed: comp = PiecewiseData(self) else: comp = self self._data[index] = comp comp._index = index comp.updateBoundType(self._bound_type) comp.updatePoints(_self_domain_pts_index, range_pts) comp.build_constraints(func, _self_xvar, _self_yvar)
[docs] class SimplePiecewise(PiecewiseData, Piecewise):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): PiecewiseData.__init__(self, self) Piecewise.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
[docs] class IndexedPiecewise(Piecewise):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): Piecewise.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
def __str__(self): return str(