Source code for pyomo.core.base.label

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import re

from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated
from pyomo.core.base.componentuid import ComponentUID

# This module provides some basic functionality for generating labels
# from pyomo names, which often contain characters such as "[" and "]"
# (e.g., in my_var[1]).  These characters generally cause issues with
# optimization input file formats, e.g., CPLEX LP files.  The purpose of
# this module is to provide a simple remap function, that will satisfy
# broadly problematic symbols. if solver-specific remaps are required,
# they should be handled in the corresponding solver plugin.

class _CharMapper(object):
    def __init__(self, preserve, translate, other):
           preserve: a string of characters to preserve
           translate: a dict or key/value list of characters to translate
           other: the character to return for all characters not in
                  preserve or translate
        self.table = {
            k if isinstance(k, int) else ord(k): v for k, v in dict(translate).items()
        for c in preserve:
            _c = ord(c)
            if _c in self.table and self.table[_c] != c:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Duplicate character '%s' appears in both "
                    "translate table and preserve list" % (c,)
            self.table[_c] = c
        self.other = other

    def __getitem__(self, c):
        # Most of the time c should be known.  For the rare cases we
        # encounter a new character, remember it by adding a new entry
        # into the translation table and return the default character
            return self.table[c]
            self.table[c] = self.other
            return self.other

    def make_table(self):
        return ''.join(self[i] for i in range(256))

_alpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJLKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
_digit = '1234567890'
_cpxlp_translation_table = _CharMapper(
    preserve=_alpha + _digit + '()_', translate=zip('[]{}', '()()'), other='_'

[docs] def cpxlp_label_from_name(name): if name is None: raise RuntimeError( "Illegal name=None supplied to cpxlp_label_from_name function" ) return str.translate(name, _cpxlp_translation_table)
_alphanum_translation_table = _CharMapper( preserve=_alpha + _digit + '_', translate={}, other='_' ).make_table()
[docs] def alphanum_label_from_name(name): if name is None: raise RuntimeError( "Illegal name=None supplied to alphanum_label_from_name function" ) return str.translate(name, _alphanum_translation_table)
[docs] class CuidLabeler(object): def __call__(self, obj=None): return ComponentUID(obj)
[docs] class CounterLabeler(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, start=0): self._id = start
def __call__(self, obj=None): self._id += 1 return self._id
[docs] class NumericLabeler(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, prefix, start=0): = start self.prefix = prefix
def __call__(self, obj=None): += 1 return self.prefix + str(
[docs] @deprecated( "The 'remove_obj' method is no longer " "necessary now that 'getname' does not " "support the use of a name buffer", version="6.4.1", ) def remove_obj(self, obj): pass
# # TODO: [JDS] I would like to rename TextLabeler to LPFileLabeler - as it # generated LP-file-compliant labels - and make the CNameLabeler the # TextLabeler. This makes sense as the name() is the closest thing we # have to a human-readable canonical text naming convention (the # ComponentUID strings are actually unique, but not meant to be human # readable). Unfortunately, the TextLabeler is used all over the place # (particularly PySP), and I don't know how much depends on the labels # actually being LP-compliant. #
[docs] class CNameLabeler(object): def __call__(self, obj): return obj.getname(True)
[docs] class LPFileLabeler(object): def __call__(self, obj): return cpxlp_label_from_name(obj.getname(True))
[docs] @deprecated( "The 'remove_obj' method is no longer " "necessary now that 'getname' does not " "support the use of a name buffer", version="6.4.1", ) def remove_obj(self, obj): pass
TextLabeler = LPFileLabeler
[docs] class AlphaNumericTextLabeler(object): def __call__(self, obj): return alphanum_label_from_name(obj.getname(True))
[docs] class NameLabeler(object): def __call__(self, obj): return obj.getname(True)
[docs] class ShortNameLabeler(object):
[docs] def __init__( self, limit, suffix, start=0, labeler=None, prefix="", caseInsensitive=False, legalRegex=None, ): = start self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix self.limit = limit if labeler is not None: self.labeler = labeler else: self.labeler = AlphaNumericTextLabeler() self.known_labels = set() self.caseInsensitive = caseInsensitive if isinstance(legalRegex, str): self.legalRegex = re.compile(legalRegex) else: self.legalRegex = legalRegex
def __call__(self, obj=None): lbl = self.labeler(obj) lbl_len = len(lbl) shorten = False if lbl_len > self.limit: shorten = True elif ( lbl_len == self.limit and lbl.startswith(self.prefix) and lbl.endswith(self.suffix) ): shorten = True elif (lbl.upper() if self.caseInsensitive else lbl) in self.known_labels: shorten = True elif self.legalRegex and not self.legalRegex.match(lbl): shorten = True if shorten: += 1 suffix = "%s%d%s" % (self.suffix,, self.suffix) tail = -self.limit + len(suffix) + len(self.prefix) if tail >= 0: raise RuntimeError( "Too many identifiers.\n\t" "The ShortNameLabeler cannot generate a guaranteed unique " "label limited to %d characters" % (self.limit,) ) lbl = self.prefix + lbl[tail:] + suffix if self.known_labels is not None: self.known_labels.add(lbl.upper() if self.caseInsensitive else lbl) return lbl