Source code for pyomo.core.base.connector

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import logging
import sys
from weakref import ref as weakref_ref

from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated, RenamedClass
from pyomo.common.formatting import tabular_writer
from pyomo.common.log import is_debug_set
from pyomo.common.modeling import NOTSET
from pyomo.common.numeric_types import value
from pyomo.common.timing import ConstructionTimer
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import NumericValue
from pyomo.core.base.component import ComponentData, ModelComponentFactory
from pyomo.core.base.global_set import UnindexedComponent_index
from pyomo.core.base.indexed_component import IndexedComponent
from pyomo.core.base.misc import apply_indexed_rule

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')

[docs] class ConnectorData(ComponentData, NumericValue): """Holds the actual connector information""" __slots__ = ('vars', 'aggregators')
[docs] def __init__(self, component=None): """Constructor""" # # These lines represent in-lining of the # following constructors: # - ComponentData # - NumericValue self._component = weakref_ref(component) if (component is not None) else None self._index = NOTSET self.vars = {} self.aggregators = {}
def set_value(self, value): msg = "Cannot specify the value of a connector '%s'" raise ValueError(msg %
[docs] def is_fixed(self): """Return True if all vars/expressions in the Connector are fixed""" return all(v.is_fixed() for v in self._iter_vars())
[docs] def is_constant(self): """Return False Because the expression generation logic will attempt to evaluate constant subexpressions, a Connector can never be constant. """ return False
[docs] def is_potentially_variable(self): """Return True as connectors may (should!) contain variables""" return True
[docs] def polynomial_degree(self): ans = 0 for v in self._iter_vars(): tmp = v.polynomial_degree() if tmp is None: return None ans = max(ans, tmp) return ans
def is_binary(self): return len(self) and all(v.is_binary() for v in self._iter_vars()) def is_integer(self): return len(self) and all(v.is_integer() for v in self._iter_vars()) def is_continuous(self): return len(self) and all(v.is_continuous() for v in self._iter_vars()) def add(self, var, name=None, aggregate=None): if name is None: name = var.local_name if name in self.vars: raise ValueError( "Cannot insert duplicate variable name " "'%s' into Connector '%s'" % (name, ) self.vars[name] = var if aggregate is not None: self.aggregators[name] = aggregate def _iter_vars(self): for var in self.vars.values(): if not hasattr(var, 'is_indexed') or not var.is_indexed(): yield var else: for v in var.values(): yield v
class _ConnectorData(metaclass=RenamedClass): __renamed__new_class__ = ConnectorData __renamed__version__ = '6.7.2'
[docs] @ModelComponentFactory.register( "A bundle of variables that can be manipulated together." ) @deprecated( "Use of pyomo.connectors is deprecated. " "Its functionality has been replaced by", version='5.6.9', ) class Connector(IndexedComponent): """A collection of variables, which may be defined over a index The idea behind a Connector is to create a bundle of variables that can be manipulated as a single variable within constraints. While Connectors inherit from variable (mostly so that the expression infrastructure can manipulate them), they are not actual variables that are exposed to the solver. Instead, a preprocessor (ConnectorExpander) will look for expressions that involve connectors and replace the single constraint with a list of constraints that involve the original variables contained within the Connector. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of this connector index The index set that defines the distinct connectors. By default, this is None, indicating that there is a single connector. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwds): if cls != Connector: return super(Connector, cls).__new__(cls) if args == (): return ScalarConnector.__new__(ScalarConnector) else: return IndexedConnector.__new__(IndexedConnector) # TODO: default keyword is not used? Need to talk to Bill ...?
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwd): kwd.setdefault('ctype', Connector) self._rule = kwd.pop('rule', None) self._initialize = kwd.pop('initialize', {}) self._implicit = kwd.pop('implicit', {}) self._extends = kwd.pop('extends', None) IndexedComponent.__init__(self, *args, **kwd) self._conval = {}
# # This method must be defined on subclasses of # IndexedComponent # def _getitem_when_not_present(self, idx): _conval = self._data[idx] = ConnectorData(component=self) return _conval
[docs] def construct(self, data=None): if is_debug_set(logger): # pragma:nocover logger.debug( "Constructing Connector, name=%s, from data=%s" % (, data) ) if self._constructed: return timer = ConstructionTimer(self) self._constructed = True # # Construct ConnectorData objects for all index values # if self.is_indexed(): self._initialize_members(self._index_set) else: self._data[None] = self self._initialize_members([None])
def _initialize_members(self, initSet): for idx in initSet: tmp = self[idx] for key in self._implicit: tmp.add(None, key) if self._extends: for key, val in self._extends.vars.items(): tmp.add(val, key) for key, val in self._initialize.items(): tmp.add(val, key) if self._rule: items = apply_indexed_rule(self, self._rule, self._parent(), idx) for key, val in items.items(): tmp.add(val, key) def _pprint(self, ostream=None, verbose=False): """Print component information.""" def _line_generator(k, v): for _k, _v in sorted(v.vars.items()): if _v is None: _len = '-' elif _k in v.aggregators: _len = '*' elif hasattr(_v, '__len__'): _len = len(_v) else: _len = 1 yield _k, _len, str(_v) return ( [ ("Size", len(self)), ("Index", self._index_set if self.is_indexed() else None), ], self._data.items(), ("Name", "Size", "Variable"), _line_generator, )
[docs] def display(self, prefix="", ostream=None): """ Print component state information This duplicates logic in Component.pprint() """ if not return if ostream is None: ostream = sys.stdout tab = " " ostream.write(prefix + self.local_name + " : ") ostream.write("Size=" + str(len(self))) ostream.write("\n") def _line_generator(k, v): for _k, _v in sorted(v.vars.items()): if _v is None: _val = '-' elif not hasattr(_v, 'is_indexed') or not _v.is_indexed(): _val = str(value(_v)) else: _val = "{%s}" % ( ', '.join( '%r: %r' % (x, value(_v[x])) for x in sorted(_v._data) ), ) yield _k, _val tabular_writer( ostream, prefix + tab, ((k, v) for k, v in self._data.items()), ("Name", "Value"), _line_generator, )
[docs] class ScalarConnector(Connector, ConnectorData):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwd): ConnectorData.__init__(self, component=self) Connector.__init__(self, *args, **kwd) self._index = UnindexedComponent_index
[docs] class SimpleConnector(metaclass=RenamedClass): __renamed__new_class__ = ScalarConnector __renamed__version__ = '6.0'
[docs] class IndexedConnector(Connector): """An array of connectors""" pass