Source code for pyomo.contrib.viewer.ui

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  This module was originally developed as part of the IDAES PSE Framework
#  Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems Process Systems
#  Engineering Framework (IDAES PSE Framework) Copyright (c) 2018-2019, by the
#  software owners: The Regents of the University of California, through
#  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,  National Technology & Engineering
#  Solutions of Sandia, LLC, Carnegie Mellon University, West Virginia
#  University Research Corporation, et al. All rights reserved.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

A simple GUI viewer/editor for Pyomo models.
__author__ = "John Eslick"

import os
import logging

    from IPython import get_ipython
except ImportError:

[docs] def get_ipython(): raise AttributeError("IPython not available")
import as rpt import pyomo.environ as pyo import pyomo.contrib.viewer.qt as myqt from pyomo.common.fileutils import this_file_dir from pyomo.common.flags import building_documentation from pyomo.contrib.viewer.model_browser import ModelBrowser from pyomo.contrib.viewer.residual_table import ResidualTable from pyomo.contrib.viewer.model_select import ModelSelect from pyomo.contrib.viewer.ui_data import UIData _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # This lets the file be imported when the Qt UI is not available (or # when building docs), but you won't be able to use it. Allowing this # will let some basic tests run (and pass) without PyQt class _MainWindowUI(object): pass class _MainWindow(object): pass # Note that the classes loaded here have signatures that are not # parsable by Sphinx, so we won't attempt to import them if we are # building the API documentation. if not building_documentation(): _mypath = this_file_dir() try: _MainWindowUI, _MainWindow = myqt.uic.loadUiType( os.path.join(_mypath, "main.ui") ) except: _log.exception("Failed to load UI files.") for _err in myqt.import_errors: _log.error(_err)
[docs] def get_mainwindow( model=None, show=True, ask_close=True, model_var_name_in_main=None, testing=False ): """ Create a UI MainWindow. Args: model: A Pyomo model to work with show: show the window after it is created ask_close: confirm close window testing: if True, expect testing Returns: (ui, model): ui is the MainWindow widget, and model is the linked Pyomo model. If no model is provided a new ConcreteModel is created """ model_name = model_var_name_in_main if model is None: import __main__ if model_name in dir(__main__): if isinstance(getattr(__main__, model_name), pyo.Block): model = getattr(__main__, model_name) else: for s in dir(__main__): if isinstance(getattr(__main__, s), pyo.Block): model = getattr(__main__, s) model_name = s break ui = MainWindow( model=model, model_var_name_in_main=model_name, ask_close=ask_close, testing=testing, ) try: get_ipython().events.register("post_execute", ui.refresh_on_execute) except AttributeError: pass # not in ipy kernel, so is fine to not register callback if show: return ui
[docs] class MainWindow(_MainWindow, _MainWindowUI):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): model = self.model = kwargs.pop("model", None) main = self.main = kwargs.pop("main", None) ask_close = self.ask_close = kwargs.pop("ask_close", True) self.testing = kwargs.pop("testing", False) model_var_name_in_main = kwargs.pop("model_var_name_in_main", None) flags = kwargs.pop("flags", 0) self.ui_data = UIData(model=model) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setupUi(self) self.setCentralWidget(self.mdiArea) self._refresh_list = [] self.variables = None self.constraints = None self.expressions = None self.parameters = None self.residuals = None self.update_model() self.ui_data.updated.connect(self.update_model) # Set menu actions (remember the menu items are defined in the ui file) # you can edit the menus in qt-designer self.actionModel_Selector.triggered.connect(self.show_model_select) self.ui_data.exec_refresh.connect(self.refresh_on_execute) self.actionRestart_Variable_View.triggered.connect(self.variables_restart) self.actionRestart_Constraint_View.triggered.connect(self.constraints_restart) self.actionRestart_Parameter_View.triggered.connect(self.parameters_restart) self.actionRestart_Expression_View.triggered.connect(self.expressions_restart) self.actionRestart_Residual_Table.triggered.connect(self.residuals_restart) self.actionInformation.triggered.connect(self.model_information) self.actionCalculateConstraints.triggered.connect( self.ui_data.calculate_constraints ) self.actionCalculateExpressions.triggered.connect( self.ui_data.calculate_expressions ) self.ui_data.model_var_name_in_main = model_var_name_in_main self.actionTile.triggered.connect(self.mdiArea.tileSubWindows) self.actionCascade.triggered.connect(self.mdiArea.cascadeSubWindows) self.actionTabs.triggered.connect(self.toggle_tabs) self._dialog = None # dialog displayed so can access it easier for tests self._dialog_test_button = None # button clicked on dialog in test mode self.mdiArea.setViewMode(myqt.QMdiArea.TabbedView)
def toggle_tabs(self): if self.mdiArea.viewMode() == myqt.QMdiArea.SubWindowView: self.mdiArea.setViewMode(myqt.QMdiArea.TabbedView) elif self.mdiArea.viewMode() == myqt.QMdiArea.TabbedView: self.mdiArea.setViewMode(myqt.QMdiArea.SubWindowView) else: # There are no other modes unless there is a change in Qt so pass pass def _tree_restart(self, w, cls=ModelBrowser, **kwargs): """ Start/Restart a tree window """ try: self._refresh_list.remove(w) except ValueError: # not in list? that's okay pass try: try: self.mdiArea.removeSubWindow(w.parent()) except RuntimeError: # user closed with "X" button pass del w w = None except AttributeError: pass w = cls(**kwargs) self.mdiArea.addSubWindow(w) w.parent().show() # parent is now a MdiAreaSubWindow self._refresh_list.append(w) return w def variables_restart(self): self.variables = self._tree_restart( w=self.variables, standard="Var", ui_data=self.ui_data ) def expressions_restart(self): self.expressions = self._tree_restart( w=self.expressions, standard="Expression", ui_data=self.ui_data ) def parameters_restart(self): self.parameters = self._tree_restart( w=self.parameters, standard="Param", ui_data=self.ui_data ) def constraints_restart(self): self.constraints = self._tree_restart( w=self.constraints, standard="Constraint", ui_data=self.ui_data ) def residuals_restart(self): self.residuals = self._tree_restart( w=self.residuals, cls=ResidualTable, ui_data=self.ui_data ) def set_model(self, model): self.ui_data.model = model
[docs] def update_model(self): """ Play it safe by restarting all the tree view widgets when the model updates """ self.variables_restart() self.expressions_restart() self.constraints_restart() self.parameters_restart() self.mdiArea.setActiveSubWindow(self.variables.parent()) self.toggle_tabs() self.toggle_tabs()
[docs] def model_information(self): """ Put some useful model information into a message box Displays: * number of active equality constraints * number of free variables in equality constraints * degrees of freedom Other things that could be added * number of deactivated equalities * number of active inequality constraints * number of deactivated inequality constratins * number of free variables not appearing in active constraints * number of fixed variables not appearing in active constraints * number of free variables not appearing in any constraints * number of fixed variables not appearing in any constraints * number of fixed variables appearing in constraints """ active_eq = rpt.count_equality_constraints(self.ui_data.model) free_vars = rpt.count_free_variables(self.ui_data.model) cons = rpt.count_constraints(self.ui_data.model) dof = free_vars - active_eq if dof == 1: doftext = "Degree" else: doftext = "Degrees" msg = myqt.QMessageBox() msg.setStyleSheet("QLabel{min-width: 600px;}") self._dialog = msg msg.setWindowTitle("Model Information") msg.setText( """{} -- Active Constraints {} -- Active Equalities {} -- Free Variables {} -- {} of Freedom""".format( cons, active_eq, free_vars, dof, doftext ) ) msg.setStandardButtons(myqt.QMessageBox.Ok) msg.setModal(False)
[docs] def refresh_on_execute(self): """ This is the call back function that happens when code is executed in the ipython kernel. The main purpose of this right now it to refresh the UI display so that it matches the current state of the model. """ if self.ui_data.model_var_name_in_main is not None: import __main__ try: mname = self.ui_data.model_var_name_in_main mid = id(getattr(__main__, mname)) if id(self.ui_data.model) != mid: self.ui_data.model = getattr(__main__, mname) self.update_model return except AttributeError: pass for w in self._refresh_list: try: w.refresh() except RuntimeError: # window closed by user pushing "X" button pass
def show_model_select(self): model_select = ModelSelect(parent=self, ui_data=self.ui_data) model_select.update_models() return model_select
[docs] def exit_action(self): """ Selecting exit from the UI, triggers the close event on this mainwindow """ self.close()
[docs] def closeEvent(self, event): """ Handle the close event by asking for confirmation """ if not self.ask_close: event.accept() return msg = myqt.QMessageBox() self._dialog = msg msg.setIcon(myqt.QMessageBox.Question) msg.setText( "Are you sure you want to close this window?" " You can reopen it with" ) msg.setWindowTitle("Close?") msg.setStandardButtons(myqt.QMessageBox.Yes | myqt.QMessageBox.No) if self.testing: # don't even show dialog just pretend button clicked result = self._dialog_test_button else: result = msg.exec_() if result == myqt.QMessageBox.Yes: event.accept() else: event.ignore()