Source code for pyomo.contrib.solver.sol_reader

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from typing import Tuple, Dict, Any, List
import io

from pyomo.common.errors import DeveloperError, PyomoException
from pyomo.repn.plugins.nl_writer import NLWriterInfo
from pyomo.contrib.solver.results import Results, SolutionStatus, TerminationCondition

[docs] class SolFileData:
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self.primals: List[float] = list() self.duals: List[float] = list() self.var_suffixes: Dict[str, Dict[int, Any]] = dict() self.con_suffixes: Dict[str, Dict[Any]] = dict() self.obj_suffixes: Dict[str, Dict[int, Any]] = dict() self.problem_suffixes: Dict[str, List[Any]] = dict() self.other: List(str) = list()
[docs] def parse_sol_file( sol_file: io.TextIOBase, nl_info: NLWriterInfo, result: Results ) -> Tuple[Results, SolFileData]: sol_data = SolFileData() # # Some solvers (minto) do not write a message. We will assume # all non-blank lines up to the 'Options' line is the message. # For backwards compatibility and general safety, we will parse all # lines until "Options" appears. Anything before "Options" we will # consider to be the solver message. message = [] for line in sol_file: if not line: break line = line.strip() if "Options" in line: break message.append(line) message = '\n'.join(message) # Once "Options" appears, we must now read the content under it. model_objects = [] if "Options" in line: line = sol_file.readline() number_of_options = int(line) # We are adding in this DeveloperError to see if the alternative case # is ever actually hit in the wild. In a previous iteration of the sol # reader, there was logic to check for the number of options, but it # was uncovered by tests and unclear if actually necessary. if number_of_options > 4: raise DeveloperError( """ The sol file reader has hit an unexpected error while parsing. The number of options recorded is greater than 4. Please report this error to the Pyomo developers. """ ) for i in range(number_of_options + 4): line = sol_file.readline() model_objects.append(int(line)) else: raise PyomoException("ERROR READING `sol` FILE. No 'Options' line found.") # Identify the total number of variables and constraints number_of_cons = model_objects[number_of_options + 1] number_of_vars = model_objects[number_of_options + 3] assert number_of_cons == len(nl_info.constraints) assert number_of_vars == len(nl_info.variables) duals = [float(sol_file.readline()) for i in range(number_of_cons)] variable_vals = [float(sol_file.readline()) for i in range(number_of_vars)] # Parse the exit code line and capture it exit_code = [0, 0] line = sol_file.readline() if line and ('objno' in line): exit_code_line = line.split() if len(exit_code_line) != 3: raise PyomoException( f"ERROR READING `sol` FILE. Expected two numbers in `objno` line; received {line}." ) exit_code = [int(exit_code_line[1]), int(exit_code_line[2])] else: raise PyomoException( f"ERROR READING `sol` FILE. Expected `objno`; received {line}." ) result.extra_info.solver_message = message.strip().replace('\n', '; ') exit_code_message = '' if (exit_code[1] >= 0) and (exit_code[1] <= 99): result.solution_status = SolutionStatus.optimal result.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.convergenceCriteriaSatisfied elif (exit_code[1] >= 100) and (exit_code[1] <= 199): exit_code_message = "Optimal solution indicated, but ERROR LIKELY!" result.solution_status = SolutionStatus.feasible result.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error elif (exit_code[1] >= 200) and (exit_code[1] <= 299): exit_code_message = "INFEASIBLE SOLUTION: constraints cannot be satisfied!" result.solution_status = SolutionStatus.infeasible result.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.locallyInfeasible elif (exit_code[1] >= 300) and (exit_code[1] <= 399): exit_code_message = ( "UNBOUNDED PROBLEM: the objective can be improved without limit!" ) result.solution_status = SolutionStatus.noSolution result.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded elif (exit_code[1] >= 400) and (exit_code[1] <= 499): exit_code_message = ( "EXCEEDED MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ITERATIONS: the solver " "was stopped by a limit that you set!" ) result.solution_status = SolutionStatus.infeasible result.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.iterationLimit ) # this is not always correct elif (exit_code[1] >= 500) and (exit_code[1] <= 599): exit_code_message = ( "FAILURE: the solver stopped by an error condition " "in the solver routines!" ) result.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error if result.extra_info.solver_message: if exit_code_message: result.extra_info.solver_message += '; ' + exit_code_message else: result.extra_info.solver_message = exit_code_message if result.solution_status != SolutionStatus.noSolution: sol_data.primals = variable_vals sol_data.duals = duals ### Read suffixes ### line = sol_file.readline() while line: line = line.strip() if line == "": continue line = line.split() # Some sort of garbage we tag onto the solver message, assuming we are past the suffixes if line[0] != 'suffix': # We assume this is the start of a # section like kestrel_option, which # comes after all suffixes. remaining = "" line = sol_file.readline() while line: remaining += line.strip() + "; " line = sol_file.readline() result.extra_info.solver_message += remaining break read_data_type = int(line[1]) data_type = read_data_type & 3 # 0-var, 1-con, 2-obj, 3-prob convert_function = int if (read_data_type & 4) == 4: convert_function = float number_of_entries = int(line[2]) # The third entry is name length, and it is length+1. This is unnecessary # except for data validation. # The fourth entry is table "length", e.g., memory size. number_of_string_lines = int(line[5]) suffix_name = sol_file.readline().strip() # Add any arbitrary string lines to the "other" list for line in range(number_of_string_lines): sol_data.other.append(sol_file.readline()) if data_type == 0: # Var sol_data.var_suffixes[suffix_name] = dict() for cnt in range(number_of_entries): suf_line = sol_file.readline().split() var_ndx = int(suf_line[0]) sol_data.var_suffixes[suffix_name][var_ndx] = convert_function( suf_line[1] ) elif data_type == 1: # Con sol_data.con_suffixes[suffix_name] = dict() for cnt in range(number_of_entries): suf_line = sol_file.readline().split() con_ndx = int(suf_line[0]) sol_data.con_suffixes[suffix_name][con_ndx] = convert_function( suf_line[1] ) elif data_type == 2: # Obj sol_data.obj_suffixes[suffix_name] = dict() for cnt in range(number_of_entries): suf_line = sol_file.readline().split() obj_ndx = int(suf_line[0]) sol_data.obj_suffixes[suffix_name][obj_ndx] = convert_function( suf_line[1] ) elif data_type == 3: # Prob sol_data.problem_suffixes[suffix_name] = list() for cnt in range(number_of_entries): suf_line = sol_file.readline().split() sol_data.problem_suffixes[suffix_name].append( convert_function(suf_line[1]) ) line = sol_file.readline() return result, sol_data