# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
from typing import Tuple, Dict, Any, List
import io
from pyomo.common.errors import DeveloperError, PyomoException
from pyomo.repn.plugins.nl_writer import NLWriterInfo
from pyomo.contrib.solver.results import Results, SolutionStatus, TerminationCondition
class SolFileData:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.primals: List[float] = list()
self.duals: List[float] = list()
self.var_suffixes: Dict[str, Dict[int, Any]] = dict()
self.con_suffixes: Dict[str, Dict[Any]] = dict()
self.obj_suffixes: Dict[str, Dict[int, Any]] = dict()
self.problem_suffixes: Dict[str, List[Any]] = dict()
self.other: List(str) = list()
def parse_sol_file(
sol_file: io.TextIOBase, nl_info: NLWriterInfo, result: Results
) -> Tuple[Results, SolFileData]:
sol_data = SolFileData()
# Some solvers (minto) do not write a message. We will assume
# all non-blank lines up to the 'Options' line is the message.
# For backwards compatibility and general safety, we will parse all
# lines until "Options" appears. Anything before "Options" we will
# consider to be the solver message.
message = []
for line in sol_file:
if not line:
line = line.strip()
if "Options" in line:
message = '\n'.join(message)
# Once "Options" appears, we must now read the content under it.
model_objects = []
if "Options" in line:
line = sol_file.readline()
number_of_options = int(line)
# We are adding in this DeveloperError to see if the alternative case
# is ever actually hit in the wild. In a previous iteration of the sol
# reader, there was logic to check for the number of options, but it
# was uncovered by tests and unclear if actually necessary.
if number_of_options > 4:
raise DeveloperError(
The sol file reader has hit an unexpected error while parsing. The number of
options recorded is greater than 4. Please report this error to the Pyomo
for i in range(number_of_options + 4):
line = sol_file.readline()
raise PyomoException("ERROR READING `sol` FILE. No 'Options' line found.")
# Identify the total number of variables and constraints
number_of_cons = model_objects[number_of_options + 1]
number_of_vars = model_objects[number_of_options + 3]
assert number_of_cons == len(nl_info.constraints)
assert number_of_vars == len(nl_info.variables)
duals = [float(sol_file.readline()) for i in range(number_of_cons)]
variable_vals = [float(sol_file.readline()) for i in range(number_of_vars)]
# Parse the exit code line and capture it
exit_code = [0, 0]
line = sol_file.readline()
if line and ('objno' in line):
exit_code_line = line.split()
if len(exit_code_line) != 3:
raise PyomoException(
f"ERROR READING `sol` FILE. Expected two numbers in `objno` line; received {line}."
exit_code = [int(exit_code_line[1]), int(exit_code_line[2])]
raise PyomoException(
f"ERROR READING `sol` FILE. Expected `objno`; received {line}."
result.extra_info.solver_message = message.strip().replace('\n', '; ')
exit_code_message = ''
if (exit_code[1] >= 0) and (exit_code[1] <= 99):
result.solution_status = SolutionStatus.optimal
result.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.convergenceCriteriaSatisfied
elif (exit_code[1] >= 100) and (exit_code[1] <= 199):
exit_code_message = "Optimal solution indicated, but ERROR LIKELY!"
result.solution_status = SolutionStatus.feasible
result.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error
elif (exit_code[1] >= 200) and (exit_code[1] <= 299):
exit_code_message = "INFEASIBLE SOLUTION: constraints cannot be satisfied!"
result.solution_status = SolutionStatus.infeasible
result.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.locallyInfeasible
elif (exit_code[1] >= 300) and (exit_code[1] <= 399):
exit_code_message = (
"UNBOUNDED PROBLEM: the objective can be improved without limit!"
result.solution_status = SolutionStatus.noSolution
result.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded
elif (exit_code[1] >= 400) and (exit_code[1] <= 499):
exit_code_message = (
"was stopped by a limit that you set!"
result.solution_status = SolutionStatus.infeasible
result.termination_condition = (
) # this is not always correct
elif (exit_code[1] >= 500) and (exit_code[1] <= 599):
exit_code_message = (
"FAILURE: the solver stopped by an error condition "
"in the solver routines!"
result.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error
if result.extra_info.solver_message:
if exit_code_message:
result.extra_info.solver_message += '; ' + exit_code_message
result.extra_info.solver_message = exit_code_message
if result.solution_status != SolutionStatus.noSolution:
sol_data.primals = variable_vals
sol_data.duals = duals
### Read suffixes ###
line = sol_file.readline()
while line:
line = line.strip()
if line == "":
line = line.split()
# Some sort of garbage we tag onto the solver message, assuming we are past the suffixes
if line[0] != 'suffix':
# We assume this is the start of a
# section like kestrel_option, which
# comes after all suffixes.
remaining = ""
line = sol_file.readline()
while line:
remaining += line.strip() + "; "
line = sol_file.readline()
result.extra_info.solver_message += remaining
read_data_type = int(line[1])
data_type = read_data_type & 3 # 0-var, 1-con, 2-obj, 3-prob
convert_function = int
if (read_data_type & 4) == 4:
convert_function = float
number_of_entries = int(line[2])
# The third entry is name length, and it is length+1. This is unnecessary
# except for data validation.
# The fourth entry is table "length", e.g., memory size.
number_of_string_lines = int(line[5])
suffix_name = sol_file.readline().strip()
# Add any arbitrary string lines to the "other" list
for line in range(number_of_string_lines):
if data_type == 0: # Var
sol_data.var_suffixes[suffix_name] = dict()
for cnt in range(number_of_entries):
suf_line = sol_file.readline().split()
var_ndx = int(suf_line[0])
sol_data.var_suffixes[suffix_name][var_ndx] = convert_function(
elif data_type == 1: # Con
sol_data.con_suffixes[suffix_name] = dict()
for cnt in range(number_of_entries):
suf_line = sol_file.readline().split()
con_ndx = int(suf_line[0])
sol_data.con_suffixes[suffix_name][con_ndx] = convert_function(
elif data_type == 2: # Obj
sol_data.obj_suffixes[suffix_name] = dict()
for cnt in range(number_of_entries):
suf_line = sol_file.readline().split()
obj_ndx = int(suf_line[0])
sol_data.obj_suffixes[suffix_name][obj_ndx] = convert_function(
elif data_type == 3: # Prob
sol_data.problem_suffixes[suffix_name] = list()
for cnt in range(number_of_entries):
suf_line = sol_file.readline().split()
line = sol_file.readline()
return result, sol_data