Source code for pyomo.contrib.solver.ipopt

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import logging
import os
import subprocess
import datetime
import io
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Sequence

from pyomo.common import Executable
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigValue, document_kwargs_from_configdict, ConfigDict
from pyomo.common.errors import (
from pyomo.common.tempfiles import TempfileManager
from pyomo.common.timing import HierarchicalTimer
from pyomo.core.base.var import VarData
from pyomo.core.staleflag import StaleFlagManager
from pyomo.repn.plugins.nl_writer import NLWriter, NLWriterInfo
from pyomo.contrib.solver.base import SolverBase
from pyomo.contrib.solver.config import SolverConfig
from pyomo.contrib.solver.results import Results, TerminationCondition, SolutionStatus
from pyomo.contrib.solver.sol_reader import parse_sol_file
from pyomo.contrib.solver.solution import SolSolutionLoader
from pyomo.common.tee import TeeStream
from pyomo.core.expr.visitor import replace_expressions
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import value
from pyomo.core.base.suffix import Suffix
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class IpoptSolverError(PyomoException): """General exception to catch solver system errors"""
[docs] class IpoptConfig(SolverConfig):
[docs] def __init__( self, description=None, doc=None, implicit=False, implicit_domain=None, visibility=0, ): super().__init__( description=description, doc=doc, implicit=implicit, implicit_domain=implicit_domain, visibility=visibility, ) self.executable: Executable = self.declare( 'executable', ConfigValue( default=Executable('ipopt'), description="Preferred executable for ipopt. Defaults to searching the " "``PATH`` for the first available ``ipopt``.", ), ) self.writer_config: ConfigDict = self.declare( 'writer_config', NLWriter.CONFIG() )
[docs] class IpoptSolutionLoader(SolSolutionLoader):
[docs] def get_reduced_costs( self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[VarData]] = None ) -> Mapping[VarData, float]: if self._nl_info is None: raise RuntimeError( 'Solution loader does not currently have a valid solution. Please ' 'check results.TerminationCondition and/or results.SolutionStatus.' ) if len(self._nl_info.eliminated_vars) > 0: raise NotImplementedError( 'For now, turn presolve off (opt.config.writer_config.linear_presolve=False) ' 'to get dual variable values.' ) if self._sol_data is None: raise DeveloperError( "Solution data is empty. This should not " "have happened. Report this error to the Pyomo Developers." ) if self._nl_info.scaling is None: scale_list = [1] * len(self._nl_info.variables) obj_scale = 1 else: scale_list = self._nl_info.scaling.variables obj_scale = self._nl_info.scaling.objectives[0] sol_data = self._sol_data nl_info = self._nl_info zl_map = sol_data.var_suffixes['ipopt_zL_out'] zu_map = sol_data.var_suffixes['ipopt_zU_out'] rc = dict() for ndx, v in enumerate(nl_info.variables): scale = scale_list[ndx] v_id = id(v) rc[v_id] = (v, 0) if ndx in zl_map: zl = zl_map[ndx] * scale / obj_scale if abs(zl) > abs(rc[v_id][1]): rc[v_id] = (v, zl) if ndx in zu_map: zu = zu_map[ndx] * scale / obj_scale if abs(zu) > abs(rc[v_id][1]): rc[v_id] = (v, zu) if vars_to_load is None: res = ComponentMap(rc.values()) for v, _ in nl_info.eliminated_vars: res[v] = 0 else: res = ComponentMap() for v in vars_to_load: if id(v) in rc: res[v] = rc[id(v)][1] else: # eliminated vars res[v] = 0 return res
ipopt_command_line_options = { 'acceptable_compl_inf_tol', 'acceptable_constr_viol_tol', 'acceptable_dual_inf_tol', 'acceptable_tol', 'alpha_for_y', 'bound_frac', 'bound_mult_init_val', 'bound_push', 'bound_relax_factor', 'compl_inf_tol', 'constr_mult_init_max', 'constr_viol_tol', 'diverging_iterates_tol', 'dual_inf_tol', 'expect_infeasible_problem', 'file_print_level', 'halt_on_ampl_error', 'hessian_approximation', 'honor_original_bounds', 'linear_scaling_on_demand', 'linear_solver', 'linear_system_scaling', 'ma27_pivtol', 'ma27_pivtolmax', 'ma57_pivot_order', 'ma57_pivtol', 'ma57_pivtolmax', 'max_cpu_time', 'max_iter', 'max_refinement_steps', 'max_soc', 'maxit', 'min_refinement_steps', 'mu_init', 'mu_max', 'mu_oracle', 'mu_strategy', 'nlp_scaling_max_gradient', 'nlp_scaling_method', 'obj_scaling_factor', 'option_file_name', 'outlev', 'output_file', 'pardiso_matching_strategy', 'print_level', 'print_options_documentation', 'print_user_options', 'required_infeasibility_reduction', 'slack_bound_frac', 'slack_bound_push', 'tol', 'wantsol', 'warm_start_bound_push', 'warm_start_init_point', 'warm_start_mult_bound_push', 'watchdog_shortened_iter_trigger', }
[docs] class Ipopt(SolverBase): CONFIG = IpoptConfig()
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): super().__init__(**kwds) self._writer = NLWriter() self._available_cache = None self._version_cache = None self._version_timeout = 2
[docs] def available(self, config=None): if config is None: config = self.config pth = config.executable.path() if self._available_cache is None or self._available_cache[0] != pth: if pth is None: self._available_cache = (None, self.Availability.NotFound) else: self._available_cache = (pth, self.Availability.FullLicense) return self._available_cache[1]
[docs] def version(self, config=None): if config is None: config = self.config pth = config.executable.path() if self._version_cache is None or self._version_cache[0] != pth: if pth is None: self._version_cache = (None, None) else: results = [str(pth), '--version'], timeout=self._version_timeout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, ) version = results.stdout.splitlines()[0] version = version.split(' ')[1].strip() version = tuple(int(i) for i in version.split('.')) self._version_cache = (pth, version) return self._version_cache[1]
def has_linear_solver(self, linear_solver): import pyomo.core as AML m = AML.ConcreteModel() m.x = AML.Var() m.o = AML.Objective(expr=(m.x - 2) ** 2) results = self.solve( m, tee=False, raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result=False, load_solutions=False, solver_options={'linear_solver': linear_solver}, ) return 'running with linear solver' in results.solver_log def _write_options_file(self, filename: str, options: Mapping): # First we need to determine if we even need to create a file. # If options is empty, then we return False opt_file_exists = False if not options: return False # If it has options in it, parse them and write them to a file. # If they are command line options, ignore them; they will be # parsed during _create_command_line for k, val in options.items(): if k not in ipopt_command_line_options: opt_file_exists = True with open(filename + '.opt', 'a+') as opt_file: opt_file.write(str(k) + ' ' + str(val) + '\n') return opt_file_exists def _create_command_line(self, basename: str, config: IpoptConfig, opt_file: bool): cmd = [str(config.executable), basename + '.nl', '-AMPL'] if opt_file: cmd.append('option_file_name=' + basename + '.opt') if 'option_file_name' in config.solver_options: raise ValueError( 'Pyomo generates the ipopt options file as part of the `solve` method. ' 'Add all options to ipopt.config.solver_options instead.' ) if ( config.time_limit is not None and 'max_cpu_time' not in config.solver_options ): config.solver_options['max_cpu_time'] = config.time_limit for k, val in config.solver_options.items(): if k in ipopt_command_line_options: cmd.append(str(k) + '=' + str(val)) return cmd
[docs] @document_kwargs_from_configdict(CONFIG) def solve(self, model, **kwds): "Solve a model using Ipopt" # Begin time tracking start_timestamp = # Update configuration options, based on keywords passed to solve config: IpoptConfig = self.config(value=kwds, preserve_implicit=True) # Check if solver is available avail = self.available(config) if not avail: raise IpoptSolverError( f'Solver {self.__class__} is not available ({avail}).' ) if config.threads: logger.log( logging.WARNING, msg=f"The `threads` option was specified, but this is not used by {self.__class__}.", ) if config.timer is None: timer = HierarchicalTimer() else: timer = config.timer StaleFlagManager.mark_all_as_stale() with TempfileManager.new_context() as tempfile: if config.working_dir is None: dname = tempfile.mkdtemp() else: dname = config.working_dir if not os.path.exists(dname): os.mkdir(dname) basename = os.path.join(dname, if os.path.exists(basename + '.nl'): raise RuntimeError( f"NL file with the same name {basename + '.nl'} already exists!" ) # Note: the ASL has an issue where string constants written # to the NL file (e.g. arguments in external functions) MUST # be terminated with '\n' regardless of platform. We will # disable universal newlines in the NL file to prevent # Python from mapping those '\n' to '\r\n' on Windows. with open(basename + '.nl', 'w', newline='\n') as nl_file, open( basename + '.row', 'w' ) as row_file, open(basename + '.col', 'w') as col_file: timer.start('write_nl_file') self._writer.config.set_value(config.writer_config) try: nl_info = self._writer.write( model, nl_file, row_file, col_file, symbolic_solver_labels=config.symbolic_solver_labels, ) proven_infeasible = False except InfeasibleConstraintException: proven_infeasible = True timer.stop('write_nl_file') if not proven_infeasible and len(nl_info.variables) > 0: # Get a copy of the environment to pass to the subprocess env = os.environ.copy() if nl_info.external_function_libraries: if env.get('AMPLFUNC'): nl_info.external_function_libraries.append(env.get('AMPLFUNC')) env['AMPLFUNC'] = "\n".join(nl_info.external_function_libraries) # Write the opt_file, if there should be one; return a bool to say # whether or not we have one (so we can correctly build the command line) opt_file = self._write_options_file( filename=basename, options=config.solver_options ) # Call ipopt - passing the files via the subprocess cmd = self._create_command_line( basename=basename, config=config, opt_file=opt_file ) # this seems silly, but we have to give the subprocess slightly longer to finish than # ipopt if config.time_limit is not None: timeout = config.time_limit + min( max(1.0, 0.01 * config.time_limit), 100 ) else: timeout = None ostreams = [io.StringIO()] + config.tee with TeeStream(*ostreams) as t: timer.start('subprocess') process = cmd, timeout=timeout, env=env, universal_newlines=True, stdout=t.STDOUT, stderr=t.STDERR, ) timer.stop('subprocess') # This is the stuff we need to parse to get the iterations # and time (iters, ipopt_time_nofunc, ipopt_time_func, ipopt_total_time) = ( self._parse_ipopt_output(ostreams[0]) ) if proven_infeasible: results = Results() results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.provenInfeasible results.solution_loader = SolSolutionLoader(None, None) results.iteration_count = 0 results.timing_info.total_seconds = 0 elif len(nl_info.variables) == 0: if len(nl_info.eliminated_vars) == 0: results = Results() results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.emptyModel results.solution_loader = SolSolutionLoader(None, None) else: results = Results() results.termination_condition = ( TerminationCondition.convergenceCriteriaSatisfied ) results.solution_status = SolutionStatus.optimal results.solution_loader = SolSolutionLoader(None, nl_info=nl_info) results.iteration_count = 0 results.timing_info.total_seconds = 0 else: if os.path.isfile(basename + '.sol'): with open(basename + '.sol', 'r') as sol_file: timer.start('parse_sol') results = self._parse_solution(sol_file, nl_info) timer.stop('parse_sol') else: results = Results() if process.returncode != 0: results.extra_info.return_code = process.returncode results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error results.solution_loader = SolSolutionLoader(None, None) else: results.iteration_count = iters if ipopt_time_nofunc is not None: results.timing_info.ipopt_excluding_nlp_functions = ( ipopt_time_nofunc ) if ipopt_time_func is not None: results.timing_info.nlp_function_evaluations = ipopt_time_func if ipopt_total_time is not None: results.timing_info.total_seconds = ipopt_total_time if ( config.raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result and results.solution_status != SolutionStatus.optimal ): raise RuntimeError( 'Solver did not find the optimal solution. Set ' 'opt.config.raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result = False to bypass this error.' ) results.solver_name = results.solver_version = self.version(config) if ( config.load_solutions and results.solution_status == SolutionStatus.noSolution ): raise RuntimeError( 'A feasible solution was not found, so no solution can be loaded.' 'Please set opt.config.load_solutions=False to bypass this error.' ) if config.load_solutions: results.solution_loader.load_vars() if ( hasattr(model, 'dual') and isinstance(model.dual, Suffix) and model.dual.import_enabled() ): model.dual.update(results.solution_loader.get_duals()) if ( hasattr(model, 'rc') and isinstance(model.rc, Suffix) and model.rc.import_enabled() ): model.rc.update(results.solution_loader.get_reduced_costs()) if ( results.solution_status in {SolutionStatus.feasible, SolutionStatus.optimal} and len(nl_info.objectives) > 0 ): if config.load_solutions: results.incumbent_objective = value(nl_info.objectives[0]) else: results.incumbent_objective = value( replace_expressions( nl_info.objectives[0].expr, substitution_map={ id(v): val for v, val in results.solution_loader.get_primals().items() }, descend_into_named_expressions=True, remove_named_expressions=True, ) ) results.solver_configuration = config if not proven_infeasible and len(nl_info.variables) > 0: results.solver_log = ostreams[0].getvalue() # Capture/record end-time / wall-time end_timestamp = results.timing_info.start_timestamp = start_timestamp results.timing_info.wall_time = ( end_timestamp - start_timestamp ).total_seconds() results.timing_info.timer = timer return results
def _parse_ipopt_output(self, stream: io.StringIO): """ Parse an IPOPT output file and return: * number of iterations * time in IPOPT """ iters = None nofunc_time = None func_time = None total_time = None # parse the output stream to get the iteration count and solver time for line in stream.getvalue().splitlines(): if line.startswith("Number of Iterations....:"): tokens = line.split() iters = int(tokens[-1]) elif line.startswith( "Total seconds in IPOPT =" ): # Newer versions of IPOPT no longer separate timing into # two different values. This is so we have compatibility with # both new and old versions tokens = line.split() total_time = float(tokens[-1]) elif line.startswith( "Total CPU secs in IPOPT (w/o function evaluations) =" ): tokens = line.split() nofunc_time = float(tokens[-1]) elif line.startswith( "Total CPU secs in NLP function evaluations =" ): tokens = line.split() func_time = float(tokens[-1]) return iters, nofunc_time, func_time, total_time def _parse_solution(self, instream: io.TextIOBase, nl_info: NLWriterInfo): results = Results() res, sol_data = parse_sol_file( sol_file=instream, nl_info=nl_info, result=results ) if res.solution_status == SolutionStatus.noSolution: res.solution_loader = SolSolutionLoader(None, None) else: res.solution_loader = IpoptSolutionLoader( sol_data=sol_data, nl_info=nl_info ) return res