Source code for pyomo.contrib.solver.base

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import abc
import enum
from typing import Sequence, Dict, Optional, Mapping, NoReturn, List, Tuple
import os

from pyomo.core.base.constraint import ConstraintData
from pyomo.core.base.var import VarData
from pyomo.core.base.param import ParamData
from pyomo.core.base.block import BlockData
from pyomo.core.base.objective import Objective, ObjectiveData
from pyomo.common.config import document_kwargs_from_configdict, ConfigValue
from pyomo.common.errors import ApplicationError
from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecation_warning
from pyomo.common.modeling import NOTSET
from pyomo.opt.results.results_ import SolverResults as LegacySolverResults
from pyomo.opt.results.solution import Solution as LegacySolution
from pyomo.core.kernel.objective import minimize
from pyomo.core.base import SymbolMap
from pyomo.core.base.label import NumericLabeler
from pyomo.core.staleflag import StaleFlagManager
from pyomo.contrib.solver.config import SolverConfig, PersistentSolverConfig
from pyomo.contrib.solver.util import get_objective
from pyomo.contrib.solver.results import (

[docs]class SolverBase(abc.ABC): """ This base class defines the methods required for all solvers: - available: Determines whether the solver is able to be run, combining both whether it can be found on the system and if the license is valid. - solve: The main method of every solver - version: The version of the solver - is_persistent: Set to false for all non-persistent solvers. Additionally, solvers should have a :attr:`config<SolverBase.config>` attribute that inherits from one of :class:`SolverConfig<pyomo.contrib.solver.config.SolverConfig>`, :class:`BranchAndBoundConfig<pyomo.contrib.solver.config.BranchAndBoundConfig>`, :class:`PersistentSolverConfig<pyomo.contrib.solver.config.PersistentSolverConfig>`, or :class:`PersistentBranchAndBoundConfig<pyomo.contrib.solver.config.PersistentBranchAndBoundConfig>`. """ CONFIG = SolverConfig() def __init__(self, **kwds) -> None: # We allow the user and/or developer to name the solver something else, # if they really desire. # Otherwise it defaults to the name defined when the solver was registered # in the SolverFactory or the class name (all lowercase), whichever is # applicable if "name" in kwds: = kwds.pop('name') elif not hasattr(self, 'name'): = type(self).__name__.lower() self.config = self.CONFIG(value=kwds) # # Support "with" statements. Forgetting to call deactivate # on Plugins is a common source of memory leaks # def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, t, v, traceback): """Exit statement - enables `with` statements."""
[docs] class Availability(enum.IntEnum): """ Class to capture different statuses in which a solver can exist in order to record its availability for use. """ FullLicense = 2 LimitedLicense = 1 NotFound = 0 BadVersion = -1 BadLicense = -2 NeedsCompiledExtension = -3 def __bool__(self): return self._value_ > 0 def __format__(self, format_spec): # We want general formatting of this Enum to return the # formatted string value and not the int (which is the # default implementation from IntEnum) return format(, format_spec) def __str__(self): # Note: Python 3.11 changed the core enums so that the # "mixin" type for standard enums overrides the behavior # specified in __format__. We will override str() here to # preserve the previous behavior return
[docs] @document_kwargs_from_configdict(CONFIG) @abc.abstractmethod def solve(self, model: BlockData, **kwargs) -> Results: """ Solve a Pyomo model. Parameters ---------- model: BlockData The Pyomo model to be solved **kwargs Additional keyword arguments (including solver_options - passthrough options; delivered directly to the solver (with no validation)) Returns ------- results: :class:`Results<pyomo.contrib.solver.results.Results>` A results object """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def available(self) -> bool: """Test if the solver is available on this system. Nominally, this will return True if the solver interface is valid and can be used to solve problems and False if it cannot. Note that for licensed solvers there are a number of "levels" of available: depending on the license, the solver may be available with limitations on problem size or runtime (e.g., 'demo' vs. 'community' vs. 'full'). In these cases, the solver may return a subclass of enum.IntEnum, with members that resolve to True if the solver is available (possibly with limitations). The Enum may also have multiple members that all resolve to False indicating the reason why the interface is not available (not found, bad license, unsupported version, etc). Returns ------- available: SolverBase.Availability An enum that indicates "how available" the solver is. Note that the enum can be cast to bool, which will be True if the solver is runable at all and False otherwise. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def version(self) -> Tuple: """ Returns ------- version: tuple A tuple representing the version """
[docs] def is_persistent(self) -> bool: """ Returns ------- is_persistent: bool True if the solver is a persistent solver. """ return False
[docs]class PersistentSolverBase(SolverBase): """ Base class upon which persistent solvers can be built. This inherits the methods from the solver base class and adds those methods that are necessary for persistent solvers. Example usage can be seen in the Gurobi interface. """
[docs] @document_kwargs_from_configdict(PersistentSolverConfig()) @abc.abstractmethod def solve(self, model: BlockData, **kwargs) -> Results: super().solve(model, kwargs)
[docs] def is_persistent(self): """ Returns ------- is_persistent: bool True if the solver is a persistent solver. """ return True
def _load_vars(self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[VarData]] = None) -> NoReturn: """ Load the solution of the primal variables into the value attribute of the variables. Parameters ---------- vars_to_load: list A list of the variables whose solution should be loaded. If vars_to_load is None, then the solution to all primal variables will be loaded. """ for v, val in self._get_primals(vars_to_load=vars_to_load).items(): v.set_value(val, skip_validation=True) StaleFlagManager.mark_all_as_stale(delayed=True) @abc.abstractmethod def _get_primals( self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[VarData]] = None ) -> Mapping[VarData, float]: """ Get mapping of variables to primals. Parameters ---------- vars_to_load : Optional[Sequence[VarData]], optional Which vars to be populated into the map. The default is None. Returns ------- Mapping[VarData, float] A map of variables to primals. """ raise NotImplementedError( f'{type(self)} does not support the get_primals method' ) def _get_duals( self, cons_to_load: Optional[Sequence[ConstraintData]] = None ) -> Dict[ConstraintData, float]: """ Declare sign convention in docstring here. Parameters ---------- cons_to_load: list A list of the constraints whose duals should be loaded. If cons_to_load is None, then the duals for all constraints will be loaded. Returns ------- duals: dict Maps constraints to dual values """ raise NotImplementedError(f'{type(self)} does not support the get_duals method') def _get_reduced_costs( self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[VarData]] = None ) -> Mapping[VarData, float]: """ Parameters ---------- vars_to_load: list A list of the variables whose reduced cost should be loaded. If vars_to_load is None, then all reduced costs will be loaded. Returns ------- reduced_costs: ComponentMap Maps variable to reduced cost """ raise NotImplementedError( f'{type(self)} does not support the get_reduced_costs method' )
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_instance(self, model): """ Set an instance of the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_objective(self, obj: ObjectiveData): """ Set current objective for the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_variables(self, variables: List[VarData]): """ Add variables to the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_parameters(self, params: List[ParamData]): """ Add parameters to the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_constraints(self, cons: List[ConstraintData]): """ Add constraints to the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_block(self, block: BlockData): """ Add a block to the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def remove_variables(self, variables: List[VarData]): """ Remove variables from the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def remove_parameters(self, params: List[ParamData]): """ Remove parameters from the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def remove_constraints(self, cons: List[ConstraintData]): """ Remove constraints from the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def remove_block(self, block: BlockData): """ Remove a block from the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def update_variables(self, variables: List[VarData]): """ Update variables on the model """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def update_parameters(self): """ Update parameters on the model """
class LegacySolverWrapper: """ Class to map the new solver interface features into the legacy solver interface. Necessary for backwards compatibility. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): if 'solver_io' in kwargs: raise NotImplementedError('Still working on this') # There is no reason for a user to be trying to mix both old # and new options. That is silly. So we will yell at them. self.options = kwargs.pop('options', None) if 'solver_options' in kwargs: if self.options is not None: raise ValueError( "Both 'options' and 'solver_options' were requested. " "Please use one or the other, not both." ) self.options = kwargs.pop('solver_options') super().__init__(**kwargs) # # Support "with" statements # def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, t, v, traceback): """Exit statement - enables `with` statements.""" def _map_config( self, tee=NOTSET, load_solutions=NOTSET, symbolic_solver_labels=NOTSET, timelimit=NOTSET, report_timing=NOTSET, raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result=NOTSET, solver_io=NOTSET, suffixes=NOTSET, logfile=NOTSET, keepfiles=NOTSET, solnfile=NOTSET, options=NOTSET, solver_options=NOTSET, writer_config=NOTSET, ): """Map between legacy and new interface configuration options""" self.config = self.config() if 'report_timing' not in self.config: self.config.declare( 'report_timing', ConfigValue(domain=bool, default=False) ) if tee is not NOTSET: self.config.tee = tee if load_solutions is not NOTSET: self.config.load_solutions = load_solutions if symbolic_solver_labels is not NOTSET: self.config.symbolic_solver_labels = symbolic_solver_labels if timelimit is not NOTSET: self.config.time_limit = timelimit if report_timing is not NOTSET: self.config.report_timing = report_timing if self.options is not None: self.config.solver_options.set_value(self.options) if (options is not NOTSET) and (solver_options is not NOTSET): # There is no reason for a user to be trying to mix both old # and new options. That is silly. So we will yell at them. # Example that would raise an error: # solver.solve(model, options={'foo' : 'bar'}, solver_options={'foo' : 'not_bar'}) raise ValueError( "Both 'options' and 'solver_options' were requested. " "Please use one or the other, not both." ) elif options is not NOTSET: # This block is trying to mimic the existing logic in the legacy # interface that allows users to pass initialized options to # the solver object and override them in the solve call. self.config.solver_options.set_value(options) elif solver_options is not NOTSET: self.config.solver_options.set_value(solver_options) if writer_config is not NOTSET: self.config.writer_config.set_value(writer_config) # This is a new flag in the interface. To preserve backwards compatibility, # its default is set to "False" if raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result is not NOTSET: self.config.raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result = ( raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result ) if solver_io is not NOTSET and solver_io is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Still working on this') if suffixes is not NOTSET and suffixes is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Still working on this') if logfile is not NOTSET and logfile is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Still working on this') if keepfiles or 'keepfiles' in self.config: cwd = os.getcwd() deprecation_warning( "`keepfiles` has been deprecated in the new solver interface. " "Use `working_dir` instead to designate a directory in which files " f"should be generated and saved. Setting `working_dir` to `{cwd}`.", version='6.7.1', ) self.config.working_dir = cwd # I believe this currently does nothing; however, it is unclear what # our desired behavior is for this. if solnfile is not NOTSET: if 'filename' in self.config: filename = os.path.splitext(solnfile)[0] self.config.filename = filename def _map_results(self, model, results): """Map between legacy and new Results objects""" legacy_results = LegacySolverResults() legacy_soln = LegacySolution() legacy_results.solver.status = legacy_solver_status_map[ results.termination_condition ] legacy_results.solver.termination_condition = legacy_termination_condition_map[ results.termination_condition ] legacy_soln.status = legacy_solution_status_map[results.solution_status] legacy_results.solver.termination_message = str(results.termination_condition) legacy_results.problem.number_of_constraints = float('nan') legacy_results.problem.number_of_variables = float('nan') number_of_objectives = sum( 1 for _ in model.component_data_objects( Objective, active=True, descend_into=True ) ) legacy_results.problem.number_of_objectives = number_of_objectives if number_of_objectives == 1: obj = get_objective(model) legacy_results.problem.sense = obj.sense if obj.sense == minimize: legacy_results.problem.lower_bound = results.objective_bound legacy_results.problem.upper_bound = results.incumbent_objective else: legacy_results.problem.upper_bound = results.objective_bound legacy_results.problem.lower_bound = results.incumbent_objective if ( results.incumbent_objective is not None and results.objective_bound is not None ): = abs(results.incumbent_objective - results.objective_bound) else: = None return legacy_results, legacy_soln def _solution_handler( self, load_solutions, model, results, legacy_results, legacy_soln ): """Method to handle the preferred action for the solution""" symbol_map = SymbolMap() symbol_map.default_labeler = NumericLabeler('x') if not hasattr(model, 'solutions'): # This logic gets around Issue #2130 in which # solutions is not an attribute on Blocks from pyomo.core.base.PyomoModel import ModelSolutions setattr(model, 'solutions', ModelSolutions(model)) legacy_results._smap_id = id(symbol_map) delete_legacy_soln = True if load_solutions: if hasattr(model, 'dual') and model.dual.import_enabled(): for c, val in results.solution_loader.get_duals().items(): model.dual[c] = val if hasattr(model, 'rc') and model.rc.import_enabled(): for v, val in results.solution_loader.get_reduced_costs().items(): model.rc[v] = val elif results.incumbent_objective is not None: delete_legacy_soln = False for v, val in results.solution_loader.get_primals().items(): legacy_soln.variable[symbol_map.getSymbol(v)] = {'Value': val} if hasattr(model, 'dual') and model.dual.import_enabled(): for c, val in results.solution_loader.get_duals().items(): legacy_soln.constraint[symbol_map.getSymbol(c)] = {'Dual': val} if hasattr(model, 'rc') and model.rc.import_enabled(): for v, val in results.solution_loader.get_reduced_costs().items(): legacy_soln.variable['Rc'] = val legacy_results.solution.insert(legacy_soln) # Timing info was not originally on the legacy results, but we want # to make it accessible to folks who are utilizing the backwards # compatible version. legacy_results.timing_info = results.timing_info if delete_legacy_soln: legacy_results.solution.delete(0) return legacy_results def solve( self, model: BlockData, tee: bool = False, load_solutions: bool = True, logfile: Optional[str] = None, solnfile: Optional[str] = None, timelimit: Optional[float] = None, report_timing: bool = False, solver_io: Optional[str] = None, suffixes: Optional[Sequence] = None, options: Optional[Dict] = None, keepfiles: bool = False, symbolic_solver_labels: bool = False, # These are for forward-compatibility raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result: bool = False, solver_options: Optional[Dict] = None, writer_config: Optional[Dict] = None, ): """ Solve method: maps new solve method style to backwards compatible version. Returns ------- legacy_results Legacy results object """ original_config = self.config map_args = ( 'tee', 'load_solutions', 'symbolic_solver_labels', 'timelimit', 'report_timing', 'raise_exception_on_nonoptimal_result', 'solver_io', 'suffixes', 'logfile', 'keepfiles', 'solnfile', 'options', 'solver_options', 'writer_config', ) loc = locals() filtered_args = {k: loc[k] for k in map_args if loc.get(k, None) is not None} self._map_config(**filtered_args) results: Results = super().solve(model) legacy_results, legacy_soln = self._map_results(model, results) legacy_results = self._solution_handler( load_solutions, model, results, legacy_results, legacy_soln ) if self.config.report_timing: print(results.timing_info.timer) self.config = original_config return legacy_results def available(self, exception_flag=True): """ Returns a bool determining whether the requested solver is available on the system. """ ans = super().available() if exception_flag and not ans: raise ApplicationError( f'Solver "{}" is not available. ' f'The returned status is: {ans}.' ) return bool(ans) def license_is_valid(self) -> bool: """Test if the solver license is valid on this system. Note that this method is included for compatibility with the legacy SolverFactory interface. Unlicensed or open source solvers will return True by definition. Licensed solvers will return True if a valid license is found. Returns ------- available: bool True if the solver license is valid. Otherwise, False. """ return bool(self.available()) def config_block(self, init=False): from pyomo.scripting.solve_config import default_config_block return default_config_block(self, init)[0] def set_options(self, options): opts = {k: v for k, v in options.value().items() if v is not None} if opts: self._map_config(**opts)