Source code for pyomo.contrib.satsolver.satsolver

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import math

from pyomo.common.dependencies import attempt_import
from pyomo.core import value, SymbolMap, NumericLabeler, Var, Constraint
from pyomo.core.expr import (
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import nonpyomo_leaf_types
from pyomo.core.expr.visitor import StreamBasedExpressionVisitor
from pyomo.gdp import Disjunction

z3, z3_available = attempt_import('z3')

[docs] def satisfiable(model, logger=None): """Checks if the model is satisfiable. Returns: True if model is satisfiable, False if model is unsatisfiable, None if satisfiability cannot be determined. """ result = SMTSatSolver(model, logger=logger).check() if result == z3.sat: return True elif result == z3.unsat: return False elif result == z3.unknown: return None else: raise ValueError('Unknown result: %s' % result)
[docs] class SMTSatSolver(object): """ Satisfiability solver that checks constraint feasibility through use of z3 Sat Solver. Object stores expressions and variables in form consistent with SMT-LIB standard. For documentation on SMT-LIB standard see """ def __str__(self): """ Defined string representation of object """ string = "" string = string + "Variables:\n" for v in self.variable_list: string = string + v string = string + "Bounds:\n" for e in self.bounds_list: string = string + e string = string + "Expressions:\n" for e in self.expression_list: string = string + e string = string + "Disjunctions:\n" for djn in self.disjunctions_list: string = string + "Disjunction: " + djn[0] + "\n" for disj in djn[1]: string = string + " " + disj[0] + " : " + "\n" for c in disj[1]: string = string + " " + c + "\n" return string
[docs] def __init__(self, model=None, logger=None): self.variable_label_map = SymbolMap(NumericLabeler('x')) self.prefix_expr_list = self._get_default_functions() self.variable_list = [] self.bounds_list = [] self.expression_list = [] self.disjunctions_list = [] self.walker = SMT_visitor(self.variable_label_map) self.solver = z3.Solver() self.logger = logger if model is not None: self._process_model(model)
# Set up functions to be added to beginning of string def _get_default_functions(self): default = list() default.append("(define-fun exp ((x Real)) Real (^ %0.15f x))" % (math.exp(1),)) return default # processes pyomo model into SMT model def _process_model(self, model): for v in model.component_data_objects(ctype=Var, descend_into=True): smtstring = self.add_var(v) for c in model.component_data_objects(ctype=Constraint, active=True): self.add_expr(c.expr) for djn in model.component_data_objects(ctype=Disjunction): if self._process_active_disjunction(djn) else: self._process_inactive_disjunction(djn) # define bound constraints def _add_bound(self, var): nm = self.variable_label_map.getSymbol(var) lb = ub = var.ub if lb is not None: self.bounds_list.append("(assert (>= " + nm + ' ' + str(lb) + "))\n") if ub is not None: self.bounds_list.append("(assert (<= " + nm + ' ' + str(ub) + "))\n") # define variables def add_var(self, var): label = self.variable_label_map.getSymbol(var) domain = var.domain if var.is_continuous(): self.variable_list.append("(declare-fun " + label + "() Real)\n") self._add_bound(var) elif var.is_binary(): self.variable_list.append("(declare-fun " + label + "() Int)\n") self._add_bound(var) elif var.is_integer(): self.variable_list.append("(declare-fun " + label + "() Int)\n") self._add_bound(var) else: raise NotImplementedError("SMT cannot handle " + str(domain) + " variables") return label # Defines SMT expression from pyomo expression def add_expr(self, expression): try: smtexpr = self.walker.walk_expression(expression) self.expression_list.append("(assert " + smtexpr + ")\n") except NotImplementedError as e: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.warning("Skipping Expression: " + str(e)) # Computes the SMT Model for the disjunction from the internal class storage def _compute_disjunction_string(self, smt_djn): djn_string = smt_djn[0] for disj in smt_djn[1]: cons_string = "true" for c in disj[1]: cons_string = "(and " + cons_string + ' ' + c + ")" djn_string = ( djn_string + "(assert (=> ( = 1 " + disj[0] + ") " + cons_string + "))\n" ) return djn_string # converts disjunction to internal class storage def _process_active_disjunction(self, djn): or_expr = "0" disjuncts = [] for disj in djn.disjuncts: constraints = [] iv = disj.binary_indicator_var label = self.add_var(iv) or_expr = "(+ " + or_expr + ' ' + label + ")" for c in disj.component_data_objects(ctype=Constraint, active=True): try: constraints.append(self.walker.walk_expression(c.expr)) except NotImplementedError as e: if self.logger is not None: self.logger.warning("Skipping Disjunct Expression: " + str(e)) disjuncts.append((label, constraints)) if djn.xor: or_expr = "(assert (= 1 " + or_expr + "))\n" else: or_expr = "(assert (>= 1 " + or_expr + "))\n" self.disjunctions_list.append((or_expr, disjuncts)) # processes inactive disjunction indicator vars without constraints def _process_inactive_disjunction(self, djn): or_expr = "0" for disj in djn.disjuncts: iv = disj.binary_indicator_var label = self.add_var(iv) or_expr = "(+ " + or_expr + ' ' + label + ")" if djn.xor: or_expr = "(assert (= 1 " + or_expr + "))\n" else: or_expr = "(assert (>= 1 " + or_expr + "))\n" self.expression_list.append(or_expr) def get_SMT_string(self): prefix_string = ''.join(self.prefix_expr_list) variable_string = ''.join(self.variable_list) bounds_string = ''.join(self.bounds_list) expression_string = ''.join(self.expression_list) disjunctions_string = ''.join( [self._compute_disjunction_string(d) for d in self.disjunctions_list] ) smtstring = ( prefix_string + variable_string + bounds_string + expression_string + disjunctions_string ) return smtstring def get_var_dict(self): labels = [x for x in self.variable_label_map.bySymbol] labels.sort() vars = [self.variable_label_map.getObject(l) for l in labels] return zip(labels, vars) # Checks Satisfiability of model def check(self): self.solver.append(z3.parse_smt2_string(self.get_SMT_string())) return self.solver.check()
[docs] class SMT_visitor(StreamBasedExpressionVisitor): """Creates an SMT expression from the corresponding Pyomo expression. This class walks a pyomo expression tree and builds up the corresponding SMT string representation of an equivalent expression """
[docs] def __init__(self, varmap): super(SMT_visitor, self).__init__() self.variable_label_map = varmap
def exitNode(self, node, data): if isinstance(node, EqualityExpression): ans = "(= " + data[0] + ' ' + data[1] + ")" elif isinstance(node, InequalityExpression): ans = "(<= " + data[0] + ' ' + data[1] + ")" elif isinstance(node, ProductExpression): ans = data[0] for arg in data[1:]: ans = "(* " + ans + ' ' + arg + ")" elif isinstance(node, SumExpression): ans = data[0] for arg in data[1:]: ans = "(+ " + ans + ' ' + arg + ")" elif isinstance(node, PowExpression): ans = "(^ " + data[0] + ' ' + data[1] + ")" elif isinstance(node, NegationExpression): ans = "(- 0 " + data[0] + ")" elif isinstance(node, MonomialTermExpression): ans = "(* " + data[0] + ' ' + data[1] + ")" elif isinstance(node, DivisionExpression): ans = "(/ " + data[0] + ' ' + data[1] + ")" elif isinstance(node, AbsExpression): ans = "(abs " + data[0] + ")" elif isinstance(node, UnaryFunctionExpression): if == "exp": ans = "(exp " + data[0] + ")" elif == "log": raise NotImplementedError("logarithm not handled by z3 interface") elif == "sin": ans = "(sin " + data[0] + ")" elif == "cos": ans = "(cos " + data[0] + ")" elif == "tan": ans = "(tan " + data[0] + ")" elif == "asin": ans = "(asin " + data[0] + ")" elif == "acos": ans = "(acos " + data[0] + ")" elif == "atan": ans = "(atan " + data[0] + ")" elif == "sqrt": ans = "(^ " + data[0] + " (/ 1 2))" else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown unary function: %s" % (,)) else: raise NotImplementedError( str(type(node)) + " expression not handled by z3 interface" ) return ans def beforeChild(self, node, child, child_idx): if type(child) in nonpyomo_leaf_types: # This means the child is POD # i.e., int, float, string return False, str(child) elif child.is_expression_type(): return True, "" elif child.is_numeric_type(): if child.is_fixed(): return False, str(value(child)) else: return False, str(self.variable_label_map.getSymbol(child)) else: return False, str(child) def finalizeResult(self, node_result): return node_result