Source code for pyomo.contrib.pyros.pyros

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

# Generalized Robust Cutting-Set Algorithm for Pyomo
from datetime import datetime
import logging

from pyomo.common.config import document_kwargs_from_configdict
from pyomo.core.expr import value
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory

from pyomo.contrib.pyros.config import pyros_config, logger_domain
from pyomo.contrib.pyros.pyros_algorithm_methods import ROSolver_iterative_solve
from pyomo.contrib.pyros.solve_data import ROSolveResults
from pyomo.contrib.pyros.util import (

__version__ = "1.3.1"

default_pyros_solver_logger = setup_pyros_logger()

def _get_pyomo_version_info():
    Get Pyomo version information.
    import os
    import subprocess
    from pyomo.version import version

    pyomo_version = version
    commit_hash = "unknown"

    pyros_dir = os.path.join(*os.path.split(__file__)[:-1])
    commit_hash_command_args = [
        commit_hash = (
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        commit_hash = "unknown"

    return {"Pyomo version": pyomo_version, "Commit hash": commit_hash}

[docs] @SolverFactory.register( "pyros", doc="Robust optimization (RO) solver implementing " "the generalized robust cutting-set algorithm (GRCS)", ) class PyROS(object): ''' PyROS (Pyomo Robust Optimization Solver) implementing a generalized robust cutting-set algorithm (GRCS) to solve two-stage NLP optimization models under uncertainty. ''' CONFIG = pyros_config() _LOG_LINE_LENGTH = 78
[docs] def available(self, exception_flag=True): """Check if solver is available.""" return True
[docs] def version(self): """Return a 3-tuple describing the solver version.""" return __version__
[docs] def license_is_valid(self): '''License for using PyROS''' return True
# The Pyomo solver API expects that solvers support the context # manager API def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, et, ev, tb): pass def _log_intro(self, logger, **log_kwargs): """ Log PyROS solver introductory messages. Parameters ---------- logger : logging.Logger Logger through which to emit messages. **log_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to ``logger.log()`` callable. Should not include `msg`. """ logger.log(msg="=" * self._LOG_LINE_LENGTH, **log_kwargs) logger.log( msg=f"PyROS: The Pyomo Robust Optimization Solver, v{self.version()}.", **log_kwargs, ) # git_info_str = ", ".join( # f"{field}: {val}" for field, val in _get_pyomo_git_info().items() # ) version_info = _get_pyomo_version_info() version_info_str = ' ' * len("PyROS: ") + ("\n" + ' ' * len("PyROS: ")).join( f"{key}: {val}" for key, val in version_info.items() ) logger.log(msg=version_info_str, **log_kwargs) logger.log( msg=( f"{' ' * len('PyROS:')} " f"Invoked at UTC {datetime.utcnow().isoformat()}" ), **log_kwargs, ) logger.log(msg="", **log_kwargs) logger.log( msg=("Developed by: Natalie M. Isenberg (1), Jason A. F. Sherman (1),"), **log_kwargs, ) logger.log( msg=( f"{' ' * len('Developed by:')} " "John D. Siirola (2), Chrysanthos E. Gounaris (1)" ), **log_kwargs, ) logger.log( msg=( "(1) Carnegie Mellon University, " "Department of Chemical Engineering" ), **log_kwargs, ) logger.log( msg="(2) Sandia National Laboratories, Center for Computing Research", **log_kwargs, ) logger.log(msg="", **log_kwargs) logger.log( msg=( "The developers gratefully acknowledge support " "from the U.S. Department" ), **log_kwargs, ) logger.log( msg=( "of Energy's " "Institute for the Design of Advanced Energy Systems (IDAES)." ), **log_kwargs, ) logger.log(msg="=" * self._LOG_LINE_LENGTH, **log_kwargs) def _log_disclaimer(self, logger, **log_kwargs): """ Log PyROS solver disclaimer messages. Parameters ---------- logger : logging.Logger Logger through which to emit messages. **log_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to ``logger.log()`` callable. Should not include `msg`. """ disclaimer_header = " DISCLAIMER ".center(self._LOG_LINE_LENGTH, "=") logger.log(msg=disclaimer_header, **log_kwargs) logger.log(msg="PyROS is still under development. ", **log_kwargs) logger.log( msg=( "Please provide feedback and/or report any issues by creating " "a ticket at" ), **log_kwargs, ) logger.log(msg="", **log_kwargs) logger.log(msg="=" * self._LOG_LINE_LENGTH, **log_kwargs) def _log_config(self, logger, config, exclude_options=None, **log_kwargs): """ Log PyROS solver options. Parameters ---------- logger : logging.Logger Logger for the solver options. config : ConfigDict PyROS solver options. exclude_options : None or iterable of str, optional Options (keys of the ConfigDict) to exclude from logging. If `None` passed, then the names of the required arguments to ``self.solve()`` are skipped. **log_kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to each statement of ``logger.log()``. """ # log solver options if exclude_options is None: exclude_options = [ "first_stage_variables", "second_stage_variables", "uncertain_params", "uncertainty_set", "local_solver", "global_solver", ] logger.log(msg="Solver options:", **log_kwargs) for key, val in config.items(): if key not in exclude_options: logger.log(msg=f" {key}={val!r}", **log_kwargs) logger.log(msg="-" * self._LOG_LINE_LENGTH, **log_kwargs) def _resolve_and_validate_pyros_args(self, model, **kwds): """ Resolve and validate arguments to ``self.solve()``. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Deterministic model object passed to ``self.solve()``. **kwds : dict All other arguments to ``self.solve()``. Returns ------- config : ConfigDict Standardized arguments. user_var_partitioning : util.VarPartitioning User-based partitioning of the in-scope model variables. Note ---- This method can be broken down into three steps: 1. Cast arguments to ConfigDict. Argument-wise validation is performed automatically. Note that arguments specified directly take precedence over arguments specified indirectly through direct argument 'options'. 2. Inter-argument validation. """ config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop("options", {})) config = config(kwds) user_var_partitioning = validate_pyros_inputs(model, config) return config, user_var_partitioning
[docs] @document_kwargs_from_configdict( config=CONFIG, section="Keyword Arguments", indent_spacing=4, width=72, visibility=0, ) def solve( self, model, first_stage_variables, second_stage_variables, uncertain_params, uncertainty_set, local_solver, global_solver, **kwds, ): """Solve a model. Parameters ---------- model: ConcreteModel The deterministic model. first_stage_variables: VarData, Var, or iterable of VarData/Var First-stage model variables (or design variables). second_stage_variables: VarData, Var, or iterable of VarData/Var Second-stage model variables (or control variables). uncertain_params: ParamData, Param, or iterable of ParamData/Param Uncertain model parameters. The `mutable` attribute for all uncertain parameter objects must be set to True. uncertainty_set: UncertaintySet Uncertainty set against which the solution(s) returned will be confirmed to be robust. local_solver: str or solver type Subordinate local NLP solver. If a `str` is passed, then the `str` is cast to ``SolverFactory(local_solver)``. global_solver: str or solver type Subordinate global NLP solver. If a `str` is passed, then the `str` is cast to ``SolverFactory(global_solver)``. Returns ------- return_soln : ROSolveResults Summary of PyROS termination outcome. """ model_data = ModelData(original_model=model, timing=TimingData(), config=None) with time_code( timing_data_obj=model_data.timing, code_block_name="main", is_main_timer=True, ): kwds.update( dict( first_stage_variables=first_stage_variables, second_stage_variables=second_stage_variables, uncertain_params=uncertain_params, uncertainty_set=uncertainty_set, local_solver=local_solver, global_solver=global_solver, ) ) # we want to log the intro and disclaimer in # advance of assembling the config. # this helps clarify to the user that any # messages logged during assembly of the config # were, in fact, logged after PyROS was initiated progress_logger = logger_domain( kwds.get( "progress_logger", kwds.get("options", dict()).get( "progress_logger", default_pyros_solver_logger ), ) ) self._log_intro(logger=progress_logger, level=logging.INFO) self._log_disclaimer(logger=progress_logger, level=logging.INFO) config, user_var_partitioning = self._resolve_and_validate_pyros_args( model, **kwds ) self._log_config( logger=config.progress_logger, config=config, exclude_options=None, level=logging.INFO, ) model_data.config = config"Preprocessing...") model_data.timing.start_timer("main.preprocessing") robust_infeasible = model_data.preprocess(user_var_partitioning) model_data.timing.stop_timer("main.preprocessing") preprocessing_time = model_data.timing.get_total_time("main.preprocessing") f"Done preprocessing; required wall time of " f"{preprocessing_time:.3f}s." ) log_model_statistics(model_data) # === Solve and load solution into model return_soln = ROSolveResults() if not robust_infeasible: pyros_soln = ROSolver_iterative_solve(model_data) IterationLogRecord.log_header_rule( termination_acceptable = pyros_soln.pyros_termination_condition in { pyrosTerminationCondition.robust_optimal, pyrosTerminationCondition.robust_feasible, } if termination_acceptable: load_final_solution( model_data=model_data, master_soln=pyros_soln.master_results, original_user_var_partitioning=user_var_partitioning, ) # get the most recent master objective, if available return_soln.final_objective_value = None master_epigraph_obj_value = value( pyros_soln.master_results.master_model.epigraph_obj, exception=False ) if master_epigraph_obj_value is not None: # account for sense of the original model objective # when reporting the final PyROS (master) objective, # since maximization objective is changed to # minimization objective during preprocessing return_soln.final_objective_value = ( model_data.active_obj_original_sense * master_epigraph_obj_value ) return_soln.pyros_termination_condition = ( pyros_soln.pyros_termination_condition ) return_soln.iterations = pyros_soln.iterations else: return_soln.final_objective_value = None return_soln.pyros_termination_condition = ( pyrosTerminationCondition.robust_infeasible ) return_soln.iterations = 0 return_soln.config = config return_soln.time = model_data.timing.get_total_time("main") # log termination-related messages"-" * self._LOG_LINE_LENGTH)"Timing breakdown:\n\n{model_data.timing}")"-" * self._LOG_LINE_LENGTH)"-" * self._LOG_LINE_LENGTH)"All done. Exiting PyROS.")"=" * self._LOG_LINE_LENGTH) return return_soln