Source code for pyomo.contrib.pynumero.algorithms.solvers.scipy_solvers

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from collections import namedtuple
from pyomo.core.base.objective import Objective
from pyomo.common.timing import HierarchicalTimer
from pyomo.common.modeling import unique_component_name
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue, In
from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.algorithms.solvers.square_solver_base import (
from pyomo.opt import SolverResults, TerminationCondition
from pyomo.common.dependencies import (
    numpy as np,
    scipy as sp,

# Use attempt_import here so that we can register the solver even if SciPy is
# not available.
pyomo_nlp, _ = attempt_import("pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.pyomo_nlp")

[docs] class FsolveNlpSolver(DenseSquareNlpSolver): OPTIONS = DenseSquareNlpSolver.OPTIONS( description="Options for SciPy fsolve wrapper" ) OPTIONS.declare( "xtol", ConfigValue( default=1e-8, domain=float, description="Tolerance for convergence of variable vector", ), ) OPTIONS.declare( "maxfev", ConfigValue( default=100, domain=int, description="Maximum number of function evaluations per solve", ), ) OPTIONS.declare( "tol", ConfigValue( default=None, domain=float, description="Tolerance for convergence of function residual", ), ) OPTIONS.declare("full_output", ConfigValue(default=True, domain=bool)) def solve(self, x0=None): if x0 is None: x0 = self._nlp.get_primals() res = sp.optimize.fsolve( self.evaluate_function, x0, fprime=self.evaluate_jacobian, full_output=self.options.full_output, xtol=self.options.xtol, maxfev=self.options.maxfev, ) if self.options.full_output: x, info, ier, msg = res else: x, ier, msg = res # # fsolve converges with a tolerance specified on the variable # vector x. We may also want to enforce a tolerance on function # value, which we check here. # if self.options.tol is not None: if self.options.full_output: fcn_val = info["fvec"] else: fcn_val = self.evaluate_function(x) if not np.all(np.abs(fcn_val) <= self.options.tol): raise RuntimeError( "fsolve converged to a solution that does not satisfy the" " function tolerance 'tol' of %s." " You may need to relax the 'tol' option or tighten the" " 'xtol' option (currently 'xtol' is %s)." % (self.options.tol, self.options.xtol) ) return res
[docs] class RootNlpSolver(DenseSquareNlpSolver): OPTIONS = DenseSquareNlpSolver.OPTIONS( description="Options for SciPy fsolve wrapper" ) OPTIONS.declare( "tol", ConfigValue(default=1e-8, domain=float, description="Convergence tolerance"), ) OPTIONS.declare( "method", ConfigValue( default="hybr", domain=In({"hybr", "lm"}), description="Method used to solve for the function root", doc=( """The 'method' argument in the scipy.optimize.root function. For now only 'hybr' (Powell hybrid method from MINPACK) and 'lm' (Levenberg-Marquardt from MINPACK) are supported. """ ), ), ) def solve(self, x0=None): if x0 is None: x0 = self._nlp.get_primals() results = sp.optimize.root( self.evaluate_function, x0, jac=self.evaluate_jacobian, tol=self.options.tol, method=self.options.method, ) return results
[docs] class NewtonNlpSolver(ScalarDenseSquareNlpSolver): """A wrapper around the SciPy scalar Newton solver for NLP objects""" OPTIONS = ScalarDenseSquareNlpSolver.OPTIONS( description="Options for SciPy newton wrapper" ) OPTIONS.declare( "tol", ConfigValue(default=1e-8, domain=float, description="Convergence tolerance"), ) OPTIONS.declare( "secant", ConfigValue( default=False, domain=bool, description="Whether to use SciPy's secant method", ), ) OPTIONS.declare( "full_output", ConfigValue( default=True, domain=bool, description="Whether underlying solver should return its full output", ), ) OPTIONS.declare( "maxiter", ConfigValue( default=50, domain=int, description="Maximum number of function evaluations per solve", ), ) def solve(self, x0=None): if x0 is None: x0 = self._nlp.get_primals() if self.options.secant: fprime = None else: fprime = lambda x: self.evaluate_jacobian(np.array([x]))[0, 0] results = sp.optimize.newton( lambda x: self.evaluate_function(np.array([x]))[0], x0[0], fprime=fprime, tol=self.options.tol, full_output=self.options.full_output, maxiter=self.options.maxiter, ) return results
[docs] class SecantNewtonNlpSolver(NewtonNlpSolver): """A wrapper around the SciPy scalar Newton solver for NLP objects that takes a specified number of secant iterations (default is 2) to try to converge a linear equation quickly then switches to Newton's method if this is not successful. This strategy is inspired by calculate_variable_from_constraint in pyomo.util.calc_var_value. """ OPTIONS = ConfigBlock(description="Options for the SciPy Newton-secant hybrid") OPTIONS.declare_from(NewtonNlpSolver.OPTIONS, skip={"maxiter", "secant"}) OPTIONS.declare( "secant_iter", ConfigValue( default=2, domain=int, description=( "Number of secant iterations to perform before switching" " to Newton's method." ), ), ) OPTIONS.declare( "newton_iter", ConfigValue( default=50, domain=int, description="Maximum iterations for the Newton solve", ), )
[docs] def __init__(self, nlp, timer=None, options=None): super().__init__(nlp, timer=timer, options=options) self.converged_with_secant = None
def solve(self, x0=None): if x0 is None: x0 = self._nlp.get_primals() try: results = sp.optimize.newton( lambda x: self.evaluate_function(np.array([x]))[0], x0[0], fprime=None, tol=self.options.tol, maxiter=self.options.secant_iter, full_output=self.options.full_output, ) self.converged_with_secant = True except RuntimeError: self.converged_with_secant = False x0 = self._nlp.get_primals() results = sp.optimize.newton( lambda x: self.evaluate_function(np.array([x]))[0], x0[0], fprime=lambda x: self.evaluate_jacobian(np.array([x]))[0, 0], tol=self.options.tol, maxiter=self.options.newton_iter, full_output=self.options.full_output, ) return results
[docs] class PyomoScipySolver(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, options=None): if options is None: options = {} self._nlp = None self._nlp_solver = None self._full_output = None self.options = options
def available(self, exception_flag=False): return bool(numpy_available and scipy_available) def license_is_valid(self): return True def version(self): return tuple(int(_) for _ in sp.__version__.split('.')) def set_options(self, options): self.options = options
[docs] def solve(self, model, timer=None, tee=False): """ Parameters ---------- model: BlockData The model that will be solved timer: HierarchicalTimer A HierarchicalTimer that "sub-timers" created by this object will be attached to. If not provided, a new timer is created. tee: Bool A dummy flag indicating whether solver output should be displayed. The current SciPy solvers supported have no output, so setting this flag does not do anything. Returns ------- SolverResults Contains the results of the solve """ if timer is None: timer = HierarchicalTimer() self._timer = timer self._timer.start("solve") active_objs = list(model.component_data_objects(Objective, active=True)) if len(active_objs) == 0: obj_name = unique_component_name(model, "_obj") obj = Objective(expr=0.0) model.add_component(obj_name, obj) nlp = pyomo_nlp.PyomoNLP(model) self._nlp = nlp if len(active_objs) == 0: model.del_component(obj_name) # Call to solve(nlp) self._nlp_solver = self.create_nlp_solver(options=self.options) x0 = nlp.get_primals() results = self._nlp_solver.solve(x0=x0) # Transfer values back to Pyomo model for var, val in zip(nlp.get_pyomo_variables(), nlp.get_primals()): var.set_value(val) self._timer.stop("solve") # Translate results into a Pyomo-compatible results structure pyomo_results = self.get_pyomo_results(model, results) return pyomo_results
def get_nlp(self): return self._nlp def create_nlp_solver(self, **kwds): raise NotImplementedError( "%s has not implemented the create_nlp_solver method" % self.__class__ ) def get_pyomo_results(self, model, scipy_results): raise NotImplementedError( "%s has not implemented the get_results method" % self.__class__ ) # # Support "with" statements. # def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, t, v, traceback): pass
[docs] class PyomoFsolveSolver(PyomoScipySolver): # Note that scipy.optimize.fsolve does not return a # scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult object (as of SciPy 1.9.3). # To assess convergence, we must check the integer flag "ier" # that is the third (or second if full_output=False) entry # of the returned tuple. This dict maps documented "ier" values # to Pyomo termination conditions. _term_cond = {1: TerminationCondition.feasible} def create_nlp_solver(self, **kwds): nlp = self.get_nlp() solver = FsolveNlpSolver(nlp, **kwds) return solver def get_pyomo_results(self, model, scipy_results): nlp = self.get_nlp() if self._nlp_solver.options.full_output: x, info, ier, msg = scipy_results else: x, ier, msg = scipy_results results = SolverResults() # Record problem data = results.problem.number_of_constraints = nlp.n_eq_constraints() results.problem.number_of_variables = nlp.n_primals() results.problem.number_of_binary_variables = 0 results.problem.number_of_integer_variables = 0 results.problem.number_of_continuous_variables = nlp.n_primals() # Record solver data = "scipy.fsolve" results.solver.return_code = ier results.solver.message = msg results.solver.wallclock_time = self._timer.timers["solve"].total_time results.solver.termination_condition = self._term_cond.get( ier, TerminationCondition.error ) results.solver.status = TerminationCondition.to_solver_status( results.solver.termination_condition ) if self._nlp_solver.options.full_output: results.solver.number_of_function_evaluations = info["nfev"] results.solver.number_of_gradient_evaluations = info["njev"] return results
[docs] class PyomoRootSolver(PyomoScipySolver): def create_nlp_solver(self, **kwds): nlp = self.get_nlp() solver = RootNlpSolver(nlp, **kwds) return solver def get_pyomo_results(self, model, scipy_results): nlp = self.get_nlp() results = SolverResults() # Record problem data = results.problem.number_of_constraints = nlp.n_eq_constraints() results.problem.number_of_variables = nlp.n_primals() results.problem.number_of_binary_variables = 0 results.problem.number_of_integer_variables = 0 results.problem.number_of_continuous_variables = nlp.n_primals() # Record solver data = "scipy.root" results.solver.return_code = scipy_results.status results.solver.message = scipy_results.message results.solver.wallclock_time = self._timer.timers["solve"].total_time # Check the "success" field of the scipy results object as status # appears to be different between solvers (i.e. "hybrid" vs "lm") # and not well documented as of SciPy 1.9.3 if scipy_results.success: results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.feasible else: results.solver.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.error results.solver.status = TerminationCondition.to_solver_status( results.solver.termination_condition ) # This attribute is in the SciPy documentation but appears not to # be implemented for "hybr" or "lm" solvers... # results.solver.number_of_iterations = scipy_results.nit results.solver.number_of_function_evaluations = scipy_results.nfev results.solver.number_of_gradient_evaluations = scipy_results.njev return results
[docs] class PyomoNewtonSolver(PyomoScipySolver): _solver_name = "scipy.newton" def create_nlp_solver(self, **kwds): nlp = self.get_nlp() solver = NewtonNlpSolver(nlp, **kwds) return solver def get_pyomo_results(self, model, scipy_results): nlp = self.get_nlp() results = SolverResults() if self._nlp_solver.options.full_output: root, res = scipy_results else: root = scipy_results # Record problem data = results.problem.number_of_constraints = nlp.n_eq_constraints() results.problem.number_of_variables = nlp.n_primals() results.problem.number_of_binary_variables = 0 results.problem.number_of_integer_variables = 0 results.problem.number_of_continuous_variables = nlp.n_primals() # Record solver data = self._solver_name results.solver.wallclock_time = self._timer.timers["solve"].total_time if self._nlp_solver.options.full_output: # We only have access to any of this information if the solver was # requested to return its full output. # For this solver, res.flag is a string. # If successful, it is 'converged' results.solver.message = res.flag if res.converged: term_cond = TerminationCondition.feasible else: term_cond = TerminationCondition.Error results.solver.termination_condition = term_cond results.solver.status = TerminationCondition.to_solver_status( results.solver.termination_condition ) results.solver.number_of_function_evaluations = res.function_calls return results
[docs] class PyomoSecantNewtonSolver(PyomoNewtonSolver): _solver_name = "scipy.secant-newton" def converged_with_secant(self): return self._nlp_solver.converged_with_secant def create_nlp_solver(self, **kwds): nlp = self.get_nlp() solver = SecantNewtonNlpSolver(nlp, **kwds) return solver