# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
# ScenariosCreator.py - Class to create and deliver scenarios using parmest
# DLW March 2020
import pyomo.environ as pyo
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ScenarioSet(object):
Class to hold scenario sets
name (str): name of the set (might be "")
def __init__(self, name):
# Note: If there was a use-case, the list could be a dataframe.
self._scens = list() # use a df instead?
self.name = name # might be ""
def _firstscen(self):
# Return the first scenario for testing and to get Theta names.
assert len(self._scens) > 0
return self._scens[0]
def ScensIterator(self):
"""Usage: for scenario in ScensIterator()"""
return iter(self._scens)
def ScenarioNumber(self, scennum):
"""Returns the scenario with the given, zero-based number"""
return self._scens[scennum]
def addone(self, scen):
"""Add a scenario to the set
scen (ParmestScen): the scenario to add
assert isinstance(self._scens, list)
def append_bootstrap(self, bootstrap_theta):
"""Append a bootstrap theta df to the scenario set; equally likely
bootstrap_theta (dataframe): created by the bootstrap
Note: this can be cleaned up a lot with the list becomes a df,
which is why I put it in the ScenarioSet class.
assert len(bootstrap_theta) > 0
prob = 1.0 / len(bootstrap_theta)
# dict of ThetaVal dicts
dfdict = bootstrap_theta.to_dict(orient='index')
for index, ThetaVals in dfdict.items():
name = "Bootstrap" + str(index)
self.addone(ParmestScen(name, ThetaVals, prob))
def write_csv(self, filename):
"""write a csv file with the scenarios in the set
filename (str): full path and full name of file
if len(self._scens) == 0:
print("Empty scenario set, not writing file={}".format(filename))
with open(filename, "w") as f:
for n in self._firstscen().ThetaVals.keys():
for s in self.ScensIterator():
f.write("{},{}".format(s.name, s.probability))
for v in s.ThetaVals.values():
class ParmestScen(object):
"""A little container for scenarios; the Args are the attributes.
name (str): name for reporting; might be ""
ThetaVals (dict): ThetaVals[name]=val
probability (float): probability of occurrence "near" these ThetaVals
def __init__(self, name, ThetaVals, probability):
self.name = name
assert isinstance(ThetaVals, dict)
self.ThetaVals = ThetaVals
self.probability = probability
class ScenarioCreator(object):
"""Create scenarios from parmest.
pest (Estimator): the parmest object
solvername (str): name of the solver (e.g. "ipopt")
def __init__(self, pest, solvername):
self.pest = pest
self.solvername = solvername
def ScenariosFromExperiments(self, addtoSet):
"""Creates new self.Scenarios list using the experiments only.
addtoSet (ScenarioSet): the scenarios will be added to this set
a ScenarioSet
assert isinstance(addtoSet, ScenarioSet)
if self.pest.pest_deprecated is not None:
scenario_numbers = list(range(len(self.pest.pest_deprecated.callback_data)))
scenario_numbers = list(range(len(self.pest.exp_list)))
prob = 1.0 / len(scenario_numbers)
for exp_num in scenario_numbers:
##print("Experiment number=", exp_num)
if self.pest.pest_deprecated is not None:
model = self.pest.pest_deprecated._instance_creation_callback(
exp_num, self.pest.pest_deprecated.callback_data
model = self.pest._instance_creation_callback(exp_num)
opt = pyo.SolverFactory(self.solvername)
results = opt.solve(model) # solves and updates model
## pyo.check_termination_optimal(results)
if self.pest.pest_deprecated is not None:
ThetaVals = {
theta: pyo.value(model.find_component(theta))
for theta in self.pest.pest_deprecated.theta_names
ThetaVals = {
k.name: pyo.value(k) for k in model.unknown_parameters.keys()
addtoSet.addone(ParmestScen("ExpScen" + str(exp_num), ThetaVals, prob))
def ScenariosFromBootstrap(self, addtoSet, numtomake, seed=None):
"""Creates new self.Scenarios list using the experiments only.
addtoSet (ScenarioSet): the scenarios will be added to this set
numtomake (int) : number of scenarios to create
assert isinstance(addtoSet, ScenarioSet)
if self.pest.pest_deprecated is not None:
bootstrap_thetas = self.pest.pest_deprecated.theta_est_bootstrap(
numtomake, seed=seed
bootstrap_thetas = self.pest.theta_est_bootstrap(numtomake, seed=seed)