Source code for pyomo.contrib.mindtpy.util

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

"""Utility functions and classes for the MindtPy solver."""
import logging
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap
from pyomo.core import (
from pyomo.repn import generate_standard_repn
from pyomo.contrib.mcpp.pyomo_mcpp import mcpp_available, McCormick
from pyomo.contrib.fbbt.fbbt import compute_bounds_on_expr
import pyomo.core.expr as EXPR
from pyomo.contrib.gdpopt.util import get_main_elapsed_time, time_code
from pyomo.util.model_size import build_model_size_report
from pyomo.common.dependencies import attempt_import
from pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.gurobi_direct import gurobipy
from pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.gurobi_persistent import GurobiPersistent
import math

pyomo_nlp = attempt_import('pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.pyomo_nlp')[0]
numpy = attempt_import('numpy')[0]

[docs] def calc_jacobians(constraint_list, differentiate_mode): """Generates a map of jacobians for the variables in the model. This function generates a map of jacobians corresponding to the variables in the constraint list. Parameters ---------- constraint_list : List The list of constraints to calculate Jacobians. differentiate_mode : String The differentiate mode to calculate Jacobians. """ # Map nonlinear_constraint --> Map( # variable --> jacobian of constraint w.r.t. variable) jacobians = ComponentMap() mode = EXPR.differentiate.Modes(differentiate_mode) for c in constraint_list: vars_in_constr = list(EXPR.identify_variables(c.body)) jac_list = EXPR.differentiate(c.body, wrt_list=vars_in_constr, mode=mode) jacobians[c] = ComponentMap( (var, jac_wrt_var) for var, jac_wrt_var in zip(vars_in_constr, jac_list) ) return jacobians
[docs] def initialize_feas_subproblem(m, feasibility_norm): """Adds feasibility slack variables according to config.feasibility_norm (given an infeasible problem). Defines the objective function of the feasibility subproblem. Parameters ---------- m : Pyomo model The feasbility NLP subproblem. feasibility_norm : String The norm used to generate the objective function. """ MindtPy = m.MindtPy_utils # generate new constraints for i, constr in enumerate(MindtPy.nonlinear_constraint_list, 1): if constr.has_ub(): if feasibility_norm in {'L1', 'L2'}: MindtPy.feas_opt.feas_constraints.add( constr.body - constr.upper <= MindtPy.feas_opt.slack_var[i] ) else: MindtPy.feas_opt.feas_constraints.add( constr.body - constr.upper <= MindtPy.feas_opt.slack_var ) if constr.has_lb(): if feasibility_norm in {'L1', 'L2'}: MindtPy.feas_opt.feas_constraints.add( constr.body - constr.lower >= -MindtPy.feas_opt.slack_var[i] ) else: MindtPy.feas_opt.feas_constraints.add( constr.body - constr.lower >= -MindtPy.feas_opt.slack_var ) # Setup objective function for the feasibility subproblem. if feasibility_norm == 'L1': MindtPy.feas_obj = Objective( expr=sum(s for s in MindtPy.feas_opt.slack_var.values()), sense=minimize ) elif feasibility_norm == 'L2': MindtPy.feas_obj = Objective( expr=sum(s * s for s in MindtPy.feas_opt.slack_var.values()), sense=minimize ) else: MindtPy.feas_obj = Objective(expr=MindtPy.feas_opt.slack_var, sense=minimize) MindtPy.feas_obj.deactivate()
[docs] def add_var_bound(model, config): """This function will add bounds for variables in nonlinear constraints if they are not bounded. This is to avoid an unbounded main problem in the LP/NLP algorithm. Thus, the model will be updated to include bounds for the unbounded variables in nonlinear constraints. Parameters ---------- model : PyomoModel Target model to add bound for its variables. config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. """ MindtPy = model.MindtPy_utils for c in MindtPy.nonlinear_constraint_list: for var in EXPR.identify_variables(c.body): if var.has_lb() and var.has_ub(): continue if not var.has_lb(): if var.is_integer(): var.setlb(-config.integer_var_bound - 1) else: var.setlb(-config.continuous_var_bound - 1) if not var.has_ub(): if var.is_integer(): var.setub(config.integer_var_bound) else: var.setub(config.continuous_var_bound)
[docs] def generate_norm2sq_objective_function(model, setpoint_model, discrete_only=False): r"""This function generates objective (FP-NLP subproblem) for minimum euclidean distance to setpoint_model. L2 distance of :math:`(x,y) = \sqrt{\sum_i (x_i - y_i)^2}`. Parameters ---------- model : Pyomo model The model that needs new objective function. setpoint_model : Pyomo model The model that provides the base point for us to calculate the distance. discrete_only : bool, optional Whether to only optimize on distance between the discrete variables, by default False. Returns ------- Objective The norm2 square objective function. """ # skip objective_value variable and slack_var variables var_filter = ( (lambda v: v[1].is_integer()) if discrete_only else ( lambda v: 'MindtPy_utils.objective_value' not in v[1].name and 'MindtPy_utils.feas_opt.slack_var' not in v[1].name ) ) model_vars, setpoint_vars = zip( *filter( var_filter, zip( model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, setpoint_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, ), ) ) assert len(model_vars) == len( setpoint_vars ), 'Trying to generate Squared Norm2 objective function for models with different number of variables' return Objective( expr=( sum( [ (model_var - setpoint_var.value) ** 2 for (model_var, setpoint_var) in zip(model_vars, setpoint_vars) ] ) ) )
[docs] def generate_norm1_objective_function(model, setpoint_model, discrete_only=False): r"""This function generates objective (PF-OA main problem) for minimum Norm1 distance to setpoint_model. Norm1 distance of :math:`(x,y) = \sum_i |x_i - y_i|`. Parameters ---------- model : Pyomo model The model that needs new objective function. setpoint_model : Pyomo model The model that provides the base point for us to calculate the distance. discrete_only : bool, optional Whether to only optimize on distance between the discrete variables, by default False. Returns ------- Objective The norm1 objective function. """ # skip objective_value variable and slack_var variables var_filter = ( (lambda v: v.is_integer()) if discrete_only else ( lambda v: 'MindtPy_utils.objective_value' not in and 'MindtPy_utils.feas_opt.slack_var' not in ) ) model_vars = list(filter(var_filter, model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list)) setpoint_vars = list(filter(var_filter, setpoint_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list)) assert len(model_vars) == len( setpoint_vars ), 'Trying to generate Norm1 objective function for models with different number of variables' model.MindtPy_utils.del_component('L1_obj') obj_block = model.MindtPy_utils.L1_obj = Block() obj_block.L1_obj_idx = RangeSet(len(model_vars)) obj_block.L1_obj_var = Var(obj_block.L1_obj_idx, domain=Reals, bounds=(0, None)) obj_block.abs_reform = ConstraintList() for idx, v_model, v_setpoint in zip( obj_block.L1_obj_idx, model_vars, setpoint_vars ): obj_block.abs_reform.add( expr=v_model - v_setpoint.value >= -obj_block.L1_obj_var[idx] ) obj_block.abs_reform.add( expr=v_model - v_setpoint.value <= obj_block.L1_obj_var[idx] ) return Objective( expr=sum(obj_block.L1_obj_var[idx] for idx in obj_block.L1_obj_idx) )
[docs] def generate_norm_inf_objective_function(model, setpoint_model, discrete_only=False): r"""This function generates objective (PF-OA main problem) for minimum Norm Infinity distance to setpoint_model. Norm-Infinity distance of :math:`(x,y) = \max_i |x_i - y_i|`. Parameters ---------- model : Pyomo model The model that needs new objective function. setpoint_model : Pyomo model The model that provides the base point for us to calculate the distance. discrete_only : bool, optional Whether to only optimize on distance between the discrete variables, by default False. Returns ------- Objective The norm infinity objective function. """ # skip objective_value variable and slack_var variables var_filter = ( (lambda v: v.is_integer()) if discrete_only else ( lambda v: 'MindtPy_utils.objective_value' not in and 'MindtPy_utils.feas_opt.slack_var' not in ) ) model_vars = list(filter(var_filter, model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list)) setpoint_vars = list(filter(var_filter, setpoint_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list)) assert len(model_vars) == len( setpoint_vars ), 'Trying to generate Norm Infinity objective function for models with different number of variables' model.MindtPy_utils.del_component('L_infinity_obj') obj_block = model.MindtPy_utils.L_infinity_obj = Block() obj_block.L_infinity_obj_var = Var(domain=Reals, bounds=(0, None)) obj_block.abs_reform = ConstraintList() for v_model, v_setpoint in zip(model_vars, setpoint_vars): obj_block.abs_reform.add( expr=v_model - v_setpoint.value >= -obj_block.L_infinity_obj_var ) obj_block.abs_reform.add( expr=v_model - v_setpoint.value <= obj_block.L_infinity_obj_var ) return Objective(expr=obj_block.L_infinity_obj_var)
[docs] def generate_lag_objective_function( model, setpoint_model, config, timing, discrete_only=False ): """The function generates the second-order Taylor approximation of the Lagrangean. Parameters ---------- model : Pyomo model The model that needs new objective function. setpoint_model : Pyomo model The model that provides the base point for us to calculate the distance. config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. timing : Timing Timing discrete_only : bool, optional Whether to only optimize on distance between the discrete variables, by default False. Returns ------- Objective The taylor extension(1st order or 2nd order) of the Lagrangean function. """ temp_model = setpoint_model.clone() for var in temp_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list: if var.is_integer(): var.unfix() # objective_list[0] is the original objective function, not in MindtPy_utils block temp_model.MindtPy_utils.objective_list[0].activate() temp_model.MindtPy_utils.deactivate() TransformationFactory('core.relax_integer_vars').apply_to(temp_model) # Note: PyNumero does not support discrete variables # So PyomoNLP should operate on setpoint_model # Implementation 1 # First calculate Jacobian and Hessian without assigning variable and constraint sequence, then use get_primal_indices to get the indices. with time_code(timing, 'PyomoNLP'): nlp = pyomo_nlp.PyomoNLP(temp_model) lam = [ ( -temp_model.dual[constr] if abs(temp_model.dual[constr]) > config.zero_tolerance else 0 ) for constr in nlp.get_pyomo_constraints() ] nlp.set_duals(lam) obj_grad = nlp.evaluate_grad_objective().reshape(-1, 1) jac = nlp.evaluate_jacobian().toarray() jac_lag = obj_grad + jac.transpose().dot(numpy.array(lam).reshape(-1, 1)) jac_lag[abs(jac_lag) < config.zero_tolerance] = 0 # jac_lag of continuous variables should be zero for var in temp_model.MindtPy_utils.continuous_variable_list: if 'MindtPy_utils.objective_value' not in jac_lag[nlp.get_primal_indices([var])[0]] = 0 nlp_var = set([ for i in nlp.get_pyomo_variables()]) first_order_term = sum( jac_lag[nlp.get_primal_indices([temp_var])[0]][0] * (var - temp_var.value) for var, temp_var in zip( model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, temp_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, ) if in nlp_var ) if config.add_regularization == 'grad_lag': return Objective(expr=first_order_term, sense=minimize) elif config.add_regularization in {'hess_lag', 'hess_only_lag'}: # Implementation 1 hess_lag = nlp.evaluate_hessian_lag().toarray() hess_lag[abs(hess_lag) < config.zero_tolerance] = 0 second_order_term = 0.5 * sum( (var_i - temp_var_i.value) * float( hess_lag[nlp.get_primal_indices([temp_var_i])[0]][ nlp.get_primal_indices([temp_var_j])[0] ] ) * (var_j - temp_var_j.value) for var_i, temp_var_i in zip( model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, temp_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, ) for var_j, temp_var_j in zip( model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, temp_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, ) if ( in nlp_var and in nlp_var) ) if config.add_regularization == 'hess_lag': return Objective( expr=first_order_term + second_order_term, sense=minimize ) elif config.add_regularization == 'hess_only_lag': return Objective(expr=second_order_term, sense=minimize) elif config.add_regularization == 'sqp_lag': var_filter = ( (lambda v: v[1].is_integer()) if discrete_only else ( lambda v: 'MindtPy_utils.objective_value' not in v[1].name and 'MindtPy_utils.feas_opt.slack_var' not in v[1].name ) ) model_vars, setpoint_vars = zip( *filter( var_filter, zip( model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, setpoint_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, ), ) ) assert len(model_vars) == len( setpoint_vars ), 'Trying to generate Squared Norm2 objective function for models with different number of variables' if config.sqp_lag_scaling_coef is None: rho = 1 elif config.sqp_lag_scaling_coef == 'fixed': r = 1 rho = numpy.linalg.norm(jac_lag / (2 * r)) elif config.sqp_lag_scaling_coef == 'variable_dependent': r = numpy.sqrt(len(temp_model.MindtPy_utils.discrete_variable_list)) rho = numpy.linalg.norm(jac_lag / (2 * r)) return Objective( expr=first_order_term + rho * sum( [ (model_var - setpoint_var.value) ** 2 for (model_var, setpoint_var) in zip(model_vars, setpoint_vars) ] ) )
[docs] def generate_norm1_norm_constraint(model, setpoint_model, config, discrete_only=True): r"""This function generates constraint (PF-OA main problem) for minimum Norm1 distance to setpoint_model. Norm constraint is used to guarantees the monotonicity of the norm objective value sequence of all iterations. Norm1 distance of :math:`(x,y) = \sum_i |x_i - y_i|`. Ref: Paper 'A storm of feasibility pumps for nonconvex MINLP' Eq. (16). Parameters ---------- model : Pyomo model The model that needs the norm constraint. setpoint_model : Pyomo model The model that provides the base point for us to calculate the distance. config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. discrete_only : bool, optional Whether to only optimize on distance between the discrete variables, by default True. """ var_filter = (lambda v: v.is_integer()) if discrete_only else (lambda v: True) model_vars = list(filter(var_filter, model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list)) setpoint_vars = list(filter(var_filter, setpoint_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list)) assert len(model_vars) == len( setpoint_vars ), 'Trying to generate Norm1 norm constraint for models with different number of variables' norm_constraint_block = model.MindtPy_utils.L1_norm_constraint = Block() norm_constraint_block.L1_slack_idx = RangeSet(len(model_vars)) norm_constraint_block.L1_slack_var = Var( norm_constraint_block.L1_slack_idx, domain=Reals, bounds=(0, None) ) norm_constraint_block.abs_reform = ConstraintList() for idx, v_model, v_setpoint in zip( norm_constraint_block.L1_slack_idx, model_vars, setpoint_vars ): norm_constraint_block.abs_reform.add( expr=v_model - v_setpoint.value >= -norm_constraint_block.L1_slack_var[idx] ) norm_constraint_block.abs_reform.add( expr=v_model - v_setpoint.value <= norm_constraint_block.L1_slack_var[idx] ) rhs = config.fp_norm_constraint_coef * sum( abs(v_model.value - v_setpoint.value) for v_model, v_setpoint in zip(model_vars, setpoint_vars) ) norm_constraint_block.sum_slack = Constraint( expr=sum( norm_constraint_block.L1_slack_var[idx] for idx in norm_constraint_block.L1_slack_idx ) <= rhs )
[docs] def update_solver_timelimit(opt, solver_name, timing, config): """Updates the time limit for subsolvers. Parameters ---------- opt : Solvers The solver object. solver_name : String The name of solver. timing : Timing Timing config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. """ elapsed = get_main_elapsed_time(timing) remaining = math.ceil(max(config.time_limit - elapsed, 1)) if solver_name in { 'cplex', 'appsi_cplex', 'cplex_persistent', 'gurobi', 'gurobi_persistent', 'appsi_gurobi', }: opt.options['timelimit'] = remaining elif solver_name == 'appsi_highs': opt.config.time_limit = remaining elif solver_name == 'cyipopt': opt.config.options['max_cpu_time'] = float(remaining) elif solver_name == 'glpk': opt.options['tmlim'] = remaining elif solver_name == 'baron': opt.options['MaxTime'] = remaining elif solver_name in {'ipopt', 'appsi_ipopt'}: opt.options['max_cpu_time'] = remaining elif solver_name == 'gams': opt.options['add_options'].append('option Reslim=%s;' % remaining)
[docs] def set_solver_mipgap(opt, solver_name, config): """Set mipgap for subsolvers. Parameters ---------- opt : Solvers The solver object. solver_name : String The name of solver. config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. """ if solver_name in { 'cplex', 'cplex_persistent', 'gurobi', 'gurobi_persistent', 'appsi_gurobi', 'glpk', }: opt.options['mipgap'] = config.mip_solver_mipgap elif solver_name == 'appsi_cplex': opt.options['mip_tolerances_mipgap'] = config.mip_solver_mipgap elif solver_name == 'appsi_highs': opt.config.mip_gap = config.mip_solver_mipgap elif solver_name == 'gams': opt.options['add_options'].append('option optcr=%s;' % config.mip_solver_mipgap)
[docs] def set_solver_constraint_violation_tolerance( opt, solver_name, config, warm_start=True ): """Set constraint violation tolerance for solvers. Parameters ---------- opt : Solvers The solver object. solver_name : String The name of solver. config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. """ if solver_name == 'baron': opt.options['AbsConFeasTol'] = config.zero_tolerance elif solver_name in {'ipopt', 'appsi_ipopt'}: opt.options['constr_viol_tol'] = config.zero_tolerance elif solver_name == 'cyipopt': opt.config.options['constr_viol_tol'] = config.zero_tolerance elif solver_name == 'gams': if config.nlp_solver_args['solver'] in { 'ipopt', 'ipopth', 'msnlp', 'conopt', 'baron', }: opt.options['add_options'].append('GAMS_MODEL.optfile=1') opt.options['add_options'].append( '$onecho > ' + config.nlp_solver_args['solver'] + '.opt' ) if config.nlp_solver_args['solver'] in {'ipopt', 'ipopth'}: opt.options['add_options'].append( 'constr_viol_tol ' + str(config.zero_tolerance) ) if warm_start: # Ipopt warmstart options opt.options['add_options'].append( 'warm_start_init_point yes\n' 'warm_start_bound_push 1e-9\n' 'warm_start_bound_frac 1e-9\n' 'warm_start_slack_bound_frac 1e-9\n' 'warm_start_slack_bound_push 1e-9\n' 'warm_start_mult_bound_push 1e-9\n' ) elif config.nlp_solver_args['solver'] == 'conopt': opt.options['add_options'].append( 'RTNWMA ' + str(config.zero_tolerance) ) elif config.nlp_solver_args['solver'] == 'msnlp': opt.options['add_options'].append( 'feasibility_tolerance ' + str(config.zero_tolerance) ) elif config.nlp_solver_args['solver'] == 'baron': opt.options['add_options'].append( 'AbsConFeasTol ' + str(config.zero_tolerance) ) opt.options['add_options'].append('$offecho')
[docs] def get_integer_solution(model, string_zero=False): """Extract the value of integer variables from the provided model. Parameters ---------- model : Pyomo model The model to extract value of integer variables. string_zero : bool, optional Whether to store zero as string, by default False. Returns ------- tuple The tuple of integer variable values. """ temp = [] for var in model.MindtPy_utils.discrete_variable_list: if string_zero: if var.value == 0: # In CPLEX, negative zero is different from zero, # so we use string to denote this (Only in singletree). temp.append(str(var.value)) else: temp.append(int(round(var.value))) else: temp.append(int(round(var.value))) return tuple(temp)
[docs] def copy_var_list_values_from_solution_pool( from_list, to_list, config, solver_model, var_map, solution_name, ignore_integrality=False, ): """Copy variable values from the solution pool to another list. Parameters ---------- from_list : list The variables that provides the values to copy from. to_list : list The variables that need to set value. config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. solver_model : solver model The solver model derived from pyomo model. var_map : dict The map of pyomo variables to solver variables. solution_name : int or str The name of the solution in the solution pool. ignore_integrality : bool, optional Whether to ignore the integrality of integer variables, by default False. """ for v_from, v_to in zip(from_list, to_list): if config.mip_solver == 'cplex_persistent': var_val = solver_model.solution.pool.get_values( solution_name, var_map[v_from] ) elif config.mip_solver == 'gurobi_persistent': solver_model.setParam(gurobipy.GRB.Param.SolutionNumber, solution_name) var_val = var_map[v_from].Xn set_var_valid_value( v_to, var_val, config.integer_tolerance, config.zero_tolerance, ignore_integrality, )
[docs] class GurobiPersistent4MindtPy(GurobiPersistent): """A new persistent interface to Gurobi.""" def _intermediate_callback(self): def f(gurobi_model, where): """Callback function for Gurobi. Args: gurobi_model (Gurobi model): the Gurobi model derived from pyomo model. where (int): an enum member of gurobipy.GRB.Callback. """ self._callback_func( self._pyomo_model, self, where, self.mindtpy_solver, self.config ) return f
[docs] def epigraph_reformulation(exp, slack_var_list, constraint_list, use_mcpp, sense): """Epigraph reformulation. Generate the epigraph reformulation for objective expressions. Parameters ---------- slack_var_list : VarList Slack vars for epigraph reformulation. constraint_list : ConstraintList Epigraph constraint list. use_mcpp : Bool Whether to use mcpp to tighten the bound of slack variables. exp : Expression The expression to reformulate. sense : objective sense The objective sense. """ slack_var = slack_var_list.add() if mcpp_available() and use_mcpp: mc_obj = McCormick(exp) slack_var.setub(mc_obj.upper()) slack_var.setlb(mc_obj.lower()) else: # Use Pyomo's contrib.fbbt package lb, ub = compute_bounds_on_expr(exp) if sense == minimize: slack_var.setlb(lb) else: slack_var.setub(ub) if sense == minimize: constraint_list.add(expr=slack_var >= exp) else: constraint_list.add(expr=slack_var <= exp)
[docs] def setup_results_object(results, model, config): """Record problem statistics for original model.""" # Create the solver results object res = results prob = res.problem = res.problem.number_of_nonzeros = None # TODO res.solver.termination_condition = None res.solver.message = None res.solver.user_time = None res.solver.wallclock_time = None res.solver.termination_message = None # Record solver name = 'MindtPy' + str(config.strategy) num_of = build_model_size_report(model) # Get count of constraints and variables prob.number_of_constraints = num_of.activated.constraints prob.number_of_disjunctions = num_of.activated.disjunctions prob.number_of_variables = num_of.activated.variables prob.number_of_binary_variables = num_of.activated.binary_variables prob.number_of_continuous_variables = num_of.activated.continuous_variables prob.number_of_integer_variables = num_of.activated.integer_variables "Original model has %s constraints (%s nonlinear) " "and %s disjunctions, " "with %s variables, of which %s are binary, %s are integer, " "and %s are continuous." % ( num_of.activated.constraints, num_of.activated.nonlinear_constraints, num_of.activated.disjunctions, num_of.activated.variables, num_of.activated.binary_variables, num_of.activated.integer_variables, num_of.activated.continuous_variables, ) ) '{} is the initial strategy being used.\n'.format(config.init_strategy) ) ' ===============================================================================================' ) ' {:>9} | {:>15} | {:>15} | {:>12} | {:>12} | {:^7} | {:>7}\n'.format( 'Iteration', 'Subproblem Type', 'Objective Value', 'Primal Bound', 'Dual Bound', ' Gap ', 'Time(s)', ) )
[docs] def fp_converged(working_model, mip_model, proj_zero_tolerance, discrete_only=True): """Calculates the euclidean norm between the discrete variables in the MIP and NLP models. Parameters ---------- working_model : Pyomo model The working model(original model). mip_model : Pyomo model The mip model. proj_zero_tolerance : Float The projection zero tolerance of Feasibility Pump. discrete_only : bool, optional Whether to only optimize on distance between the discrete variables, by default True. Returns ------- distance : float The euclidean norm between the discrete variables in the MIP and NLP models. """ distance = max( (nlp_var.value - milp_var.value) ** 2 for (nlp_var, milp_var) in zip( working_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, mip_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list, ) if (not discrete_only) or milp_var.is_integer() ) return distance <= proj_zero_tolerance
[docs] def add_orthogonality_cuts(working_model, mip_model, config): """Add orthogonality cuts. This function adds orthogonality cuts to avoid cycling when the independence constraint qualification is not satisfied. Parameters ---------- working_model : Pyomo model The working model(original model). mip_model : Pyomo model The mip model. config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. """ mip_integer_vars = mip_model.MindtPy_utils.discrete_variable_list nlp_integer_vars = working_model.MindtPy_utils.discrete_variable_list orthogonality_cut = ( sum( (nlp_v.value - mip_v.value) * (mip_v - nlp_v.value) for mip_v, nlp_v in zip(mip_integer_vars, nlp_integer_vars) ) >= 0 ) mip_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.fp_orthogonality_cuts.add(orthogonality_cut) if config.fp_projcuts: orthogonality_cut = ( sum( (nlp_v.value - mip_v.value) * (nlp_v - nlp_v.value) for mip_v, nlp_v in zip(mip_integer_vars, nlp_integer_vars) ) >= 0 ) working_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.fp_orthogonality_cuts.add(orthogonality_cut)
[docs] def generate_norm_constraint(fp_nlp_model, mip_model, config): """Generate the norm constraint for the FP-NLP subproblem. Parameters ---------- fp_nlp_model : Pyomo model The feasibility pump NLP subproblem. mip_model : Pyomo model The mip_model model. config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. """ if config.fp_main_norm == 'L1': # TODO: check if we can access the block defined in FP-main problem generate_norm1_norm_constraint( fp_nlp_model, mip_model, config, discrete_only=True ) elif config.fp_main_norm == 'L2': fp_nlp_model.norm_constraint = Constraint( expr=sum( (nlp_var - mip_var.value) ** 2 - config.fp_norm_constraint_coef * (nlp_var.value - mip_var.value) ** 2 for nlp_var, mip_var in zip( fp_nlp_model.MindtPy_utils.discrete_variable_list, mip_model.MindtPy_utils.discrete_variable_list, ) ) <= 0 ) elif config.fp_main_norm == 'L_infinity': fp_nlp_model.norm_constraint = ConstraintList() rhs = config.fp_norm_constraint_coef * max( nlp_var.value - mip_var.value for nlp_var, mip_var in zip( fp_nlp_model.MindtPy_utils.discrete_variable_list, mip_model.MindtPy_utils.discrete_variable_list, ) ) for nlp_var, mip_var in zip( fp_nlp_model.MindtPy_utils.discrete_variable_list, mip_model.MindtPy_utils.discrete_variable_list, ): fp_nlp_model.norm_constraint.add(nlp_var - mip_var.value <= rhs)
[docs] def copy_var_list_values( from_list, to_list, config, skip_stale=False, skip_fixed=True, ignore_integrality=False, ): """Copy variable values from one list to another. Rounds to Binary/Integer if necessary Sets to zero for NonNegativeReals if necessary from_list : list The variables that provide the values to copy from. to_list : list The variables that need to set value. config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. skip_stale : bool, optional Whether to skip the stale variables, by default False. skip_fixed : bool, optional Whether to skip the fixed variables, by default True. ignore_integrality : bool, optional Whether to ignore the integrality of integer variables, by default False. """ for v_from, v_to in zip(from_list, to_list): if skip_stale and v_from.stale: continue # Skip stale variable values. if skip_fixed and v_to.is_fixed(): continue # Skip fixed variables. var_val = value(v_from, exception=False) set_var_valid_value( v_to, var_val, config.integer_tolerance, config.zero_tolerance, ignore_integrality, )
[docs] def set_var_valid_value( var, var_val, integer_tolerance, zero_tolerance, ignore_integrality ): """This function tries to set a valid value for variable with the given input. Rounds to Binary/Integer if necessary. Sets to zero for NonNegativeReals if necessary. Parameters ---------- var : Var The variable that needs to set value. var_val : float The desired value to set for var. integer_tolerance: float Tolerance on integral values. zero_tolerance: float Tolerance on variable equal to zero. ignore_integrality : bool, optional Whether to ignore the integrality of integer variables, by default False. Raises ------ ValueError Cannot successfully set the value to the variable. """ # NOTE: PEP 2180 changes the var behavior so that domain # bounds violations no longer generate exceptions (and # instead log warnings). This means that the set_value method # will always succeed and the ValueError should never be raised. # We don't want to trigger the reset of the global stale # indicator, so we will set this variable to be "stale", # knowing that set_value will switch it back to "not stale". var.stale = True rounded_val = int(round(var_val)) if ( var_val in var.domain and not ((var.has_lb() and var_val < and not ((var.has_ub() and var_val > var.ub)) ): var.set_value(var_val) elif var.has_lb() and var_val < var.set_value( elif var.has_ub() and var_val > var.ub: var.set_value(var.ub) elif ignore_integrality and var.is_integer(): var.set_value(var_val, skip_validation=True) elif var.is_integer() and (math.fabs(var_val - rounded_val) <= integer_tolerance): var.set_value(rounded_val) elif abs(var_val) <= zero_tolerance and 0 in var.domain: var.set_value(0) else: raise ValueError( "set_var_valid_value failed with variable {}, value = {} and rounded value = {}" "".format(, var_val, rounded_val) )