Source code for pyomo.contrib.mindtpy.cut_generation

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

"""Cut generation."""
from math import copysign
from pyomo.core import minimize, value
import pyomo.core.expr as EXPR
from pyomo.contrib.gdpopt.util import time_code
from pyomo.contrib.mcpp.pyomo_mcpp import McCormick as mc, MCPP_Error

[docs] def add_oa_cuts( target_model, dual_values, jacobians, objective_sense, mip_constraint_polynomial_degree, mip_iter, config, timing, cb_opt=None, linearize_active=True, linearize_violated=True, ): """Adds OA cuts. Generates and adds OA cuts (linearizes nonlinear constraints). For nonconvex problems, turn on 'config.add_slack'. Slack variables will always be used for nonlinear equality constraints. Parameters ---------- target_model : Pyomo model The relaxed linear model. dual_values : list The value of the duals for each constraint. jacobians : ComponentMap Map nonlinear_constraint --> Map(variable --> jacobian of constraint w.r.t. variable). objective_sense : Int Objective sense of model. mip_constraint_polynomial_degree : Set The polynomial degrees of constraints that are regarded as linear. mip_iter : Int MIP iteration counter. config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. cb_opt : SolverFactory, optional Gurobi_persistent solver, by default None. linearize_active : bool, optional Whether to linearize the active nonlinear constraints, by default True. linearize_violated : bool, optional Whether to linearize the violated nonlinear constraints, by default True. """ with time_code(timing, 'OA cut generation'): for index, constr in enumerate(target_model.MindtPy_utils.constraint_list): # TODO: here the index is correlated to the duals, try if this can be fixed when temp duals are removed. if constr.body.polynomial_degree() in mip_constraint_polynomial_degree: continue constr_vars = list(EXPR.identify_variables(constr.body)) jacs = jacobians # Equality constraint (makes the problem nonconvex) if ( constr.has_ub() and constr.has_lb() and value(constr.lower) == value(constr.upper) and config.equality_relaxation ): sign_adjust = -1 if objective_sense == minimize else 1 rhs = constr.lower if config.add_slack: slack_var = target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.slack_vars.add() target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts.add( expr=copysign(1, sign_adjust * dual_values[index]) * ( sum( value(jacs[constr][var]) * (var - value(var)) for var in EXPR.identify_variables(constr.body) ) + value(constr.body) - rhs ) - (slack_var if config.add_slack else 0) <= 0 ) if ( config.single_tree and config.mip_solver == 'gurobi_persistent' and mip_iter > 0 and cb_opt is not None ): cb_opt.cbLazy( target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts[ len(target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts) ] ) else: # Inequality constraint (possibly two-sided) if ( constr.has_ub() and ( linearize_active and abs(constr.uslack()) < config.zero_tolerance ) or (linearize_violated and constr.uslack() < 0) or (config.linearize_inactive and constr.uslack() > 0) ) or ( 'MindtPy_utils.objective_constr' in and constr.has_ub() ): # always add the linearization for the epigraph of the objective if config.add_slack: slack_var = target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.slack_vars.add() target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts.add( expr=( sum( value(jacs[constr][var]) * (var - var.value) for var in constr_vars ) + value(constr.body) - (slack_var if config.add_slack else 0) <= value(constr.upper) ) ) if ( config.single_tree and config.mip_solver == 'gurobi_persistent' and mip_iter > 0 and cb_opt is not None ): cb_opt.cbLazy( target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts[ len(target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts) ] ) if ( constr.has_lb() and ( linearize_active and abs(constr.lslack()) < config.zero_tolerance ) or (linearize_violated and constr.lslack() < 0) or (config.linearize_inactive and constr.lslack() > 0) ) or ( 'MindtPy_utils.objective_constr' in and constr.has_lb() ): if config.add_slack: slack_var = target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.slack_vars.add() target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts.add( expr=( sum( value(jacs[constr][var]) * (var - var.value) for var in constr_vars ) + value(constr.body) + (slack_var if config.add_slack else 0) >= value(constr.lower) ) ) if ( config.single_tree and config.mip_solver == 'gurobi_persistent' and mip_iter > 0 and cb_opt is not None ): cb_opt.cbLazy( target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts[ len(target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts) ] )
[docs] def add_oa_cuts_for_grey_box( target_model, jacobians_model, config, objective_sense, mip_iter, cb_opt=None ): sign_adjust = -1 if objective_sense == minimize else 1 if config.add_slack: slack_var = target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.slack_vars.add() for target_model_grey_box, jacobian_model_grey_box in zip( target_model.MindtPy_utils.grey_box_list, jacobians_model.MindtPy_utils.grey_box_list, ): jacobian_matrix = ( jacobian_model_grey_box.get_external_model() .evaluate_jacobian_outputs() .toarray() ) # Enumerate over values works well now. However, it might be stable if the values() method changes. for index, output in enumerate(target_model_grey_box.outputs.values()): dual_value = jacobians_model.dual[jacobian_model_grey_box]["outputs", "output_constraints") ] target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts.add( expr=copysign(1, sign_adjust * dual_value) * ( sum( jacobian_matrix[index][var_index] * (var - value(var)) for var_index, var in enumerate( target_model_grey_box.inputs.values() ) ) - (output - value(output)) ) - (slack_var if config.add_slack else 0) <= 0 )
# TODO: gurobi_persistent currently does not support greybox model. # # if ( # config.single_tree # and config.mip_solver == 'gurobi_persistent' # and mip_iter > 0 # and cb_opt is not None # ): # cb_opt.cbLazy( # target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts[ # len(target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.oa_cuts) # ] # )
[docs] def add_ecp_cuts( target_model, jacobians, config, timing, linearize_active=True, linearize_violated=True, ): """Linearizes nonlinear constraints. Adds the cuts for the ECP method. Parameters ---------- target_model : Pyomo model The relaxed linear model. jacobians : ComponentMap Map nonlinear_constraint --> Map(variable --> jacobian of constraint w.r.t. variable) config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. timing : Timing Timing. linearize_active : bool, optional Whether to linearize the active nonlinear constraints, by default True. linearize_violated : bool, optional Whether to linearize the violated nonlinear constraints, by default True. """ with time_code(timing, 'ECP cut generation'): for constr in target_model.MindtPy_utils.nonlinear_constraint_list: constr_vars = list(EXPR.identify_variables(constr.body)) jacs = jacobians if constr.has_lb() and constr.has_ub(): config.logger.warning( 'constraint {} has both a lower ' 'and upper bound.' '\n'.format(constr) ) continue if constr.has_ub(): try: upper_slack = constr.uslack() except (ValueError, OverflowError) as e: config.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) config.logger.error( 'Constraint {} has caused either a ' 'ValueError or OverflowError.' '\n'.format(constr) ) continue if ( (linearize_active and abs(upper_slack) < config.ecp_tolerance) or (linearize_violated and upper_slack < 0) or (config.linearize_inactive and upper_slack > 0) ): if config.add_slack: slack_var = target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.slack_vars.add() target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.ecp_cuts.add( expr=( sum( value(jacs[constr][var]) * (var - var.value) for var in constr_vars ) - (slack_var if config.add_slack else 0) <= upper_slack ) ) if constr.has_lb(): try: lower_slack = constr.lslack() except (ValueError, OverflowError) as e: config.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) config.logger.error( 'Constraint {} has caused either a ' 'ValueError or OverflowError.' '\n'.format(constr) ) continue if ( (linearize_active and abs(lower_slack) < config.ecp_tolerance) or (linearize_violated and lower_slack < 0) or (config.linearize_inactive and lower_slack > 0) ): if config.add_slack: slack_var = target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.slack_vars.add() target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.ecp_cuts.add( expr=( sum( value(jacs[constr][var]) * (var - var.value) for var in constr_vars ) + (slack_var if config.add_slack else 0) >= -lower_slack ) )
[docs] def add_no_good_cuts(target_model, var_values, config, timing, mip_iter=0, cb_opt=None): """Adds no-good cuts. This adds an no-good cuts to the no_good_cuts ConstraintList, which is not activated by default. However, it may be activated as needed in certain situations or for certain values of option flags. Parameters ---------- target_model : Block The model to add no-good cuts to. var_values : list Variable values of the current solution, used to generate the cut. config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. timing : Timing Timing. mip_iter : Int, optional MIP iteration counter. cb_opt : SolverFactory, optional Gurobi_persistent solver, by default None. Raises ------ ValueError The value of binary variable is not 0 or 1. """ if not config.add_no_good_cuts: return with time_code(timing, 'no_good cut generation'): config.logger.debug('Adding no-good cuts') m = target_model MindtPy = m.MindtPy_utils int_tol = config.integer_tolerance binary_vars = [v for v in MindtPy.variable_list if v.is_binary()] # copy variable values over for var, val in zip(MindtPy.variable_list, var_values): if not var.is_binary(): continue var.set_value(val, skip_validation=True) # check to make sure that binary variables are all 0 or 1 for v in binary_vars: if value(abs(v - 1)) > int_tol and value(abs(v)) > int_tol: raise ValueError( 'Binary {} = {} is not 0 or 1'.format(, value(v)) ) if not binary_vars: # if no binary variables, skip return int_cut = ( sum(1 - v for v in binary_vars if value(abs(v - 1)) <= int_tol) + sum(v for v in binary_vars if value(abs(v)) <= int_tol) >= 1 ) MindtPy.cuts.no_good_cuts.add(expr=int_cut) if ( config.single_tree and config.mip_solver == 'gurobi_persistent' and mip_iter > 0 and cb_opt is not None ): cb_opt.cbLazy( target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.no_good_cuts[ len(target_model.MindtPy_utils.cuts.no_good_cuts) ] )
[docs] def add_affine_cuts(target_model, config, timing): """Adds affine cuts using MCPP. Parameters ---------- config : ConfigBlock The specific configurations for MindtPy. timing : Timing Timing. """ with time_code(timing, 'Affine cut generation'): m = target_model config.logger.debug('Adding affine cuts') counter = 0 for constr in m.MindtPy_utils.nonlinear_constraint_list: vars_in_constr = list(EXPR.identify_variables(constr.body)) if any(var.value is None for var in vars_in_constr): continue # a variable has no values # mcpp stuff try: mc_eqn = mc(constr.body) except MCPP_Error as e: config.logger.error(e, exc_info=True) config.logger.error( 'Skipping constraint %s due to MCPP error' % ( ) continue # skip to the next constraint ccSlope = mc_eqn.subcc() cvSlope = mc_eqn.subcv() ccStart = mc_eqn.concave() cvStart = mc_eqn.convex() # check if the value of ccSlope and cvSlope is not Nan or inf. If so, we skip this. concave_cut_valid = True convex_cut_valid = True for var in vars_in_constr: if not var.fixed: if ccSlope[var] == float('nan') or ccSlope[var] == float('inf'): concave_cut_valid = False if cvSlope[var] == float('nan') or cvSlope[var] == float('inf'): convex_cut_valid = False # check if the value of ccSlope and cvSlope all equals zero. if so, we skip this. if not any(list(ccSlope.values())): concave_cut_valid = False if not any(list(cvSlope.values())): convex_cut_valid = False if ccStart == float('nan') or ccStart == float('inf'): concave_cut_valid = False if cvStart == float('nan') or cvStart == float('inf'): convex_cut_valid = False if not (concave_cut_valid or convex_cut_valid): continue ub_int = ( min(value(constr.upper), mc_eqn.upper()) if constr.has_ub() else mc_eqn.upper() ) lb_int = ( max(value(constr.lower), mc_eqn.lower()) if constr.has_lb() else mc_eqn.lower() ) aff_cuts = m.MindtPy_utils.cuts.aff_cuts if concave_cut_valid: concave_cut = ( sum( ccSlope[var] * (var - var.value) for var in vars_in_constr if not var.fixed ) + ccStart >= lb_int ) aff_cuts.add(expr=concave_cut) counter += 1 if convex_cut_valid: convex_cut = ( sum( cvSlope[var] * (var - var.value) for var in vars_in_constr if not var.fixed ) + cvStart <= ub_int ) aff_cuts.add(expr=convex_cut) counter += 1 config.logger.debug('Added %s affine cuts' % counter)