Source code for pyomo.contrib.iis.iis

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

This module contains functions for computing an irreducible infeasible set
for a Pyomo MILP or LP using a specified commercial solver, one of CPLEX,
Gurobi, or Xpress.

import abc
import logging
from pyomo.environ import SolverFactory

logger = logging.getLogger("pyomo.contrib.iis")

[docs]def write_iis(pyomo_model, iis_file_name, solver=None, logger=logger): """ Write an irreducible infeasible set for a Pyomo MILP or LP using the specified commercial solver. Arguments --------- pyomo_model: A Pyomo Block or ConcreteModel iis_file_name:str A file name to write the IIS to, e.g., infeasible_model.ilp solver:str Specify the solver to use, one of "cplex", "gurobi", or "xpress". If None, the tool will use the first solver available. logger:logging.Logger A logger for messages. Uses pyomo.contrib.iis logger by default. Returns ------- iis_file_name:str The file containing the IIS. """ available_solvers = [ s for s, sp in zip(_supported_solvers, _supported_solvers_persistent) if SolverFactory(sp).available(exception_flag=False) ] if solver is None: if len(available_solvers) == 0: raise RuntimeError( f"Could not find a solver to use, supported solvers are {_supported_solvers}" ) solver = available_solvers[0]"Using solver {solver}") else: # validate solver = solver.lower() solver = _remove_suffix(solver, "_persistent") if solver not in available_solvers: raise RuntimeError( f"The Pyomo persistent interface to {solver} could not be found." ) solver_name = solver solver = SolverFactory(solver + "_persistent") solver.set_instance(pyomo_model, symbolic_solver_labels=True) iis = IISFactory(solver) iis.compute() iis_file_name = iis.write(iis_file_name)"IIS written to {iis_file_name}") return iis_file_name
def _remove_suffix(string, suffix): if string.endswith(suffix): return string[: -len(suffix)] else: return string class _IISBase(abc.ABC): def __init__(self, solver): self._solver = solver @abc.abstractmethod def compute(self): """computes the IIS/Conflict""" pass @abc.abstractmethod def write(self, file_name): """writes the IIS in LP format return the file name written """ pass class CplexConflict(_IISBase): def compute(self): self._solver._solver_model.conflict.refine() def write(self, file_name): self._solver._solver_model.conflict.write(file_name) return file_name class GurobiIIS(_IISBase): def compute(self): self._solver._solver_model.computeIIS() def write(self, file_name): # gurobi relies on the suffix to # determine the file type file_name = _remove_suffix(file_name, ".ilp") file_name += ".ilp" self._solver._solver_model.write(file_name) return file_name class XpressIIS(_IISBase): def compute(self): self._solver._solver_model.iisfirst(1) def write(self, file_name): self._solver._solver_model.iiswrite(0, file_name, 0, "l") if self._solver._version[0] < 38: return file_name else: return _remove_suffix(file_name, ".lp") + ".lp" _solver_map = { "cplex_persistent": CplexConflict, "gurobi_persistent": GurobiIIS, "xpress_persistent": XpressIIS, } def IISFactory(solver): if not in _solver_map: raise RuntimeError(f"Unrecognized solver {}") return _solver_map[](solver) _supported_solvers_persistent = list(_solver_map.keys()) _supported_solvers = [_remove_suffix(s, "_persistent") for s in _solver_map]