# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
"""This module provides functions for cut generation used across multiple
from math import fabs
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentSet
from pyomo.core import TransformationFactory, value, Constraint, Block
def _record_binary_value(var, var_value_is_one, var_value_is_zero, int_tol):
val = value(var)
if fabs(val - 1) <= int_tol:
elif fabs(val) <= int_tol:
raise ValueError(
'Binary %s = %s is not 0 or 1 within integer tolerance %s'
% (var.name, val, int_tol)
def add_no_good_cut(target_model_util_block, config):
"""Cut the current integer solution from the target model."""
var_value_is_one = ComponentSet()
var_value_is_zero = ComponentSet()
for var in target_model_util_block.transformed_boolean_variable_list:
var, var_value_is_one, var_value_is_zero, config.integer_tolerance
disjuncts = []
if config.force_subproblem_nlp:
# We need to also cut the solutions for the other discrete variables
for var in target_model_util_block.discrete_variable_list:
# This has possible duplicates with the above, but few enough that
# we'll leave it for now.
if var.is_binary():
var, var_value_is_one, var_value_is_zero, config.integer_tolerance
# It's integer. It still has to be in the no-good cut because
# else the algorithm is wrong (We're cutting more than just this
# solution), so we're going to do this as a Disjunction for
# now. I think this is the *wrong* way to model if you are using
# GDPopt, so if it's a little inefficient then... We'll deal
# with that if it becomes an issue.
val = round(value(var), 0)
less = var <= val - 1
more = var >= val + 1
disjuncts.extend([less, more])
# It shouldn't be possible to get here unless there's a solution to be cut.
assert (var_value_is_one or var_value_is_zero) or len(disjuncts) == 0
int_cut = (
sum(1 - v for v in var_value_is_one) + sum(v for v in var_value_is_zero)
) >= 1
if len(disjuncts) > 0:
idx = len(target_model_util_block.no_good_disjunctions)
target_model_util_block.no_good_disjunctions[idx] = [
[disj] for disj in disjuncts
] + [[int_cut]]
'Adding no-good disjunction: %s'
% _disjunction_to_str(target_model_util_block.no_good_disjunctions[idx])
# transform it
config.logger.debug('Adding no-good cut: %s' % int_cut)
# Exclude the current binary combination
def _disjunction_to_str(disjunction):
pretty = []
for disjunct in disjunction.disjuncts:
exprs = []
for cons in disjunct.component_data_objects(
Constraint, active=True, descend_into=Block
pretty.append("[%s]" % ", ".join(exprs))
return " v ".join(pretty)