Source code for pyomo.contrib.fbbt.fbbt

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from collections import defaultdict
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap, ComponentSet
from pyomo.contrib.fbbt.expression_bounds_walker import ExpressionBoundsVisitor
import pyomo.core.expr.relational_expr as relational_expr
import pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr as numeric_expr
from pyomo.core.expr.visitor import (
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import nonpyomo_leaf_types, value
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import is_fixed
import pyomo.contrib.fbbt.interval as interval
import math
from pyomo.core.base.block import Block
from pyomo.core.base.constraint import Constraint
from pyomo.core.base.expression import ExpressionData, ScalarExpression
from pyomo.core.base.objective import ObjectiveData, ScalarObjective
from pyomo.core.base.var import Var
from pyomo.gdp import Disjunct
import logging
from pyomo.common.errors import InfeasibleConstraintException, PyomoException
from pyomo.common.config import (
from pyomo.common.numeric_types import native_types

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__doc__ = """
Feasibility-Based Bounds Tightening

The purpose of this module is to perform feasibility-based bounds
tightening. This is a very basic implementation, but it is done
directly with pyomo expressions. The only functions that are meant to
be used by users are :func:`fbbt` and :func:`compute_bounds_on_expr`.
The first set of
functions in this file (those with names starting with
``_prop_bnds_leaf_to_root``) are used for propagating bounds from the
variables to each node in the expression tree (all the way to the
root node). The second set of functions (those with names starting
with ``_prop_bnds_root_to_leaf``) are used to propagate bounds from the
constraint back to the variables.

For example, consider the constraint x*y + z == 1 with -1 <= x <= 1 and
-2 <= y <= 2. When propagating bounds from the variables to the root
(the root is x*y + z), we find that -2 <= x*y <= 2, and that -inf <= x*y
+ z <= inf. However, from the constraint, we know that 1 <= x*y + z <=
1, so we may propagate bounds back to the variables. Since we know that
1 <= x*y + z <= 1 and -2 <= x*y <= 2, then we must have -1 <= z <= 3.
However, bounds cannot be improved on x*y, so bounds cannot be improved
on either x or y.

.. testcode::

   import pyomo.environ as pe
   m = pe.ConcreteModel()
   m.x = pe.Var(bounds=(-1,1))
   m.y = pe.Var(bounds=(-2,2))
   m.z = pe.Var()
   from pyomo.contrib.fbbt.fbbt import fbbt
   m.c = pe.Constraint(expr=m.x*m.y + m.z == 1)
   print(f"z bounds = {m.z.bounds}")

.. testoutput::

   z bounds = (-1, 3)


[docs] class FBBTException(PyomoException): pass
def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_equality(visitor, node, arg1, arg2): bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.eq( *bnds_dict[arg1], *bnds_dict[arg2], visitor.feasibility_tol ) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_inequality(visitor, node, arg1, arg2): bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.ineq( *bnds_dict[arg1], *bnds_dict[arg2], visitor.feasibility_tol ) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_ranged(visitor, node, arg1, arg2, arg3): bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.ranged( *bnds_dict[arg1], *bnds_dict[arg2], *bnds_dict[arg3], visitor.feasibility_tol ) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_ProductExpression(visitor, node, arg1, arg2): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.ProductExpression arg1: First arg in product expression arg2: Second arg in product expression """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict if arg1 is arg2: bnds_dict[node] = interval.power( *bnds_dict[arg1], 2, 2, visitor.feasibility_tol ) else: bnds_dict[node] = interval.mul(*bnds_dict[arg1], *bnds_dict[arg2]) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_SumExpression(visitor, node, *args): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.SumExpression args: summands in SumExpression """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds = (0, 0) for arg in args: bnds = interval.add(*bnds, *bnds_dict[arg]) bnds_dict[node] = bnds def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_DivisionExpression(visitor, node, arg1, arg2): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.DivisionExpression arg1: dividend arg2: divisor """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.div( *bnds_dict[arg1], *bnds_dict[arg2], feasibility_tol=visitor.feasibility_tol ) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_PowExpression(visitor, node, arg1, arg2): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.PowExpression arg1: base arg2: exponent """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.power( *bnds_dict[arg1], *bnds_dict[arg2], feasibility_tol=visitor.feasibility_tol ) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_NegationExpression(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NegationExpression arg: NegationExpression arg """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.sub(0, 0, *bnds_dict[arg]) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_exp(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression arg: UnaryFunctionExpression arg """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.exp(*bnds_dict[arg]) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_log(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression arg: UnaryFunctionExpression arg """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.log(*bnds_dict[arg]) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_log10(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression arg: UnaryFunctionExpression arg """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.log10(*bnds_dict[arg]) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_sin(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression arg: UnaryFunctionExpression arg """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.sin(*bnds_dict[arg]) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_cos(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression arg: UnaryFunctionExpression arg """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.cos(*bnds_dict[arg]) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_tan(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression arg: UnaryFunctionExpression arg """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.tan(*bnds_dict[arg]) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_asin(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression arg: UnaryFunctionExpression arg """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.asin( *bnds_dict[arg], -interval.inf, interval.inf, visitor.feasibility_tol ) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_acos(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression arg: UnaryFunctionExpression arg """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.acos( *bnds_dict[arg], -interval.inf, interval.inf, visitor.feasibility_tol ) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_atan(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.atan(*bnds_dict[arg], -interval.inf, interval.inf) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_sqrt(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression arg: UnaryFunctionExpression arg """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.power( *bnds_dict[arg], 0.5, 0.5, feasibility_tol=visitor.feasibility_tol ) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_abs(visitor, node, arg): bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict bnds_dict[node] = interval.interval_abs(*bnds_dict[arg]) def _prop_no_bounds(visitor, node, *args): visitor.bnds_dict[node] = (-interval.inf, interval.inf) _unary_leaf_to_root_map = defaultdict( lambda: _prop_no_bounds, { 'exp': _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_exp, 'log': _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_log, 'log10': _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_log10, 'sin': _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_sin, 'cos': _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_cos, 'tan': _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_tan, 'asin': _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_asin, 'acos': _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_acos, 'atan': _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_atan, 'sqrt': _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_sqrt, 'abs': _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_abs, }, ) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_UnaryFunctionExpression(visitor, node, arg): """ Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression arg: UnaryFunctionExpression arg """ _unary_leaf_to_root_map[node.getname()](visitor, node, arg) def _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_NamedExpression(visitor, node, expr): """ Propagate bounds from children to parent Parameters ---------- visitor: _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot node: pyomo.core.base.expression.NamedExpressionData expr: NamedExpressionData arg """ bnds_dict = visitor.bnds_dict if node in bnds_dict: return if expr.__class__ in native_types: expr_lb = expr_ub = expr else: expr_lb, expr_ub = bnds_dict[expr] bnds_dict[node] = (expr_lb, expr_ub) _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_map = defaultdict( lambda: _prop_no_bounds, { numeric_expr.ProductExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_ProductExpression, numeric_expr.DivisionExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_DivisionExpression, numeric_expr.PowExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_PowExpression, numeric_expr.SumExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_SumExpression, numeric_expr.MonomialTermExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_ProductExpression, numeric_expr.NegationExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_NegationExpression, numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_UnaryFunctionExpression, numeric_expr.LinearExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_SumExpression, numeric_expr.AbsExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_abs, relational_expr.EqualityExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_equality, relational_expr.InequalityExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_inequality, relational_expr.RangedExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_ranged, ExpressionData: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_NamedExpression, ScalarExpression: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_NamedExpression, ObjectiveData: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_NamedExpression, ScalarObjective: _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_NamedExpression, }, ) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_equality(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): assert bnds_dict[node][1] # This expression is feasible arg1, arg2 = node.args lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg1] lb2, ub2 = bnds_dict[arg2] bnds_dict[arg1] = bnds_dict[arg2] = max(lb1, lb2), min(ub1, ub2) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_inequality(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): assert bnds_dict[node][1] # This expression is feasible arg1, arg2 = node.args lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg1] lb2, ub2 = bnds_dict[arg2] if lb1 > lb2: bnds_dict[arg2] = lb1, ub2 if ub1 > ub2: bnds_dict[arg1] = lb1, ub2 def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_ranged(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): assert bnds_dict[node][1] # This expression is feasible arg1, arg2, arg3 = node.args lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg1] lb2, ub2 = bnds_dict[arg2] lb3, ub3 = bnds_dict[arg3] if lb1 > lb2: bnds_dict[arg2] = lb1, ub2 lb2 = lb1 if lb2 > lb3: bnds_dict[arg3] = lb2, ub3 if ub2 > ub3: bnds_dict[arg2] = lb2, ub3 ub2 = ub3 if ub1 > ub2: bnds_dict[arg1] = lb1, ub2 def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_ProductExpression(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.ProductExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 2 arg1, arg2 = node.args lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg1] lb2, ub2 = bnds_dict[arg2] if arg1 is arg2: _lb1, _ub1 = interval._inverse_power1( lb0, ub0, 2, 2, orig_xl=lb1, orig_xu=ub1, feasibility_tol=feasibility_tol ) _lb2, _ub2 = _lb1, _ub1 else: _lb1, _ub1 = interval.div(lb0, ub0, lb2, ub2, feasibility_tol) _lb2, _ub2 = interval.div(lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1, feasibility_tol) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 if _lb2 > lb2: lb2 = _lb2 if _ub2 < ub2: ub2 = _ub2 bnds_dict[arg1] = (lb1, ub1) bnds_dict[arg2] = (lb2, ub2) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_SumExpression(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ This function is a bit complicated. A simpler implementation would loop through each argument in the sum and do the following: bounds_on_arg_i = bounds_on_entire_sum - bounds_on_sum_of_args_excluding_arg_i and the bounds_on_sum_of_args_excluding_arg_i could be computed for each argument. However, the computational expense would grow approximately quadratically with the length of the sum. Thus, we do the following. Consider the expression y = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 and suppose we have bounds on y. We first accumulate bounds to obtain a list like the following [(x1)_bounds, (x1+x2)_bounds, (x1+x2+x3)_bounds, (x1+x2+x3+x4)_bounds] Then we can propagate bounds back to x1, x2, x3, and x4 with the following (x4)_bounds = (x1+x2+x3+x4)_bounds - (x1+x2+x3)_bounds (x3)_bounds = (x1+x2+x3)_bounds - (x1+x2)_bounds (x2)_bounds = (x1+x2)_bounds - (x1)_bounds Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.ProductExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ # first accumulate bounds bnds = (0, 0) accumulated_bounds = [bnds] for arg in node.args: bnds = interval.add(*bnds, *bnds_dict[arg]) accumulated_bounds.append(bnds) # Tighten based on parent (this) node lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] if lb0 > bnds[0]: bnds = (lb0, bnds[1]) if ub0 < bnds[1]: bnds = (bnds[0], ub0) accumulated_bounds[-1] = bnds # propagate to the children lb0, ub0 = accumulated_bounds[-1] for i, arg in enumerate(reversed(node.args)): lb1, ub1 = accumulated_bounds[-2 - i] lb2, ub2 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.sub(lb0, ub0, lb2, ub2) _lb2, _ub2 = interval.sub(lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 if _lb2 > lb2: lb2 = _lb2 if _ub2 < ub2: ub2 = _ub2 lb0, ub0 = lb1, ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb2, ub2) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_DivisionExpression(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.DivisionExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 2 arg1, arg2 = node.args lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg1] lb2, ub2 = bnds_dict[arg2] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.mul(lb0, ub0, lb2, ub2) _lb2, _ub2 = interval.div(lb1, ub1, lb0, ub0, feasibility_tol=feasibility_tol) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 if _lb2 > lb2: lb2 = _lb2 if _ub2 < ub2: ub2 = _ub2 bnds_dict[arg1] = (lb1, ub1) bnds_dict[arg2] = (lb2, ub2) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_PowExpression(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.PowExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 2 arg1, arg2 = node.args lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg1] lb2, ub2 = bnds_dict[arg2] _lb1, _ub1 = interval._inverse_power1( lb0, ub0, lb2, ub2, orig_xl=lb1, orig_xu=ub1, feasibility_tol=feasibility_tol ) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg1] = (lb1, ub1) if ( is_fixed(arg2) and lb2 == ub2 ): # No need to tighten the bounds on arg2 if arg2 is fixed pass else: _lb2, _ub2 = interval._inverse_power2( lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1, feasiblity_tol=feasibility_tol ) if _lb2 > lb2: lb2 = _lb2 if _ub2 < ub2: ub2 = _ub2 bnds_dict[arg2] = (lb2, ub2) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_sqrt(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 1 arg1 = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg1] lb2, ub2 = (0.5, 0.5) _lb1, _ub1 = interval._inverse_power1( lb0, ub0, lb2, ub2, orig_xl=lb1, orig_xu=ub1, feasibility_tol=feasibility_tol ) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg1] = (lb1, ub1) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_NegationExpression(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NegationExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 1 arg = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.sub(0, 0, lb0, ub0) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb1, ub1) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_exp(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.ProductExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 1 arg = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.log(lb0, ub0) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb1, ub1) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_log(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.ProductExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 1 arg = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.exp(lb0, ub0) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb1, ub1) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_log10(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.ProductExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 1 arg = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.power(10, 10, lb0, ub0, feasibility_tol=feasibility_tol) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb1, ub1) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_sin(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 1 arg = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.asin(lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1, feasibility_tol) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb1, ub1) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_cos(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 1 arg = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.acos(lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1, feasibility_tol) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb1, ub1) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_tan(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 1 arg = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.atan(lb0, ub0, lb1, ub1) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb1, ub1) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_asin(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 1 arg = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.sin(lb0, ub0) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb1, ub1) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_acos(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 1 arg = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.cos(lb0, ub0) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb1, ub1) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_atan(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ assert len(node.args) == 1 arg = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval.tan(lb0, ub0) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb1, ub1) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_abs(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): assert len(node.args) == 1 arg = node.args[0] lb0, ub0 = bnds_dict[node] lb1, ub1 = bnds_dict[arg] _lb1, _ub1 = interval._inverse_abs(lb0, ub0) if _lb1 > lb1: lb1 = _lb1 if _ub1 < ub1: ub1 = _ub1 bnds_dict[arg] = (lb1, ub1) _unary_root_to_leaf_map = dict() _unary_root_to_leaf_map['exp'] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_exp _unary_root_to_leaf_map['log'] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_log _unary_root_to_leaf_map['log10'] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_log10 _unary_root_to_leaf_map['sin'] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_sin _unary_root_to_leaf_map['cos'] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_cos _unary_root_to_leaf_map['tan'] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_tan _unary_root_to_leaf_map['asin'] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_asin _unary_root_to_leaf_map['acos'] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_acos _unary_root_to_leaf_map['atan'] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_atan _unary_root_to_leaf_map['sqrt'] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_sqrt _unary_root_to_leaf_map['abs'] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_abs def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_UnaryFunctionExpression(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ if node.getname() in _unary_root_to_leaf_map: _unary_root_to_leaf_map[node.getname()](node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol) else: logger.warning( 'Unsupported expression type for FBBT: {0}. Bounds will not be improved in this part of ' 'the tree.' ''.format(node.getname()) ) def _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_NamedExpression(node, bnds_dict, feasibility_tol): """ Propagate bounds from parent to children. Parameters ---------- node: pyomo.core.base.expression.NamedExpressionData bnds_dict: ComponentMap feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ if node.expr.__class__ not in native_types: expr_lb, expr_ub = bnds_dict[node] bnds_dict[node.expr] = (expr_lb, expr_ub) _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map = dict() _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[numeric_expr.ProductExpression] = ( _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_ProductExpression ) _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[numeric_expr.DivisionExpression] = ( _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_DivisionExpression ) _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[numeric_expr.PowExpression] = ( _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_PowExpression ) _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[numeric_expr.SumExpression] = ( _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_SumExpression ) _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[numeric_expr.MonomialTermExpression] = ( _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_ProductExpression ) _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[numeric_expr.NegationExpression] = ( _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_NegationExpression ) _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[numeric_expr.UnaryFunctionExpression] = ( _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_UnaryFunctionExpression ) _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[numeric_expr.LinearExpression] = ( _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_SumExpression ) _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[numeric_expr.AbsExpression] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_abs _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[ExpressionData] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_NamedExpression _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[ScalarExpression] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_NamedExpression _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[ObjectiveData] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_NamedExpression _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[ScalarObjective] = _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_NamedExpression _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[relational_expr.EqualityExpression] = ( _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_equality ) _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[relational_expr.InequalityExpression] = ( _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_inequality ) _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[relational_expr.RangedExpression] = ( _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_ranged ) def _check_and_reset_bounds(var, lb, ub): """ This function ensures that lb is not less than and that ub is not greater than var.ub. """ orig_lb = orig_ub = var.ub if orig_lb is None: orig_lb = -interval.inf if orig_ub is None: orig_ub = interval.inf if lb < orig_lb: lb = orig_lb if ub > orig_ub: ub = orig_ub return lb, ub def _before_constant(visitor, child): if child in visitor.bnds_dict: pass else: visitor.bnds_dict[child] = (child, child) return False, None def _before_var(visitor, child): if child in visitor.bnds_dict: return False, None elif child.is_fixed() and not visitor.ignore_fixed: lb = value(child.value) ub = lb else: lb = ub = child.ub if lb is None: lb = -interval.inf if ub is None: ub = interval.inf if lb - visitor.feasibility_tol > ub: raise InfeasibleConstraintException( 'Variable has a lower bound that is larger than its ' 'upper bound: {0}'.format(str(child)) ) visitor.bnds_dict[child] = (lb, ub) return False, None def _before_NPV(visitor, child): if child in visitor.bnds_dict: return False, None val = value(child) visitor.bnds_dict[child] = (val, val) return False, None def _before_other(visitor, child): return True, None def _before_external_function(visitor, child): # TODO: provide some mechanism for users to provide interval # arithmetic callback functions for general external # functions visitor.bnds_dict[child] = (-interval.inf, interval.inf) return False, None def _register_new_before_child_handler(visitor, child): handlers = _before_child_handlers child_type = child.__class__ if child.is_variable_type(): handlers[child_type] = _before_var elif not child.is_potentially_variable(): handlers[child_type] = _before_NPV else: handlers[child_type] = _before_other return handlers[child_type](visitor, child) _before_child_handlers = defaultdict(lambda: _register_new_before_child_handler) _before_child_handlers[numeric_expr.ExternalFunctionExpression] = ( _before_external_function ) for _type in nonpyomo_leaf_types: _before_child_handlers[_type] = _before_constant class _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot(StreamBasedExpressionVisitor): """ This walker propagates bounds from the variables to each node in the expression tree (all the way to the root node). """ def __init__( self, bnds_dict, integer_tol=1e-4, feasibility_tol=1e-8, ignore_fixed=False ): """ Parameters ---------- bnds_dict: ComponentMap integer_tol: float feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ super().__init__() self.bnds_dict = bnds_dict self.integer_tol = integer_tol self.feasibility_tol = feasibility_tol self.ignore_fixed = ignore_fixed def initializeWalker(self, expr): walk, result = self.beforeChild(None, expr, 0) if not walk: return False, result return True, expr def beforeChild(self, node, child, child_idx): return _before_child_handlers[child.__class__](self, child) def exitNode(self, node, data): _prop_bnds_leaf_to_root_map[node.__class__](self, node, *node.args) class _FBBTVisitorRootToLeaf(ExpressionValueVisitor): """ This walker propagates bounds from the constraint back to the variables. Note that the bounds on every node in the tree must first be computed with _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot. """ def __init__(self, bnds_dict, integer_tol=1e-4, feasibility_tol=1e-8): """ Parameters ---------- bnds_dict: ComponentMap integer_tol: float feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). """ self.bnds_dict = bnds_dict self.integer_tol = integer_tol self.feasibility_tol = feasibility_tol def visit(self, node, values): pass def visiting_potential_leaf(self, node): if node.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types: lb, ub = self.bnds_dict[node] if abs(lb - value(node)) > self.feasibility_tol: raise InfeasibleConstraintException( 'Detected an infeasible constraint.' ) if abs(ub - value(node)) > self.feasibility_tol: raise InfeasibleConstraintException( 'Detected an infeasible constraint.' ) return True, None if node.is_variable_type(): lb, ub = self.bnds_dict[node] lb, ub = self.bnds_dict[node] if lb > ub: if lb - self.feasibility_tol > ub: raise InfeasibleConstraintException( 'Lower bound ({1}) computed for variable {0} is larger than the computed upper bound ({2}).'.format( node, lb, ub ) ) else: """ If we reach this code, then lb > ub, but not by more than feasibility_tol. Now we want to decrease lb slightly and increase ub slightly so that lb <= ub. However, we also have to make sure we do not make lb lower than the original lower bound and make sure we do not make ub larger than the original upper bound. This is what _check_and_reset_bounds is for. """ lb -= self.feasibility_tol ub += self.feasibility_tol lb, ub = _check_and_reset_bounds(node, lb, ub) self.bnds_dict[node] = (lb, ub) if lb == interval.inf: raise InfeasibleConstraintException( 'Computed a lower bound of +inf for variable {0}'.format(node) ) if ub == -interval.inf: raise InfeasibleConstraintException( 'Computed an upper bound of -inf for variable {0}'.format(node) ) if node.is_binary() or node.is_integer(): """ This bit of code has two purposes: 1) Improve the bounds on binary and integer variables with the fact that they are integer. 2) Account for roundoff error. If the lower bound of a binary variable comes back as 1e-16, the lower bound may actually be 0. This could potentially cause problems when handing the problem to a MIP solver. Some solvers are robust to this, but some may not be and may give the wrong solution. Even if the correct solution is found, this could introduce numerical problems. """ if lb > -interval.inf: lb = max(math.floor(lb), math.ceil(lb - self.integer_tol)) if ub < interval.inf: ub = min(math.ceil(ub), math.floor(ub + self.integer_tol)) """ We have to make sure we do not make lb lower than the original lower bound and make sure we do not make ub larger than the original upper bound. This is what _check_and_reset_bounds is for. """ lb, ub = _check_and_reset_bounds(node, lb, ub) self.bnds_dict[node] = (lb, ub) if lb != -interval.inf: node.setlb(lb) if ub != interval.inf: node.setub(ub) return True, None if not node.is_potentially_variable(): lb, ub = self.bnds_dict[node] if abs(lb - value(node)) > self.feasibility_tol: raise InfeasibleConstraintException( 'Detected an infeasible constraint.' ) if abs(ub - value(node)) > self.feasibility_tol: raise InfeasibleConstraintException( 'Detected an infeasible constraint.' ) return True, None if node.__class__ is numeric_expr.ExternalFunctionExpression: return True, None if node.__class__ in _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map: _prop_bnds_root_to_leaf_map[node.__class__]( node, self.bnds_dict, self.feasibility_tol ) else: logger.warning( 'Unsupported expression type for FBBT: {0}. Bounds will not be improved in this part of ' 'the tree.' ''.format(str(type(node))) ) return False, None def _fbbt_con(con, config): """ Feasibility based bounds tightening for a constraint. This function attempts to improve the bounds of each variable in the constraint based on the bounds of the constraint and the bounds of the other variables in the constraint. For example: >>> import pyomo.environ as pe >>> from pyomo.contrib.fbbt.fbbt import fbbt >>> m = pe.ConcreteModel() >>> m.x = pe.Var(bounds=(-1,1)) >>> m.y = pe.Var(bounds=(-2,2)) >>> m.z = pe.Var() >>> m.c = pe.Constraint(expr=m.x*m.y + m.z == 1) >>> fbbt(m.c) >>> print(, m.z.ub) -1.0 3.0 Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.constraint.Constraint constraint on which to perform fbbt config: ConfigDict see documentation for fbbt Returns ------- new_var_bounds: ComponentMap A ComponentMap mapping from variables a tuple containing the lower and upper bounds, respectively, computed from FBBT. """ if not return ComponentMap() bnds_dict = ( ComponentMap() ) # a dictionary to store the bounds of every node in the tree # a walker to propagate bounds from the variables to the root visitorA = _FBBTVisitorLeafToRoot(bnds_dict, feasibility_tol=config.feasibility_tol) visitorA.walk_expression(con.expr) always_feasible, possibly_feasible = bnds_dict[con.expr] # check if the constraint is infeasible if not possibly_feasible: raise InfeasibleConstraintException( 'Detected an infeasible constraint during FBBT: {0}'.format(str(con)) ) # check if the constraint is always satisfied if config.deactivate_satisfied_constraints and always_feasible: con.deactivate() # Now, propagate bounds back from the root to the variables visitorB = _FBBTVisitorRootToLeaf( bnds_dict, integer_tol=config.integer_tol, feasibility_tol=config.feasibility_tol, ) visitorB.dfs_postorder_stack(con.expr) new_var_bounds = ComponentMap() for _node, _bnds in bnds_dict.items(): if _node.__class__ in nonpyomo_leaf_types: continue if _node.is_variable_type(): lb, ub = bnds_dict[_node] if lb == -interval.inf: lb = None if ub == interval.inf: ub = None new_var_bounds[_node] = (lb, ub) return new_var_bounds def _fbbt_block(m, config): """ Feasibility based bounds tightening (FBBT) for a block or model. This loops through all of the constraints in the block and performs FBBT on each constraint (see the docstring for _fbbt_con()). Through this processes, any variables whose bounds improve by more than tol are collected, and FBBT is performed again on all constraints involving those variables. This process is continued until no variable bounds are improved by more than tol. Parameters ---------- m: pyomo.core.base.block.Block or pyomo.core.base.PyomoModel.ConcreteModel config: ConfigDict See the docs for fbbt Returns ------- new_var_bounds: ComponentMap A ComponentMap mapping from variables a tuple containing the lower and upper bounds, respectively, computed from FBBT. """ new_var_bounds = ComponentMap() var_to_con_map = ComponentMap() var_lbs = ComponentMap() var_ubs = ComponentMap() n_cons = 0 for c in m.component_data_objects( ctype=Constraint, active=True, descend_into=config.descend_into, sort=True ): for v in identify_variables(c.expr): if v not in var_to_con_map: var_to_con_map[v] = list() if is None: var_lbs[v] = -interval.inf else: var_lbs[v] = if v.ub is None: var_ubs[v] = interval.inf else: var_ubs[v] = v.ub var_to_con_map[v].append(c) n_cons += 1 for _v in m.component_data_objects( ctype=Var, active=True, descend_into=True, sort=True ): if _v.is_fixed(): _v.setlb(_v.value) _v.setub(_v.value) new_var_bounds[_v] = (_v.value, _v.value) n_fbbt = 0 improved_vars = ComponentSet() for c in m.component_data_objects( ctype=Constraint, active=True, descend_into=config.descend_into, sort=True ): _new_var_bounds = _fbbt_con(c, config) n_fbbt += 1 new_var_bounds.update(_new_var_bounds) for v, bnds in _new_var_bounds.items(): vlb, vub = bnds if vlb is not None: if vlb > var_lbs[v] + config.improvement_tol: improved_vars.add(v) var_lbs[v] = vlb if vub is not None: if vub < var_ubs[v] - config.improvement_tol: improved_vars.add(v) var_ubs[v] = vub while len(improved_vars) > 0: if n_fbbt >= n_cons * config.max_iter: break v = improved_vars.pop() for c in var_to_con_map[v]: _new_var_bounds = _fbbt_con(c, config) n_fbbt += 1 new_var_bounds.update(_new_var_bounds) for _v, bnds in _new_var_bounds.items(): _vlb, _vub = bnds if _vlb is not None: if _vlb > var_lbs[_v] + config.improvement_tol: improved_vars.add(_v) var_lbs[_v] = _vlb if _vub is not None: if _vub < var_ubs[_v] - config.improvement_tol: improved_vars.add(_v) var_ubs[_v] = _vub return new_var_bounds
[docs] def fbbt( comp, deactivate_satisfied_constraints=False, integer_tol=1e-5, feasibility_tol=1e-8, max_iter=10, improvement_tol=1e-4, descend_into=True, ): """ Perform FBBT on a constraint, block, or model. For more control, use _fbbt_con and _fbbt_block. For detailed documentation, see the docstrings for _fbbt_con and _fbbt_block. Parameters ---------- comp: pyomo.core.base.constraint.Constraint or pyomo.core.base.block.Block or pyomo.core.base.PyomoModel.ConcreteModel deactivate_satisfied_constraints: bool If deactivate_satisfied_constraints is True and a constraint is always satisfied, then the constranit will be deactivated integer_tol: float If the lower bound computed on a binary variable is less than or equal to integer_tol, then the lower bound is left at 0. Otherwise, the lower bound is increased to 1. If the upper bound computed on a binary variable is greater than or equal to 1-integer_tol, then the upper bound is left at 1. Otherwise the upper bound is decreased to 0. feasibility_tol: float If the bounds computed on the body of a constraint violate the bounds of the constraint by more than feasibility_tol, then the constraint is considered infeasible and an exception is raised. This tolerance is also used when performing certain interval arithmetic operations to ensure that none of the feasible region is removed due to floating point arithmetic and to prevent math domain errors (a larger value is more conservative). max_iter: int Used for Blocks only (i.e., comp.ctype == Block). When performing FBBT on a Block, we first perform FBBT on every constraint in the Block. We then attempt to identify which constraints to repeat FBBT on based on the improvement in variable bounds. If the bounds on a variable improve by more than improvement_tol, then FBBT is performed on the constraints using that Var. However, this algorithm is not guaranteed to converge, so max_iter limits the total number of times FBBT is performed to max_iter times the number of constraints in the Block. improvement_tol: float Used for Blocks only (i.e., comp.ctype == Block). When performing FBBT on a Block, we first perform FBBT on every constraint in the Block. We then attempt to identify which constraints to repeat FBBT on based on the improvement in variable bounds. If the bounds on a variable improve by more than improvement_tol, then FBBT is performed on the constraints using that Var. Returns ------- new_var_bounds: ComponentMap A ComponentMap mapping from variables a tuple containing the lower and upper bounds, respectively, computed from FBBT. """ config = ConfigDict() dsc_config = ConfigValue( default=deactivate_satisfied_constraints, domain=In({True, False}) ) integer_tol_config = ConfigValue(default=integer_tol, domain=NonNegativeFloat) ft_config = ConfigValue(default=feasibility_tol, domain=NonNegativeFloat) mi_config = ConfigValue(default=max_iter, domain=NonNegativeInt) improvement_tol_config = ConfigValue( default=improvement_tol, domain=NonNegativeFloat ) descend_into_config = ConfigValue(default=descend_into) config.declare('deactivate_satisfied_constraints', dsc_config) config.declare('integer_tol', integer_tol_config) config.declare('feasibility_tol', ft_config) config.declare('max_iter', mi_config) config.declare('improvement_tol', improvement_tol_config) config.declare('descend_into', descend_into_config) new_var_bounds = ComponentMap() if comp.ctype == Constraint: if comp.is_indexed(): for _c in comp.values(): _new_var_bounds = _fbbt_con(comp, config) new_var_bounds.update(_new_var_bounds) else: _new_var_bounds = _fbbt_con(comp, config) new_var_bounds.update(_new_var_bounds) elif comp.ctype in {Block, Disjunct}: _new_var_bounds = _fbbt_block(comp, config) new_var_bounds.update(_new_var_bounds) else: raise FBBTException( 'Cannot perform FBBT on objects of type {0}'.format(type(comp)) ) return new_var_bounds
[docs] def compute_bounds_on_expr(expr, ignore_fixed=False): """ Compute bounds on an expression based on the bounds on the variables in the expression. Parameters ---------- expr: pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr.NumericExpression ignore_fixed: bool, treats fixed Vars as constants if False, else treats them as Vars Returns ------- lb: float ub: float """ lb, ub = ExpressionBoundsVisitor( use_fixed_var_values_as_bounds=not ignore_fixed ).walk_expression(expr) if lb == -interval.inf: lb = None if ub == interval.inf: ub = None return lb, ub
[docs] class BoundsManager(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, comp): self._vars = ComponentSet() self._saved_bounds = list() if comp.ctype == Constraint: if comp.is_indexed(): for c in comp.values(): self._vars.update(identify_variables(c.expr)) else: self._vars.update(identify_variables(comp.expr)) else: for c in comp.component_data_objects( Constraint, descend_into=True, active=True, sort=True ): self._vars.update(identify_variables(c.expr))
def save_bounds(self): bnds = ComponentMap() for v in self._vars: bnds[v] = (, v.ub) self._saved_bounds.append(bnds) def pop_bounds(self, ndx=-1): bnds = self._saved_bounds.pop(ndx) for v, _bnds in bnds.items(): lb, ub = _bnds v.setlb(lb) v.setub(ub) def load_bounds(self, bnds, save_current_bounds=True): if save_current_bounds: self.save_bounds() for v, _bnds in bnds.items(): if v in self._vars: lb, ub = _bnds v.setlb(lb) v.setub(ub)