# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
from pyomo.core.expr.logical_expr import BooleanExpression
class NoOverlapExpression(BooleanExpression):
Expression representing that none of the IntervalVars in a SequenceVar overlap
(if they are scheduled)
args (tuple): Child node of type SequenceVar
def nargs(self):
return 1
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "no_overlap(%s)" % values[0]
class FirstInSequenceExpression(BooleanExpression):
Expression representing that the specified IntervalVar is the first in the
sequence specified by SequenceVar (if it is scheduled)
args (tuple): Child nodes, the first of type IntervalVar, the second of type
def nargs(self):
return 2
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "first_in(%s, %s)" % (values[0], values[1])
class LastInSequenceExpression(BooleanExpression):
Expression representing that the specified IntervalVar is the last in the
sequence specified by SequenceVar (if it is scheduled)
args (tuple): Child nodes, the first of type IntervalVar, the second of type
def nargs(self):
return 2
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "last_in(%s, %s)" % (values[0], values[1])
class BeforeInSequenceExpression(BooleanExpression):
Expression representing that one IntervalVar occurs before another in the
sequence specified by the given SequenceVar (if both are scheduled)
args (tuple): Child nodes, the IntervalVar that must be before, the
IntervalVar that must be after, and the SequenceVar
def nargs(self):
return 3
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "before_in(%s, %s, %s)" % (values[0], values[1], values[2])
class PredecessorToExpression(BooleanExpression):
Expression representing that one IntervalVar is a direct predecessor to another
in the sequence specified by the given SequenceVar (if both are scheduled)
args (tuple): Child nodes, the predecessor IntervalVar, the successor
IntervalVar, and the SequenceVar
def nargs(self):
return 3
def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap):
return "predecessor_to(%s, %s, %s)" % (values[0], values[1], values[2])
def no_overlap(sequence_var):
Creates a new NoOverlapExpression
Requires that none of the scheduled intervals in the SequenceVar overlap each other
sequence_var: A SequenceVar
return NoOverlapExpression((sequence_var,))
def first_in_sequence(interval_var, sequence_var):
Creates a new FirstInSequenceExpression
Requires that 'interval_var' be the first in the sequence specified by
'sequence_var' if it is scheduled
interval_var (IntervalVar): The activity that should be scheduled first
if it is scheduled at all
sequence_var (SequenceVar): The sequence of activities
return FirstInSequenceExpression((interval_var, sequence_var))
def last_in_sequence(interval_var, sequence_var):
Creates a new LastInSequenceExpression
Requires that 'interval_var' be the last in the sequence specified by
'sequence_var' if it is scheduled
interval_var (IntervalVar): The activity that should be scheduled last
if it is scheduled at all
sequence_var (SequenceVar): The sequence of activities
return LastInSequenceExpression((interval_var, sequence_var))
def before_in_sequence(before_var, after_var, sequence_var):
Creates a new BeforeInSequenceExpression
Requires that 'before_var' be scheduled to start before 'after_var' in the
sequence specified bv 'sequence_var', if both are scheduled
before_var (IntervalVar): The activity that should be scheduled earlier in
the sequence
after_var (IntervalVar): The activity that should be scheduled later in the
sequence_var (SequenceVar): The sequence of activities
return BeforeInSequenceExpression((before_var, after_var, sequence_var))
def predecessor_to(before_var, after_var, sequence_var):
Creates a new PredecessorToExpression
Requires that 'before_var' be a direct predecessor to 'after_var' in the
sequence specified by 'sequence_var', if both are scheduled
before_var (IntervalVar): The activity that should be scheduled as the
after_var (IntervalVar): The activity that should be scheduled as the
sequence_var (SequenceVar): The sequence of activities
return PredecessorToExpression((before_var, after_var, sequence_var))