Source code for pyomo.contrib.appsi.solvers.gurobi

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from import Iterable
import logging
import math
from typing import List, Dict, Optional
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentSet, ComponentMap, OrderedSet
from pyomo.common.log import LogStream
from pyomo.common.dependencies import attempt_import
from pyomo.common.errors import PyomoException
from pyomo.common.tee import capture_output, TeeStream
from pyomo.common.timing import HierarchicalTimer
from pyomo.common.shutdown import python_is_shutting_down
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigValue, NonNegativeInt
from pyomo.core.kernel.objective import minimize, maximize
from pyomo.core.base import SymbolMap, NumericLabeler, TextLabeler
from pyomo.core.base.var import Var, VarData
from pyomo.core.base.constraint import ConstraintData
from pyomo.core.base.sos import SOSConstraintData
from pyomo.core.base.param import ParamData
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import value, is_constant, is_fixed, native_numeric_types
from pyomo.repn import generate_standard_repn
from pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr import NPV_MaxExpression, NPV_MinExpression
from pyomo.contrib.appsi.base import (
from pyomo.contrib.appsi.cmodel import cmodel, cmodel_available
from pyomo.core.staleflag import StaleFlagManager
import sys

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _import_gurobipy():
        import gurobipy
    except ImportError:
        Gurobi._available = Gurobi.Availability.NotFound
    if gurobipy.GRB.VERSION_MAJOR < 7:
        Gurobi._available = Gurobi.Availability.BadVersion
        raise ImportError('The APPSI Gurobi interface requires gurobipy>=7.0.0')
    return gurobipy

gurobipy, gurobipy_available = attempt_import('gurobipy', importer=_import_gurobipy)

[docs] class DegreeError(PyomoException): pass
[docs] class GurobiConfig(MIPSolverConfig):
[docs] def __init__( self, description=None, doc=None, implicit=False, implicit_domain=None, visibility=0, ): super(GurobiConfig, self).__init__( description=description, doc=doc, implicit=implicit, implicit_domain=implicit_domain, visibility=visibility, ) self.declare('logfile', ConfigValue(domain=str)) self.declare('solver_output_logger', ConfigValue()) self.declare('log_level', ConfigValue(domain=NonNegativeInt)) self.logfile = '' self.solver_output_logger = logger self.log_level = logging.INFO
[docs] class GurobiSolutionLoader(PersistentSolutionLoader):
[docs] def load_vars(self, vars_to_load=None, solution_number=0): self._assert_solution_still_valid() self._solver.load_vars( vars_to_load=vars_to_load, solution_number=solution_number )
[docs] def get_primals(self, vars_to_load=None, solution_number=0): self._assert_solution_still_valid() return self._solver.get_primals( vars_to_load=vars_to_load, solution_number=solution_number )
[docs] class GurobiResults(Results):
[docs] def __init__(self, solver): super(GurobiResults, self).__init__() self.wallclock_time = None self.solution_loader = GurobiSolutionLoader(solver=solver)
class _MutableLowerBound(object): def __init__(self, expr): self.var = None self.expr = expr def update(self): self.var.setAttr('lb', value(self.expr)) class _MutableUpperBound(object): def __init__(self, expr): self.var = None self.expr = expr def update(self): self.var.setAttr('ub', value(self.expr)) class _MutableLinearCoefficient(object): def __init__(self): self.expr = None self.var = None self.con = None self.gurobi_model = None def update(self): self.gurobi_model.chgCoeff(self.con, self.var, value(self.expr)) class _MutableRangeConstant(object): def __init__(self): self.lhs_expr = None self.rhs_expr = None self.con = None self.slack_name = None self.gurobi_model = None def update(self): rhs_val = value(self.rhs_expr) lhs_val = value(self.lhs_expr) self.con.rhs = rhs_val slack = self.gurobi_model.getVarByName(self.slack_name) slack.ub = rhs_val - lhs_val class _MutableConstant(object): def __init__(self): self.expr = None self.con = None def update(self): self.con.rhs = value(self.expr) class _MutableQuadraticConstraint(object): def __init__( self, gurobi_model, gurobi_con, constant, linear_coefs, quadratic_coefs ): self.con = gurobi_con self.gurobi_model = gurobi_model self.constant = constant self.last_constant_value = value(self.constant.expr) self.linear_coefs = linear_coefs self.last_linear_coef_values = [value(i.expr) for i in self.linear_coefs] self.quadratic_coefs = quadratic_coefs self.last_quadratic_coef_values = [value(i.expr) for i in self.quadratic_coefs] def get_updated_expression(self): gurobi_expr = self.gurobi_model.getQCRow(self.con) for ndx, coef in enumerate(self.linear_coefs): current_coef_value = value(coef.expr) incremental_coef_value = ( current_coef_value - self.last_linear_coef_values[ndx] ) gurobi_expr += incremental_coef_value * coef.var self.last_linear_coef_values[ndx] = current_coef_value for ndx, coef in enumerate(self.quadratic_coefs): current_coef_value = value(coef.expr) incremental_coef_value = ( current_coef_value - self.last_quadratic_coef_values[ndx] ) gurobi_expr += incremental_coef_value * coef.var1 * coef.var2 self.last_quadratic_coef_values[ndx] = current_coef_value return gurobi_expr def get_updated_rhs(self): return value(self.constant.expr) class _MutableObjective(object): def __init__(self, gurobi_model, constant, linear_coefs, quadratic_coefs): self.gurobi_model = gurobi_model self.constant = constant self.linear_coefs = linear_coefs self.quadratic_coefs = quadratic_coefs self.last_quadratic_coef_values = [value(i.expr) for i in self.quadratic_coefs] def get_updated_expression(self): for ndx, coef in enumerate(self.linear_coefs): coef.var.obj = value(coef.expr) self.gurobi_model.ObjCon = value(self.constant.expr) gurobi_expr = None for ndx, coef in enumerate(self.quadratic_coefs): if value(coef.expr) != self.last_quadratic_coef_values[ndx]: if gurobi_expr is None: self.gurobi_model.update() gurobi_expr = self.gurobi_model.getObjective() current_coef_value = value(coef.expr) incremental_coef_value = ( current_coef_value - self.last_quadratic_coef_values[ndx] ) gurobi_expr += incremental_coef_value * coef.var1 * coef.var2 self.last_quadratic_coef_values[ndx] = current_coef_value return gurobi_expr class _MutableQuadraticCoefficient(object): def __init__(self): self.expr = None self.var1 = None self.var2 = None
[docs] class Gurobi(PersistentBase, PersistentSolver): """ Interface to Gurobi """ _available = None _num_instances = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, only_child_vars=False): super(Gurobi, self).__init__(only_child_vars=only_child_vars) self._num_instances += 1 self._config = GurobiConfig() self._solver_options = dict() self._solver_model = None self._symbol_map = SymbolMap() self._labeler = None self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map = dict() self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map = dict() self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map = dict() self._pyomo_sos_to_solver_sos_map = dict() self._range_constraints = OrderedSet() self._mutable_helpers = dict() self._mutable_bounds = dict() self._mutable_quadratic_helpers = dict() self._mutable_objective = None self._needs_updated = True self._callback = None self._callback_func = None self._constraints_added_since_update = OrderedSet() self._vars_added_since_update = ComponentSet() self._last_results_object: Optional[GurobiResults] = None
[docs] def available(self): if not gurobipy_available: # this triggers the deferred import return self.Availability.NotFound elif self._available == self.Availability.BadVersion: return self.Availability.BadVersion else: return self._check_license()
def _check_license(self): avail = False try: # Gurobipy writes out license file information when creating # the environment with capture_output(capture_fd=True): m = gurobipy.Model() if self._solver_model is None: self._solver_model = m avail = True except gurobipy.GurobiError: avail = False if avail: if self._available is None: res = Gurobi._check_full_license() self._available = res return res else: return self._available else: return self.Availability.BadLicense @classmethod def _check_full_license(cls): m = gurobipy.Model() m.setParam('OutputFlag', 0) try: m.addVars(range(2001)) m.optimize() return cls.Availability.FullLicense except gurobipy.GurobiError: return cls.Availability.LimitedLicense def release_license(self): self._reinit() if gurobipy_available: with capture_output(capture_fd=True): gurobipy.disposeDefaultEnv() def __del__(self): if not python_is_shutting_down(): self._num_instances -= 1 if self._num_instances == 0: self.release_license()
[docs] def version(self): version = ( gurobipy.GRB.VERSION_MAJOR, gurobipy.GRB.VERSION_MINOR, gurobipy.GRB.VERSION_TECHNICAL, ) return version
@property def config(self) -> GurobiConfig: return self._config @config.setter def config(self, val: GurobiConfig): self._config = val @property def gurobi_options(self): """ A dictionary mapping solver options to values for those options. These are solver specific. Returns ------- dict A dictionary mapping solver options to values for those options """ return self._solver_options @gurobi_options.setter def gurobi_options(self, val: Dict): self._solver_options = val @property def symbol_map(self): return self._symbol_map def _solve(self, timer: HierarchicalTimer): ostreams = [ LogStream( level=self.config.log_level, logger=self.config.solver_output_logger ) ] if self.config.stream_solver: ostreams.append(sys.stdout) with TeeStream(*ostreams) as t: with capture_output(output=t.STDOUT, capture_fd=False): config = self.config options = self.gurobi_options self._solver_model.setParam('LogToConsole', 1) self._solver_model.setParam('LogFile', config.logfile) if config.time_limit is not None: self._solver_model.setParam('TimeLimit', config.time_limit) if config.mip_gap is not None: self._solver_model.setParam('MIPGap', config.mip_gap) for key, option in options.items(): self._solver_model.setParam(key, option) timer.start('optimize') self._solver_model.optimize(self._callback) timer.stop('optimize') self._needs_updated = False return self._postsolve(timer)
[docs] def solve(self, model, timer: HierarchicalTimer = None) -> Results: StaleFlagManager.mark_all_as_stale() # Note: solver availability check happens in set_instance(), # which will be called (either by the user before this call, or # below) before this method calls self._solve. if self._last_results_object is not None: self._last_results_object.solution_loader.invalidate() if timer is None: timer = HierarchicalTimer() if model is not self._model: timer.start('set_instance') self.set_instance(model) timer.stop('set_instance') else: timer.start('update') self.update(timer=timer) timer.stop('update') res = self._solve(timer) self._last_results_object = res if self.config.report_timing:'\n' + str(timer)) return res
def _process_domain_and_bounds( self, var, var_id, mutable_lbs, mutable_ubs, ndx, gurobipy_var ): _v, _lb, _ub, _fixed, _domain_interval, _value = self._vars[id(var)] lb, ub, step = _domain_interval if lb is None: lb = -gurobipy.GRB.INFINITY if ub is None: ub = gurobipy.GRB.INFINITY if step == 0: vtype = gurobipy.GRB.CONTINUOUS elif step == 1: if lb == 0 and ub == 1: vtype = gurobipy.GRB.BINARY else: vtype = gurobipy.GRB.INTEGER else: raise ValueError( f'Unrecognized domain step: {step} (should be either 0 or 1)' ) if _fixed: lb = _value ub = _value else: if _lb is not None: if not is_constant(_lb): mutable_bound = _MutableLowerBound(NPV_MaxExpression((_lb, lb))) if gurobipy_var is None: mutable_lbs[ndx] = mutable_bound else: mutable_bound.var = gurobipy_var self._mutable_bounds[var_id, 'lb'] = (var, mutable_bound) lb = max(value(_lb), lb) if _ub is not None: if not is_constant(_ub): mutable_bound = _MutableUpperBound(NPV_MinExpression((_ub, ub))) if gurobipy_var is None: mutable_ubs[ndx] = mutable_bound else: mutable_bound.var = gurobipy_var self._mutable_bounds[var_id, 'ub'] = (var, mutable_bound) ub = min(value(_ub), ub) return lb, ub, vtype def _add_variables(self, variables: List[VarData]): var_names = list() vtypes = list() lbs = list() ubs = list() mutable_lbs = dict() mutable_ubs = dict() for ndx, var in enumerate(variables): varname = self._symbol_map.getSymbol(var, self._labeler) lb, ub, vtype = self._process_domain_and_bounds( var, id(var), mutable_lbs, mutable_ubs, ndx, None ) var_names.append(varname) vtypes.append(vtype) lbs.append(lb) ubs.append(ub) gurobi_vars = self._solver_model.addVars( len(variables), lb=lbs, ub=ubs, vtype=vtypes, name=var_names ) for ndx, pyomo_var in enumerate(variables): gurobi_var = gurobi_vars[ndx] self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[id(pyomo_var)] = gurobi_var for ndx, mutable_bound in mutable_lbs.items(): mutable_bound.var = gurobi_vars[ndx] for ndx, mutable_bound in mutable_ubs.items(): mutable_bound.var = gurobi_vars[ndx] self._vars_added_since_update.update(variables) self._needs_updated = True def _add_params(self, params: List[ParamData]): pass def _reinit(self): saved_config = self.config saved_options = self.gurobi_options saved_update_config = self.update_config self.__init__(only_child_vars=self._only_child_vars) self.config = saved_config self.gurobi_options = saved_options self.update_config = saved_update_config def set_instance(self, model): if self._last_results_object is not None: self._last_results_object.solution_loader.invalidate() if not self.available(): c = self.__class__ raise PyomoException( f'Solver {c.__module__}.{c.__qualname__} is not available ' f'({self.available()}).' ) self._reinit() self._model = model if self.use_extensions and cmodel_available: self._expr_types = cmodel.PyomoExprTypes() if self.config.symbolic_solver_labels: self._labeler = TextLabeler() else: self._labeler = NumericLabeler('x') if is not None: self._solver_model = gurobipy.Model( else: self._solver_model = gurobipy.Model() self.add_block(model) if self._objective is None: self.set_objective(None) def _get_expr_from_pyomo_expr(self, expr): mutable_linear_coefficients = list() mutable_quadratic_coefficients = list() repn = generate_standard_repn(expr, quadratic=True, compute_values=False) degree = repn.polynomial_degree() if (degree is None) or (degree > 2): raise DegreeError( 'GurobiAuto does not support expressions of degree {0}.'.format(degree) ) if len(repn.linear_vars) > 0: linear_coef_vals = list() for ndx, coef in enumerate(repn.linear_coefs): if not is_constant(coef): mutable_linear_coefficient = _MutableLinearCoefficient() mutable_linear_coefficient.expr = coef mutable_linear_coefficient.var = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[ id(repn.linear_vars[ndx]) ] mutable_linear_coefficients.append(mutable_linear_coefficient) linear_coef_vals.append(value(coef)) new_expr = gurobipy.LinExpr( linear_coef_vals, [self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[id(i)] for i in repn.linear_vars], ) else: new_expr = 0.0 for ndx, v in enumerate(repn.quadratic_vars): x, y = v gurobi_x = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[id(x)] gurobi_y = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[id(y)] coef = repn.quadratic_coefs[ndx] if not is_constant(coef): mutable_quadratic_coefficient = _MutableQuadraticCoefficient() mutable_quadratic_coefficient.expr = coef mutable_quadratic_coefficient.var1 = gurobi_x mutable_quadratic_coefficient.var2 = gurobi_y mutable_quadratic_coefficients.append(mutable_quadratic_coefficient) coef_val = value(coef) new_expr += coef_val * gurobi_x * gurobi_y return ( new_expr, repn.constant, mutable_linear_coefficients, mutable_quadratic_coefficients, ) def _add_constraints(self, cons: List[ConstraintData]): for con in cons: conname = self._symbol_map.getSymbol(con, self._labeler) ( gurobi_expr, repn_constant, mutable_linear_coefficients, mutable_quadratic_coefficients, ) = self._get_expr_from_pyomo_expr(con.body) if ( gurobi_expr.__class__ in {gurobipy.LinExpr, gurobipy.Var} or gurobi_expr.__class__ in native_numeric_types ): if con.equality: rhs_expr = con.lower - repn_constant rhs_val = value(rhs_expr) gurobipy_con = self._solver_model.addLConstr( gurobi_expr, gurobipy.GRB.EQUAL, rhs_val, name=conname ) if not is_constant(rhs_expr): mutable_constant = _MutableConstant() mutable_constant.expr = rhs_expr mutable_constant.con = gurobipy_con self._mutable_helpers[con] = [mutable_constant] elif con.has_lb() and con.has_ub(): lhs_expr = con.lower - repn_constant rhs_expr = con.upper - repn_constant lhs_val = value(lhs_expr) rhs_val = value(rhs_expr) gurobipy_con = self._solver_model.addRange( gurobi_expr, lhs_val, rhs_val, name=conname ) self._range_constraints.add(con) if not is_constant(lhs_expr) or not is_constant(rhs_expr): mutable_range_constant = _MutableRangeConstant() mutable_range_constant.lhs_expr = lhs_expr mutable_range_constant.rhs_expr = rhs_expr mutable_range_constant.con = gurobipy_con mutable_range_constant.slack_name = 'Rg' + conname mutable_range_constant.gurobi_model = self._solver_model self._mutable_helpers[con] = [mutable_range_constant] elif con.has_lb(): rhs_expr = con.lower - repn_constant rhs_val = value(rhs_expr) gurobipy_con = self._solver_model.addLConstr( gurobi_expr, gurobipy.GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, rhs_val, name=conname ) if not is_constant(rhs_expr): mutable_constant = _MutableConstant() mutable_constant.expr = rhs_expr mutable_constant.con = gurobipy_con self._mutable_helpers[con] = [mutable_constant] elif con.has_ub(): rhs_expr = con.upper - repn_constant rhs_val = value(rhs_expr) gurobipy_con = self._solver_model.addLConstr( gurobi_expr, gurobipy.GRB.LESS_EQUAL, rhs_val, name=conname ) if not is_constant(rhs_expr): mutable_constant = _MutableConstant() mutable_constant.expr = rhs_expr mutable_constant.con = gurobipy_con self._mutable_helpers[con] = [mutable_constant] else: raise ValueError( "Constraint does not have a lower " "or an upper bound: {0} \n".format(con) ) for tmp in mutable_linear_coefficients: tmp.con = gurobipy_con tmp.gurobi_model = self._solver_model if len(mutable_linear_coefficients) > 0: if con not in self._mutable_helpers: self._mutable_helpers[con] = mutable_linear_coefficients else: self._mutable_helpers[con].extend(mutable_linear_coefficients) elif gurobi_expr.__class__ is gurobipy.QuadExpr: if con.equality: rhs_expr = con.lower - repn_constant rhs_val = value(rhs_expr) gurobipy_con = self._solver_model.addQConstr( gurobi_expr, gurobipy.GRB.EQUAL, rhs_val, name=conname ) elif con.has_lb() and con.has_ub(): raise NotImplementedError( 'Quadratic range constraints are not supported' ) elif con.has_lb(): rhs_expr = con.lower - repn_constant rhs_val = value(rhs_expr) gurobipy_con = self._solver_model.addQConstr( gurobi_expr, gurobipy.GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, rhs_val, name=conname ) elif con.has_ub(): rhs_expr = con.upper - repn_constant rhs_val = value(rhs_expr) gurobipy_con = self._solver_model.addQConstr( gurobi_expr, gurobipy.GRB.LESS_EQUAL, rhs_val, name=conname ) else: raise ValueError( "Constraint does not have a lower " "or an upper bound: {0} \n".format(con) ) if ( len(mutable_linear_coefficients) > 0 or len(mutable_quadratic_coefficients) > 0 or not is_constant(repn_constant) ): mutable_constant = _MutableConstant() mutable_constant.expr = rhs_expr mutable_quadratic_constraint = _MutableQuadraticConstraint( self._solver_model, gurobipy_con, mutable_constant, mutable_linear_coefficients, mutable_quadratic_coefficients, ) self._mutable_quadratic_helpers[con] = mutable_quadratic_constraint else: raise ValueError( 'Unrecognized Gurobi expression type: ' + str(gurobi_expr.__class__) ) self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con] = gurobipy_con self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map[id(gurobipy_con)] = con self._constraints_added_since_update.update(cons) self._needs_updated = True def _add_sos_constraints(self, cons: List[SOSConstraintData]): for con in cons: conname = self._symbol_map.getSymbol(con, self._labeler) level = con.level if level == 1: sos_type = gurobipy.GRB.SOS_TYPE1 elif level == 2: sos_type = gurobipy.GRB.SOS_TYPE2 else: raise ValueError( "Solver does not support SOS level {0} constraints".format(level) ) gurobi_vars = [] weights = [] for v, w in con.get_items(): v_id = id(v) gurobi_vars.append(self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[v_id]) weights.append(w) gurobipy_con = self._solver_model.addSOS(sos_type, gurobi_vars, weights) self._pyomo_sos_to_solver_sos_map[con] = gurobipy_con self._constraints_added_since_update.update(cons) self._needs_updated = True def _remove_constraints(self, cons: List[ConstraintData]): for con in cons: if con in self._constraints_added_since_update: self._update_gurobi_model() solver_con = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con] self._solver_model.remove(solver_con) self._symbol_map.removeSymbol(con) del self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con] del self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map[id(solver_con)] self._range_constraints.discard(con) self._mutable_helpers.pop(con, None) self._mutable_quadratic_helpers.pop(con, None) self._needs_updated = True def _remove_sos_constraints(self, cons: List[SOSConstraintData]): for con in cons: if con in self._constraints_added_since_update: self._update_gurobi_model() solver_sos_con = self._pyomo_sos_to_solver_sos_map[con] self._solver_model.remove(solver_sos_con) self._symbol_map.removeSymbol(con) del self._pyomo_sos_to_solver_sos_map[con] self._needs_updated = True def _remove_variables(self, variables: List[VarData]): for var in variables: v_id = id(var) if var in self._vars_added_since_update: self._update_gurobi_model() solver_var = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[v_id] self._solver_model.remove(solver_var) self._symbol_map.removeSymbol(var) del self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[v_id] self._mutable_bounds.pop(v_id, None) self._needs_updated = True def _remove_params(self, params: List[ParamData]): pass def _update_variables(self, variables: List[VarData]): for var in variables: var_id = id(var) if var_id not in self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map: raise ValueError( 'The Var provided to update_var needs to be added first: {0}'.format( var ) ) self._mutable_bounds.pop((var_id, 'lb'), None) self._mutable_bounds.pop((var_id, 'ub'), None) gurobipy_var = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[var_id] lb, ub, vtype = self._process_domain_and_bounds( var, var_id, None, None, None, gurobipy_var ) gurobipy_var.setAttr('lb', lb) gurobipy_var.setAttr('ub', ub) gurobipy_var.setAttr('vtype', vtype) self._needs_updated = True def update_params(self): for con, helpers in self._mutable_helpers.items(): for helper in helpers: helper.update() for k, (v, helper) in self._mutable_bounds.items(): helper.update() for con, helper in self._mutable_quadratic_helpers.items(): if con in self._constraints_added_since_update: self._update_gurobi_model() gurobi_con = helper.con new_gurobi_expr = helper.get_updated_expression() new_rhs = helper.get_updated_rhs() new_sense = gurobi_con.qcsense pyomo_con = self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map[id(gurobi_con)] name = self._symbol_map.getSymbol(pyomo_con, self._labeler) self._solver_model.remove(gurobi_con) new_con = self._solver_model.addQConstr( new_gurobi_expr, new_sense, new_rhs, name=name ) self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[id(pyomo_con)] = new_con del self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map[id(gurobi_con)] self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map[id(new_con)] = pyomo_con helper.con = new_con self._constraints_added_since_update.add(con) helper = self._mutable_objective pyomo_obj = self._objective new_gurobi_expr = helper.get_updated_expression() if new_gurobi_expr is not None: if pyomo_obj.sense == minimize: sense = gurobipy.GRB.MINIMIZE else: sense = gurobipy.GRB.MAXIMIZE self._solver_model.setObjective(new_gurobi_expr, sense=sense) def _set_objective(self, obj): if obj is None: sense = gurobipy.GRB.MINIMIZE gurobi_expr = 0 repn_constant = 0 mutable_linear_coefficients = list() mutable_quadratic_coefficients = list() else: if obj.sense == minimize: sense = gurobipy.GRB.MINIMIZE elif obj.sense == maximize: sense = gurobipy.GRB.MAXIMIZE else: raise ValueError( 'Objective sense is not recognized: {0}'.format(obj.sense) ) ( gurobi_expr, repn_constant, mutable_linear_coefficients, mutable_quadratic_coefficients, ) = self._get_expr_from_pyomo_expr(obj.expr) mutable_constant = _MutableConstant() mutable_constant.expr = repn_constant mutable_objective = _MutableObjective( self._solver_model, mutable_constant, mutable_linear_coefficients, mutable_quadratic_coefficients, ) self._mutable_objective = mutable_objective # These two lines are needed as a workaround # see PR #2454 self._solver_model.setObjective(0) self._solver_model.update() self._solver_model.setObjective(gurobi_expr + value(repn_constant), sense=sense) self._needs_updated = True def _postsolve(self, timer: HierarchicalTimer): config = self.config gprob = self._solver_model grb = gurobipy.GRB status = gprob.Status results = GurobiResults(self) results.wallclock_time = gprob.Runtime if status == grb.LOADED: # problem is loaded, but no solution results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unknown elif status == grb.OPTIMAL: # optimal results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.optimal elif status == grb.INFEASIBLE: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasible elif status == grb.INF_OR_UNBD: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.infeasibleOrUnbounded elif status == grb.UNBOUNDED: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unbounded elif status == grb.CUTOFF: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.objectiveLimit elif status == grb.ITERATION_LIMIT: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.maxIterations elif status == grb.NODE_LIMIT: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.maxIterations elif status == grb.TIME_LIMIT: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit elif status == grb.SOLUTION_LIMIT: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unknown elif status == grb.INTERRUPTED: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.interrupted elif status == grb.NUMERIC: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unknown elif status == grb.SUBOPTIMAL: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unknown elif status == grb.USER_OBJ_LIMIT: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.objectiveLimit else: results.termination_condition = TerminationCondition.unknown results.best_feasible_objective = None results.best_objective_bound = None if self._objective is not None: try: results.best_feasible_objective = gprob.ObjVal except (gurobipy.GurobiError, AttributeError): results.best_feasible_objective = None try: results.best_objective_bound = gprob.ObjBound except (gurobipy.GurobiError, AttributeError): if self._objective.sense == minimize: results.best_objective_bound = -math.inf else: results.best_objective_bound = math.inf if results.best_feasible_objective is not None and not math.isfinite( results.best_feasible_objective ): results.best_feasible_objective = None timer.start('load solution') if config.load_solution: if gprob.SolCount > 0: if results.termination_condition != TerminationCondition.optimal: logger.warning( 'Loading a feasible but suboptimal solution. ' 'Please set load_solution=False and check ' 'results.termination_condition and ' 'results.found_feasible_solution() before loading a solution.' ) self.load_vars() else: raise RuntimeError( 'A feasible solution was not found, so no solution can be loaded. ' 'If using the appsi.solvers.Gurobi interface, you can ' 'set opt.config.load_solution=False. If using the environ.SolverFactory ' 'interface, you can set opt.solve(model, load_solutions = False). ' 'Then you can check results.termination_condition and ' 'results.best_feasible_objective before loading a solution.' ) timer.stop('load solution') return results def _load_suboptimal_mip_solution(self, vars_to_load, solution_number): if ( self.get_model_attr('NumIntVars') == 0 and self.get_model_attr('NumBinVars') == 0 ): raise ValueError( 'Cannot obtain suboptimal solutions for a continuous model' ) var_map = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map ref_vars = self._referenced_variables original_solution_number = self.get_gurobi_param_info('SolutionNumber')[2] self.set_gurobi_param('SolutionNumber', solution_number) gurobi_vars_to_load = [var_map[pyomo_var] for pyomo_var in vars_to_load] vals = self._solver_model.getAttr("Xn", gurobi_vars_to_load) res = ComponentMap() for var_id, val in zip(vars_to_load, vals): using_cons, using_sos, using_obj = ref_vars[var_id] if using_cons or using_sos or (using_obj is not None): res[self._vars[var_id][0]] = val self.set_gurobi_param('SolutionNumber', original_solution_number) return res
[docs] def load_vars(self, vars_to_load=None, solution_number=0): for v, val in self.get_primals( vars_to_load=vars_to_load, solution_number=solution_number ).items(): v.set_value(val, skip_validation=True) StaleFlagManager.mark_all_as_stale(delayed=True)
def get_primals(self, vars_to_load=None, solution_number=0): if self._needs_updated: self._update_gurobi_model() # this is needed to ensure that solutions cannot be loaded after the model has been changed if self._solver_model.SolCount == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Solver does not currently have a valid solution. Please ' 'check the termination condition.' ) var_map = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map ref_vars = self._referenced_variables if vars_to_load is None: vars_to_load = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map.keys() else: vars_to_load = [id(v) for v in vars_to_load] if solution_number != 0: return self._load_suboptimal_mip_solution( vars_to_load=vars_to_load, solution_number=solution_number ) else: gurobi_vars_to_load = [ var_map[pyomo_var_id] for pyomo_var_id in vars_to_load ] vals = self._solver_model.getAttr("X", gurobi_vars_to_load) res = ComponentMap() for var_id, val in zip(vars_to_load, vals): using_cons, using_sos, using_obj = ref_vars[var_id] if using_cons or using_sos or (using_obj is not None): res[self._vars[var_id][0]] = val return res
[docs] def get_reduced_costs(self, vars_to_load=None): if self._needs_updated: self._update_gurobi_model() if self._solver_model.Status != gurobipy.GRB.OPTIMAL: raise RuntimeError( 'Solver does not currently have valid reduced costs. Please ' 'check the termination condition.' ) var_map = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map ref_vars = self._referenced_variables res = ComponentMap() if vars_to_load is None: vars_to_load = self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map.keys() else: vars_to_load = [id(v) for v in vars_to_load] gurobi_vars_to_load = [var_map[pyomo_var_id] for pyomo_var_id in vars_to_load] vals = self._solver_model.getAttr("Rc", gurobi_vars_to_load) for var_id, val in zip(vars_to_load, vals): using_cons, using_sos, using_obj = ref_vars[var_id] if using_cons or using_sos or (using_obj is not None): res[self._vars[var_id][0]] = val return res
[docs] def get_duals(self, cons_to_load=None): if self._needs_updated: self._update_gurobi_model() if self._solver_model.Status != gurobipy.GRB.OPTIMAL: raise RuntimeError( 'Solver does not currently have valid duals. Please ' 'check the termination condition.' ) con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map reverse_con_map = self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map dual = dict() if cons_to_load is None: linear_cons_to_load = self._solver_model.getConstrs() quadratic_cons_to_load = self._solver_model.getQConstrs() else: gurobi_cons_to_load = OrderedSet( [con_map[pyomo_con] for pyomo_con in cons_to_load] ) linear_cons_to_load = list( gurobi_cons_to_load.intersection( OrderedSet(self._solver_model.getConstrs()) ) ) quadratic_cons_to_load = list( gurobi_cons_to_load.intersection( OrderedSet(self._solver_model.getQConstrs()) ) ) linear_vals = self._solver_model.getAttr("Pi", linear_cons_to_load) quadratic_vals = self._solver_model.getAttr("QCPi", quadratic_cons_to_load) for gurobi_con, val in zip(linear_cons_to_load, linear_vals): pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[id(gurobi_con)] dual[pyomo_con] = val for gurobi_con, val in zip(quadratic_cons_to_load, quadratic_vals): pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[id(gurobi_con)] dual[pyomo_con] = val return dual
[docs] def get_slacks(self, cons_to_load=None): if self._needs_updated: self._update_gurobi_model() if self._solver_model.SolCount == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Solver does not currently have valid slacks. Please ' 'check the termination condition.' ) con_map = self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map reverse_con_map = self._solver_con_to_pyomo_con_map slack = dict() gurobi_range_con_vars = OrderedSet(self._solver_model.getVars()) - OrderedSet( self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map.values() ) if cons_to_load is None: linear_cons_to_load = self._solver_model.getConstrs() quadratic_cons_to_load = self._solver_model.getQConstrs() else: gurobi_cons_to_load = OrderedSet( [con_map[pyomo_con] for pyomo_con in cons_to_load] ) linear_cons_to_load = list( gurobi_cons_to_load.intersection( OrderedSet(self._solver_model.getConstrs()) ) ) quadratic_cons_to_load = list( gurobi_cons_to_load.intersection( OrderedSet(self._solver_model.getQConstrs()) ) ) linear_vals = self._solver_model.getAttr("Slack", linear_cons_to_load) quadratic_vals = self._solver_model.getAttr("QCSlack", quadratic_cons_to_load) for gurobi_con, val in zip(linear_cons_to_load, linear_vals): pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[id(gurobi_con)] if pyomo_con in self._range_constraints: lin_expr = self._solver_model.getRow(gurobi_con) for i in reversed(range(lin_expr.size())): v = lin_expr.getVar(i) if v in gurobi_range_con_vars: Us_ = v.X Ls_ = v.UB - v.X if Us_ > Ls_: slack[pyomo_con] = Us_ else: slack[pyomo_con] = -Ls_ break else: slack[pyomo_con] = val for gurobi_con, val in zip(quadratic_cons_to_load, quadratic_vals): pyomo_con = reverse_con_map[id(gurobi_con)] slack[pyomo_con] = val return slack
def update(self, timer: HierarchicalTimer = None): if self._needs_updated: self._update_gurobi_model() super(Gurobi, self).update(timer=timer) self._update_gurobi_model() def _update_gurobi_model(self): self._solver_model.update() self._constraints_added_since_update = OrderedSet() self._vars_added_since_update = ComponentSet() self._needs_updated = False
[docs] def get_model_attr(self, attr): """ Get the value of an attribute on the Gurobi model. Parameters ---------- attr: str The attribute to get. See Gurobi documentation for descriptions of the attributes. """ if self._needs_updated: self._update_gurobi_model() return self._solver_model.getAttr(attr)
[docs] def write(self, filename): """ Write the model to a file (e.g., and lp file). Parameters ---------- filename: str Name of the file to which the model should be written. """ self._solver_model.write(filename) self._constraints_added_since_update = OrderedSet() self._vars_added_since_update = ComponentSet() self._needs_updated = False
[docs] def set_linear_constraint_attr(self, con, attr, val): """ Set the value of an attribute on a gurobi linear constraint. Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.constraint.ConstraintData The pyomo constraint for which the corresponding gurobi constraint attribute should be modified. attr: str The attribute to be modified. Options are: CBasis DStart Lazy val: any See gurobi documentation for acceptable values. """ if attr in {'Sense', 'RHS', 'ConstrName'}: raise ValueError( 'Linear constraint attr {0} cannot be set with' + ' the set_linear_constraint_attr method. Please use' + ' the remove_constraint and add_constraint methods.'.format(attr) ) self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con].setAttr(attr, val) self._needs_updated = True
[docs] def set_var_attr(self, var, attr, val): """ Set the value of an attribute on a gurobi variable. Parameters ---------- var: pyomo.core.base.var.VarData The pyomo var for which the corresponding gurobi var attribute should be modified. attr: str The attribute to be modified. Options are: Start VarHintVal VarHintPri BranchPriority VBasis PStart val: any See gurobi documentation for acceptable values. """ if attr in {'LB', 'UB', 'VType', 'VarName'}: raise ValueError( 'Var attr {0} cannot be set with' + ' the set_var_attr method. Please use' + ' the update_var method.'.format(attr) ) if attr == 'Obj': raise ValueError( 'Var attr Obj cannot be set with' + ' the set_var_attr method. Please use' + ' the set_objective method.' ) self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[id(var)].setAttr(attr, val) self._needs_updated = True
[docs] def get_var_attr(self, var, attr): """ Get the value of an attribute on a gurobi var. Parameters ---------- var: pyomo.core.base.var.VarData The pyomo var for which the corresponding gurobi var attribute should be retrieved. attr: str The attribute to get. See gurobi documentation """ if self._needs_updated: self._update_gurobi_model() return self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[id(var)].getAttr(attr)
[docs] def get_linear_constraint_attr(self, con, attr): """ Get the value of an attribute on a gurobi linear constraint. Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.constraint.ConstraintData The pyomo constraint for which the corresponding gurobi constraint attribute should be retrieved. attr: str The attribute to get. See the Gurobi documentation """ if self._needs_updated: self._update_gurobi_model() return self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con].getAttr(attr)
[docs] def get_sos_attr(self, con, attr): """ Get the value of an attribute on a gurobi sos constraint. Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.sos.SOSConstraintData The pyomo SOS constraint for which the corresponding gurobi SOS constraint attribute should be retrieved. attr: str The attribute to get. See the Gurobi documentation """ if self._needs_updated: self._update_gurobi_model() return self._pyomo_sos_to_solver_sos_map[con].getAttr(attr)
[docs] def get_quadratic_constraint_attr(self, con, attr): """ Get the value of an attribute on a gurobi quadratic constraint. Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.constraint.ConstraintData The pyomo constraint for which the corresponding gurobi constraint attribute should be retrieved. attr: str The attribute to get. See the Gurobi documentation """ if self._needs_updated: self._update_gurobi_model() return self._pyomo_con_to_solver_con_map[con].getAttr(attr)
[docs] def set_gurobi_param(self, param, val): """ Set a gurobi parameter. Parameters ---------- param: str The gurobi parameter to set. Options include any gurobi parameter. Please see the Gurobi documentation for options. val: any The value to set the parameter to. See Gurobi documentation for possible values. """ self._solver_model.setParam(param, val)
[docs] def get_gurobi_param_info(self, param): """ Get information about a gurobi parameter. Parameters ---------- param: str The gurobi parameter to get info for. See Gurobi documentation for possible options. Returns ------- six-tuple containing the parameter name, type, value, minimum value, maximum value, and default value. """ return self._solver_model.getParamInfo(param)
def _intermediate_callback(self): def f(gurobi_model, where): self._callback_func(self._model, self, where) return f
[docs] def set_callback(self, func=None): """ Specify a callback for gurobi to use. Parameters ---------- func: function The function to call. The function should have three arguments. The first will be the pyomo model being solved. The second will be the GurobiPersistent instance. The third will be an enum member of gurobipy.GRB.Callback. This will indicate where in the branch and bound algorithm gurobi is at. For example, suppose we want to solve .. math:: min 2*x + y s.t. y >= (x-2)**2 0 <= x <= 4 y >= 0 y integer as an MILP using extended cutting planes in callbacks. >>> from gurobipy import GRB # doctest:+SKIP >>> import pyomo.environ as pe >>> from pyomo.core.expr.taylor_series import taylor_series_expansion >>> from pyomo.contrib import appsi >>> >>> m = pe.ConcreteModel() >>> m.x = pe.Var(bounds=(0, 4)) >>> m.y = pe.Var(within=pe.Integers, bounds=(0, None)) >>> m.obj = pe.Objective(expr=2*m.x + m.y) >>> m.cons = pe.ConstraintList() # for the cutting planes >>> >>> def _add_cut(xval): ... # a function to generate the cut ... m.x.value = xval ... return m.cons.add(m.y >= taylor_series_expansion((m.x - 2)**2)) ... >>> _c = _add_cut(0) # start with 2 cuts at the bounds of x >>> _c = _add_cut(4) # this is an arbitrary choice >>> >>> opt = appsi.solvers.Gurobi() >>> opt.config.stream_solver = True >>> opt.set_instance(m) # doctest:+SKIP >>> opt.gurobi_options['PreCrush'] = 1 >>> opt.gurobi_options['LazyConstraints'] = 1 >>> >>> def my_callback(cb_m, cb_opt, cb_where): ... if cb_where == GRB.Callback.MIPSOL: ... cb_opt.cbGetSolution(vars=[m.x, m.y]) ... if m.y.value < (m.x.value - 2)**2 - 1e-6: ... cb_opt.cbLazy(_add_cut(m.x.value)) ... >>> opt.set_callback(my_callback) >>> res = opt.solve(m) # doctest:+SKIP """ if func is not None: self._callback_func = func self._callback = self._intermediate_callback() else: self._callback = None self._callback_func = None
[docs] def cbCut(self, con): """ Add a cut within a callback. Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.constraint.ConstraintData The cut to add """ if not raise ValueError('cbCut expected an active constraint.') if is_fixed(con.body): raise ValueError('cbCut expected a non-trivial constraint') ( gurobi_expr, repn_constant, mutable_linear_coefficients, mutable_quadratic_coefficients, ) = self._get_expr_from_pyomo_expr(con.body) if con.has_lb(): if con.has_ub(): raise ValueError('Range constraints are not supported in cbCut.') if not is_fixed(con.lower): raise ValueError( 'Lower bound of constraint {0} is not constant.'.format(con) ) if con.has_ub(): if not is_fixed(con.upper): raise ValueError( 'Upper bound of constraint {0} is not constant.'.format(con) ) if con.equality: self._solver_model.cbCut( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.EQUAL, rhs=value(con.lower - repn_constant), ) elif con.has_lb() and (value(con.lower) > -float('inf')): self._solver_model.cbCut( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, rhs=value(con.lower - repn_constant), ) elif con.has_ub() and (value(con.upper) < float('inf')): self._solver_model.cbCut( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.LESS_EQUAL, rhs=value(con.upper - repn_constant), ) else: raise ValueError( 'Constraint does not have a lower or an upper bound {0} \n'.format(con) )
def cbGet(self, what): return self._solver_model.cbGet(what)
[docs] def cbGetNodeRel(self, vars): """ Parameters ---------- vars: Var or iterable of Var """ if not isinstance(vars, Iterable): vars = [vars] gurobi_vars = [self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[id(i)] for i in vars] var_values = self._solver_model.cbGetNodeRel(gurobi_vars) for i, v in enumerate(vars): v.set_value(var_values[i], skip_validation=True)
[docs] def cbGetSolution(self, vars): """ Parameters ---------- vars: iterable of vars """ if not isinstance(vars, Iterable): vars = [vars] gurobi_vars = [self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[id(i)] for i in vars] var_values = self._solver_model.cbGetSolution(gurobi_vars) for i, v in enumerate(vars): v.set_value(var_values[i], skip_validation=True)
[docs] def cbLazy(self, con): """ Parameters ---------- con: pyomo.core.base.constraint.ConstraintData The lazy constraint to add """ if not raise ValueError('cbLazy expected an active constraint.') if is_fixed(con.body): raise ValueError('cbLazy expected a non-trivial constraint') ( gurobi_expr, repn_constant, mutable_linear_coefficients, mutable_quadratic_coefficients, ) = self._get_expr_from_pyomo_expr(con.body) if con.has_lb(): if con.has_ub(): raise ValueError('Range constraints are not supported in cbLazy.') if not is_fixed(con.lower): raise ValueError( 'Lower bound of constraint {0} is not constant.'.format(con) ) if con.has_ub(): if not is_fixed(con.upper): raise ValueError( 'Upper bound of constraint {0} is not constant.'.format(con) ) if con.equality: self._solver_model.cbLazy( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.EQUAL, rhs=value(con.lower - repn_constant), ) elif con.has_lb() and (value(con.lower) > -float('inf')): self._solver_model.cbLazy( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.GREATER_EQUAL, rhs=value(con.lower - repn_constant), ) elif con.has_ub() and (value(con.upper) < float('inf')): self._solver_model.cbLazy( lhs=gurobi_expr, sense=gurobipy.GRB.LESS_EQUAL, rhs=value(con.upper - repn_constant), ) else: raise ValueError( 'Constraint does not have a lower or an upper bound {0} \n'.format(con) )
def cbSetSolution(self, vars, solution): if not isinstance(vars, Iterable): vars = [vars] gurobi_vars = [self._pyomo_var_to_solver_var_map[id(i)] for i in vars] self._solver_model.cbSetSolution(gurobi_vars, solution) def cbUseSolution(self): return self._solver_model.cbUseSolution() def reset(self): self._solver_model.reset()