# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
# This module was originally developed as part of the PyUtilib project
# Copyright (c) 2008 Sandia Corporation.
# This software is distributed under the BSD License.
# Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
# the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
import inspect
from weakref import ref as weakref_ref
from pyomo.common.errors import PyomoException
from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated, deprecation_warning
class PluginGlobals(object):
"The PluginGlobals environment manager is deprecated: "
"Pyomo only supports a single global environment",
def add_env(name):
"The PluginGlobals environment manager is deprecated: "
"Pyomo only supports a single global environment",
def pop_env():
"The PluginGlobals environment manager is deprecated: "
"Pyomo only supports a single global environment",
def clear():
class PluginError(PyomoException):
def alias(name, doc=None, subclass=None):
if subclass is not None:
"The Pyomo plugin infrastructure alias() function does "
"not support the subclass flag.",
calling_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
locals_ = calling_frame.f_locals
# Some sanity checks
assert (
locals_ is not calling_frame.f_globals and '__module__' in locals_
), 'implements() can only be used in a class definition'
locals_.setdefault('__plugin_aliases__', []).append((name, doc))
def implements(interface, inherit=None, namespace=None, service=False):
if namespace is not None:
"The Pyomo plugin infrastructure only supports a "
"single global namespace.",
calling_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
locals_ = calling_frame.f_locals
# Some sanity checks
assert (
locals_ is not calling_frame.f_globals and '__module__' in locals_
), 'implements() can only be used in a class definition'
assert issubclass(interface, Interface)
locals_.setdefault('__implements__', []).append((interface, inherit, service))
class Interface(metaclass=InterfaceMeta):
class _deprecated_plugin_dict(dict):
def __init__(self, name, classdict):
msg = classdict.pop('__deprecated_message__', None)
if not msg:
msg = 'The %s interface has been deprecated' % (name,)
version = classdict.pop('__deprecated_version__', None)
remove_in = classdict.pop('__deprecated_remove_in__', None)
self._deprecation_info = {
'msg': msg,
'version': version,
'remove_in': remove_in,
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
super().__setitem__(key, val)
def items(self):
return super().items()
class DeprecatedInterface(Interface, metaclass=DeprecatedInterfaceMeta):
class Plugin(object, metaclass=PluginMeta):
def __new__(cls):
if cls.__singleton__ is not None:
raise RuntimeError(
"Cannot create multiple singleton plugin instances of type %s" % (cls,)
obj = super().__new__(cls)
obj._plugin_ids = {}
# Record this instance (service) with all Interfaces
for interface, inherit, service in cls.__implements__:
_id = interface._next_id
interface._next_id += 1
obj._plugin_ids[interface] = _id
interface._plugins[cls][_id] = (weakref_ref(obj), service)
return obj
def activate(self):
cls = self.__class__
for interface, inherit, service in cls.__implements__:
_id = self._plugin_ids[interface]
obj, service = interface._plugins[cls][_id]
if not service:
interface._plugins[cls][_id] = obj, True
enable = activate
def deactivate(self):
cls = self.__class__
for interface, inherit, service in cls.__implements__:
_id = self._plugin_ids[interface]
obj, service = interface._plugins[cls][_id]
if service:
interface._plugins[cls][_id] = obj, False
disable = deactivate
def enabled(self):
cls = self.__class__
return any(
for interface, inherit, service in cls.__implements__
class SingletonPlugin(Plugin):
__singleton__ = True
class ExtensionPoint(object):
def __init__(self, interface):
assert issubclass(interface, Interface)
self._interface = interface
def __iter__(self, key=None, all=False):
for cls, plugins in self._interface._plugins.items():
remove = []
for i, (obj, service) in plugins.items():
if not obj():
elif (all or service) and (
key is None or key is cls or key == cls.__name__
yield obj()
for i in remove:
del plugins[i]
def __len__(self):
return len(list(self.__iter__()))
def extensions(self, all=False, key=None):
return list(self.__iter__(key=key, all=all))
def __call__(self, key=None, all=False):
return self.extensions(all=all, key=key)
def service(self, key=None, all=False):
"""Return the unique service that matches the interface of this
extension point. An exception occurs if no service matches the
specified key, or if multiple services match.
ans = self.extensions(all=all, key=key)
if len(ans) == 1:
# There is a single service, so return it.
return ans[0]
elif not ans:
return None
raise PluginError(
"The ExtensionPoint does not have a unique "
"service! %d services are defined for interface"
" '%s' (key=%s)." % (len(ans), self._interface.__name__, str(key))
class PluginFactory(object):
def __init__(self, interface):
self.interface = interface
def __call__(self, name, *args, **kwds):
name = str(name)
if name not in self.interface._aliases:
return None
return self.interface._aliases[name][0](*args, **kwds)
def services(self):
return list(self.interface._aliases)
def get_class(self, name):
return self.interface._aliases.get(name, [None])[0]
def doc(self, name):
name = str(name)
if name not in self.interface._aliases:
return ""
return self.interface._aliases[name][1]
def deactivate(self, name):
if isinstance(name, str):
cls = self.get_class(name)
if cls is None:
for service in ExtensionPoint(self.interface)(key=cls):
def activate(self, name):
if isinstance(name, str):
cls = self.get_class(name)
if cls is None:
for service in ExtensionPoint(self.interface)(all=True, key=cls):
# Old name for creating plugin factories
CreatePluginFactory = PluginFactory