Source code for pyomo.common.log

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  This module was originally developed as part of the PyUtilib project
#  Copyright (c) 2008 Sandia Corporation.
#  This software is distributed under the BSD License.
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
#  the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________
# Utility classes for working with the logger
import inspect
import io
import logging
import re
import sys
import textwrap

from import releaselevel
from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated
from pyomo.common.fileutils import PYOMO_ROOT_DIR
from pyomo.common.flags import in_testing_environment, building_documentation
from pyomo.common.formatting import wrap_reStructuredText

_indentation_re = re.compile(r'\s*')

_RTD_URL = ""

[docs] def RTD(_id): _id = str(_id).lower() _release = ( 'stable' if releaselevel == 'final' or in_testing_environment() else 'latest' ) assert _id[0] in 'wex' return (_RTD_URL % (_release,)) + f"#{_id}"
_DEBUG = logging.DEBUG _NOTSET = logging.NOTSET if not __debug__: def is_debug_set(logger): return False elif hasattr(getattr(logging.getLogger(), 'manager', None), 'disable'): # This works for CPython and PyPy, but relies on a manager attribute # to get the current value of the logging.disabled() flag # (technically not included in the official logging documentation) def is_debug_set(logger): """A variant of Logger.isEnableFor that returns False if NOTSET The implementation of logging.Logger.isEnableFor() returns True if the effective level of the logger is NOTSET. This variant only returns True if the effective level of the logger is NOTSET < level <= DEBUG. This is used in Pyomo to detect if the user explicitly requested DEBUG output. This implementation mimics the core functionality of isEnabledFor() by directly querying the (undocumented) 'manager' attribute to get the current value for logging.disabled() """ if logger.manager.disable >= _DEBUG: return False _level = logger.getEffectiveLevel() # Filter out NOTSET and higher levels return _NOTSET < _level <= _DEBUG else: # This is inefficient (it indirectly checks effective level twice), # but is included for [as yet unknown] platforms that ONLY implement # the API documented in the logging library
[docs] def is_debug_set(logger): if not logger.isEnabledFor(_DEBUG): return False return logger.getEffectiveLevel() > _NOTSET
[docs] class WrappingFormatter(logging.Formatter): _flag = "<<!MSG!>>"
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): if 'fmt' not in kwds: if kwds.get('style', '%') == '%': kwds['fmt'] = '%(levelname)s: %(message)s' elif kwds['style'] == '{': kwds['fmt'] = '{levelname}: {message}' elif kwds['style'] == '$': kwds['fmt'] = '$levelname: $message' else: raise ValueError('unrecognized style flag "%s"' % (kwds['style'],)) self._wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=kwds.pop('wrap', 78)) self._wrapper.subsequent_indent = kwds.pop('hang', ' ' * 4) if not self._wrapper.subsequent_indent: self._wrapper.subsequent_indent = '' self.basepath = kwds.pop('base', None) super(WrappingFormatter, self).__init__(**kwds)
[docs] def format(self, record): msg = record.getMessage() if record.msg.__class__ is not str and isinstance(record.msg, Preformatted): return msg _orig = { k: getattr(record, k) for k in ('msg', 'args', 'pathname', 'levelname') } _id = getattr(record, 'id', None) record.msg = self._flag record.args = None if _id: record.levelname += f" ({_id.upper()})" if self.basepath and record.pathname.startswith(self.basepath): record.pathname = '[base]' + record.pathname[len(self.basepath) :] try: raw_msg = super(WrappingFormatter, self).format(record) finally: for k, v in _orig.items(): setattr(record, k, v) # We want to normalize the incoming message *before* we start # formatting (wrapping) paragraphs. # # Most of the messages are either unformatted long lines or # triple-quote blocks of text. In the latter case, if the text # starts on the same line as the triple-quote, then it is almost # certainly NOT indented with the bulk of the text, which will # cause dedent to get confused and not strip any leading # whitespace. # # A standard approach is to use inspect.cleandoc, which # allows for the first line to have 0 indent. if getattr(record, 'cleandoc', True): msg = inspect.cleandoc(msg) # Split the formatted log message (that currently has _flag in # lieu of the actual message content) into lines, then # recombine, substituting and wrapping any lines that contain # _flag. return '\n'.join( self._wrap_msg(line, msg, _id) if self._flag in line else line for line in raw_msg.splitlines() )
def _wrap_msg(self, format_line, msg, _id): _init = self._wrapper.initial_indent, self._wrapper.subsequent_indent # We will honor the "hang" argument (for specifying a hanging # indent) unless the formatting line was indented (e.g. because # DEBUG was set), in which case we will use that for both the # first line and all subsequent lines. indent = _indentation_re.match(format_line).group() if indent: self._wrapper.initial_indent = self._wrapper.subsequent_indent = indent try: wrapped_msg = wrap_reStructuredText( format_line.strip().replace(self._flag, msg), self._wrapper ) finally: # Restore the wrapper state self._wrapper.initial_indent, self._wrapper.subsequent_indent = _init if _id: wrapped_msg += f"\n{indent}{_init[1]}See also {RTD(_id)}" return wrapped_msg
[docs] class LegacyPyomoFormatter(logging.Formatter): """This mocks up the legacy Pyomo log formatting. This formatter takes a callback function (`verbosity`) that will be called for each message. Based on the result, one of two formatting templates will be used. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwds): if 'fmt' in kwds: raise ValueError("'fmt' is not a valid option for the LegacyFormatter") if 'style' in kwds: raise ValueError("'style' is not a valid option for the LegacyFormatter") self.verbosity = kwds.pop('verbosity', lambda: True) self.standard_formatter = WrappingFormatter(**kwds) self.verbose_formatter = WrappingFormatter( fmt='%(levelname)s: "%(pathname)s", %(lineno)d, %(funcName)s\n' ' %(message)s', hang=False, **kwds, ) super(LegacyPyomoFormatter, self).__init__()
[docs] def format(self, record): if self.verbosity(): return self.verbose_formatter.format(record) else: return self.standard_formatter.format(record)
[docs] class StdoutHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """A logging handler that emits to the current value of sys.stdout"""
[docs] def flush(self): = sys.stdout super(StdoutHandler, self).flush()
[docs] def emit(self, record): = sys.stdout super(StdoutHandler, self).emit(record)
[docs] class Preformatted(object): __slots__ = ('msg',)
[docs] def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg
def __str__(self): return str(self.msg) def __repr__(self): return f'Preformatted({self.msg!r})'
class _GlobalLogFilter(object): def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger() def filter(self, record): # We will not emit messages using the default Pyomo log handler # if someone has registered a global handler. However, we will # ignore this if we are building documentation # (sphinx.ext.doctest adds a handler, but we want to ignore that # handler when we are testing our documentation!) return not self.logger.handlers or building_documentation() # This mocks up the historical Pyomo logging system, which uses a # different formatter based on if the main pyomo logger is enabled for # debugging. It has been updated to suppress output if any handlers # have been defined at the root level. pyomo_logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo') pyomo_handler = StdoutHandler() pyomo_formatter = LegacyPyomoFormatter( base=PYOMO_ROOT_DIR, verbosity=lambda: pyomo_logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) ) pyomo_handler.setFormatter(pyomo_formatter) pyomo_handler.addFilter(_GlobalLogFilter()) pyomo_logger.addHandler(pyomo_handler)
[docs] @deprecated( 'The pyomo.common.log.LogHandler class has been deprecated ' 'in favor of standard Handlers from the Python logging module ' 'combined with the pyomo.common.log.WrappingFormatter.', version='5.7.3', ) class LogHandler(logging.StreamHandler):
[docs] def __init__(self, base='', stream=None, level=logging.NOTSET, verbosity=None): super(LogHandler, self).__init__(stream) self.setLevel(level), if verbosity is None: verbosity = lambda: True self.setFormatter(LegacyPyomoFormatter(base=base, verbosity=verbosity))
[docs] class LoggingIntercept(object): r"""Context manager for intercepting messages sent to a log stream This class is designed to enable easy testing of log messages. The LoggingIntercept context manager will intercept messages sent to a log stream matching a specified level and send the messages to the specified output stream. Other handlers registered to the target logger will be temporarily removed and the logger will be set not to propagate messages up to higher-level loggers. Parameters ---------- output: io.TextIOBase the file stream to send log messages to module: str the target logger name to intercept level: int the logging level to intercept formatter: logging.Formatter the formatter to use when rendering the log messages. If not specified, uses `'%(message)s'` Examples -------- >>> import io, logging >>> from pyomo.common.log import LoggingIntercept >>> buf = io.StringIO() >>> with LoggingIntercept(buf, 'pyomo.core', logging.WARNING): ... logging.getLogger('pyomo.core').warning('a simple message') >>> buf.getvalue() 'a simple message\n' """
[docs] def __init__(self, output=None, module=None, level=logging.WARNING, formatter=None): self.handler = None self.output = output self.module = module self._level = level if formatter is None: formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s') self._formatter = formatter self._save = None
def __enter__(self): # Set up the handler output = self.output if output is None: output = io.StringIO() assert self.handler is None self.handler = logging.StreamHandler(output) self.handler.setFormatter(self._formatter) self.handler.setLevel(self._level) # Register the handler with the appropriate module scope logger = logging.getLogger(self.module) self._save = logger.level, logger.propagate, logger.handlers logger.handlers = [] logger.propagate = 0 logger.setLevel(self.handler.level) logger.addHandler(self.handler) return output def __exit__(self, et, ev, tb): logger = logging.getLogger(self.module) logger.removeHandler(self.handler) self.handler = None logger.setLevel(self._save[0]) logger.propagate = self._save[1] assert not logger.handlers logger.handlers.extend(self._save[2])
[docs] class LogStream(io.TextIOBase): """ This class logs whatever gets sent to the write method. This is useful for logging solver output (a LogStream instance can be handed to TeeStream from pyomo.common.tee). """
[docs] def __init__(self, level, logger): self._level = level self._logger = logger self._buffer = ''
[docs] def write(self, s: str) -> int: res = len(s) if self._buffer: s = self._buffer + s lines = s.split('\n') for line in lines[:-1]: self._logger.log(self._level, line) self._buffer = lines[-1] return res
[docs] def flush(self): if self._buffer: self.write('\n')