Source code for pyomo.common.dependencies

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import inspect
import importlib
import importlib.util
import logging
import sys
import warnings

from import Mapping
from types import ModuleType
from typing import List

from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated, deprecation_warning
from pyomo.common.errors import DeferredImportError
from pyomo.common.flags import (


[docs] class ModuleUnavailable(object): """Mock object that raises :py:class:`.DeferredImportError` upon attribute access This object is returned by :py:func:`attempt_import()` in lieu of the module in the case that the module import fails. Any attempts to access attributes on this object will raise a :py:class:`.DeferredImportError` exception. Parameters ---------- name: str The module name that was being imported message: str The string message to return in the raised exception version_error: str A string to add to the message if the module failed to import because it did not match the required version import_error: str A string to add to the message documenting the Exception raised when the module failed to import. package: str The module name that originally attempted the import """ _getattr_raises_attributeerror = { # We need special handling for Sphinx here, as it will look for the # __sphinx_mock__ attribute on all module-level objects, and we need # that to raise an AttributeError and not a DeferredImportError '__sphinx_mock__', # We need special handling for dill as well, as dill attempts to # pickle module globals by looking for the '_dill' attribute on # all global objects. '_dill', }
[docs] def __init__(self, name, message, version_error, import_error, package): self.__name__ = name self._moduleunavailable_info_ = (message, version_error, import_error, package)
def __getattr__(self, attr): if serializing() or attr in ModuleUnavailable._getattr_raises_attributeerror: msg = "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (type(self).__name__, attr) raise AttributeError(msg) raise DeferredImportError(self._moduleunavailable_message()) def __getstate__(self): return (self.__name__, self._moduleunavailable_info_) def __setstate__(self, state): self.__name__, self._moduleunavailable_info_ = state # Included because recent dill picklers look for the mro() when # detecting numpy types
[docs] def mro(self): return [ModuleUnavailable, object]
def _moduleunavailable_message(self, msg=None): _err, _ver, _imp, _package = self._moduleunavailable_info_ if msg is None: msg = _err if _imp: if not msg or not str(msg): _pkg_str = _package.split('.')[0].capitalize() if _pkg_str: _pkg_str += ' ' msg = ( "The %s module (an optional %sdependency) " "failed to import: %s" % (self.__name__, _pkg_str, _imp) ) else: msg = "%s (import raised %s)" % (msg, _imp) if _ver: if not msg or not str(msg): msg = "The %s module %s" % (self.__name__, _ver) else: msg = "%s (%s)" % (msg, _ver) return msg
[docs] def log_import_warning(self, logger='pyomo', msg=None): """Log the import error message to the specified logger This will log the the import error message to the specified logger. If ``msg=`` is specified, it will override the default message passed to this instance of :py:class:`ModuleUnavailable`. """ logging.getLogger(logger).warning(self._moduleunavailable_message(msg))
[docs] @deprecated("use :py:class:`log_import_warning()`", version='6.0') def generate_import_warning(self, logger='pyomo.common'): self.log_import_warning(logger)
[docs] class DeferredImportModule(object): """Mock module object to support the deferred import of a module. This object is returned by :py:func:`attempt_import()` in lieu of the module when :py:func:`attempt_import()` is called with ``defer_import=True``. Any attempts to access attributes on this object will trigger the actual module import and return either the appropriate module attribute or else if the module import fails, raise a :py:class:`.DeferredImportError` exception. """
[docs] def __init__(self, indicator, deferred_submodules, submodule_name): self._indicator_flag = indicator self._submodule_name = submodule_name self.__file__ = None # Disable coverage of this module self.__spec__ = None # Indicate that this is not a "real" module if not deferred_submodules: return if submodule_name is None: submodule_name = '' for name in deferred_submodules: if not name.startswith(submodule_name + '.'): continue _local_name = name[(1 + len(submodule_name)) :] if '.' in _local_name: continue setattr( self, _local_name, DeferredImportModule( indicator, deferred_submodules, submodule_name + '.' + _local_name ), )
def __getattr__(self, attr): self._indicator_flag.resolve() _mod = self._indicator_flag._module if self._submodule_name: for _sub in self._submodule_name[1:].split('.'): _mod = getattr(_mod, _sub) return getattr(_mod, attr) def __getstate__(self): return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, state): for k, v in state.items(): super().__setattr__(k, v) # Included because recent dill picklers look for the mro() when # detecting numpy types
[docs] def mro(self): return [DeferredImportModule, object]
[docs] def UnavailableClass(unavailable_module): """Function to generate an "unavailable" base class This function returns a custom class that wraps the :py:class:`ModuleUnavailable` instance returned by :py:func:`attempt_import` when the target module is not available. Any attempt to instantiate this class (or a class derived from it) or access a class attribute will raise the :py:class:`.DeferredImportError` from the wrapped :py:class:`ModuleUnavailable` object. Parameters ---------- unavailable_module: ModuleUnavailable The :py:class:`ModuleUnavailable` instance (from :py:func:`attempt_import`) to use to generate the :py:class:`.DeferredImportError`. Example ------- Declaring a class that inherits from an optional dependency: .. doctest:: >>> from pyomo.common.dependencies import attempt_import, UnavailableClass >>> bogus, bogus_available = attempt_import('bogus_unavailable_class') >>> class MyPlugin(bogus.plugin if bogus_available else UnavailableClass(bogus)): ... pass Attempting to instantiate the derived class generates an exception when the module is unavailable: .. doctest:: >>> MyPlugin() Traceback (most recent call last): ... pyomo.common.dependencies.DeferredImportError: The class 'MyPlugin' cannot be created because a needed optional dependency was not found (import raised ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bogus_unavailable_class') As does attempting to access class attributes on the derived class: .. testcode:: :hide: # We suppress this exception when building the documentation # from pyomo.common.flags import building_documentation building_documentation(False) .. doctest:: >>> MyPlugin.create_instance() Traceback (most recent call last): ... pyomo.common.dependencies.DeferredImportError: The class attribute 'MyPlugin.create_instance' is not available because a needed optional dependency was not found (import raised ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bogus_unavailable_class') .. testcode:: :hide: building_documentation(None) """ class UnavailableMeta(type): def __getattr__(cls, name): if building_documentation(): # If we are building documentation, avoid the # DeferredImportError (we will still raise one if # someone attempts to *create* an instance of this # class) return getattr(super(), name) raise DeferredImportError( unavailable_module._moduleunavailable_message( f"The class attribute '{cls.__name__}.{name}' is not available " "because a needed optional dependency was not found" ) ) class UnavailableBase(metaclass=UnavailableMeta): def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): raise DeferredImportError( unavailable_module._moduleunavailable_message( f"The class '{cls.__name__}' cannot be created because a " "needed optional dependency was not found" ) ) return UnavailableBase
class _DeferredImportIndicatorBase(object): def __and__(self, other): return _DeferredAnd(self, other) def __or__(self, other): return _DeferredOr(self, other) def __rand__(self, other): return _DeferredAnd(other, self) def __ror__(self, other): return _DeferredOr(other, self)
[docs] class DeferredImportIndicator(_DeferredImportIndicatorBase): """Placeholder indicating if an import was successful. This object serves as a placeholder for the Boolean indicator if a deferred module import was successful. Casting this instance to `bool` will cause the import to be attempted. The actual import logic is here and not in the :py:class:`DeferredImportModule` to reduce the number of attributes on the :py:class:`DeferredImportModule`. :py:class:`DeferredImportIndicator` supports limited logical expressions using the ``&`` (and) and ``|`` (or) binary operators. Creating these expressions does not trigger the import of the corresponding :py:class:`DeferredImportModule` instances, although casting the resulting expression to ``bool()`` will trigger any relevant imports. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, error_message, catch_exceptions, minimum_version, original_globals, callback, importer, deferred_submodules, ): self._names = [name] for _n in tuple(self._names): if '.' in _n: self._names.append(_n.split('.')[-1]) self._error_message = error_message self._catch_exceptions = catch_exceptions self._minimum_version = minimum_version self._original_globals = original_globals self._callback = callback self._importer = importer self._module = None self._available = None self._deferred_submodules = deferred_submodules # If this import has a callback, then record this deferred # import so that any direct imports of this module also trigger # the resolution of this DeferredImportIndicator (and the # corresponding callback) if callback is not None: DeferredImportCallbackFinder._callbacks.setdefault(name, []).append(self)
def __bool__(self): self.resolve() return self._available def resolve(self): # Only attempt the import once, then cache some form of result if self._module is None: package = self._original_globals.get('__name__', '') try: self._module, self._available = _perform_import( name=self._names[0], error_message=self._error_message, minimum_version=self._minimum_version, callback=self._callback, importer=self._importer, catch_exceptions=self._catch_exceptions, package=package, ) except Exception as e: # make sure that we cache the result self._module = ModuleUnavailable( self._names[0], "Exception raised when importing %s" % (self._names[0],), None, "%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e), package, ) self._available = False raise # If this module was not found, then we need to check for # deferred submodules and resolve them as well if self._deferred_submodules and type(self._module) is ModuleUnavailable: info = self._module._moduleunavailable_info_ for submod in self._deferred_submodules: refmod = self._module for name in submod.split('.')[1:]: try: refmod = getattr(refmod, name) except DeferredImportError: setattr( refmod, name, ModuleUnavailable(refmod.__name__ + submod, *info), ) refmod = getattr(refmod, name) # Replace myself in the original globals() where I was # declared self.replace_self_in_globals(self._original_globals) # Replace myself in the caller globals (to avoid calls to # this method in the future) _frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back while _frame.f_globals is globals(): _frame = _frame.f_back self.replace_self_in_globals(_frame.f_globals) def replace_self_in_globals(self, _globals): for k, v in _globals.items(): if v is self: _globals[k] = self._available elif v.__class__ is DeferredImportModule and v._indicator_flag is self: if v._submodule_name is None: _globals[k] = self._module else: _mod_path = v._submodule_name.split('.')[1:] _mod = self._module for _sub in _mod_path: _mod = getattr(_mod, _sub) _globals[k] = _mod
class _DeferredAnd(_DeferredImportIndicatorBase): def __init__(self, a, b): self._a = a self._b = b def __bool__(self): return bool(self._a) and bool(self._b) class _DeferredOr(_DeferredImportIndicatorBase): def __init__(self, a, b): self._a = a self._b = b def __bool__(self): return bool(self._a) or bool(self._b)
[docs] def check_min_version(module, min_version): if isinstance(module, DeferredImportModule): indicator = module._indicator_flag indicator.resolve() if indicator._available: module = indicator._module else: return False if check_min_version._parser is None: try: from packaging import version as _version _parser = _version.parse except ImportError: # pkg_resources is an order of magnitude slower to import than # packaging. Only use it if the preferred (but optional) # packaging library is not present from pkg_resources import parse_version as _parser check_min_version._parser = _parser else: _parser = check_min_version._parser version = getattr(module, '__version__', '0.0.0') return _parser(min_version) <= _parser(version)
check_min_version._parser = None # # Note that we are duck-typing the Loader and MetaPathFinder base # classes from This avoids a (surprisingly costly) # import of #
[docs] class DeferredImportCallbackLoader: """Custom Loader to resolve registered :py:class:`DeferredImportIndicator` objects This :py:class:`` loader wraps a regular loader and automatically resolves the registered :py:class:`DeferredImportIndicator` objects after the module is loaded. """
[docs] def __init__(self, loader, deferred_indicators: List[DeferredImportIndicator]): self._loader = loader self._deferred_indicators = deferred_indicators
def module_repr(self, module: ModuleType) -> str: return self._loader.module_repr(module) def create_module(self, spec) -> ModuleType: return self._loader.create_module(spec) def exec_module(self, module: ModuleType) -> None: self._loader.exec_module(module) # Now that the module has been loaded, trigger the resolution of # the deferred indicators (and their associated callbacks) for deferred in self._deferred_indicators: deferred.resolve() def load_module(self, fullname) -> ModuleType: return self._loader.load_module(fullname)
[docs] class DeferredImportCallbackFinder: """Custom Finder that will wrap the normal loader to trigger callbacks This :py:class:`` finder will wrap the normal loader returned by ``PathFinder`` with a loader that will trigger custom callbacks after the module is loaded. We use this to trigger the post import callbacks registered through :py:func:`attempt_import` even when a user imports the target library directly (and not through attribute access on the :py:class:`DeferredImportModule`. """ _callbacks = {} def find_spec(self, fullname, path, target=None): if fullname not in self._callbacks: return None spec = None # Continue looking for the finder that would have originally # loaded the deferred import module by starting at the next # finder in sys.meta_path (this way, we are agnostic to where # the module is coming from: file system, registry, etc.) for finder in sys.meta_path[sys.meta_path.index(self) + 1 :]: if hasattr(finder, 'find_spec'): # Support standard importlib MetaPathFinders spec = finder.find_spec(fullname, path, target) if spec is not None: break else: # Support for imp finders/loaders (deprecated, but # supported through Python 3.11) loader = finder.find_module(fullname, path) if loader is not None: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(fullname, loader) break else: # Module not found. Returning None will proceed to the next # finder (which will eventually raise a ModuleNotFoundError) return None # Override the loader to trigger the finalization callback # after the original loader is finished spec.loader = DeferredImportCallbackLoader( spec.loader, self._callbacks[fullname] ) return spec def invalidate_caches(self): pass
_DeferredImportCallbackFinder = DeferredImportCallbackFinder() # Insert the DeferredImportCallbackFinder at the beginning of the # sys.meta_path so that it is found before the standard finders (so that # we can correctly inject the resolution of the DeferredImportIndicators # -- which triggers the needed callbacks) sys.meta_path.insert(0, _DeferredImportCallbackFinder)
[docs] def attempt_import( name, error_message=None, only_catch_importerror=None, minimum_version=None, alt_names=None, callback=None, importer=None, defer_check=None, defer_import=None, deferred_submodules=None, catch_exceptions=None, ): """Attempt to import the specified module. This will attempt to import the specified module, returning a ``(module, available)`` tuple. If the import was successful, ``module`` will be the imported module and ``available`` will be True. If the import results in an exception, then ``module`` will be an instance of :py:class:`ModuleUnavailable` and ``available`` will be False The following .. doctest:: >>> from pyomo.common.dependencies import attempt_import >>> numpy, numpy_available = attempt_import('numpy') Is roughly equivalent to .. doctest:: >>> from pyomo.common.dependencies import ModuleUnavailable >>> try: ... import numpy ... numpy_available = True ... except ImportError as e: ... numpy = ModuleUnavailable('numpy', 'Numpy is not available', ... '', str(e), globals()['__name__']) ... numpy_available = False The import can be "deferred" until the first time the code either attempts to access the module or checks the Boolean value of the available flag. This allows optional dependencies to be declared at the module scope but not imported until they are actually used by the module (thereby speeding up the initial package import). Deferred imports are handled by two helper classes (:py:class:`DeferredImportModule` and :py:class:`DeferredImportIndicator`). Upon actual import, :py:meth:`DeferredImportIndicator.resolve()` attempts to replace those objects (in both the local and original global namespaces) with the imported module and Boolean flag so that subsequent uses of the module do not incur any overhead due to the delayed import. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the module to import error_message: str, optional The message for the exception raised by :py:class:`ModuleUnavailable` only_catch_importerror: bool, optional DEPRECATED: use ``catch_exceptions`` instead of ``only_catch_importerror``. If True (the default), exceptions other than ``ImportError`` raised during module import will be reraised. If False, any exception will result in returning a :py:class:`ModuleUnavailable` object. (deprecated in version 5.7.3) minimum_version: str, optional The minimum acceptable module version (retrieved from ``module.__version__``) alt_names: list, optional DEPRECATED: ``alt_names`` no longer needs to be specified and is ignored. A list of common alternate names by which to look for this module in the ``globals()`` namespaces. For example, the alt_names for NumPy would be ``['np']``. (deprecated in version 6.0) callback: Callable[[ModuleType, bool], None], optional A function with the signature ``fcn(module, available)`` that will be called after the import is first attempted. importer: function, optional A function that will perform the import and return the imported module (or raise an :py:class:`ImportError`). This is useful for cases where there are several equivalent modules and you want to import/return the first one that is available. defer_check: bool, optional DEPRECATED: renamed to ``defer_import`` (deprecated in version 6.7.2) defer_import: bool, optional If True, then the attempted import is deferred until the first use of either the module or the availability flag. The method will return instances of :py:class:`DeferredImportModule` and :py:class:`DeferredImportIndicator`. If False, the import will be attempted immediately. If not set, then the import will be deferred unless the ``name`` is already present in ``sys.modules``. deferred_submodules: Iterable[str], optional If provided, an iterable of submodule names within this module that can be accessed without triggering a deferred import of this module. For example, this module uses ``deferred_submodules=['pyplot', 'pylab']`` for ``matplotlib``. catch_exceptions: Iterable[Exception], optional If provided, this is the list of exceptions that will be caught when importing the target module, resulting in ``attempt_import`` returning a :py:class:`ModuleUnavailable` instance. The default is to only catch :py:class:`ImportError`. This is useful when a module can regularly return additional exceptions during import. Returns ------- : module the imported module, or an instance of :py:class:`ModuleUnavailable`, or an instance of :py:class:`DeferredImportModule` : bool Boolean indicating if the module import succeeded or an instance of :py:class:`DeferredImportIndicator` """ if alt_names is not None: deprecation_warning( 'alt_names=%s no longer needs to be specified ' 'and is ignored' % (alt_names,), version='6.0', ) if only_catch_importerror is not None: deprecation_warning( "only_catch_importerror is deprecated. Pass exceptions to " "catch using the catch_exceptions argument", version='5.7.3', ) if catch_exceptions is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot specify both only_catch_importerror and catch_exceptions" ) if only_catch_importerror: catch_exceptions = (ImportError,) else: catch_exceptions = (ImportError, Exception) if catch_exceptions is None: catch_exceptions = (ImportError,) if defer_check is not None: deprecation_warning( 'defer_check=%s is deprecated. Please use defer_import' % (defer_check,), version='6.7.2', ) assert defer_import is None defer_import = defer_check # If the module has already been imported, there is no reason to # further defer things: just import it. if defer_import is None: if name in sys.modules: defer_import = False deferred_submodules = None else: defer_import = True # If we are going to defer the check until later, return the # deferred import module object if defer_import: if deferred_submodules: if isinstance(deferred_submodules, Mapping): deprecation_warning( 'attempt_import(): deferred_submodules takes an iterable ' 'and not a mapping (the alt_names supplied by the mapping ' 'are no longer needed and are ignored).', version='6.0', ) deferred_submodules = list(deferred_submodules) # Ensures all names begin with '.' # # Fill in any missing submodules. For example, if a user # provides [''], then expand the list to # ['.foo', '', ''] deferred = [] for _submod in deferred_submodules: if _submod[0] != '.': _submod = '.' + _submod _mod_path = _submod.split('.') for i in range(len(_mod_path)): _test_mod = '.'.join(_mod_path[:i]) if _test_mod not in deferred: deferred.append(_test_mod) deferred.append(_submod) deferred = [_ for _ in deferred if _] else: deferred = None indicator = DeferredImportIndicator( name=name, error_message=error_message, catch_exceptions=catch_exceptions, minimum_version=minimum_version, original_globals=inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals, callback=callback, importer=importer, deferred_submodules=deferred, ) return DeferredImportModule(indicator, deferred, None), indicator if deferred_submodules: raise ValueError("deferred_submodules is only valid if defer_import==True") return _perform_import( name=name, error_message=error_message, minimum_version=minimum_version, callback=callback, importer=importer, catch_exceptions=catch_exceptions, package=inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals.get('__name__', ''), )
def _perform_import( name, error_message, minimum_version, callback, importer, catch_exceptions, package ): import_error = None version_error = None try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Temporarily suppress all warnings: we assume we are # importing a third-party package here and we don't want to # see them? if SUPPRESS_DEPENDENCY_WARNINGS and not name.startswith('pyomo.'): warnings.resetwarnings() warnings.simplefilter("ignore") if importer is None: module = importlib.import_module(name) else: module = importer() if minimum_version is None or check_min_version(module, minimum_version): if callback is not None: callback(module, True) return module, True else: version = getattr(module, '__version__', 'UNKNOWN') version_error = "version %s does not satisfy the minimum version %s" % ( version, minimum_version, ) except catch_exceptions as e: import_error = "%s: %s" % (type(e).__name__, e) module = ModuleUnavailable( name, error_message, version_error, import_error, package ) if callback is not None: callback(module, False) return module, False
[docs] @deprecated( "``declare_deferred_modules_as_importable()`` is deprecated. " "Use the :py:class:`declare_modules_as_importable` context manager.", version='6.7.2', ) def declare_deferred_modules_as_importable(globals_dict): """Make all :py:class:`DeferredImportModules` in ``globals_dict`` importable This function will go throughout the specified ``globals_dict`` dictionary and add any instances of :py:class:`DeferredImportModule` that it finds (and any of their deferred submodules) to ``sys.modules`` so that the modules can be imported through the ``globals_dict`` namespace. For example, ``pyomo/common/`` declares: .. doctest:: :hide: >>> from pyomo.common.dependencies import ( ... attempt_import, _finalize_scipy, __dict__ as dep_globals, ... declare_deferred_modules_as_importable, ) >>> # Sphinx does not provide a proper globals() >>> def globals(): return dep_globals .. doctest:: >>> scipy, scipy_available = attempt_import( ... 'scipy', callback=_finalize_scipy, ... deferred_submodules=['stats', 'sparse', 'spatial', 'integrate']) >>> declare_deferred_modules_as_importable(globals()) WARNING: DEPRECATED: ... Which enables users to use: .. doctest:: >>> import pyomo.common.dependencies.scipy.sparse as spa If the deferred import has not yet been triggered, then the :py:class:`DeferredImportModule` is returned and named ``spa``. However, if the import has already been triggered, then ``spa`` will either be the ``scipy.sparse`` module, or a :py:class:`ModuleUnavailable` instance. """ return declare_modules_as_importable(globals_dict).__exit__(None, None, None)
[docs] class declare_modules_as_importable(object): """Make all :py:class:`ModuleType` and :py:class:`DeferredImportModules` importable through the ``globals_dict`` context. This context manager will detect all modules imported into the specified ``globals_dict`` environment (either directly or through :py:func:`attempt_import`) and will make those modules importable from the specified ``globals_dict`` context. It works by detecting changes in the specified ``globals_dict`` dictionary and adding any new modules or instances of :py:class:`DeferredImportModule` that it finds (and any of their deferred submodules) to ``sys.modules`` so that the modules can be imported through the ``globals_dict`` namespace. For example, ``pyomo/common/`` declares: .. doctest:: :hide: >>> from pyomo.common.dependencies import ( ... attempt_import, _finalize_scipy, __dict__ as dep_globals, ... declare_modules_as_importable, ) >>> # Sphinx does not provide a proper globals() >>> def globals(): return dep_globals .. doctest:: >>> with declare_modules_as_importable(globals()): ... scipy, scipy_available = attempt_import( ... 'scipy', callback=_finalize_scipy, ... deferred_submodules=['stats', 'sparse', 'spatial', 'integrate']) Which enables users to use: .. doctest:: >>> import pyomo.common.dependencies.scipy.sparse as spa If the deferred import has not yet been triggered, then the :py:class:`DeferredImportModule` is returned and named ``spa``. However, if the import has already been triggered, then ``spa`` will either be the ``scipy.sparse`` module, or a :py:class:`ModuleUnavailable` instance. """
[docs] def __init__(self, globals_dict): self.globals_dict = globals_dict self.init_dict = {} self.init_modules = None
def __enter__(self): self.init_dict.update(self.globals_dict) self.init_modules = set(sys.modules) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): _global_name = self.globals_dict['__name__'] + '.' deferred = { k: v for k, v in self.globals_dict.items() if k not in self.init_dict and isinstance(v, (ModuleType, DeferredImportModule)) } if self.init_modules: for name in set(sys.modules) - self.init_modules: if '.' in name and name.split('.', 1)[0] in deferred: sys.modules[_global_name + name] = sys.modules[name] while deferred: name, mod = deferred.popitem() sys.modules[_global_name + name] = mod if isinstance(mod, DeferredImportModule): mod.__path__ = None mod.__spec__ = None deferred.update( (name + '.' + k, v) for k, v in mod.__dict__.items() if type(v) is DeferredImportModule )
# # Common optional dependencies used throughout Pyomo # yaml_load_args = {} def _finalize_yaml(module, available): # Recent versions of PyYAML issue warnings if the Loader argument is # not set if available and hasattr(module, 'SafeLoader'): yaml_load_args['Loader'] = module.SafeLoader def _finalize_ctypes(module, available): # ctypes.util must be explicitly imported (and fileutils assumes # this has already happened) import ctypes.util def _finalize_scipy(module, available): if available: # Import key subpackages that we will want to assume are present import scipy.stats # As of scipy 1.6.0, importing scipy.stats causes the following # to be automatically imported. However, we will still # explicitly import them here to guard against potential future # changes in scipy. import scipy.integrate import scipy.sparse import scipy.spatial def _finalize_pympler(module, available): if available: # Import key subpackages that we will want to assume are present import pympler.muppy def _finalize_matplotlib(module, available): if not available: return # You must switch matplotlib backends *before* importing pyplot. If # we are in the middle of testing, we need to switch the backend to # 'Agg', otherwise attempts to generate plots on CI services without # terminal windows will fail. if in_testing_environment(): module.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot import matplotlib.pylab import matplotlib.backends def _finalize_mpi4py(module, available): if not available: return import mpi4py.MPI def _finalize_numpy(np, available): if not available: return # scipy has a dependence on numpy.testing, and if we don't import it # as part of resolving numpy, then certain deferred scipy imports # fail when run under pytest. import numpy.testing from . import numeric_types # Register ndarray as a native type to prevent 1-element ndarrays # from accidentally registering ndarray as a native_numeric_type. numeric_types.native_types.add(np.ndarray) numeric_types.RegisterLogicalType(np.bool_) for t in ( np.int_, np.intc, np.intp, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, ): numeric_types.RegisterIntegerType(t) # We have deprecated RegisterBooleanType, so we will mock up the # registration here (to bypass the deprecation warning) until we # finally remove all support for it numeric_types._native_boolean_types.add(t) _floats = [np.float16, np.float32, np.float64] # float96 and float128 may or may not be defined in this particular # numpy build (it depends on platform and version). # Register them only if they are present if hasattr(np, 'float_'): # Prepend to preserve previous functionality _floats.insert(0, np.float_) if hasattr(np, 'float96'): _floats.append(np.float96) if hasattr(np, 'float128'): _floats.append(np.float128) for t in _floats: numeric_types.RegisterNumericType(t) # We have deprecated RegisterBooleanType, so we will mock up the # registration here (to bypass the deprecation warning) until we # finally remove all support for it numeric_types._native_boolean_types.add(t) _complex = [np.complex64, np.complex128] # complex192 and complex256 may or may not be defined in this # particular numpy build (it depends on platform and version). # Register them only if they are present if hasattr(np, 'np.complex_'): # Prepend to preserve functionality _complex.insert(0, np.complex_) if hasattr(np, 'complex192'): _complex.append(np.complex192) if hasattr(np, 'complex256'): _complex.append(np.complex256) for t in _complex: numeric_types.RegisterComplexType(t) def _pyutilib_importer(): # On newer Pythons, PyUtilib import will fail, but only if a # second-level module is imported. We will arbitrarily choose to # check pyutilib.component (as that is the path exercised by the # pyomo.common.tempfiles deprecation path) importlib.import_module('pyutilib.component') return importlib.import_module('pyutilib') with declare_modules_as_importable(globals()): # Standard libraries that are slower to import and not strictly required # on all platforms / situations. ctypes, _ = attempt_import( 'ctypes', deferred_submodules=['util'], callback=_finalize_ctypes ) random, _ = attempt_import('random') # Commonly-used optional dependencies dill, dill_available = attempt_import('dill') mpi4py, mpi4py_available = attempt_import( 'mpi4py', deferred_submodules=['MPI'], callback=_finalize_mpi4py ) networkx, networkx_available = attempt_import('networkx') numpy, numpy_available = attempt_import('numpy', callback=_finalize_numpy) pandas, pandas_available = attempt_import('pandas') pint, pint_available = attempt_import( 'pint', # TypeError for pint<=0.24.3 and python>=3.13 catch_exceptions=(ImportError, TypeError), ) plotly, plotly_available = attempt_import('plotly') pympler, pympler_available = attempt_import('pympler', callback=_finalize_pympler) pyutilib, pyutilib_available = attempt_import( 'pyutilib', importer=_pyutilib_importer ) scipy, scipy_available = attempt_import( 'scipy', callback=_finalize_scipy, deferred_submodules=['stats', 'sparse', 'spatial', 'integrate'], ) yaml, yaml_available = attempt_import('yaml', callback=_finalize_yaml) # Note that matplotlib.pyplot can generate a runtime error on OSX when # not installed as a Framework (as is the case in the CI systems) matplotlib, matplotlib_available = attempt_import( 'matplotlib', callback=_finalize_matplotlib, deferred_submodules=['pyplot', 'pylab', 'backends'], catch_exceptions=(ImportError, RuntimeError), ) try: import cPickle as pickle except ImportError: import pickle