# ___________________________________________________________________________
# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
# Copyright (c) 2008-2024
# National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
# rights in this software.
# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
# ___________________________________________________________________________
import collections
import types
from copy import deepcopy
from weakref import ref as _weakref_ref
_autoslot_info = collections.namedtuple(
'_autoslot_info', ['has_dict', 'slots', 'slot_mappers', 'field_mappers']
def _deepcopy_tuple(obj, memo, _id):
ans = []
_append = ans.append
unchanged = True
for item in obj:
new_item = fast_deepcopy(item, memo)
if new_item is not item:
unchanged = False
if unchanged:
# Python does not duplicate "unchanged" tuples (i.e. allows the
# original object to be returned from deepcopy()). We will
# preserve that behavior here.
# It also appears to be faster *not* to cache the fact that this
# particular tuple was unchanged by the deepcopy (Note: the
# standard library also does not cache the unchanged tuples in
# the memo)
# memo[_id] = obj
return obj
memo[_id] = ans = tuple(ans)
return ans
def _deepcopy_list(obj, memo, _id):
# Two steps here because a list can include itself
memo[_id] = ans = []
_append = ans.append
for x in obj:
_append(fast_deepcopy(x, memo))
return ans
def _deepcopy_dict(obj, memo, _id):
# Two steps here because a dict can include itself
memo[_id] = ans = {}
_setter = ans.__setitem__
for key, val in obj.items():
_setter(fast_deepcopy(key, memo), fast_deepcopy(val, memo))
return ans
def _deepcopy_dunder_deepcopy(obj, memo, _id):
ans = memo[_id] = obj.__deepcopy__(memo)
return ans
def _deepcopy(obj, memo, _id):
return deepcopy(obj, memo)
class _DeepcopyDispatcher(collections.defaultdict):
def __missing__(self, key):
if hasattr(key, '__deepcopy__'):
ans = _deepcopy_dunder_deepcopy
ans = _deepcopy
self[key] = ans
return ans
_deepcopy_dispatcher = _DeepcopyDispatcher(
None, {tuple: _deepcopy_tuple, list: _deepcopy_list, dict: _deepcopy_dict}
_atomic_types = {
def fast_deepcopy(obj, memo):
"""A faster implementation of copy.deepcopy()
Python's default implementation of deepcopy has several features that
are slower than they need to be. This is an implementation of
deepcopy that provides special handling to circumvent some of the
slowest parts of deepcopy().
This implementation is not as aggressive about keeping the copied
state alive until the end of the deepcopy operation. In particular,
the ``dict``, ``list`` and ``tuple`` handlers do not register their
source objects with the memo. This is acceptable, as
fast_deepcopy() is only called in situations where we are ensuring
that the source object will persist:
- :meth:`AutoSlots.__deepcopy_state__` explicitly preserved the
source state
- :meth:`Component.__deepcopy_field__` is only called by
:meth:`AutoSlots.__deepcopy_state__` -
- :meth:`IndexedComponent._create_objects_for_deepcopy` is
deepcopying the raw keys from the source ``_data`` dict (which is
not a temporary object and will persist)
If other consumers wish to make use of this function (e.g., within
their implementation of ``__deepcopy__``), they must remember that
they are responsible to ensure that any temporary source ``obj``
if obj.__class__ in _atomic_types:
return obj
_id = id(obj)
if _id in memo:
return memo[_id]
return _deepcopy_dispatcher[obj.__class__](obj, memo, _id)
class AutoSlots(type):
"""Metaclass to automatically collect `__slots__` for generic pickling
The class `__slots__` are collected in reverse MRO order.
Any fields that require special handling are handled through
callbacks specified through the `__autoslot_mappers__` class
attribute. `__autoslot_mappers__` should be a `dict` that maps the
field name (either `__slot__` or regular `__dict__` entry) to a
function with the signature:
mapper(encode: bool, val: Any) -> Any
The value from the object field (or state) is passed to the mapper
function, and the function returns the corrected value.
`__getstate__` calls the mapper with `encode=True`, and
`__setstate__` calls the mapper with `encode=False`.
`__autoslot_mappers__` class attributes are collected and combined
in reverse MRO order (so duplicate mappers in more derived classes
will replace mappers defined in base classes).
:py:class:`AutoSlots` defines several common mapper functions, including:
- :py:meth:`AutoSlots.weakref_mapper`
- :py:meth:`AutoSlots.weakref_sequence_mapper`
- :py:meth:`AutoSlots.encode_as_none`
This metaclass will add a `__auto_slots__` class attribute to the
class (and all derived classes). This attribute is an instance of a
:py:class:`_autoslot_info` named 4-tuple:
(has_dict, slots, slot_mappers, field_mappers)
has_dict: bool
True if this class has a `__dict__` attribute (that would need to
be pickled in addition to the `__slots__`)
slots: tuple
Tuple of all slots declared for this class (the union of any
slots declared locally with all slots declared on any base class)
slot_mappers: dict
Dict mapping index in `slots` to a function with signature
`mapper(encode: bool, val: Any)` that can be used to encode or
decode that slot
field_mappers: dict
Dict mapping field name in `__dict__` to a function with signature
`mapper(encode: bool, val: Any)` that can be used to encode or
decode that field value.
_ignore_slots = {'__weakref__', '__dict__'}
def __init__(cls, name, bases, classdict):
super().__init__(name, bases, classdict)
def collect_autoslots(cls):
has_dict = '__dict__' in dir(cls.__mro__[0])
slots = []
seen = set()
for c in reversed(cls.__mro__):
for slot in getattr(c, '__slots__', ()):
if slot in seen:
if slot in AutoSlots._ignore_slots:
slots = tuple(slots)
slot_mappers = {}
dict_mappers = {}
for c in reversed(cls.__mro__):
for slot, mapper in getattr(c, '__autoslot_mappers__', {}).items():
if slot in seen:
slot_mappers[slots.index(slot)] = mapper
dict_mappers[slot] = mapper
cls.__auto_slots__ = _autoslot_info(has_dict, slots, slot_mappers, dict_mappers)
def weakref_mapper(encode, val):
"""__autoslot_mappers__ mapper for fields that contain weakrefs
This mapper expects to be passed a field containing either a
weakref or None. It will resolve the weakref to a hard
reference when generating a state, and then convert the hard
reference back to a weakref when restoring the state.
if val is None:
return val
if encode:
return val()
return _weakref_ref(val)
def weakref_sequence_mapper(encode, val):
"""__autoslot_mappers__ mapper for fields with sequences of weakrefs
This mapper expects to be passed a field that is a sequence of
weakrefs. It will resolve all weakrefs when generating a state,
and then convert the hard references back to a weakref when
restoring the state.
if val is None:
return val
if encode:
return val.__class__(v() for v in val)
return val.__class__(_weakref_ref(v) for v in val)
def encode_as_none(encode, val):
"""__autoslot_mappers__ mapper that will replace fields with None
This mapper will encode the field as None (regardless of the
current field value). No mapping occurs when restoring a state.
if encode:
return None
return val
class Mixin(object):
"""Mixin class to configure a class hierarchy to use AutoSlots
Inheriting from this class will set up the automatic generation
of the `__auto_slots__` class attribute, and define the standard
implementations for `__deepcopy__`, `__getstate__`, and
__slots__ = ()
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwds):
"""Automatically define `__auto_slots__` on derived subclasses
This accomplishes the same thing as the AutoSlots metaclass
without incurring the overhead / runtime penalty of using a
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
"""Default implementation of `__deepcopy__` based on `__getstate__`
This defines a default implementation of `__deepcopy__` that
leverages :py:meth:`__getstate__` and :py:meth:`__setstate__`
to duplicate an object. Having a default `__deepcopy__`
implementation shortcuts significant logic in
:py:func:`copy.deepcopy()`, thereby speeding up deepcopy
# Note: this implementation avoids deepcopying the temporary
# 'state' list, significantly speeding things up.
ans = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
self.__deepcopy_state__(memo, ans)
return ans
def __deepcopy_state__(self, memo, new_object):
"""This implements the state copy from a source object to the new
instance in the deepcopy memo.
This splits out the logic for actually duplicating the
object state from the "boilerplate" that creates a new
object and registers the object in the memo. This allows us
to create new schemes for duplicating / registering objects
that reuse all the logic here for copying the state.
# At this point we know we need to deepcopy this object.
# But, we can't do the "obvious", since this is a
# (partially) slot-ized class and the __dict__ structure is
# nonauthoritative:
# for key, val in self.__dict__.iteritems():
# object.__setattr__(ans, key, deepcopy(val, memo))
# Further, __slots__ is also nonauthoritative (this may be a
# derived class that also has a __dict__), or this may be a
# derived class with several layers of slots. So, we will
# piggyback on the __getstate__/__setstate__ logic and
# resort to partially "pickling" the object, deepcopying the
# state, and then restoring the copy into the new instance.
# [JDS 7/7/14] I worry about the efficiency of using both
# getstate/setstate *and* deepcopy, but we need to update
# fields like weakrefs correctly (and that logic is all in
# __getstate__/__setstate__).
# There is a particularly subtle bug with 'uncopyable'
# attributes: if the exception is thrown while copying a
# complex data structure, we can be in a state where objects
# have been created and assigned to the memo in the try
# block, but they haven't had their state set yet. When the
# exception moves us into the except block, we need to
# effectively "undo" those partially copied classes. The
# only way is to restore the memo to the state it was in
# before we started. We will make use of the knowledge that
# 1) memo entries are never reassigned during a deepcopy(),
# and 2) dict are ordered by insertion order in Python >=
# 3.7. As a result, we do not need to preserve the whole
# memo before calling __getstate__/__setstate__, and can get
# away with only remembering the number of items in the
# memo.
state = self.__getstate__()
# It is important to keep this temporary state alive (which
# in turn keeps things like the temporary fields dict alive)
# until after deepcopy is finished in order to prevent
# accidentally recycling id()'s for temporary objects that
# were recorded in the memo. We will follow the pattern
# used by copy._keep_alive():
except KeyError:
memo['__auto_slots__'] = [state]
memo_size = len(memo)
new_state = [fast_deepcopy(field, memo) for field in state]
# We hit an error deepcopying the state. Attempt to
# reset things and try again, but in a more cautious
# manner.
# We want to remove any new entries added to the memo
# during the failed try above.
for _ in range(len(memo) - memo_size):
# Now we are going to continue on, but in a more
# cautious manner: we will clone entries field at a time
# so that we can get the most "complete" copy possible.
# Note: if has_dict, then __auto_slots__.slots will be 1
# shorter than the state (the last element is the
# __dict__). Zip will ignore it.
_copier = getattr(self, '__deepcopy_field__', _deepcopy)
new_state = [
_copier(value, memo, slot)
for slot, value in zip(self.__auto_slots__.slots, state)
if self.__auto_slots__.has_dict:
slot: _copier(value, memo, slot)
for slot, value in state[-1].items()
def __getstate__(self):
"""Generic implementation of `__getstate__`
This implementation will collect the slots (in order) and
then the `__dict__` (if necessary) and place everything into a
`list`. This standard format is significantly faster to
generate and deepcopy (when compared to a `dict`), although
it can be more fragile (changing the number of slots can
cause a pickle to no longer be loadable)
Derived classes should not overload this method to provide
special handling for fields (e.g., to resolve weak
references). Instead, special field handlers should be
declared via the `__autoslot_mappers__` class attribute (see
slots = [getattr(self, attr) for attr in self.__auto_slots__.slots]
# Map (encode) the slot values
for idx, mapper in self.__auto_slots__.slot_mappers.items():
slots[idx] = mapper(True, slots[idx])
# Copy and add the fields from __dict__ (if present)
if self.__auto_slots__.has_dict:
fields = dict(self.__dict__)
# Map (encode) any field values. It is not an error if
# the field is not present.
for name, mapper in self.__auto_slots__.field_mappers.items():
if name in fields:
fields[name] = mapper(True, fields[name])
return slots
def __setstate__(self, state):
"""Generic implementation of `__setstate__`
Restore the state generated by :py:meth:`__getstate__()`
Derived classes should not overload this method to provide
special handling for fields (e.g., to restore weak
references). Instead, special field handlers should be
declared via the `__autoslot_mappers__` class attribute (see
# Map (decode) the slot values
for idx, mapper in self.__auto_slots__.slot_mappers.items():
state[idx] = mapper(False, state[idx])
# Note: per the Python data model docs, we explicitly set the
# attribute using object.__setattr__() instead of setting
# self.__dict__[key] = val.
# Restore the slots
setter = object.__setattr__
for attr, val in zip(self.__auto_slots__.slots, state):
setter(self, attr, val)
# If this class is not fully slotized, then pull off the
# __dict__ fields and map their values (if necessary)
if self.__auto_slots__.has_dict:
fields = state[-1]
for name, mapper in self.__auto_slots__.field_mappers.items():
if name in fields:
fields[name] = mapper(False, fields[name])
# Note that it appears to be faster to clear()/update()
# than to simplify assign to __dict__.