Solving Logic-based Models with Pyomo.GDP
Flexible Solution Suite
Once a model is formulated as a GDP model, a range of solution strategies are available to manipulate and solve it.
The traditional approach is reformulation to a MI(N)LP, but various other techniques are possible, including direct solution via the GDPopt solver. Below, we describe some of these capabilities.
Logical constraints
Historically users needed to explicitly convert logical propositions to algebraic form prior to invoking the GDP MI(N)LP reformulations or the GDPopt solver. However, this is mathematically incorrect since the GDP MI(N)LP reformulations themselves convert logical formulations to algebraic formulations. The current recommended practice is to pass the entire (mixed logical / algebraic) model to the MI(N)LP reformulations or GDPopt directly.
There are several approaches to convert logical constraints into algebraic form.
Conjunctive Normal Form
The first transformation (core.logical_to_linear) leverages the sympy package to generate the conjunctive normal form of the logical constraints and then adds the equivalent as a list algebraic constraints. The following transforms logical propositions on the model to algebraic form:
The transformation creates a constraint list with a unique name starting
with logic_to_linear
, within which the algebraic equivalents of the
logical constraints are placed. If not already associated with a binary
variable, each BooleanVar
object will receive a generated binary
counterpart. These associated binary variables may be accessed via the
Additional augmented variables and their corresponding constraints may also be created, as described in Advanced LogicalConstraint Examples.
Following solution of the GDP model, values of the Boolean variables may be updated from their algebraic binary counterparts using the update_boolean_vars_from_binary()
Factorable Programming
The second transformation (contrib.logical_to_disjunctive) leverages ideas from factorable programming to first generate an equivalent set of “factored” logical constraints form by traversing each logical proposition and replacing each logical operator with an additional Boolean variable and then adding the “simple” logical constraint that equates the new Boolean variable with the single logical operator.
The resulting “simple” logical constraints are converted to either MIP or GDP form: if the constraint contains only Boolean variables, then then MIP representation is emitted. Logical constraints with mixed integer-Boolean arguments (e.g., atmost, atleast, exactly, etc.) are converted to a disjunctive representation.
As this transformation both avoids the conversion into sympy and only requires a single traversal of each logical constraint, contrib.logical_to_disjunctive is significantly faster than core.logical_to_linear at the cost of a larger model. In practice, the cost of the larger model is negated by the effectiveness of the MIP presolve in most solvers.
Reformulation to MI(N)LP
To use standard commercial solvers, you must convert the disjunctive model to a standard MILP/MINLP model. The two classical strategies for doing so are the (included) Big-M and Hull reformulations.
Big-M (BM) Reformulation
The Big-M reformulation[5] results in a smaller transformed model, avoiding the need to add extra variables; however, it yields a looser continuous relaxation.
By default, the BM transformation will estimate reasonably tight M values for you if variables are bounded.
For nonlinear models where finite expression bounds may be inferred from variable bounds, the BM transformation may also be able to automatically compute M values for you.
For all other models, you will need to provide the M values through a “BigM” Suffix, or through the bigM argument to the transformation.
We will raise a GDP_Error
for missing M values.
To apply the BM reformulation within a python script, use:
From the Pyomo command line, include the --transform pyomo.gdp.bigm
Multiple Big-M (MBM) Reformulation
We also implement the multiple-parameter Big-M (MBM) approach described in literature[4]. By default, the MBM transformation will solve continuous subproblems in order to calculate M values. This process can be time-consuming, so the transformation also provides a method to export the M values used as a dictionary and allows for M values to be provided through the bigM argument.
For example, to apply the transformation and store the M values, use:
mbigm = TransformationFactory('gdp.mbigm')
# These can be stored...
M_values = mbigm.get_all_M_values(model)
# that in future runs, you can write:
mbigm.apply_to(m, bigM=M_values)
From the Pyomo command line, include the --transform pyomo.gdp.mbigm
The Multiple Big-M transformation does not currently support Suffixes and will ignore “BigM” Suffixes.
Hull Reformulation (HR)
The Hull Reformulation requires a lifting into a higher-dimensional space and consequently introduces disaggregated variables and their corresponding constraints.
All variables that appear in disjuncts need upper and lower bounds.
The hull reformulation is an exact reformulation at the solution points even for nonconvex GDP models, but the resulting MINLP will also be nonconvex.
To apply the Hull reformulation within a python script, use:
From the Pyomo command line, include the --transform pyomo.gdp.hull
Hybrid BM/HR Reformulation
An experimental (for now) implementation of the cutting plane approach described in literature[6] is provided for linear GDP models. The transformation augments the BM reformulation by a set of cutting planes generated from the HR model by solving separation problems. This gives a model that is not as large as the HR, but with a stronger continuous relaxation than the BM.
This transformation is accessible via:
Direct GDP solvers
Pyomo includes the contributed GDPopt solver, which can directly solve GDP models. Its usage is described within the contributed packages documentation.