Source code for pyomo.core.plugins.transform.scaling

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2022
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap
from pyomo.core.base import (
from pyomo.core.plugins.transform.hierarchy import Transformation
from pyomo.core.base import TransformationFactory
from pyomo.core.base.suffix import SuffixFinder
from pyomo.core.expr import replace_expressions
from pyomo.util.components import rename_components

[docs]@TransformationFactory.register( 'core.scale_model', doc="Scale model variables, constraints, and objectives." ) class ScaleModel(Transformation): """ Transformation to scale a model. This plugin performs variable, constraint, and objective scaling on a model based on the scaling factors in the suffix 'scaling_parameter' set for the variables, constraints, and/or objective. This is typically done to scale the problem for improved numerical properties. Supported transformation methods: * :py:meth:`apply_to <pyomo.core.plugins.transform.scaling.ScaleModel.apply_to>` * :py:meth:`create_using <pyomo.core.plugins.transform.scaling.ScaleModel.create_using>` * :py:meth:`propagate_solution <pyomo.core.plugins.transform.scaling.ScaleModel.propagate_solution>` Examples -------- .. doctest:: >>> from pyomo.environ import * >>> # create the model >>> model = ConcreteModel() >>> model.x = Var(bounds=(-5, 5), initialize=1.0) >>> model.y = Var(bounds=(0, 1), initialize=1.0) >>> model.obj = Objective(expr=1e8*model.x + 1e6*model.y) >>> model.con = Constraint(expr=model.x + model.y == 1.0) >>> # create the scaling factors >>> model.scaling_factor = Suffix(direction=Suffix.EXPORT) >>> model.scaling_factor[model.obj] = 1e-6 # scale the objective >>> model.scaling_factor[model.con] = 2.0 # scale the constraint >>> model.scaling_factor[model.x] = 0.2 # scale the x variable >>> # transform the model >>> scaled_model = TransformationFactory('core.scale_model').create_using(model) >>> # print the value of the objective function to show scaling has occurred >>> print(value(model.x)) 1.0 >>> print(value(scaled_model.scaled_x)) 0.2 >>> print(value( -1.0 >>> print(value(model.obj)) 101000000.0 >>> print(value(scaled_model.scaled_obj)) 101.0 .. todo:: Implement an option to change the variables names or not """ def __init__(self, **kwds): kwds['name'] = "scale_model" self._scaling_method = kwds.pop('scaling_method', 'user') self._suffix_finder = None super(ScaleModel, self).__init__(**kwds) def _create_using(self, original_model, **kwds): scaled_model = original_model.clone() self._apply_to(scaled_model, **kwds) return scaled_model def _get_float_scaling_factor(self, component): if self._suffix_finder is None: self._suffix_finder = SuffixFinder('scaling_factor', 1.0) return self._suffix_finder.find(component) def _apply_to(self, model, rename=True): # create a map of component to scaling factor component_scaling_factor_map = ComponentMap() self._suffix_finder = SuffixFinder('scaling_factor', 1.0) # if the scaling_method is 'user', get the scaling parameters from the suffixes if self._scaling_method == 'user': # get the scaling factors for c in model.component_data_objects( ctype=(Var, Constraint, Objective), descend_into=True ): component_scaling_factor_map[c] = self._suffix_finder.find(c) else: raise ValueError( "ScaleModel transformation: unknown scaling_method found" "-- supported values: 'user' " ) if rename: # rename all the Vars, Constraints, and Objectives # from foo to scaled_foo component_list = list( model.component_objects(ctype=[Var, Constraint, Objective]) ) scaled_component_to_original_name_map = rename_components( model=model, component_list=component_list, prefix='scaled_' ) else: scaled_component_to_original_name_map = ComponentMap( [ (comp, for comp in model.component_objects( ctype=[Var, Constraint, Objective] ) ] ) # scale the variable bounds and values and build the variable # substitution map for scaling vars in constraints variable_substitution_map = ComponentMap() already_scaled = set() for variable in [ var for var in model.component_objects(ctype=Var, descend_into=True) ]: if variable.is_reference(): # Skip any references - these should get picked up when # handling the actual variable continue # set the bounds/value for the scaled variable for k in variable: v = variable[k] if id(v) in already_scaled: continue already_scaled.add(id(v)) scaling_factor = component_scaling_factor_map[v] variable_substitution_map[v] = v / scaling_factor if is not None: v.setlb( * scaling_factor) if v.ub is not None: v.setub(v.ub * scaling_factor) if scaling_factor < 0: temp = v.setlb(v.ub) v.setub(temp) if v.value is not None: # Since the value was OK in the unscaled space, it # should be safe to assume it is still valid in the # scaled space) v.set_value(value(v) * scaling_factor, skip_validation=True) # scale the objectives/constraints and perform the scaled variable substitution scale_constraint_dual = False if type(model.component('dual')) is Suffix: scale_constraint_dual = True # translate the variable_substitution_map (ComponentMap) # to variable_substitution_dict (key: id() of component) # ToDo: We should change replace_expressions to accept a ComponentMap as well variable_substitution_dict = { id(k): v for k, v in variable_substitution_map.items() } already_scaled = set() for component in model.component_objects( ctype=(Constraint, Objective), descend_into=True ): if component.is_reference(): # Skip any references - these should get picked up when # handling the actual component continue for k in component: c = component[k] if id(c) in already_scaled: continue already_scaled.add(id(c)) # perform the constraint/objective scaling and variable sub scaling_factor = component_scaling_factor_map[c] if isinstance(c, _ConstraintData): body = scaling_factor * replace_expressions( expr=c.body, substitution_map=variable_substitution_dict, descend_into_named_expressions=True, remove_named_expressions=True, ) # scale the rhs lower = c.lower upper = c.upper if lower is not None: lower = lower * scaling_factor if upper is not None: upper = upper * scaling_factor if scaling_factor < 0: lower, upper = upper, lower if scale_constraint_dual and c in model.dual: dual_value = model.dual[c] if dual_value is not None: model.dual[c] = dual_value / scaling_factor if c.equality: c.set_value((lower, body)) else: c.set_value((lower, body, upper)) elif isinstance(c, _ObjectiveData): c.expr = scaling_factor * replace_expressions( expr=c.expr, substitution_map=variable_substitution_dict, descend_into_named_expressions=True, remove_named_expressions=True, ) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Unknown object type found when applying scaling factors ' 'in ScaleModel transformation - Internal Error' ) model.component_scaling_factor_map = component_scaling_factor_map model.scaled_component_to_original_name_map = ( scaled_component_to_original_name_map ) # Now that we have scaled the model, deactivate the relevant # scaling suffixes so that we don't accidentally (later) # double-scale. for s in self._suffix_finder.all_suffixes: s.deactivate() return model
[docs] def propagate_solution(self, scaled_model, original_model): """This method takes the solution in scaled_model and maps it back to the original model. It will also transform duals and reduced costs if the suffixes 'dual' and/or 'rc' are present. The :code:`scaled_model` argument must be a model that was already scaled using this transformation as it expects data from the transformation to perform the back mapping. Parameters ---------- scaled_model : Pyomo Model The model that was previously scaled with this transformation original_model : Pyomo Model The original unscaled source model """ if not hasattr(scaled_model, 'component_scaling_factor_map'): raise AttributeError( 'ScaleModel:propagate_solution called with scaled_model that does ' 'not have a component_scaling_factor_map. It is possible this ' 'method was called using a model that was not scaled with the ' 'ScaleModel transformation' ) if not hasattr(scaled_model, 'scaled_component_to_original_name_map'): raise AttributeError( 'ScaleModel:propagate_solution called with scaled_model that does ' 'not have a scaled_component_to_original_name_map. It is possible ' 'this method was called using a model that was not scaled with ' 'the ScaleModel transformation' ) component_scaling_factor_map = scaled_model.component_scaling_factor_map scaled_component_to_original_name_map = ( scaled_model.scaled_component_to_original_name_map ) # transfer the variable values and reduced costs check_reduced_costs = type(scaled_model.component('rc')) is Suffix check_dual = ( type(scaled_model.component('dual')) is Suffix and type(original_model.component('dual')) is Suffix ) if check_reduced_costs or check_dual: # get the objective scaling factor scaled_objectives = list( scaled_model.component_data_objects( ctype=Objective, active=True, descend_into=True ) ) if len(scaled_objectives) != 1: raise NotImplementedError( 'ScaleModel.propagate_solution requires a single active ' 'objective function, but %d objectives found.' % (len(scaled_objectives)) ) else: objective_scaling_factor = component_scaling_factor_map[ scaled_objectives[0] ] for scaled_v in scaled_model.component_objects(ctype=Var, descend_into=True): # get the unscaled_v from the original model original_v_path = scaled_component_to_original_name_map[scaled_v] # This will not work if decimal indices are present: original_v = original_model.find_component(original_v_path) for k in scaled_v: original_v[k].set_value( value(scaled_v[k]) / component_scaling_factor_map[scaled_v[k]], skip_validation=True, ) if check_reduced_costs and scaled_v[k] in scaled_model.rc: original_model.rc[original_v[k]] = ( scaled_model.rc[scaled_v[k]] * component_scaling_factor_map[scaled_v[k]] / objective_scaling_factor ) # transfer the duals if check_dual: for scaled_c in scaled_model.component_objects( ctype=Constraint, descend_into=True ): original_c = original_model.find_component( scaled_component_to_original_name_map[scaled_c] ) for k in scaled_c: original_model.dual[original_c[k]] = ( scaled_model.dual[scaled_c[k]] * component_scaling_factor_map[scaled_c[k]] / objective_scaling_factor )