Source code for pyomo.contrib.doe.result

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2022
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  Pyomo.DoE was produced under the Department of Energy Carbon Capture Simulation
#  Initiative (CCSI), and is copyright (c) 2022 by the software owners:
#  TRIAD National Security, LLC., Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.,
#  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
#  Battelle Memorial Institute, University of Notre Dame,
#  The University of Pittsburgh, The University of Texas at Austin,
#  University of Toledo, West Virginia University, et al. All rights reserved.
#  NOTICE. This Software was developed under funding from the
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#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from pyomo.common.dependencies import numpy as np, pandas as pd, matplotlib as plt

from itertools import product
import logging
from pyomo.opt import SolverStatus, TerminationCondition

[docs]class FisherResults:
[docs] def __init__( self, parameter_names, measurements, jacobian_info=None, all_jacobian_info=None, prior_FIM=None, store_FIM=None, scale_constant_value=1, max_condition_number=1.0e12, ): """Analyze the FIM result for a single run Parameters ---------- parameter_names: A ``list`` of parameter names measurements: A ``MeasurementVariables`` which contains the Pyomo variable names and their corresponding indices and bounds for experimental measurements jacobian_info: the jacobian for this measurement object all_jacobian_info: the overall jacobian prior_FIM: if there's prior FIM to be added store_FIM: if storing the FIM in a .csv or .txt, give the file name here as a string scale_constant_value: scale all elements in Jacobian matrix, default is 1. max_condition_number: max condition number """ self.parameter_names = parameter_names self.measurements = measurements self.measurement_variables = measurements.variable_names if jacobian_info is None: self.jaco_information = all_jacobian_info else: self.jaco_information = jacobian_info self.all_jacobian_info = all_jacobian_info self.prior_FIM = prior_FIM self.store_FIM = store_FIM self.scale_constant_value = scale_constant_value self.fim_scale_constant_value = scale_constant_value**2 self.max_condition_number = max_condition_number self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(level=logging.WARN)
[docs] def result_analysis(self, result=None): """Calculate FIM from Jacobian information. This is for grid search (combined models) results Parameters ---------- result: solver status returned by IPOPT """ self.result = result self.doe_result = None # get number of parameters no_param = len(self.parameter_names) fim = np.zeros((no_param, no_param)) # convert dictionary to a numpy array Q_all = [] for par in self.parameter_names: Q_all.append(self.jaco_information[par]) n = len(self.parameter_names) Q_all = np.array(list(self.jaco_information[p] for p in self.parameter_names)).T # add the FIM for each measurement variables together for i, mea_name in enumerate(self.measurement_variables): fim += ( 1 / self.measurements.variance[str(mea_name)] # variance of measurement * ( Q_all[i, :].reshape(n, 1) @ Q_all[i, :].reshape(n, 1).T ) # Q.T @ Q for each measurement variable ) # add prior information if self.prior_FIM is not None: try: fim = fim + self.prior_FIM'Existed information has been added.') except: raise ValueError('Check the shape of prior FIM.') if np.linalg.cond(fim) > self.max_condition_number: "Warning: FIM is near singular. The condition number is: %s ;", np.linalg.cond(fim), ) 'A condition number bigger than %s is considered near singular.', self.max_condition_number, ) # call private methods self._print_FIM_info(fim) if self.result is not None: self._get_solver_info() # if given store file name, store the FIM if self.store_FIM is not None: self._store_FIM()
def subset(self, measurement_subset): """Create new FisherResults object corresponding to provided measurement_subset. This requires that measurement_subset is a true subset of the original measurement object. Parameters ---------- measurement_subset: Instance of Measurements class Returns ------- new_result: New instance of FisherResults """ # Check that measurement_subset is a valid subset of self.measurement self.measurements.check_subset(measurement_subset) # Split Jacobian (should already be 3D) small_jac = self._split_jacobian(measurement_subset) # create a new subject FIM_subset = FisherResults( self.parameter_names, measurement_subset, jacobian_info=small_jac, prior_FIM=self.prior_FIM, store_FIM=self.store_FIM, scale_constant_value=self.scale_constant_value, max_condition_number=self.max_condition_number, ) return FIM_subset def _split_jacobian(self, measurement_subset): """ Split jacobian Parameters ---------- measurement_subset: the object of the measurement subsets Returns ------- jaco_info: split Jacobian """ # create a dict for FIM. It has the same keys as the Jacobian dict. jaco_info = {} # reorganize the jacobian subset with the same form of the jacobian # loop over parameters for par in self.parameter_names: jaco_info[par] = [] # loop over measurements for nam in measurement_subset.variable_names: try: n_all_measure = self.measurement_variables.index(nam) jaco_info[par].append(self.all_jacobian_info[par][n_all_measure]) except: raise ValueError( "Measurement ", nam, " is not in original measurement set." ) return jaco_info def _print_FIM_info(self, FIM): """ using a dictionary to store all FIM information Parameters ---------- FIM: the Fisher Information Matrix, needs to be P.D. and symmetric Returns ------- fim_info: a FIM dictionary containing the following key:value pairs ~['FIM']: a list of FIM itself ~[design variable name]: a list of design variable values at each time point ~['Trace']: a scalar number of Trace ~['Determinant']: a scalar number of determinant ~['Condition number:']: a scalar number of condition number ~['Minimal eigen value:']: a scalar number of minimal eigen value ~['Eigen values:']: a list of all eigen values ~['Eigen vectors:']: a list of all eigen vectors """ eig = np.linalg.eigvals(FIM) self.FIM = FIM self.trace = np.trace(FIM) self.det = np.linalg.det(FIM) self.min_eig = min(eig) self.cond = max(eig) / min(eig) self.eig_vals = eig self.eig_vecs = np.linalg.eig(FIM)[1] 'FIM: %s; \n Trace: %s; \n Determinant: %s;', self.FIM, self.trace, self.det ) 'Condition number: %s; \n Min eigenvalue: %s.', self.cond, self.min_eig ) def _solution_info(self, m, dv_set): """ Solution information. Only for optimization problem Parameters ---------- m: model dv_set: design variable dictionary Returns ------- model_info: model solutions dictionary containing the following key:value pairs -['obj']: a scalar number of objective function value -['det']: a scalar number of determinant calculated by the model (different from FIM_info['det'] which is calculated by numpy) -['trace']: a scalar number of trace calculated by the model -[design variable name]: a list of design variable solution """ self.obj_value = value(m.obj) # When scaled with constant values, the effect of the scaling factors are removed here # For determinant, the scaling factor to determinant is scaling factor ** (Dim of FIM) # For trace, the scaling factor to trace is the scaling factor. if self.obj == 'det': self.obj_det = np.exp(value(m.obj)) / (self.fim_scale_constant_value) ** ( len(self.parameter_names) ) elif self.obj == 'trace': self.obj_trace = np.exp(value(m.obj)) / (self.fim_scale_constant_value) design_variable_names = list(dv_set.keys()) dv_times = list(dv_set.values()) solution = {} for d, dname in enumerate(design_variable_names): sol = [] if dv_times[d] is not None: for t, time in enumerate(dv_times[d]): newvar = getattr(m, dname)[time] sol.append(value(newvar)) else: newvar = getattr(m, dname) sol.append(value(newvar)) solution[dname] = sol self.solution = solution def _store_FIM(self): # if given store file name, store the FIM store_dict = {} for i, name in enumerate(self.parameter_names): store_dict[name] = self.FIM[i] FIM_store = pd.DataFrame(store_dict) FIM_store.to_csv(self.store_FIM, index=False) def _get_solver_info(self): """ Solver information dictionary Return: ------ solver_status: a solver information dictionary containing the following key:value pairs -['square']: a string of square result solver status -['doe']: a string of doe result solver status """ if (self.result.solver.status == SolverStatus.ok) and ( self.result.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.optimal ): self.status = 'converged' elif ( self.result.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.infeasible ): self.status = 'infeasible' else: self.status = self.result.solver.status
[docs]class GridSearchResult:
[docs] def __init__( self, design_ranges, design_dimension_names, FIM_result_list, store_optimality_name=None, ): """ This class deals with the FIM results from grid search, providing A, D, E, ME-criteria results for each design variable. Can choose to draw 1D sensitivity curves and 2D heatmaps. Parameters ---------- design_ranges: a ``dict`` whose keys are design variable names, values are a list of design variable values to go over design_dimension_names: a ``list`` of design variables names FIM_result_list: a ``dict`` containing FIM results, keys are a tuple of design variable values, values are FIM result objects store_optimality_name: a .csv file name containing all four optimalities value """ # design variables self.design_names = design_dimension_names self.design_ranges = design_ranges self.FIM_result_list = FIM_result_list self.store_optimality_name = store_optimality_name
def extract_criteria(self): """ Extract design criteria values for every 'grid' (design variable combination) searched. Returns ------- self.store_all_results_dataframe: a pandas dataframe with columns as design variable names and A, D, E, ME-criteria names. Each row contains the design variable value for this 'grid', and the 4 design criteria value for this 'grid'. """ # a list store all results store_all_results = [] # generate combinations of design variable values to go over search_design_set = product(*self.design_ranges) # loop over deign value combinations for design_set_iter in search_design_set: # locate this grid in the dictionary of combined results result_object_asdict = { k: v for k, v in self.FIM_result_list.items() if k == design_set_iter } # an result object is identified by a tuple of the design variable value it uses result_object_iter = result_object_asdict[design_set_iter] # store results as a row in the dataframe store_iteration_result = list(design_set_iter) store_iteration_result.append(result_object_iter.trace) store_iteration_result.append(result_object_iter.det) store_iteration_result.append(result_object_iter.min_eig) store_iteration_result.append(result_object_iter.cond) # add this row to the dataframe store_all_results.append(store_iteration_result) # generate column names for the dataframe column_names = [] # this count is for repeated design variable names which can happen in dynamic problems for i in self.design_names: # if design variables share the same value, use the first name as the column name if type(i) is list: column_names.append(i[0]) else: column_names.append(i) # Each design criteria has a column to store values column_names.append('A') column_names.append('D') column_names.append('E') column_names.append('ME') # generate the dataframe store_all_results = np.asarray(store_all_results) self.store_all_results_dataframe = pd.DataFrame( store_all_results, columns=column_names ) # if needs to store the values if self.store_optimality_name is not None: self.store_all_results_dataframe.to_csv( self.store_optimality_name, index=False ) def figure_drawing( self, fixed_design_dimensions, sensitivity_dimension, title_text, xlabel_text, ylabel_text, font_axes=16, font_tick=14, log_scale=True, ): """ Extract results needed for drawing figures from the overall result dataframe. Draw 1D sensitivity curve or 2D heatmap. It can be applied to results of any dimensions, but requires design variable values in other dimensions be fixed. Parameters ---------- fixed_design_dimensions: a dictionary, keys are the design variable names to be fixed, values are the value of it to be fixed. sensitivity_dimension: a list of design variable names to draw figures. If only one name is given, a 1D sensitivity curve is drawn if two names are given, a 2D heatmap is drawn. title_text: name of the figure, a string xlabel_text: x label title, a string. In a 1D sensitivity curve, it is the design variable by which the curve is drawn. In a 2D heatmap, it should be the second design variable in the design_ranges ylabel_text: y label title, a string. A 1D sensitivity curve does not need it. In a 2D heatmap, it should be the first design variable in the dv_ranges font_axes: axes label font size font_tick: tick label font size log_scale: if True, the result matrix will be scaled by log10 Returns -------- None """ self.fixed_design_names = list(fixed_design_dimensions.keys()) self.fixed_design_values = list(fixed_design_dimensions.values()) self.sensitivity_dimension = sensitivity_dimension if len(self.fixed_design_names) + len(self.sensitivity_dimension) != len( self.design_names ): raise ValueError( 'Error: All dimensions except for those the figures are drawn by should be fixed.' ) if len(self.sensitivity_dimension) not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError("Error: Either 1D or 2D figures can be drawn.") # generate a combination of logic sentences to filter the results of the DOF needed. # an example filter: (self.store_all_results_dataframe["CA0"]==5). if len(self.fixed_design_names) != 0: filter = '' for i in range(len(self.fixed_design_names)): filter += '(self.store_all_results_dataframe[' filter += str(self.fixed_design_names[i]) filter += ']==' filter += str(self.fixed_design_values[i]) filter += ')' if i != (len(self.fixed_design_names) - 1): filter += '&' # extract results with other dimensions fixed figure_result_data = self.store_all_results_dataframe.loc[eval(filter)] # if there is no other fixed dimensions else: figure_result_data = self.store_all_results_dataframe # add results for figures self.figure_result_data = figure_result_data # if one design variable name is given as DOF, draw 1D sensitivity curve if len(sensitivity_dimension) == 1: self._curve1D( title_text, xlabel_text, font_axes=16, font_tick=14, log_scale=True ) # if two design variable names are given as DOF, draw 2D heatmaps elif len(sensitivity_dimension) == 2: self._heatmap( title_text, xlabel_text, ylabel_text, font_axes=16, font_tick=14, log_scale=True, ) def _curve1D( self, title_text, xlabel_text, font_axes=16, font_tick=14, log_scale=True ): """ Draw 1D sensitivity curves for all design criteria Parameters ---------- title_text: name of the figure, a string xlabel_text: x label title, a string. In a 1D sensitivity curve, it is the design variable by which the curve is drawn. font_axes: axes label font size font_tick: tick label font size log_scale: if True, the result matrix will be scaled by log10 Returns -------- 4 Figures of 1D sensitivity curves for each criteria """ # extract the range of the DOF design variable x_range = self.figure_result_data[self.sensitivity_dimension[0]].values.tolist() # decide if the results are log scaled if log_scale: y_range_A = np.log10(self.figure_result_data['A'].values.tolist()) y_range_D = np.log10(self.figure_result_data['D'].values.tolist()) y_range_E = np.log10(self.figure_result_data['E'].values.tolist()) y_range_ME = np.log10(self.figure_result_data['ME'].values.tolist()) else: y_range_A = self.figure_result_data['A'].values.tolist() y_range_D = self.figure_result_data['D'].values.tolist() y_range_E = self.figure_result_data['E'].values.tolist() y_range_ME = self.figure_result_data['ME'].values.tolist() # Draw A-optimality fig = plt.pyplot.figure() plt.pyplot.rc('axes', titlesize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('axes', labelsize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('xtick', labelsize=font_tick) plt.pyplot.rc('ytick', labelsize=font_tick) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular'} # plt.rcParams.update(params) ax.plot(x_range, y_range_A) ax.scatter(x_range, y_range_A) ax.set_ylabel('$log_{10}$ Trace') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel_text) plt.pyplot.title(title_text + ' - A optimality') # Draw D-optimality fig = plt.pyplot.figure() plt.pyplot.rc('axes', titlesize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('axes', labelsize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('xtick', labelsize=font_tick) plt.pyplot.rc('ytick', labelsize=font_tick) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular'} # plt.rcParams.update(params) ax.plot(x_range, y_range_D) ax.scatter(x_range, y_range_D) ax.set_ylabel('$log_{10}$ Determinant') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel_text) plt.pyplot.title(title_text + ' - D optimality') # Draw E-optimality fig = plt.pyplot.figure() plt.pyplot.rc('axes', titlesize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('axes', labelsize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('xtick', labelsize=font_tick) plt.pyplot.rc('ytick', labelsize=font_tick) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular'} # plt.rcParams.update(params) ax.plot(x_range, y_range_E) ax.scatter(x_range, y_range_E) ax.set_ylabel('$log_{10}$ Minimal eigenvalue') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel_text) plt.pyplot.title(title_text + ' - E optimality') # Draw Modified E-optimality fig = plt.pyplot.figure() plt.pyplot.rc('axes', titlesize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('axes', labelsize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('xtick', labelsize=font_tick) plt.pyplot.rc('ytick', labelsize=font_tick) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular'} # plt.rcParams.update(params) ax.plot(x_range, y_range_ME) ax.scatter(x_range, y_range_ME) ax.set_ylabel('$log_{10}$ Condition number') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel_text) plt.pyplot.title(title_text + ' - Modified E optimality') def _heatmap( self, title_text, xlabel_text, ylabel_text, font_axes=16, font_tick=14, log_scale=True, ): """ Draw 2D heatmaps for all design criteria Parameters ---------- title_text: name of the figure, a string xlabel_text: x label title, a string. In a 2D heatmap, it should be the second design variable in the design_ranges ylabel_text: y label title, a string. In a 2D heatmap, it should be the first design variable in the dv_ranges font_axes: axes label font size font_tick: tick label font size log_scale: if True, the result matrix will be scaled by log10 Returns -------- 4 Figures of 2D heatmap for each criteria """ # achieve the design variable ranges this figure needs # create a dictionary for sensitivity dimensions sensitivity_dict = {} for i, nam in enumerate(self.design_names): if nam in self.sensitivity_dimension: sensitivity_dict[nam] = self.design_ranges[i] elif nam[0] in self.sensitivity_dimension: sensitivity_dict[nam[0]] = self.design_ranges[i] x_range = sensitivity_dict[self.sensitivity_dimension[0]] y_range = sensitivity_dict[self.sensitivity_dimension[1]] # extract the design criteria values A_range = self.figure_result_data['A'].values.tolist() D_range = self.figure_result_data['D'].values.tolist() E_range = self.figure_result_data['E'].values.tolist() ME_range = self.figure_result_data['ME'].values.tolist() # reshape the design criteria values for heatmaps cri_a = np.asarray(A_range).reshape(len(x_range), len(y_range)) cri_d = np.asarray(D_range).reshape(len(x_range), len(y_range)) cri_e = np.asarray(E_range).reshape(len(x_range), len(y_range)) cri_e_cond = np.asarray(ME_range).reshape(len(x_range), len(y_range)) self.cri_a = cri_a self.cri_d = cri_d self.cri_e = cri_e self.cri_e_cond = cri_e_cond # decide if log scaled if log_scale: hes_a = np.log10(self.cri_a) hes_e = np.log10(self.cri_e) hes_d = np.log10(self.cri_d) hes_e2 = np.log10(self.cri_e_cond) else: hes_a = self.cri_a hes_e = self.cri_e hes_d = self.cri_d hes_e2 = self.cri_e_cond # set heatmap x,y ranges xLabel = x_range yLabel = y_range # A-optimality fig = plt.pyplot.figure() plt.pyplot.rc('axes', titlesize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('axes', labelsize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('xtick', labelsize=font_tick) plt.pyplot.rc('ytick', labelsize=font_tick) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular'} plt.pyplot.rcParams.update(params) ax.set_yticks(range(len(yLabel))) ax.set_yticklabels(yLabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel_text) ax.set_xticks(range(len(xLabel))) ax.set_xticklabels(xLabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel_text) im = ax.imshow(hes_a.T, ba = plt.pyplot.colorbar(im) ba.set_label('log10(trace(FIM))') plt.pyplot.title(title_text + ' - A optimality') # D-optimality fig = plt.pyplot.figure() plt.pyplot.rc('axes', titlesize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('axes', labelsize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('xtick', labelsize=font_tick) plt.pyplot.rc('ytick', labelsize=font_tick) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular'} plt.pyplot.rcParams.update(params) ax.set_yticks(range(len(yLabel))) ax.set_yticklabels(yLabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel_text) ax.set_xticks(range(len(xLabel))) ax.set_xticklabels(xLabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel_text) im = ax.imshow(hes_d.T, ba = plt.pyplot.colorbar(im) ba.set_label('log10(det(FIM))') plt.pyplot.title(title_text + ' - D optimality') # E-optimality fig = plt.pyplot.figure() plt.pyplot.rc('axes', titlesize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('axes', labelsize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('xtick', labelsize=font_tick) plt.pyplot.rc('ytick', labelsize=font_tick) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular'} plt.pyplot.rcParams.update(params) ax.set_yticks(range(len(yLabel))) ax.set_yticklabels(yLabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel_text) ax.set_xticks(range(len(xLabel))) ax.set_xticklabels(xLabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel_text) im = ax.imshow(hes_e.T, ba = plt.pyplot.colorbar(im) ba.set_label('log10(minimal eig(FIM))') plt.pyplot.title(title_text + ' - E optimality') # modified E-optimality fig = plt.pyplot.figure() plt.pyplot.rc('axes', titlesize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('axes', labelsize=font_axes) plt.pyplot.rc('xtick', labelsize=font_tick) plt.pyplot.rc('ytick', labelsize=font_tick) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) params = {'mathtext.default': 'regular'} plt.pyplot.rcParams.update(params) ax.set_yticks(range(len(yLabel))) ax.set_yticklabels(yLabel) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel_text) ax.set_xticks(range(len(xLabel))) ax.set_xticklabels(xLabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel_text) im = ax.imshow(hes_e2.T, ba = plt.pyplot.colorbar(im) ba.set_label('log10(cond(FIM))') plt.pyplot.title(title_text + ' - Modified E-optimality')