
class pyomo.contrib.appsi.solvers.ipopt.IpoptConfig(description=None, doc=None, implicit=False, implicit_domain=None, visibility=0)[source]

Bases: SolverConfig

class NoArgument

Bases: object

add(name, config)
content_filters = {'userdata', 'all', None}
declare(name, config)
declare_as_argument(*args, **kwds)

Map this Config item to an argparse argument.

Valid arguments include all valid arguments to argparse’s ArgumentParser.add_argument() with the exception of ‘default’. In addition, you may provide a group keyword argument to either pass in a pre-defined option group or subparser, or else pass in the string name of a group, subparser, or (subparser, group).

declare_from(other, skip=None)
display(content_filter=None, indent_spacing=2, ostream=None, visibility=None)
generate_documentation(block_start=None, block_end=None, item_start=None, item_body=None, item_end=None, indent_spacing=2, width=78, visibility=0, format='latex')
generate_yaml_template(indent_spacing=2, width=78, visibility=0)
get(k[, d]) D[k] if k in D, else d.  d defaults to None.
items() a set-like object providing a view on D's items


Deprecated since version 6.0: The iteritems method is deprecated. Use dict.keys().



Deprecated since version 6.0: The iterkeys method is deprecated. Use dict.keys().



Deprecated since version 6.0: The itervalues method is deprecated. Use dict.keys().

keys() a set-like object providing a view on D's keys
load_solution: bool
report_timing: bool
set_value(value, skip_implicit=False)
setdefault(key, default=NOTSET)
stream_solver: bool
symbolic_solver_labels: bool
time_limit: Optional[float]
values() an object providing a view on D's values
class pyomo.contrib.appsi.solvers.ipopt.Ipopt(only_child_vars=True)[source]

Bases: PersistentSolver

class Availability(value)

Bases: IntEnum

An enumeration.

BadLicense = -2
BadVersion = -1
FullLicense = 1
LimitedLicense = 2
NeedsCompiledExtension = -3
NotFound = 0
add_block(block: _BlockData)[source]
add_constraints(cons: List[_GeneralConstraintData])[source]
add_params(params: List[_ParamData])[source]
add_variables(variables: List[_GeneralVarData])[source]

Test if the solver is available on this system.

Nominally, this will return True if the solver interface is valid and can be used to solve problems and False if it cannot.

Note that for licensed solvers there are a number of “levels” of available: depending on the license, the solver may be available with limitations on problem size or runtime (e.g., ‘demo’ vs. ‘community’ vs. ‘full’). In these cases, the solver may return a subclass of enum.IntEnum, with members that resolve to True if the solver is available (possibly with limitations). The Enum may also have multiple members that all resolve to False indicating the reason why the interface is not available (not found, bad license, unsupported version, etc).

Returns:available – An enum that indicates “how available” the solver is. Note that the enum can be cast to bool, which will be True if the solver is runable at all and False otherwise.
Return type:Solver.Availability
property config

An object for configuring solve options.

Returns:An object for configuring pyomo solve options such as the time limit. These options are mostly independent of the solver.
Return type:SolverConfig
get_duals(cons_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralConstraintData]] = None)[source]

Declare sign convention in docstring here.

Parameters:cons_to_load (list) – A list of the constraints whose duals should be loaded. If cons_to_load is None, then the duals for all constraints will be loaded.
Returns:duals – Maps constraints to dual values
Return type:dict
get_primals(vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) Mapping[_GeneralVarData, float][source]
get_reduced_costs(vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) Mapping[_GeneralVarData, float][source]
Parameters:vars_to_load (list) – A list of the variables whose reduced cost should be loaded. If vars_to_load is None, then all reduced costs will be loaded.
Returns:reduced_costs – Maps variable to reduced cost
Return type:ComponentMap
get_slacks(cons_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralConstraintData]] = None) Dict[_GeneralConstraintData, float]
Parameters:cons_to_load (list) – A list of the constraints whose slacks should be loaded. If cons_to_load is None, then the slacks for all constraints will be loaded.
Returns:slacks – Maps constraints to slack values
Return type:dict
property ipopt_options

A dictionary mapping solver options to values for those options. These are solver specific.

Returns:A dictionary mapping solver options to values for those options
Return type:dict
Returns:is_persistent – True if the solver is a persistent solver.
Return type:bool
load_vars(vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) NoReturn

Load the solution of the primal variables into the value attribut of the variables.

Parameters:vars_to_load (list) – A list of the variables whose solution should be loaded. If vars_to_load is None, then the solution to all primal variables will be loaded.
remove_block(block: _BlockData)[source]
remove_constraints(cons: List[_GeneralConstraintData])[source]
remove_params(params: List[_ParamData])[source]
remove_variables(variables: List[_GeneralVarData])[source]
set_objective(obj: _GeneralObjectiveData)[source]
solve(model, timer: Optional[HierarchicalTimer] = None)[source]

Solve a Pyomo model.

  • model (_BlockData) – The Pyomo model to be solved
  • timer (HierarchicalTimer) – An option timer for reporting timing

results – A results object

Return type:


property symbol_map
property update_config
update_variables(variables: List[_GeneralVarData])[source]
Returns:version – A tuple representing the version
Return type:tuple
property writer