Source code for pyomo.contrib.pyros.uncertainty_sets

Abstract and pre-defined classes for representing uncertainty sets (or
uncertain parameter spaces) of two-stage nonlinear robust optimization

Along with a ``ConcreteModel`` object representing a deterministic model
formulation, an uncertainty set object may be passed to the PyROS solver
to obtain a solution to the model's two-stage robust optimization

    Abstract base class for a generic uncertainty set. All other set
    types defined in this module are subclasses.  A user may implement
    their own uncertainty set type as a custom-written subclass.

    A hyperellipsoid.

    An axis-aligned hyperellipsoid.

    A bounded convex polyhedron/polytope.

    A hyperrectangle.

    A budget set.

    A cardinality set (or gamma set).

    A discrete set of finitely many points.

    A factor model set (or net-alpha model set).

    An intersection of two or more sets, each represented by an
    ``UncertaintySet`` object.

import abc
import math
import functools
from numbers import Integral
from import Iterable, MutableSequence
from enum import Enum

from pyomo.common.dependencies import numpy as np, scipy as sp
from pyomo.core.base import ConcreteModel, Objective, maximize, minimize, Block
from pyomo.core.base.constraint import ConstraintList
from pyomo.core.base.var import Var, IndexedVar
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import value, native_numeric_types
from pyomo.opt.results import check_optimal_termination
from pyomo.contrib.pyros.util import add_bounds_for_uncertain_parameters

valid_num_types = tuple(native_numeric_types)

def validate_arg_type(
    Perform type validation of an argument to a function/method.
    If type is not valid, raise a TypeError with an appropriate

    arg_name : str
        Name of argument to be displayed in exception message.
    arg_val : object
        Value of argument to be checked.
    valid_types : type or tuple of types
        Valid types for the argument value.
    valid_type_desc : str or None, optional
        Description of valid types for the argument value;
        this description is included in the exception message.
    is_entry_of_arg : bool, optional
        Is the argument value passed an entry of the argument
        described by `arg_name` (such as entry of an array or list).
        This will be indicated in the exception message.
        The default is `False`.
    check_numeric_type_finite : bool, optional
        If the valid types comprise a sequence of numeric types,
        check that the argument value is finite (and also not NaN),
        as well. The default is `True`.

        If the argument value is not a valid type.
        If the finiteness check on a numerical value returns
        a negative result.
    if not isinstance(arg_val, valid_types):
        if valid_type_desc is not None:
            type_phrase = f"not {valid_type_desc}"
            if not isinstance(valid_types, Iterable):
                valid_types = [valid_types]
            valid_type_str = ", ".join(dtype.__name__ for dtype in valid_types)
            type_phrase = f"not of any of the valid types ({valid_type_str})"

        if is_entry_of_arg:
            raise TypeError(
                f"Entry '{arg_val}' of the argument `{arg_name}` "
                f"is {type_phrase} (provided type '{type(arg_val).__name__}')"
            raise TypeError(
                f"Argument `{arg_name}` is {type_phrase} "
                f"(provided type '{type(arg_val).__name__}')"

    # check for finiteness, if desired
    if check_numeric_type_finite:
        if isinstance(valid_types, type):
            numeric_types_required = valid_types in valid_num_types
            numeric_types_required = set(valid_types).issubset(valid_num_types)
        if numeric_types_required and (math.isinf(arg_val) or math.isnan(arg_val)):
            if is_entry_of_arg:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Entry '{arg_val}' of the argument `{arg_name}` "
                    f"is not a finite numeric value"
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Argument `{arg_name}` is not a finite numeric value "
                    f"(provided value '{arg_val}')"

def is_ragged(arr, arr_types=None):
    Determine whether an array-like (such as a list or Numpy ndarray)
    is ragged.

    NOTE: if Numpy ndarrays are considered to be arr types,
    then zero-dimensional arrays are not considered to be as such.
    arr_types = (list, np.ndarray, tuple) if arr_types is None else arr_types

    is_zero_dim_arr = isinstance(arr, np.ndarray) and len(arr.shape) == 0
    if not isinstance(arr, arr_types) or is_zero_dim_arr:
        return False

    entries_are_seqs = []
    for entry in arr:
        if np.ndarray in arr_types and isinstance(entry, np.ndarray):
            # account for 0-D arrays (treat as non-arrays)
            entries_are_seqs.append(len(entry.shape) > 0)
            entries_are_seqs.append(isinstance(entry, arr_types))

    if not any(entries_are_seqs):
        return False
    if not all(entries_are_seqs):
        return True

    entries_ragged = [is_ragged(entry) for entry in arr]
    if any(entries_ragged):
        return True
        return any(
            np.array(arr[0]).shape != np.array(entry).shape for entry in arr

def validate_dimensions(arr_name, arr, dim, display_value=False):
    Validate dimension of an array-like object.
    Raise Exception if validation fails.
    if is_ragged(arr):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument `{arr_name}` should not be a ragged array-like "
            "(nested sequence of lists, tuples, arrays of different shape)"

    # check dimensions matched
    array = np.asarray(arr)
    if len(array.shape) != dim:
        val_str = f" from provided value {str(arr)}" if display_value else ""
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument `{arr_name}` must be a "
            f"{dim}-dimensional array-like "
            f"(detected {len(array.shape)} dimensions{val_str})"
    elif array.shape[-1] == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Last dimension of argument `{arr_name}` must be non-empty "
            f"(detected shape {array.shape})"

def validate_array(
    Validate shape and entry types of an array-like object.

    arr : array_like
        Object to validate.
    arr_name : str
        A name/descriptor of the object to validate.
        Usually, this is the name of an object attribute
        to which the array is meant to be set.
    dim : int
        Required dimension of the array-like object.
    valid_types : set[type]
        Allowable type(s) for each entry of the array.
    valid_type_desc : str or None, optional
        Descriptor for the allowable types.
    required_shape : list or None, optional
        Specification of the length of the array in each dimension.
        If `None` is provided, no specifications are imposed.
        If a `list` is provided, then each entry of the list must be
        an `int` specifying the required length in the dimension
        corresponding to the position of the entry
        or `None` (meaning no requirement for the length in the
        corresponding dimension).
    np_arr = np.array(arr, dtype=object)
    validate_dimensions(arr_name, np_arr, dim, display_value=False)

    def generate_shape_str(shape, required_shape):
        shape_str = ""
        assert len(shape) == len(required_shape)
        for idx, (sval, rsval) in enumerate(zip(shape, required_shape)):
            if rsval is None:
                shape_str += "..."
                shape_str += f"{sval}"
            if idx < len(shape) - 1:
                shape_str += ","
        return "(" + shape_str + ")"

    # validate shape requirements
    if required_shape is not None:
        assert len(required_shape) == dim
        for idx, size in enumerate(required_shape):
            if size is not None and size != np_arr.shape[idx]:
                req_shape_str = generate_shape_str(
                actual_shape_str = generate_shape_str(
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Attribute '{arr_name}' should be of shape "
                    f"{req_shape_str}, but detected shape "

    for val in np_arr.flat:

def uncertainty_sets(obj):
    if not isinstance(obj, UncertaintySet):
        raise ValueError("Expected an UncertaintySet object, instead recieved %s" % (obj,))
    return obj

def column(matrix, i):
    # Get column i of a given multi-dimensional list
    return [row[i] for row in matrix]

class Geometry(Enum):
    Geometry classifications for PyROS uncertainty set objects.
    LINEAR = 1

[docs]class UncertaintySet(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ An object representing an uncertainty set for a two-stage robust optimization model. Along with a `ConcreteModel` object representing the corresponding deterministic model formulation, the uncertainty set object may be passed to the PyROS solver to obtain a robust model solution. An `UncertaintySet` object should be viewed as merely a container for data needed to parameterize the set it represents, such that the object's attributes do not, in general, reference the components of a Pyomo modeling object. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def dim(self): """ Dimension of the uncertainty set (number of uncertain parameters in a corresponding optimization model of interest). """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def geometry(self): """ Geometry of the uncertainty set. See the `Geometry` class documentation. """ raise NotImplementedError @property @abc.abstractmethod def parameter_bounds(self): """ Bounds for the value of each uncertain parameter constrained by the set (i.e. bounds for each set dimension). """ raise NotImplementedError def bounding_model(self, config=None): """ Make uncertain parameter value bounding problems (optimize value of each uncertain parameter subject to constraints on the uncertain parameters). Parameters ---------- config : None or ConfigDict, optional If a ConfigDict is provided, then it contains arguments passed to the PyROS solver. Returns ------- model : ConcreteModel Bounding problem, with all Objectives deactivated. """ model = ConcreteModel() model.util = Block() # construct param vars, initialize to nominal point model.param_vars = Var(range(self.dim)) # add constraints model.cons = self.set_as_constraint( uncertain_params=model.param_vars, model=model, config=config, ) @model.Objective(range(self.dim)) def param_var_objectives(self, idx): return model.param_vars[idx] # deactivate all objectives model.param_var_objectives.deactivate() return model def is_bounded(self, config): """ Determine whether the uncertainty set is bounded. Parameters ---------- config : ConfigDict PyROS solver configuration. Returns ------- : bool True if the uncertainty set is certified to be bounded, and False otherwise. Notes ----- This check is carried out by solving a sequence of maximization and minimization problems (in which the objective for each problem is the value of a single uncertain parameter). If any of the optimization models cannot be solved successfully to optimality, then False is returned. This method is invoked during the validation step of a PyROS solver call. """ bounding_model = self.bounding_model(config=config) solver = config.global_solver # initialize uncertain parameter variables for param, param_var in zip( config.uncertain_params, bounding_model.param_vars.values(), ): param_var.set_value(param.value, skip_validation=True) for idx, obj in bounding_model.param_var_objectives.items(): # activate objective for corresponding dimension obj.activate() # solve for lower bound, then upper bound for sense in (minimize, maximize): obj.sense = sense res = solver.solve( bounding_model, load_solutions=False, tee=False, ) if not check_optimal_termination(res): return False # ensure sense is minimize when done, deactivate obj.sense = minimize obj.deactivate() return True def is_nonempty(self, config): """ Return True if the uncertainty set is nonempty, else False. """ return self.is_bounded(config) def is_valid(self, config): """ Return True if the uncertainty set is bounded and non-empty, else False. """ return self.is_nonempty(config=config) and self.is_bounded(config=config) @abc.abstractmethod def set_as_constraint(self, **kwargs): """ Construct a (sequence of) mathematical constraint(s) (represented by Pyomo `Constraint` objects) on the uncertain parameters to represent the uncertainty set for use in a two-stage robust optimization problem or subproblem (such as a PyROS separation subproblem). Parameters ---------- **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments containing, at the very least, a sequence of `Param` or `Var` objects representing the uncertain parameters of interest, and any additional information needed to generate the constraints. """ pass
[docs] def point_in_set(self, point): """ Determine whether a given point lies in the uncertainty set. Parameters ---------- point : (N,) array-like Point (parameter value) of interest. Returns ------- is_in_set : bool True if the point lies in the uncertainty set, False otherwise. Notes ----- This method is invoked at the outset of a PyROS solver call to determine whether a user-specified nominal parameter realization lies in the uncertainty set. """ # === Ensure point is of correct dimensionality as the uncertain parameters if len(point) != self.dim: raise AttributeError("Point must have same dimensions as uncertain parameters.") m = ConcreteModel() the_params = [] for i in range(self.dim): m.add_component("x_%s" % i, Var(initialize=point[i])) the_params.append(getattr(m, "x_%s" % i)) # === Generate constraint for set set_constraint = self.set_as_constraint(uncertain_params=the_params) # === value() returns True if the constraint is satisfied, False else. is_in_set = all(value(con.expr) for con in set_constraint.values()) return is_in_set
@staticmethod def add_bounds_on_uncertain_parameters(**kwargs): """ Specify the numerical bounds for the uncertain parameters restricted by the set. Each uncertain parameter is represented by a Pyomo `Var` object in a model passed to this method, and the numerical bounds are specified by setting the `.lb()` and `.ub()` attributes of the `Var` object. Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Keyword arguments consisting of a Pyomo `ConfigDict` and a Pyomo `ConcreteModel` object, representing a PyROS solver configuration and the optimization model of interest. Notes ----- This method is invoked in advance of a PyROS separation subproblem. """ config = kwargs.pop('config') model = kwargs.pop('model') _set = config.uncertainty_set parameter_bounds = _set.parameter_bounds for i, p in enumerate(model.util.uncertain_param_vars.values()): p.setlb(parameter_bounds[i][0]) p.setub(parameter_bounds[i][1])
class UncertaintySetList(MutableSequence): """ Wrapper around a list of uncertainty sets, all of which have an immutable common dimension. Parameters ---------- uncertainty_sets : iterable, optional Sequence of uncertainty sets. name : str or None, optional Name of the uncertainty set list. min_length : int or None, optional Minimum required length of the sequence. If `None` is provided, then the minimum required length is set to 0. """ def __init__(self, uncertainty_sets=[], name=None, min_length=None): """Initialize self (see class docstring). """ self._name = name self._min_length = 0 if min_length is None else min_length # check minimum length requirement satisfied initlist = list(uncertainty_sets) if len(initlist) < self._min_length: raise ValueError( f"Attempting to initialize uncertainty set list " f"{self._name!r} " f"of minimum required length {self._min_length} with an " f"iterable of length {len(initlist)}" ) # validate first entry of initial list. # The common dimension is set to that of the first entry # if validation is successful self._dim = None if initlist: self._validate(initlist[0]) # now initialize the list self._list = [] self.extend(initlist) def __len__(self): """Length of the list contained in self.""" return len(self._list) def __repr__(self): """Return repr(self).""" return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({repr(self._list)})" def __getitem__(self, idx): """Return self[idx].""" return self._list[idx] def __setitem__(self, idx, value): """Set self[idx] = value.""" if self._index_is_valid(idx): # perform validation and length check only if # index is valid, so that exceptions due to # index referencing (wrong type, out of range) # are raised in update attempt self._validate(value) self._check_length_update(idx, value) self._list[idx] = value def __delitem__(self, idx): """Perform del self[idx].""" if self._index_is_valid(idx): self._check_length_update(idx, []) del self._list[idx] def clear(self): """Remove all items from the list.""" self._check_length_update(slice(0, len(self)), []) self._list.clear() def insert(self, idx, value): """Insert an object before index denoted by idx.""" if isinstance(idx, Integral): # index should be valid. Validate value before # inserting self._validate(value, single_item=True) self._list.insert(idx, value) def _index_is_valid(self, idx, allow_int_only=False): """ Object to be used as list index is within range of list contained within self. Parameters ---------- idx : object List index. Usually an integer type or slice. allow_int_only : bool, optional Being an integral type is a necessary condition for validity. The default is True. Returns ------- : bool True if index is valid, False otherwise. """ try: self._list[idx] except (TypeError, IndexError): slice_valid = False else: slice_valid = True # if only integer types allowed, then must be an integer type int_req_satisfied = not allow_int_only or isinstance(idx, Integral) return slice_valid and int_req_satisfied def _check_length_update(self, idx, value): """ Check whether the update ``self[idx] = value`` reduces the length of self to a value smaller than the minimum length. Raises ------ ValueError If minimum length requirement is violated by the update. """ if isinstance(idx, Integral): slice_len = 1 else: slice_len = len(self._list[idx]) val_len = len(value) if isinstance(value, Iterable) else 1 new_len = len(self) + val_len - slice_len if new_len < self._min_length: raise ValueError( f"Length of uncertainty set list {self._name!r} must " f"be at least {self._min_length}" ) def _validate(self, value, single_item=False): """ Validate item or sequence of items to be inserted into self. Parameters ---------- value : object Object to validate. single_item : bool, optional Do not allow validation of iterables of objects (e.g. a list of ``UncertaintySet`` objects). The default is `False`. Raises ------ TypeError If object passed is not of the appropriate type (``UncertaintySet``, or an iterable thereof). ValueError If object passed is (or contains) an ``UncertaintySet`` whose dimension does not match that of other uncertainty sets in self. """ if not single_item and isinstance(value, Iterable): for val in value: self._validate(val, single_item=True) else: validate_arg_type( self._name, value, UncertaintySet, "An `UncertaintySet` object", is_entry_of_arg=True, ) if self._dim is None: # common dimension is now set self._dim = value.dim else: # ensure set added matches common dimension if value.dim != self._dim: raise ValueError( f"Uncertainty set list with name {self._name!r} " f"contains UncertaintySet objects of dimension " f"{self._dim}, but attempting to add set of dimension " f"{value.dim}" ) @property def dim(self): """Dimension of all uncertainty sets contained in self.""" return self._dim
[docs]class BoxSet(UncertaintySet): """ A hyper-rectangle (a.k.a "box"). Parameters ---------- bounds : (N, 2) array_like Lower and upper bounds for each dimension of the set. """ def __init__(self, bounds): """Initialize self (see class docstring). """ self.bounds = bounds @property def type(self): """ str : Brief description of the type of the uncertainty set. """ return "box" @property def bounds(self): """ (N, 2) numpy.ndarray : Lower and upper bounds for each dimension of the set. The bounds of a ``BoxSet`` instance can be changed, such that the dimension of the set remains unchanged. """ return self._bounds @bounds.setter def bounds(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="bounds", dim=2, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=[None, 2], ) bounds_arr = np.array(val) for lb, ub in bounds_arr: if lb > ub: raise ValueError( f"Lower bound {lb} exceeds upper bound {ub}" ) # box set dimension is immutable if hasattr(self, "_bounds") and bounds_arr.shape[0] != self.dim: raise ValueError( "Attempting to set bounds of a box set of dimension " f"{self.dim} to a value of dimension {bounds_arr.shape[0]}" ) self._bounds = np.array(val) @property def dim(self): """ int : Dimension of the box set. """ return len(self.bounds) @property def geometry(self): """ Geometry of the box set. See the `Geometry` class documentation. """ return Geometry.LINEAR @property def parameter_bounds(self): """ Uncertain parameter value bounds for the box set. Returns ------- : list(tuple) Box set bounds. """ return [tuple(bound) for bound in self.bounds] def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs): """ Construct a list of box constraints on a given sequence of uncertain parameter objects. Parameters ---------- uncertain_params : list of Param or list of Var Uncertain parameter objects upon which the constraints are imposed. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments. These arguments are currently ignored. Returns ------- conlist : ConstraintList The constraints on the uncertain parameters. """ conlist = ConstraintList() conlist.construct() set_i = list(range(len(uncertain_params))) for i in set_i: conlist.add(uncertain_params[i] >= self.bounds[i][0]) conlist.add(uncertain_params[i] <= self.bounds[i][1]) return conlist
[docs]class CardinalitySet(UncertaintySet): """ A cardinality-constrained (a.k.a. "gamma") set. Parameters ---------- origin : (N,) array_like Origin of the set (e.g. nominal uncertain parameter values). positive_deviation : (N,) array_like Maximal non-negative coordinate deviation from the origin in each dimension. gamma : numeric type Upper bound for the number of uncertain parameters which may realize their maximal deviations from the origin simultaneously. """ def __init__(self, origin, positive_deviation, gamma): """Initialize self (see class docstring). """ self.origin = origin self.positive_deviation = positive_deviation self.gamma = gamma @property def type(self): """ str : Brief description of the type of the uncertainty set. """ return "cardinality" @property def origin(self): """ (N,) numpy.ndarray : Origin of the cardinality set (e.g. nominal parameter values). """ return self._origin @origin.setter def origin(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="origin", dim=1, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", ) # dimension of the set is immutable val_arr = np.array(val) if hasattr(self, "_origin"): if val_arr.size != self.dim: raise ValueError( "Attempting to set attribute 'origin' of cardinality " f"set of dimension {self.dim} " f"to value of dimension {val_arr.size}" ) self._origin = val_arr @property def positive_deviation(self): """ (N,) numpy.ndarray : Maximal coordinate deviations from the origin in each dimension. All entries are nonnegative. """ return self._positive_deviation @positive_deviation.setter def positive_deviation(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="positive_deviation", dim=1, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", ) for dev_val in val: if dev_val < 0: raise ValueError( f"Entry {dev_val} of attribute 'positive_deviation' " f"is negative value" ) val_arr = np.array(val) # dimension of the set is immutable if hasattr(self, "_origin"): if val_arr.size != self.dim: raise ValueError( "Attempting to set attribute 'positive_deviation' of " f"cardinality set of dimension {self.dim} " f"to value of dimension {val_arr.size}" ) self._positive_deviation = val_arr @property def gamma(self): """ numeric type : Upper bound for the number of uncertain parameters which may maximally deviate from their respective origin values simultaneously. Must be a numerical value ranging from 0 to the set dimension. Note that mathematically, setting `gamma` to 0 reduces the set to a singleton containing the center, while setting `gamma` to the set dimension reduces the set to a hyperrectangle with bounds ``[origin, origin + positive_deviation]``. """ return self._gamma @gamma.setter def gamma(self, val): validate_arg_type( "gamma", val, valid_num_types, "a valid numeric type", False, ) if val < 0 or val > self.dim: raise ValueError( "Cardinality set attribute " f"'gamma' must be a real number between 0 and dimension " f"{self.dim} " f"(provided value {val})" ) self._gamma = val @property def dim(self): """ int : Dimension of the cardinality set. """ return len(self.origin) @property def geometry(self): """ Geometry of the cardinality set. See the `Geometry` class documentation. """ return Geometry.LINEAR @property def parameter_bounds(self): """ Uncertain parameter value bounds for the cardinality set. Returns ------- parameter_bounds : list of tuples A list of 2-tuples of numerical values. Each tuple specifies the uncertain parameter bounds for the corresponding set dimension. """ nom_val = self.origin deviation = self.positive_deviation gamma = self.gamma parameter_bounds = [(nom_val[i], nom_val[i] + min(gamma, 1) * deviation[i]) for i in range(len(nom_val))] return parameter_bounds def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs): """ Construct a list of cardinality set constraints on a sequence of uncertain parameter objects. Parameters ---------- uncertain_params : list of Param or list of Var Uncertain parameter objects upon which the constraints are imposed. **kwargs : dict Additional arguments. This dictionary should consist of a `model` entry, which maps to a `ConcreteModel` object representing the model of interest (parent model of the uncertain parameter objects). Returns ------- conlist : ConstraintList The constraints on the uncertain parameters. """ # === Ensure dimensions if len(uncertain_params) != len(self.origin): raise AttributeError("Dimensions of origin and uncertain_param lists must be equal.") model = kwargs['model'] set_i = list(range(len(uncertain_params))) model.util.cassi = Var(set_i, initialize=0, bounds=(0, 1)) # Make n equality constraints conlist = ConstraintList() conlist.construct() for i in set_i: conlist.add(self.origin[i] + self.positive_deviation[i] * model.util.cassi[i] == uncertain_params[i]) conlist.add(sum(model.util.cassi[i] for i in set_i) <= self.gamma) return conlist
[docs] def point_in_set(self, point): """ Determine whether a given point lies in the cardinality set. Parameters ---------- point : (N,) array-like Point (parameter value) of interest. Returns ------- : bool True if the point lies in the set, False otherwise. """ cassis = [] for i in range(self.dim): if self.positive_deviation[i] > 0: cassis.append((point[i] - self.origin[i])/self.positive_deviation[i]) if sum(cassi for cassi in cassis) <= self.gamma and \ all(cassi >= 0 and cassi <= 1 for cassi in cassis): return True else: return False
[docs]class PolyhedralSet(UncertaintySet): """ A bounded convex polyhedron or polytope. Parameters ---------- lhs_coefficients_mat : (M, N) array_like Left-hand side coefficients for the linear inequality constraints defining the polyhedral set. rhs_vec : (M,) array_like Right-hand side values for the linear inequality constraints defining the polyhedral set. """ def __init__(self, lhs_coefficients_mat, rhs_vec): """Initialize self (see class docstring). """ # set attributes to copies of the originals self.coefficients_mat = lhs_coefficients_mat self.rhs_vec = rhs_vec # validate nonemptiness and boundedness here. # This check is only performed at construction. self._validate() def _validate(self): """ Check polyhedral set attributes are such that set is nonempty (solve a feasibility problem). Raises ------ ValueError If set is empty, or the check was not successfully completed due to numerical issues. """ # solve LP res = sp.optimize.linprog( c=np.zeros(self.coefficients_mat.shape[1]), A_ub=self.coefficients_mat, b_ub=self.rhs_vec, method="simplex", bounds=(None, None), ) # check termination if res.status == 1 or res.status == 4: raise ValueError( "Could not verify nonemptiness of the " "polyhedral set (`scipy.optimize.linprog(method=simplex)` " f" status {res.status}) " ) elif res.status == 2: raise ValueError( "PolyhedralSet defined by 'coefficients_mat' and " "'rhs_vec' is empty. Check arguments" ) @property def type(self): """ str : Brief description of the type of the uncertainty set. """ return "polyhedral" @property def coefficients_mat(self): """ (M, N) numpy.ndarray : Coefficient matrix for the (linear) inequality constraints defining the polyhedral set. In tandem with the `rhs_vec` attribute, this matrix should be such that the polyhedral set is nonempty and bounded. Such a check is performed only at instance construction. """ return self._coefficients_mat @coefficients_mat.setter def coefficients_mat(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="coefficients_mat", dim=2, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=None, ) lhs_coeffs_arr = np.array(val) # check no change in set dimension if hasattr(self, "_coefficients_mat"): if lhs_coeffs_arr.shape[1] != self.dim: raise ValueError( f"Polyhedral set attribute 'coefficients_mat' must have " f"{self.dim} columns to match set dimension " f"(provided matrix with {lhs_coeffs_arr.shape[1]} columns)" ) # check shape match with rhs vector if hasattr(self, "_rhs_vec"): if lhs_coeffs_arr.shape[0] != self.rhs_vec.size: raise ValueError( "PolyhedralSet attribute 'coefficients_mat' " f"must have {self.rhs_vec.size} rows " f"to match shape of attribute 'rhs_vec' " f"(provided {lhs_coeffs_arr.shape[0]} rows)" ) # check no column is all zeros. otherwise, set is unbounded cols_with_all_zeros = np.nonzero( [np.all(col == 0) for col in lhs_coeffs_arr.T] )[0] if cols_with_all_zeros.size > 0: col_str = ", ".join(str(val) for val in cols_with_all_zeros) raise ValueError( "Attempting to set attribute 'coefficients_mat' to value " f"with all entries zero in columns at indexes: {col_str}. " "Ensure column has at least one nonzero entry" ) self._coefficients_mat = lhs_coeffs_arr @property def rhs_vec(self): """ (M,) numpy.ndarray : Right-hand side values (upper bounds) for the (linear) inequality constraints defining the polyhedral set. """ return self._rhs_vec @rhs_vec.setter def rhs_vec(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="rhs_vec", dim=1, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=None, ) rhs_vec_arr = np.array(val) # ensure shape of coefficients matrix # and rhs vec match if hasattr(self, "_coefficients_mat"): if len(val) != self.coefficients_mat.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "PolyhedralSet attribute 'rhs_vec' " f"must have {self.coefficients_mat.shape[0]} entries " f"to match shape of attribute 'coefficients_mat' " f"(provided {rhs_vec_arr.size} entries)" ) self._rhs_vec = rhs_vec_arr @property def dim(self): """ int : Dimension of the polyhedral set. """ return len(self.coefficients_mat[0]) @property def geometry(self): """ Geometry of the polyhedral set. See the `Geometry` class documentation. """ return Geometry.LINEAR @property def parameter_bounds(self): """ Uncertain parameter value bounds for the polyhedral set. Currently, an empty list, as the bounds cannot, in general, be computed without access to an optimization solver. """ return [] def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs): """ Construct a list of polyhedral constraints on a given sequence of uncertain parameter objects. Parameters ---------- uncertain_params : list of Param or list of Var Uncertain parameter objects upon which the constraints are imposed. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments. These arguments are currently ignored. Returns ------- conlist : ConstraintList The constraints on the uncertain parameters. """ # === Ensure valid dimensions of lhs and rhs w.r.t uncertain_params if np.asarray(self.coefficients_mat).shape[1] != len(uncertain_params): raise AttributeError("Columns of coefficients_mat matrix " "must equal length of uncertain parameters list.") set_i = list(range(len(self.coefficients_mat))) conlist = ConstraintList() conlist.construct() for i in set_i: constraint = 0 for j in range(len(uncertain_params)): constraint += float(self.coefficients_mat[i][j]) * uncertain_params[j] conlist.add(constraint <= float(self.rhs_vec[i])) return conlist @staticmethod def add_bounds_on_uncertain_parameters(model, config): """ Specify the numerical bounds for each of a sequence of uncertain parameters, represented by Pyomo `Var` objects, in a modeling object. The numerical bounds are specified through the `.lb()` and `.ub()` attributes of the `Var` objects. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Model of interest (parent model of the uncertain parameter objects for which to specify bounds). config : ConfigDict PyROS solver config. Notes ----- This method is invoked in advance of a PyROS separation subproblem. """ add_bounds_for_uncertain_parameters(model=model, config=config)
[docs]class BudgetSet(UncertaintySet): """ A budget set. Parameters ---------- budget_membership_mat : (M, N) array_like Incidence matrix of the budget constraints. Each row corresponds to a single budget constraint, and defines which uncertain parameters (which dimensions) participate in that row's constraint. rhs_vec : (M,) array_like Budget limits (upper bounds) with respect to the origin of the set. origin : (N,) array_like or None, optional Origin of the budget set. If `None` is provided, then the origin is set to the zero vector. """ def __init__(self, budget_membership_mat, rhs_vec, origin=None): """Initialize self (see class docstring). """ self.budget_membership_mat = budget_membership_mat self.budget_rhs_vec = rhs_vec self.origin = np.zeros(self.dim) if origin is None else origin @property def type(self): """ str : Brief description of the type of the uncertainty set. """ return "budget" @property def coefficients_mat(self): """ (M + N, N) numpy.ndarray : Coefficient matrix of all polyhedral constraints defining the budget set. Composed from the incidence matrix used for defining the budget constraints and a coefficient matrix for individual uncertain parameter nonnegativity constraints. This attribute cannot be set. The budget constraint incidence matrix may be altered through the `budget_membership_mat` attribute. """ return np.append( self.budget_membership_mat, -np.identity(self.dim), axis=0, ) @property def rhs_vec(self): """ (M + N,) numpy.ndarray : Right-hand side vector for polyhedral constraints defining the budget set. This also includes entries for nonnegativity constraints on the uncertain parameters. This attribute cannot be set, and is automatically determined given other attributes. """ return np.append( self.budget_rhs_vec + self.budget_membership_mat @ self.origin, -self.origin, ) @property def budget_membership_mat(self): """ (M, N) numpy.ndarray : Incidence matrix of the budget constraints. Each row corresponds to a single budget constraint, and defines which uncertain parameters (which dimensions) participate in that row's constraint. """ return self._budget_membership_mat @budget_membership_mat.setter def budget_membership_mat(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="budget_membership_mat", dim=2, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=None, ) lhs_coeffs_arr = np.array(val) # check dimension match if hasattr(self, "_budget_membership_mat"): if lhs_coeffs_arr.shape[1] != self.dim: raise ValueError( f"BudgetSet attribute 'budget_membership_mat' " "must have " f"{self.dim} columns to match set dimension " f"(provided matrix with {lhs_coeffs_arr.shape[1]} columns)" ) # check shape match with rhs vector if hasattr(self, "_budget_rhs_vec"): if lhs_coeffs_arr.shape[0] != self.budget_rhs_vec.size: raise ValueError( "BudgetSet attribute 'budget_membership_mat' " f"must have {self.budget_rhs_vec.size} rows " f"to match shape of attribute 'budget_rhs_vec' " f"(provided {lhs_coeffs_arr.shape[0]} rows)" ) # ensure all entries are 0-1 values uniq_entries = np.unique(lhs_coeffs_arr) non_bool_entries = uniq_entries[ (uniq_entries != 0) & (uniq_entries != 1) ] if non_bool_entries.size > 0: raise ValueError( "Attempting to set attribute `budget_membership_mat` to value " "containing entries that are not 0-1 values " f"(example: {non_bool_entries[0]}). " "Ensure all entries are of value 0 or 1" ) # check no row is all zeros rows_with_zero_sums = np.nonzero(lhs_coeffs_arr.sum(axis=1) == 0)[0] if rows_with_zero_sums.size > 0: row_str = ", ".join(str(val) for val in rows_with_zero_sums) raise ValueError( "Attempting to set attribute `budget_membership_mat` to value " f"with all entries zero in rows at indexes: {row_str}. " "Ensure each row and column has at least one nonzero entry" ) # check no column is all zeros cols_with_zero_sums = np.nonzero(lhs_coeffs_arr.sum(axis=0) == 0)[0] if cols_with_zero_sums.size > 0: col_str = ", ".join(str(val) for val in cols_with_zero_sums) raise ValueError( "Attempting to set attribute `budget_membership_mat` to value " f"with all entries zero in columns at indexes: {col_str}. " "Ensure each row and column has at least one nonzero entry" ) # matrix is valid; update self._budget_membership_mat = lhs_coeffs_arr @property def budget_rhs_vec(self): """ (M,) numpy.ndarray : Budget limits (upper bounds) with respect to the origin. """ return self._budget_rhs_vec @budget_rhs_vec.setter def budget_rhs_vec(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="budget_rhs_vec", dim=1, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=None, ) rhs_vec_arr = np.array(val) # ensure shape of coefficients matrix # and rhs vec match if hasattr(self, "_budget_membership_mat"): if len(val) != self.budget_membership_mat.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Budget set attribute 'budget_rhs_vec' " f"must have {self.budget_membership_mat.shape[0]} entries " f"to match shape of attribute 'budget_membership_mat' " f"(provided {rhs_vec_arr.size} entries)" ) # ensure all entries are nonnegative for entry in rhs_vec_arr: if entry < 0: raise ValueError( f"Entry {entry} of attribute 'budget_rhs_vec' is " "negative. Ensure all entries are nonnegative" ) self._budget_rhs_vec = rhs_vec_arr @property def origin(self): """ (N,) numpy.ndarray : Origin of the budget set. """ return self._origin @origin.setter def origin(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="origin", dim=1, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=None, ) origin_arr = np.array(val) # ensure shape of coefficients matrix # and rhs vec match if len(val) != self.dim: raise ValueError( "Budget set attribute 'origin' " f"must have {self.dim} entries " f"to match set dimension " f"(provided {origin_arr.size} entries)" ) self._origin = origin_arr @property def dim(self): """ int : Dimension of the budget set. """ return self.budget_membership_mat.shape[1] @property def geometry(self): """ Geometry of the budget set. See the `Geometry` class documentation. """ return Geometry.LINEAR @property def parameter_bounds(self): """ Uncertain parameter value bounds for the budget set. Returns ------- parameter_bounds : list of tuples A list of 2-tuples of numerical values. Each tuple specifies the uncertain parameter bounds for the corresponding set dimension. """ bounds = [] for orig_val, col in zip(self.origin, self.budget_membership_mat.T): lb = orig_val ub = orig_val + np.min(self.budget_rhs_vec[col == 1]) bounds.append((lb, ub)) return bounds def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs): """ Construct a list of the constraints defining the budget set on a given sequence of uncertain parameter objects. Parameters ---------- uncertain_params : list of Param or list of Var Uncertain parameter objects upon which the constraints are imposed. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments. These arguments are currently ignored. Returns ------- conlist : ConstraintList The constraints on the uncertain parameters. """ # === Ensure matrix cols == len uncertain params if self.dim != len(uncertain_params): raise ValueError( f"Argument 'uncertain_params' must contain {self.dim}" "Param objects to match BudgetSet dimension" f"(provided {len(uncertain_params)} objects)" ) return PolyhedralSet.set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params) @staticmethod def add_bounds_on_uncertain_parameters(model, config): """ Specify the numerical bounds for each of a sequence of uncertain parameters, represented by Pyomo `Var` objects, in a modeling object. The numerical bounds are specified through the `.lb()` and `.ub()` attributes of the `Var` objects. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Model of interest (parent model of the uncertain parameter objects for which to specify bounds). config : ConfigDict PyROS solver config. Notes ----- This method is invoked in advance of a PyROS separation subproblem. """ # In this case, we use the UncertaintySet class method # because we have numerical parameter_bounds UncertaintySet.add_bounds_on_uncertain_parameters(model=model, config=config)
[docs]class FactorModelSet(UncertaintySet): """ A factor model (a.k.a "net-alpha" model) set. Parameters ---------- origin : (N,) array_like Uncertain parameter values around which deviations are restrained. number_of_factors : int Natural number representing the dimensionality of the space to which the set projects. psi_mat : (N, `number_of_factors`) array_like Matrix designating each uncertain parameter's contribution to each factor. Each row is associated with a separate uncertain parameter. Each column is associated with a separate factor. beta : numeric type Real value between 0 and 1 specifying the fraction of the independent factors that can simultaneously attain their extreme values. """ def __init__(self, origin, number_of_factors, psi_mat, beta): """Initialize self (see class docstring). """ self.origin = origin self.number_of_factors = number_of_factors self.beta = beta self.psi_mat = psi_mat @property def type(self): """ str : Brief description of the type of the uncertainty set. """ return "factor_model" @property def origin(self): """ (N,) numpy.ndarray : Uncertain parameter values around which deviations are restrained. """ return self._origin @origin.setter def origin(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="origin", dim=1, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", ) # dimension of the set is immutable val_arr = np.array(val) if hasattr(self, "_origin"): if val_arr.size != self.dim: raise ValueError( "Attempting to set attribute 'origin' of factor model " f"set of dimension {self.dim} " f"to value of dimension {val_arr.size}" ) self._origin = val_arr @property def number_of_factors(self): """ int : Natural number representing the dimensionality of the space to which the set projects. This attribute is immutable, and may only be set at object construction. Typically, the number of factors is significantly less than the set dimension, but no restriction to that end is imposed here. """ return self._number_of_factors @number_of_factors.setter def number_of_factors(self, val): if hasattr(self, "_number_of_factors"): raise AttributeError("Attribute 'number_of_factors' is immutable") else: # validate type and value validate_arg_type("number_of_factors", val, Integral) if val < 1: raise ValueError( "Attribute 'number_of_factors' must be a positive int " f"(provided value {val})" ) self._number_of_factors = val @property def psi_mat(self): """ (N, `number_of_factors`) numpy.ndarray : Matrix designating each uncertain parameter's contribution to each factor. Each row is associated with a separate uncertain parameter. Each column with a separate factor. """ return self._psi_mat @psi_mat.setter def psi_mat(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="psi_mat", dim=2, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=None, ) psi_mat_arr = np.array(val) # validate shape (check it matches set dimensions) # origin and number of factors already set if psi_mat_arr.shape != (self.dim, self.number_of_factors): raise ValueError( "Psi matrix for factor model set " f"should be of shape {self.dim, self.number_of_factors} " f"to match the set and factor model space dimensions " f"(provided shape {psi_mat_arr.shape})" ) # check values acceptable for column in psi_mat_arr.T: if np.allclose(column, 0): raise ValueError( "Each column of attribute 'psi_mat' should have at least " "one nonzero entry" ) self._psi_mat = psi_mat_arr @property def beta(self): """ numeric type : Real number ranging from 0 to 1 representing the fraction of the independent factors that can simultaneously attain their extreme values. Note that mathematically, setting `beta = 0` will enforce that as many factors will be above 0 as there will be below 0 (i.e., "zero-net-alpha" model). Setting `beta = 1` produces the hyper-rectangle ``[origin - psi @ e, origin + psi @ e]``, where `e` is a vector of ones. """ return self._beta @beta.setter def beta(self, val): if val > 1 or val < 0: raise ValueError( "Beta parameter must be a real number between 0 " f"and 1 inclusive (provided value {val})" ) self._beta = val @property def dim(self): """ int : Dimension of the factor model set. """ return len(self.origin) @property def geometry(self): """ Geometry of the factor model set. See the `Geometry` class documentation. """ return Geometry.LINEAR @property def parameter_bounds(self): """ Uncertain parameter value bounds for the factor model set. Returns ------- parameter_bounds : list of tuples A list of 2-tuples of numerical values. Each tuple specifies the uncertain parameter bounds for the corresponding set dimension. """ F = self.number_of_factors psi_mat = self.psi_mat # evaluate some important quantities beta_F = self.beta * self.number_of_factors crit_pt_type = int((beta_F + F) / 2) beta_F_fill_in = (beta_F + F) - 2 * crit_pt_type - 1 # argsort rows of psi_mat in descending order row_wise_args = np.argsort(-psi_mat, axis=1) parameter_bounds = [] for idx, orig_val in enumerate(self.origin): # number nonnegative values in row M = len(psi_mat[idx][psi_mat[idx] >= 0]) # argsort psi matrix row in descending order sorted_psi_row_args = row_wise_args[idx] sorted_psi_row = psi_mat[idx, sorted_psi_row_args] # now evaluate max deviation from origin # (depends on number nonneg entries and critical point type) if M > crit_pt_type: max_deviation = ( sorted_psi_row[:crit_pt_type].sum() + beta_F_fill_in * sorted_psi_row[crit_pt_type] - sorted_psi_row[crit_pt_type + 1:].sum() ) elif M < F - crit_pt_type: max_deviation = ( sorted_psi_row[:F - crit_pt_type - 1].sum() - beta_F_fill_in * sorted_psi_row[F - crit_pt_type - 1] - sorted_psi_row[F - crit_pt_type:].sum() ) else: max_deviation = ( sorted_psi_row[:M].sum() - sorted_psi_row[M:].sum() ) # finally, evaluate the bounds for this dimension parameter_bounds.append( (orig_val - max_deviation, orig_val + max_deviation), ) return parameter_bounds def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs): """ Construct a list of factor model constraints on a given sequence of uncertain parameter objects. Parameters ---------- uncertain_params : list of Param or list of Var Uncertain parameter objects upon which the constraints are imposed. **kwargs : dict Additional arguments. This dictionary should consist of a `model` entry, which maps to a `ConcreteModel` object representing the model of interest (parent model of the uncertain parameter objects). Returns ------- conlist : ConstraintList The constraints on the uncertain parameters. """ model = kwargs['model'] # === Ensure dimensions if len(uncertain_params) != len(self.origin): raise AttributeError("Dimensions of origin and uncertain_param lists must be equal.") # Make F-dim cassi variable n = list(range(self.number_of_factors)) model.util.cassi = Var(n, initialize=0, bounds=(-1, 1)) conlist = ConstraintList() conlist.construct() disturbances = [sum(self.psi_mat[i][j] * model.util.cassi[j] for j in n) for i in range(len(uncertain_params))] # Make n equality constraints for i in range(len(uncertain_params)): conlist.add(self.origin[i] + disturbances[i] == uncertain_params[i]) conlist.add(sum(model.util.cassi[i] for i in n) <= +self.beta * self.number_of_factors) conlist.add(sum(model.util.cassi[i] for i in n) >= -self.beta * self.number_of_factors) return conlist
[docs] def point_in_set(self, point): """ Determine whether a given point lies in the factor model set. Parameters ---------- point : (N,) array-like Point (parameter value) of interest. Returns ------- : bool True if the point lies in the set, False otherwise. """ inv_psi = np.linalg.pinv(self.psi_mat) diff = np.asarray(list(point[i] - self.origin[i] for i in range(len(point)))) cassis =, np.transpose(diff)) if abs(sum(cassi for cassi in cassis)) <= self.beta * self.number_of_factors and \ all(cassi >= -1 and cassi <= 1 for cassi in cassis): return True else: return False
[docs]class AxisAlignedEllipsoidalSet(UncertaintySet): """ An axis-aligned ellipsoid. Parameters ---------- center : (N,) array_like Center of the ellipsoid. half_lengths : (N,) aray_like Semi-axis lengths of the ellipsoid. """ def __init__(self, center, half_lengths): """Initialize self (see class docstring). """ = center self.half_lengths = half_lengths @property def type(self): """ str : Brief description of the type of the uncertainty set. """ return "ellipsoidal" @property def center(self): """ (N,) numpy.ndarray : Center of the ellipsoid. """ return self._center @center.setter def center(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="center", dim=1, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=None, ) val_arr = np.array(val) # dimension of the set is immutable if hasattr(self, "_center"): if val_arr.size != self.dim: raise ValueError( "Attempting to set attribute 'center' of " f"AxisAlignedEllipsoidalSet of dimension {self.dim} " f"to value of dimension {val_arr.size}" ) self._center = val_arr @property def half_lengths(self): """ (N,) numpy.ndarray : Semi-axis lengths. """ return self._half_lengths @half_lengths.setter def half_lengths(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="half_lengths", dim=1, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=None, ) val_arr = np.array(val) # dimension of the set is immutable if hasattr(self, "_center"): if val_arr.size != self.dim: raise ValueError( "Attempting to set attribute 'half_lengths' of " f"AxisAlignedEllipsoidalSet of dimension {self.dim} " f"to value of dimension {val_arr.size}" ) # ensure half-lengths are non-negative for half_len in val_arr: if half_len < 0: raise ValueError( f"Entry {half_len} of 'half_lengths' " "is negative. All half-lengths must be nonnegative" ) self._half_lengths = val_arr @property def dim(self): """ int : Dimension of the axis-aligned ellipsoidal set. """ return len( @property def geometry(self): """ Geometry of the axis-aligned ellipsoidal set. See the `Geometry` class documentation. """ return Geometry.CONVEX_NONLINEAR @property def parameter_bounds(self): """ Uncertain parameter value bounds for the axis-aligned ellipsoidal set. Returns ------- parameter_bounds : list of tuples A list of 2-tuples of numerical values. Each tuple specifies the uncertain parameter bounds for the corresponding set dimension. """ nom_value = half_length =self.half_lengths parameter_bounds = [(nom_value[i] - half_length[i], nom_value[i] + half_length[i]) for i in range(len(nom_value))] return parameter_bounds def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, model=None, config=None): """ Construct a list of ellipsoidal constraints on a given sequence of uncertain parameter objects. Parameters ---------- uncertain_params : {IndexedParam, IndexedVar, list of Param/Var} Uncertain parameter objects upon which the constraints are imposed. Indexed parameters are accepted, and are unpacked for constraint generation. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments. These arguments are currently ignored. Returns ------- conlist : ConstraintList The constraints on the uncertain parameters. """ all_params = list() # expand all uncertain parameters to a list. # this accounts for the cases in which `uncertain_params` # consists of indexed model components, # or is itself a single indexed component if not isinstance(uncertain_params, (tuple, list)): uncertain_params = [uncertain_params] all_params = [] for uparam in uncertain_params: all_params.extend(uparam.values()) if len(all_params) != len( raise AttributeError( f"Center of ellipsoid is of dimension {len(}," f" but vector of uncertain parameters is of dimension" f" {len(all_params)}" ) zip_all = zip(all_params,, self.half_lengths) diffs_squared = list() # now construct the constraints conlist = ConstraintList() conlist.construct() for param, ctr, half_len in zip_all: if half_len > 0: diffs_squared.append((param - ctr) ** 2 / (half_len) ** 2) else: # equality constraints for parameters corresponding to # half-lengths of zero conlist.add(param == ctr) conlist.add(sum(diffs_squared) <= 1) return conlist
[docs]class EllipsoidalSet(UncertaintySet): """ A general ellipsoid. Parameters ---------- center : (N,) array-like Center of the ellipsoid. shape_matrix : (N, N) array-like A positive definite matrix characterizing the shape and orientation of the ellipsoid. scale : numeric type, optional Square of the factor by which to scale the semi-axes of the ellipsoid (i.e. the eigenvectors of the shape matrix). The default is `1`. """ def __init__(self, center, shape_matrix, scale=1): """Initialize self (see class docstring). """ = center self.shape_matrix = shape_matrix self.scale = scale @property def type(self): """ str : Brief description of the type of the uncertainty set. """ return "ellipsoidal" @property def center(self): """ (N,) numpy.ndarray : Center of the ellipsoid. """ return self._center @center.setter def center(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="center", dim=1, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=None, ) val_arr = np.array(val) # dimension of the set is immutable if hasattr(self, "_center"): if val_arr.size != self.dim: raise ValueError( "Attempting to set attribute 'center' of " f"AxisAlignedEllipsoidalSet of dimension {self.dim} " f"to value of dimension {val_arr.size}" ) self._center = val_arr @staticmethod def _verify_positive_definite(matrix): """ Verify that a given symmetric square matrix is positive definite. An exception is raised if the square matrix is not positive definite. Parameters ---------- matrix : (N, N) array_like Candidate matrix. Raises ------ ValueError If matrix is not symmetric, not positive definite, or the square roots of the diagonal entries are not accessible. LinAlgError If matrix is not invertible. """ matrix = np.array(matrix) if not np.allclose(matrix, matrix.T, atol=1e-8): raise ValueError("Shape matrix must be symmetric.") # Numpy raises LinAlgError if not invertible np.linalg.inv(matrix) # check positive semi-definite. # since also invertible, means positive definite eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(matrix) if np.min(eigvals) < 0: raise ValueError( "Non positive-definite shape matrix " f"(detected eigenvalues {eigvals})" ) # check roots of diagonal entries accessible # (should theoretically be true if positive definite) for diag_entry in np.diagonal(matrix): if np.isnan(np.power(diag_entry, 0.5)): raise ValueError( "Cannot evaluate square root of the diagonal entry " f"{diag_entry} of argument `shape_matrix`. " "Check that this entry is nonnegative" ) @property def shape_matrix(self): """ (N, N) numpy.ndarray : A positive definite matrix characterizing the shape and orientation of the ellipsoid. """ return self._shape_matrix @shape_matrix.setter def shape_matrix(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="shape_matrix", dim=2, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=None, ) shape_mat_arr = np.array(val) # check matrix shape matches set dimension if hasattr(self, "_center"): if not all(size == self.dim for size in shape_mat_arr.shape): raise ValueError( f"EllipsoidalSet attribute 'shape_matrix' " f"must be a square matrix of size " f"{self.dim} to match set dimension " f"(provided matrix with shape {shape_mat_arr.shape})" ) self._verify_positive_definite(shape_mat_arr) self._shape_matrix = shape_mat_arr @property def scale(self): """ numeric type : Square of the factor by which to scale the semi-axes of the ellipsoid (i.e. the eigenvectors of the shape matrix). """ return self._scale @scale.setter def scale(self, val): validate_arg_type( "scale", val, valid_num_types, "a valid numeric type", False, ) if val < 0: raise ValueError( "EllipsoidalSet attribute " f"'scale' must be a non-negative real " f"(provided value {val})" ) self._scale = val @property def dim(self): """ int : Dimension of the ellipsoidal set. """ return len( @property def geometry(self): """ Geometry of the ellipsoidal set. See the `Geometry` class documentation. """ return Geometry.CONVEX_NONLINEAR @property def parameter_bounds(self): """ Uncertain parameter value bounds for the ellipsoidal set. Returns ------- parameter_bounds : list of tuples A list of 2-tuples of numerical values. Each tuple specifies the uncertain parameter bounds for the corresponding set dimension. """ scale = self.scale nom_value = P = self.shape_matrix parameter_bounds = [(nom_value[i] - np.power(P[i][i] * scale, 0.5), nom_value[i] + np.power(P[i][i] * scale, 0.5)) for i in range(self.dim)] return parameter_bounds def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs): """ Construct a list of ellipsoidal constraints on a given sequence of uncertain parameter objects. Parameters ---------- uncertain_params : {IndexedParam, IndexedVar, list of Param/Var} Uncertain parameter objects upon which the constraints are imposed. Indexed parameters are accepted, and are unpacked for constraint generation. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments. These arguments are currently ignored. Returns ------- conlist : ConstraintList The constraints on the uncertain parameters. """ inv_covar = np.linalg.inv(self.shape_matrix) if len(uncertain_params) != len( raise AttributeError("Center of ellipsoid must be same dimensions as vector of uncertain parameters.") # Calculate row vector of differences diff = [] # === Assume VarList uncertain_param_vars for idx, i in enumerate(uncertain_params): if uncertain_params[idx].is_indexed(): for index in uncertain_params[idx]: diff.append(uncertain_params[idx][index] -[idx]) else: diff.append(uncertain_params[idx] -[idx]) # Calculate inner product of difference vector and covar matrix product1 = [sum([x * y for x, y in zip(diff, column(inv_covar, i))]) for i in range(len(inv_covar))] constraint = sum([x * y for x, y in zip(product1, diff)]) conlist = ConstraintList() conlist.construct() conlist.add(constraint <= self.scale) return conlist
[docs]class DiscreteScenarioSet(UncertaintySet): """ A discrete set of finitely many uncertain parameter realizations (or scenarios). Parameters ---------- scenarios : (M, N) array_like A sequence of M distinct uncertain parameter realizations. """ def __init__(self, scenarios): """Initialize self (see class docstring). """ # Standardize to list of tuples self.scenarios = scenarios @property def type(self): """ str : Brief description of the type of the uncertainty set. """ return "discrete" @property def scenarios(self): """ list(tuple) : Uncertain parameter realizations comprising the set. Each tuple is an uncertain parameter realization. Note that the `scenarios` attribute may be modified, but only such that the dimension of the set remains unchanged. """ return self._scenarios @scenarios.setter def scenarios(self, val): validate_array( arr=val, arr_name="scenarios", dim=2, valid_types=valid_num_types, valid_type_desc="a valid numeric type", required_shape=None, ) scenario_arr = np.array(val) if hasattr(self, "_scenarios"): if scenario_arr.shape[1] != self.dim: raise ValueError( f"DiscreteScenarioSet attribute 'scenarios' must have " f"{self.dim} columns to match set dimension " f"(provided array-like with {scenario_arr.shape[1]} " "columns)" ) self._scenarios = [tuple(s) for s in val] @property def dim(self): """ int : Dimension of the discrete scenario set. """ return len(self.scenarios[0]) @property def geometry(self): """ Geometry of the discrete scenario set. See the `Geometry` class documentation. """ return Geometry.DISCRETE_SCENARIOS @property def parameter_bounds(self): """ Uncertain parameter value bounds for the discrete scenario set. Returns ------- parameter_bounds : list of tuples A list of 2-tuples of numerical values. Each tuple specifies the uncertain parameter bounds for the corresponding set dimension. """ parameter_bounds = [(min(s[i] for s in self.scenarios), max(s[i] for s in self.scenarios)) for i in range(self.dim)] return parameter_bounds def is_bounded(self, config): """ Return True if the uncertainty set is bounded, and False otherwise. By default, the discrete scenario set is bounded, as the entries of all uncertain parameter scenarios are finite. """ return True def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs): """ Construct a list of contraints on a given sequence of uncertain parameter objects. Parameters ---------- uncertain_params : list of Param or list of Var Uncertain parameter objects upon which the constraints are imposed. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments. These arguments are currently ignored. Returns ------- conlist : ConstraintList The constraints on the uncertain parameters. """ # === Ensure point is of correct dimensionality as the uncertain parameters dim = len(uncertain_params) if any(len(d) != dim for d in self.scenarios): raise AttributeError("All scenarios must have same dimensions as uncertain parameters.") conlist = ConstraintList() conlist.construct() for n in list(range(len(self.scenarios))): for i in list(range(len(uncertain_params))): conlist.add(uncertain_params[i] == self.scenarios[n][i]) conlist.deactivate() return conlist
[docs] def point_in_set(self, point): """ Determine whether a given point lies in the discrete scenario set. Parameters ---------- point : (N,) array-like Point (parameter value) of interest. Returns ------- : bool True if the point lies in the set, False otherwise. """ # Round all double precision to a tolerance num_decimals = 8 rounded_scenarios = list(list(round(num, num_decimals) for num in d) for d in self.scenarios) rounded_point = list(round(num, num_decimals) for num in point) return any(rounded_point==rounded_d for rounded_d in rounded_scenarios)
[docs]class IntersectionSet(UncertaintySet): """ An intersection of a sequence of uncertainty sets, each of which is represented by an ``UncertaintySet`` object. Parameters ---------- **uncertainty_sets : dict PyROS ``UncertaintySet`` objects of which to construct an intersection. At least two uncertainty sets must be provided. All sets must be of the same dimension. """ def __init__(self, **unc_sets): """Initialize self (see class docstring). """ self.all_sets = unc_sets @property def type(self): """ str : Brief description of the type of the uncertainty set. """ return "intersection" @property def all_sets(self): """ UncertaintySetList : List of the uncertainty sets of which to take the intersection. Must be of minimum length 2. This attribute may be set through any iterable of `UncertaintySet` objects, and exhibits similar behavior to a ``list``. """ return self._all_sets @all_sets.setter def all_sets(self, val): if isinstance(val, dict): the_sets = val.values() else: the_sets = list(val) # type validation, ensure all entries have same dimension all_sets = UncertaintySetList(the_sets, name="all_sets", min_length=2) # set dimension is immutable if hasattr(self, "_all_sets"): if all_sets.dim != self.dim: raise ValueError( "Attempting to set attribute 'all_sets' of an " f"IntersectionSet of dimension {self.dim} to a sequence " f"of sets of dimension {all_sets[0].dim}" ) self._all_sets = all_sets @property def dim(self): """ int : Dimension of the intersection set. """ return self.all_sets[0].dim @property def geometry(self): """ Geometry of the intersection set. See the `Geometry` class documentation. """ return max(self.all_sets[i].geometry.value for i in range(len(self.all_sets))) @property def parameter_bounds(self): """ Uncertain parameter value bounds for the intersection set. Currently, an empty list, as the bounds cannot, in general, be computed without access to an optimization solver. """ return []
[docs] def point_in_set(self, point): """ Determine whether a given point lies in the intersection set. Parameters ---------- point : (N,) array-like Point (parameter value) of interest. Returns ------- : bool True if the point lies in the set, False otherwise. """ if all(a_set.point_in_set(point=point) for a_set in self.all_sets): return True else: return False
def is_empty_intersection(self, uncertain_params, nlp_solver): """ Determine if intersection is empty. Arguments --------- uncertain_params : list of Param or list of Var List of uncertain parameter objects. nlp_solver : Pyomo SolverFactory object NLP solver. Returns ------- is_empty_intersection : bool True if the intersection is certified to be empty, and False otherwise. """ # === Non-emptiness check for the set intersection is_empty_intersection = True if any(a_set.type == "discrete" for a_set in self.all_sets): disc_sets = (a_set for a_set in self.all_sets if a_set.type == "discrete") disc_set = min(disc_sets, key=lambda x: len(x.scenarios)) # minimum set of scenarios # === Ensure there is at least one scenario from this discrete set which is a member of all other sets for scenario in disc_set.scenarios: if all(a_set.point_in_set(point=scenario) for a_set in self.all_sets): is_empty_intersection = False break else: # === Compile constraints and solve NLP m = ConcreteModel() m.obj = Objective(expr=0) # dummy objective required if using baron m.param_vars = Var(uncertain_params.index_set()) for a_set in self.all_sets: m.add_component(a_set.type + "_constraints", a_set.set_as_constraint(uncertain_params=m.param_vars)) try: res = nlp_solver.solve(m) except: raise ValueError("Solver terminated with an error while checking set intersection non-emptiness.") if check_optimal_termination(res): is_empty_intersection = False return is_empty_intersection # === Define pairwise intersection function @staticmethod def intersect(Q1, Q2): """ Obtain the intersection of two uncertainty sets. Parameters ---------- Q1, Q2 : UncertaintySet Operand uncertainty sets. Returns ------- : DiscreteScenarioSet or IntersectionSet Intersection of the sets. A `DiscreteScenarioSet` is returned if both operand sets are `DiscreteScenarioSet` instances; otherwise, an `IntersectionSet` is returned. """ constraints = ConstraintList() constraints.construct() for set in (Q1, Q2): other = Q1 if set is Q2 else Q2 if set.type == "discrete": intersected_scenarios = [] for point in set.scenarios: if other.point_in_set(point=point): intersected_scenarios.append(point) return DiscreteScenarioSet(scenarios=intersected_scenarios) # === This case is if both sets are continuous return IntersectionSet(set1=Q1, set2=Q2) return def set_as_constraint(self, uncertain_params, **kwargs): """ Construct a list of constraints on a given sequence of uncertain parameter objects. In advance of constructing the constraints, a check is performed to determine whether the set is empty. Parameters ---------- uncertain_params : list of Param or list of Var Uncertain parameter objects upon which the constraints are imposed. **kwargs : dict Additional arguments. Must contain a `config` entry, which maps to a `ConfigDict` containing an entry entitled `global_solver`. The `global_solver` key maps to an NLP solver, purportedly with global optimization capabilities. Returns ------- conlist : ConstraintList The constraints on the uncertain parameters. Raises ------ AttributeError If the intersection set is found to be empty. """ try: nlp_solver = kwargs["config"].global_solver except: raise AttributeError("set_as_constraint for SetIntersection requires access to an NLP solver via" "the PyROS Solver config.") is_empty_intersection = self.is_empty_intersection(uncertain_params=uncertain_params, nlp_solver=nlp_solver) def _intersect(Q1, Q2): return self.intersect(Q1, Q2) if not is_empty_intersection: Qint = functools.reduce(_intersect, self.all_sets) if Qint.type == "discrete": return Qint.set_as_constraint(uncertain_params=uncertain_params) else: conlist = ConstraintList() conlist.construct() for set in Qint.all_sets: for con in list(set.set_as_constraint(uncertain_params=uncertain_params).values()): conlist.add(con.expr) return conlist else: raise AttributeError("Set intersection is empty, cannot proceed with PyROS robust optimization.") @staticmethod def add_bounds_on_uncertain_parameters(model, config): """ Specify the numerical bounds for each of a sequence of uncertain parameters, represented by Pyomo `Var` objects, in a modeling object. The numerical bounds are specified through the `.lb()` and `.ub()` attributes of the `Var` objects. Parameters ---------- model : ConcreteModel Model of interest (parent model of the uncertain parameter objects for which to specify bounds). config : ConfigDict PyROS solver config. Notes ----- This method is invoked in advance of a PyROS separation subproblem. """ add_bounds_for_uncertain_parameters(model=model, config=config) return