Projected NLP Interface

class pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.nlp_projections.ProjectedNLP(original_nlp, primals_ordering)[source]

Bases: _BaseNLPDelegator


Override this to provide string names for the constraints


Returns vector of lower bounds for the constraints

Return type:vector-like

Returns vector of upper bounds for the constraints

Return type:vector-like

Creates a vector of the appropriate length and structure as requested

Parameters:vector_type ({'primals', 'constraints', 'duals'}) – String identifying the appropriate vector to create.
Return type:vector-like

Returns the values for the constraints evaluated at the values given for the primal variales in set_primals

Parameters:out (array_like, optional) – Output array. Its type is preserved and it must be of the right shape to hold the output.
Return type:vector_like

Returns gradient of the objective function evaluated at the values given for the primal variables in set_primals

Parameters:out (vector_like, optional) – Output vector. Its type is preserved and it must be of the right shape to hold the output.
Return type:vector_like

Return the Hessian of the Lagrangian function evaluated at the values given for the primal variables in set_primals and the dual variables in set_duals

Parameters:out (matrix_like (e.g., coo_matrix), optional) – Output matrix with the structure of the hessian already defined. Optional
Return type:matrix_like

Returns the Jacobian of the constraints evaluated at the values given for the primal variables in set_primals

Parameters:out (matrix_like (e.g., coo_matrix), optional) – Output matrix with the structure of the jacobian already defined.
Return type:matrix_like

Returns value of objective function evaluated at the values given for the primal variables in set_primals

Return type:float

Return the desired scaling factors to use for the for the constraints. None indicates no scaling. This indicates potential scaling for the model, but the evaluation methods should return unscaled values

Return type:array-like or None

Get a copy of the values of the dual variables as provided in set_duals. These are the values that will be used in calls to the evaluation methods.


Get the value of the objective function factor as set by set_obj_factor. This is the value that will be used in calls to the evaluation of the hessian of the lagrangian (evaluate_hessian_lag)


Return the desired scaling factor to use for the for the objective function. None indicates no scaling. This indicates potential scaling for the model, but the evaluation methods should return unscaled values

Return type:float or None

Get a copy of the values of the primal variables as provided in set_primals. These are the values that will be used in calls to the evaluation methods


Return the desired scaling factors to use for the for the primals. None indicates no scaling. This indicates potential scaling for the model, but the evaluation methods should return unscaled values

Return type:array-like or None

Returns vector with initial values for the dual variables of the constraints


Returns vector with initial values for the primal variables


Returns number of constraints


Returns number of primal variables


Returns number of nonzero values in hessian of the lagrangian function


Returns number of nonzero values in jacobian of equality constraints


Returns vector of lower bounds for the primal variables

Return type:vector-like

Override this to provide string names for the primal variables


Returns vector of upper bounds for the primal variables

Return type:vector-like
report_solver_status(status_code, status_message)[source]

Report the solver status to NLP class using the values for the primals and duals defined in the set methods


Set the value of the dual variables for the constraints to be used in calls to the evaluation methods (hessian_lag)

Parameters:duals (vector_like) – Vector with the values of dual variables for the equality constraints

Set the value of the objective function factor to be used in calls to the evaluation of the hessian of the lagrangian (evaluate_hessian_lag)

Parameters:obj_factor (float) – Value of the objective function factor used in the evaluation of the hessian of the lagrangian

Set the value of the primal variables to be used in calls to the evaluation methods

Parameters:primals (vector_like) – Vector with the values of primal variables.