Source code for pyomo.core.util

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2022
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

# Utility functions

__all__ = ['sum_product', 'summation', 'dot_product', 'sequence', 'prod', 'quicksum', 'target_list']

from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import native_numeric_types
from pyomo.core.expr.numeric_expr import decompose_term
from pyomo.core.expr import current as EXPR
from pyomo.core.base.var import Var
from pyomo.core.base.expression import Expression
from pyomo.core.base.component import _ComponentBase
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def prod(terms): """ A utility function to compute the product of a list of terms. Args: terms (list): A list of terms that are multiplied together. Returns: The value of the product, which may be a Pyomo expression object. """ ans = 1 for term in terms: ans *= term return ans
[docs]def quicksum(args, start=0, linear=None): """ A utility function to compute a sum of Pyomo expressions. The behavior of :func:`quicksum` is similar to the builtin :func:`sum` function, but this function generates a more compact Pyomo expression. Args: args: A generator for terms in the sum. start: A value that is initializes the sum. If this value is not a numeric constant, then the += operator is used to add terms to this object. Defaults to zero. linear: If :attr:`start` is not a numeric constant, then this option is ignored. Otherwise, this value indicates whether the terms in the sum are linear. If the value is :const:`False`, then the terms are treated as nonlinear, and if :const:`True`, then the terms are treated as linear. Default is :const:`None`, which indicates that the first term in the :attr:`args` is used to determine this value. Returns: The value of the sum, which may be a Pyomo expression object. """ # Ensure that args is an iterator (this manages things like IndexedComponent_slice objects) try: args = iter(args) except: logger.error('The argument `args` to quicksum() is not iterable!') raise # # If we're starting with a numeric value, then # create a new nonlinear sum expression but # return a static version to the user. # if start.__class__ in native_numeric_types: if linear is None: # # Get the first term, which we will test for linearity # first = next(args, None) if first is None: return start # # Check if the first term is linear, and if so return the terms # linear, terms = decompose_term(first) # # Right now Pyomo5 expressions can only handle single linear # terms. # # Also, we treat linear expressions as nonlinear if the constant # term is not a native numeric type. Otherwise, large summation # objects are created for the constant term. # if linear: nvar=0 for term in terms: c,v = term if not v is None: nvar += 1 elif not c.__class__ in native_numeric_types: linear = False if nvar > 1: linear = False start = start+first if linear: with EXPR.linear_expression() as e: e += start for arg in args: e += arg # Return the constant term if the linear expression does not # contain variables # # getattr() because the linear expression may not have ended # up being linear (and e could be a SumExpression) if not getattr(e, 'linear_vars', True): return e.constant return e else: with EXPR.nonlinear_expression() as e: e += start for arg in args: e += arg if e.nargs() == 0: return 0 elif e.nargs() == 1: return e.arg(0) return e # # Otherwise, use the context that is provided and return it. # e = start for arg in args: e += arg return e
[docs]def sum_product(*args, **kwds): """ A utility function to compute a generalized dot product. This function accepts one or more components that provide terms that are multiplied together. These products are added together to form a sum. Args: *args: Variable length argument list of generators that create terms in the summation. **kwds: Arbitrary keyword arguments. Keyword Args: index: A set that is used to index the components used to create the terms denom: A component or tuple of components that are used to create the denominator of the terms start: The initial value used in the sum Returns: The value of the sum. """ denom = kwds.pop('denom', tuple() ) if type(denom) not in (list, tuple): denom = [denom] nargs = len(args) ndenom = len(denom) if nargs == 0 and ndenom == 0: raise ValueError("The sum_product() command requires at least an " + \ "argument or a denominator term") if 'index' in kwds: index=kwds['index'] else: if nargs > 0: iarg=args[-1] if not isinstance(iarg,Var) and not isinstance(iarg, Expression): raise ValueError("Error executing sum_product(): The last argument value must be a variable or expression object if no 'index' option is specified") else: iarg=denom[-1] if not isinstance(iarg,Var) and not isinstance(iarg, Expression): raise ValueError("Error executing sum_product(): The last denom argument value must be a variable or expression object if no 'index' option is specified") index = iarg.index_set() start = kwds.get("start", 0) vars_ = [] params_ = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, Var): vars_.append(arg) else: params_.append(arg) nvars = len(vars_) if ndenom == 0: # # Sum of polynomial terms # if start.__class__ in native_numeric_types: if nvars == 1: v = vars_[0] if len(params_) == 0: with EXPR.linear_expression() as expr: expr += start for i in index: expr += v[i] elif len(params_) == 1: p = params_[0] with EXPR.linear_expression() as expr: expr += start for i in index: expr += p[i]*v[i] else: with EXPR.linear_expression() as expr: expr += start for i in index: term = 1 for p in params_: term *= p[i] expr += term * v[i] return expr # with EXPR.nonlinear_expression() as expr: expr += start for i in index: term = 1 for arg in args: term *= arg[i] expr += term return expr # return quicksum((prod(arg[i] for arg in args) for i in index), start) elif nargs == 0: # # Sum of reciprocals # return quicksum((1/prod(den[i] for den in denom) for i in index), start) else: # # Sum of fractions # return quicksum(( prod(arg[i] for arg in args) / prod(den[i] for den in denom) for i in index), start)
#: An alias for :func:`sum_product <pyomo.core.expr.util>` dot_product = sum_product #: An alias for :func:`sum_product <pyomo.core.expr.util>` summation = sum_product def sequence(*args): """ sequence([start,] stop[, step]) -> generator for a list of integers Return a generator that containing an arithmetic progression of integers. sequence(i, j) returns [i, i+1, i+2, ..., j]; start defaults to 1. step specifies the increment (or decrement) For example, sequence(4) returns [1, 2, 3, 4]. """ if len(args) == 0: raise ValueError('sequence expected at least 1 arguments, got 0') if len(args) > 3: raise ValueError('sequence expected at most 3 arguments, got %d' % len(args)) if len(args) == 1: return range(1,args[0]+1) if len(args) == 2: return range(args[0],args[1]+1) return range(args[0],args[1]+1,args[2]) def target_list(x): if isinstance(x, _ComponentBase): return [ x ] elif hasattr(x, '__iter__'): ans = [] for i in x: if isinstance(i, _ComponentBase): ans.append(i) else: raise ValueError( "Expected Component or list of Components." "\n\tReceived %s" % (type(i),)) return ans else: raise ValueError( "Expected Component or list of Components." "\n\tReceived %s" % (type(x),))