Source code for pyomo.common.tempfiles

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2022
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  This module was originally developed as part of the PyUtilib project
#  Copyright (c) 2008 Sandia Corporation.
#  This software is distributed under the BSD License.
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
#  the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

import os
import time
import tempfile
import logging
import shutil
import weakref
from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated, deprecation_warning
from pyomo.common.errors import TempfileContextError
from pyomo.common.multithread import MultiThreadWrapperWithMain
    from pyutilib.component.config.tempfiles import (
        TempfileManager as pyutilib_mngr
except ImportError:
    pyutilib_mngr = None

deletion_errors_are_fatal = True

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TempfileManagerClass(object): """A class for managing tempfile contexts Pyomo declares a global instance of this class as ``TempfileManager``: .. doctest:: >>> from pyomo.common.tempfiles import TempfileManager This class provides an interface for managing :class:`TempfileContext` contexts. It implements a basic stack, where users can :meth:`push()` a new context (causing it to become the current "active" context) and :meth:`pop()` contexts off (optionally deleting all files associated with the context). In general usage, users will either use this class to create new tempfile contexts and use them explicitly (i.e., through a context manager): .. doctest:: >>> import os >>> with TempfileManager.new_context() as tempfile: ... fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp() ... dname = tempfile.mkdtemp() ... os.path.isfile(fname) ... os.path.isdir(dname) True True >>> os.path.exists(fname) False >>> os.path.exists(dname) False or through an implicit active context accessed through the manager class: .. doctest:: >>> TempfileManager.push() <pyomo.common.tempfiles.TempfileContext object ...> >>> fname = TempfileManager.create_tempfile() >>> dname = TempfileManager.create_tempdir() >>> os.path.isfile(fname) True >>> os.path.isdir(dname) True >>> TempfileManager.pop() <pyomo.common.tempfiles.TempfileContext object ...> >>> os.path.exists(fname) False >>> os.path.exists(dname) False """ def __init__(self): self._context_stack = [] self._context_manager_stack = [] self.tempdir = None def __del__(self): self.shutdown() def shutdown(self, remove=True): if not self._context_stack: return if any(ctx.tempfiles for ctx in self._context_stack): logger.error( "Temporary files created through TempfileManager " "contexts have not been deleted (observed during " "TempfileManager instance shutdown).\n" "Undeleted entries:\n\t"+ "\n\t".join( fname if isinstance(fname, str) else fname.decode() for ctx in self._context_stack for fd, fname in ctx.tempfiles)) if self._context_stack: logger.warning( "TempfileManagerClass instance: un-popped tempfile " "contexts still exist during TempfileManager instance " "shutdown") self.clear_tempfiles(remove) # Delete the stack so that subsequent operations generate an # exception self._context_stack = None
[docs] def context(self): """Return the current active TempfileContext. Raises ------ TempfileContextError if there is not a current context.""" if not self._context_stack: raise TempfileContextError( "TempfileManager has no currently active context. " "Create a context (with push() or __enter__()) before " "attempting to create temporary objects.") return self._context_stack[-1]
[docs] def create_tempfile(self, suffix=None, prefix=None, text=False, dir=None): "Call :meth:`TempfileContext.create_tempfile` on the active context" return self.context().create_tempfile( suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, text=text, dir=dir)
[docs] def create_tempdir(self, suffix=None, prefix=None, dir=None): "Call :meth:`TempfileContext.create_tempdir` on the active context" return self.context().create_tempdir( suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=dir)
[docs] def add_tempfile(self, filename, exists=True): "Call :meth:`TempfileContext.add_tempfile` on the active context" return self.context().add_tempfile( filename=filename, exists=exists)
[docs] def clear_tempfiles(self, remove=True): """Delete all temporary files and remove all contexts.""" while self._context_stack: self.pop(remove)
[docs] @deprecated("The TempfileManager.sequential_files() method has been " "removed. All temporary files are created with guaranteed " "unique names. Users wishing sequentially numbered files " "should create a temporary (empty) directory using mkdtemp " "/ create_tempdir and place the sequential files within it.", version='6.2') def sequential_files(self, ctr=0): pass
def unique_files(self): pass
[docs] def new_context(self): """Create and return an new tempfile context Returns ------- TempfileContext the newly-created tempfile context """ return TempfileContext(self)
[docs] def push(self): """Create a new tempfile context and set it as the active context. Returns ------- TempfileContext the newly-created tempfile context """ context = self.new_context() self._context_stack.append(context) return context
[docs] def pop(self, remove=True): """Remove and release the active context Parameters ---------- remove: bool If ``True``, delete all managed files / directories """ ctx = self._context_stack.pop() ctx.release(remove) return ctx
def __enter__(self): ctx = self.push() self._context_manager_stack.append(ctx) return ctx def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): ctx = self._context_manager_stack.pop() while True: if ctx is self.pop(): break logger.warning( "TempfileManager: tempfile context was pushed onto " "the TempfileManager stack within a context manager " "(i.e., `with TempfileManager:`) but was not popped " "before the context manager exited. Popping the " "context to preserve the stack integrity.")
[docs]class TempfileContext: """A `context` for managing collections of temporary files Instances of this class hold a "temporary file context". That is, this records a collection of temporary file system objects that are all managed as a group. The most common use of the context is to ensure that all files are deleted when the context is released. This class replicates a significant portion of the :mod:`tempfile` module interface. Instances of this class may be used as context managers (with the temporary files / directories getting automatically deleted when the context manager exits). Instances will also attempt to delete any temporary objects from the filesystem when the context falls out of scope (although this behavior is not guaranteed for instances existing when the interpreter is shutting down). """ def __init__(self, manager): self.manager = weakref.ref(manager) self.tempfiles = [] self.tempdir = None def __del__(self): self.release() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.release()
[docs] def mkstemp(self, suffix=None, prefix=None, dir=None, text=False): """Create a unique temporary file using :func:`tempfile.mkstemp` Parameters are handled as in :func:`tempfile.mkstemp`, with the exception that the new file is created in the directory returned by :meth:`gettempdir` Returns ------- fd: int the opened file descriptor fname: str or bytes the absolute path to the new temporary file """ dir = self._resolve_tempdir(dir) # Note: ans == (fd, fname) ans = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=dir, text=text) self.tempfiles.append(ans) return ans
[docs] def mkdtemp(self, suffix=None, prefix=None, dir=None): """Create a unique temporary directory using :func:`tempfile.mkdtemp` Parameters are handled as in :func:`tempfile.mkdtemp`, with the exception that the new file is created in the directory returned by :meth:`gettempdir` Returns ------- dname: str or bytes the absolute path to the new temporary directory """ dir = self._resolve_tempdir(dir) dname = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=dir) self.tempfiles.append((None, dname)) return dname
[docs] def gettempdir(self): """Return the default name of the directory used for temporary files. This method returns the first non-null location returned from: - This context's ``tempdir`` (i.e., ``self.tempdir``) - This context's manager's ``tempdir`` (i.e., ``self.manager().tempdir``) - :func:`tempfile.gettempdir()` Returns ------- dir: str The default directory to use for creating temporary objects """ dir = self._resolve_tempdir() if dir is None: return tempfile.gettempdir() if isinstance(dir, bytes): return dir.decode() return dir
[docs] def gettempdirb(self): """Same as :meth:`gettempdir()`, but the return value is ``bytes`` """ dir = self._resolve_tempdir() if dir is None: return tempfile.gettempdirb() if not isinstance(dir, bytes): return dir.encode() return dir
[docs] def gettempprefix(self): """Return the filename prefix used to create temporary files. See :func:`tempfile.gettempprefix()` """ return tempfile.gettempprefix()
[docs] def gettempprefixb(self): """Same as :meth:`gettempprefix()`, but the return value is ``bytes`` """ return tempfile.gettempprefixb()
[docs] def create_tempfile(self, suffix=None, prefix=None, text=False, dir=None): """Create a unique temporary file. The file name is generated as in :func:`tempfile.mkstemp()`. Any file handles to the new file (e.g., from :meth:`mkstemp`) are closed. Returns ------- fname: str or bytes The absolute path of the new file. """ fd, fname = self.mkstemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=dir, text=text) os.close(fd) self.tempfiles[-1] = (None, fname) return fname
[docs] def create_tempdir(self, suffix=None, prefix=None, dir=None): """Create a unique temporary directory. The file name is generated as in :func:`tempfile.mkdtemp()`. Returns ------- dname: str or bytes The absolute path of the new directory. """ return self.mkdtemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix, dir=dir)
[docs] def add_tempfile(self, filename, exists=True): """Declare the specified file/directory to be temporary. This adds the specified path as a "temporary" object to this context's list of managed temporary paths (i.e., it will be potentially be deleted when the context is released (see :meth:`release`). Parameters ---------- filename: str the file / directory name to be treated as temporary exists: bool if ``True``, the file / directory must already exist. """ tmp = os.path.abspath(filename) if exists and not os.path.exists(tmp): raise IOError("Temporary file does not exist: " + tmp) self.tempfiles.append((None, tmp))
[docs] def release(self, remove=True): """Release this context This releases the current context, potentially deleting all managed temporary objects (files and directories), and resetting the context to generate unique names. Parameters ---------- remove: bool If ``True``, delete all managed files / directories """ if remove: for fd, name in reversed(self.tempfiles): if fd is not None: try: os.close(fd) except OSError: pass self._remove_filesystem_object(name) self.tempfiles.clear()
def _resolve_tempdir(self, dir=None): if dir is not None: return dir elif self.tempdir is not None: return self.tempdir elif self.manager().tempdir is not None: return self.manager().tempdir elif TempfileManager.main_thread.tempdir is not None: return TempfileManager.main_thread.tempdir elif pyutilib_mngr is not None and pyutilib_mngr.tempdir is not None: deprecation_warning( "The use of the PyUtilib TempfileManager.tempdir " "to specify the default location for Pyomo " "temporary files has been deprecated. " "Please set TempfileManager.tempdir in " "pyomo.common.tempfiles", version='5.7.2') return pyutilib_mngr.tempdir return None def _remove_filesystem_object(self, name): if not os.path.exists(name): return if os.path.isfile(name) or os.path.islink(name): try: os.remove(name) except WindowsError: # Sometimes Windows doesn't release the # file lock immediately when the process # terminates. If we get an error, wait a # second and try again. try: time.sleep(1) os.remove(name) except WindowsError: if deletion_errors_are_fatal: raise else: # Failure to delete a tempfile # should NOT be fatal logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.warning("Unable to delete temporary " "file %s" % (name,)) return assert os.path.isdir(name) shutil.rmtree( name, ignore_errors=not deletion_errors_are_fatal)
# The global Pyomo TempfileManager instance TempfileManager: TempfileManagerClass = MultiThreadWrapperWithMain(TempfileManagerClass)