Source code for pyomo.core.kernel.matrix_constraint

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2022
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from pyomo.common.dependencies import (
    numpy, numpy_available as has_numpy,
    scipy, scipy_available as has_scipy,
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import NumericValue
from pyomo.core.kernel.constraint import \

_noarg = object()

# Note: This class is experimental. The implementation may
#       change or it may go away.

class _MatrixConstraintData(IConstraint):
    A placeholder object for linear constraints in a
    matrix_constraint container. A user should not
    directly instantiate this class.
    _ctype = IConstraint
    _linear_canonical_form = True
    __slots__ = ("_parent",

    def __init__(self, index):
        assert index >= 0
        self._parent = None
        self._storage_key = index
        self._active = True

    def index(self):
        """The row index of this constraint in the parent matrix"""
        return self._storage_key

    def terms(self):
        """An iterator over the terms in the body of this
        constraint as (variable, coefficient) tuples"""
        parent = self.parent
        x = parent.x
        if x is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "No variable order has been assigned")
        A = parent._A
        if parent._sparse:
            for k in range(A.indptr[self._storage_key],
                yield x[A.indices[k]],[k]
            for item in zip(x, A[self._storage_key,:].tolist()):
                yield item

    # Override a the default __call__ method on IConstraint
    # to avoid building the body expression

    def __call__(self, exception=True):
        # don't mask an exception in the terms
        # property method
        if self.parent.x is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "No variable order has been assigned")
            return sum(c*v() for v,c in self.terms)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            if exception:
            return None

    # Define the IConstraint abstract methods

    def body(self):
        """The body of the constraint"""
        return sum(c * v for v, c in self.terms)

    def lb(self):
        """The lower bound of the constraint"""
    def lb(self, lb):
        if self.equality:
            raise ValueError(
                "The lb property can not be set "
                "when the equality property is True.")
        if lb is None:
            lb = -numpy.inf
        elif isinstance(lb, NumericValue):
            raise ValueError("lb must be set to "
                             "a simple numeric type "
                             "or None")[self._storage_key] = lb

    def ub(self):
        """The upper bound of the constraint"""
        return self.parent.ub[self._storage_key]
    def ub(self, ub):
        if self.equality:
            raise ValueError(
                "The ub property can not be set "
                "when the equality property is True.")
        if ub is None:
            ub = numpy.inf
        elif isinstance(ub, NumericValue):
            raise ValueError("ub must be set to "
                             "a simple numeric type "
                             "or None")
        self.parent.ub[self._storage_key] = ub

    def rhs(self):
        """The right-hand side of the constraint. This
        property can only be read when the equality property
        is :const:`True`. Assigning to this property
        implicitly sets the equality property to
        if not self.equality:
            raise ValueError(
                "The rhs property can not be read "
                "when the equality property is False.")
    def rhs(self, rhs):
        if rhs is None:
            # None has a different meaning depending on the
            # context (lb or ub), so there is no way to
            # interpret this
            raise ValueError(
                "Constraint right-hand side can not "
                "be assigned a value of None.")
        elif isinstance(rhs, NumericValue):
            raise ValueError("rhs must be set to "
                             "a simple numeric type "
                             "or None")[self._storage_key] = rhs
        self.parent.ub[self._storage_key] = rhs
        self.parent.equality[self._storage_key] = True

    def bounds(self):
        """The bounds of the constraint as a tuple (lb, ub)"""
        return ([self._storage_key],
    def bounds(self, bounds_tuple):, self.ub = bounds_tuple

    def equality(self):
        """Returns :const:`True` when this is an equality

        Disable equality by assigning
        :const:`False`. Equality can only be activated by
        assigning a value to the .rhs property."""
        return self.parent.equality[self._storage_key]
    def equality(self, equality):
        if equality:
            raise ValueError(
                "The constraint equality flag can "
                "only be set to True by assigning "
                "a value to the rhs property "
                "(e.g., con.rhs =")
        assert not equality
        self.parent.equality[self._storage_key] = False

    # Define methods that writers expect when the
    # _linear_canonical_form flag is True

    def canonical_form(self, compute_values=True):
        """Build a canonical representation of the body of
        this constraints"""
        from pyomo.repn.standard_repn import StandardRepn
        variables = []
        coefficients = []
        constant = 0
        for v, c in self.terms:
            # we call float to get rid of the numpy type
            c = float(c)
            if not v.fixed:
                if compute_values:
                    constant += c * v()
                    constant += c * v
        repn = StandardRepn()
        repn.linear_vars = tuple(variables)
        repn.linear_coefs = tuple(coefficients)
        repn.constant = constant
        return repn

[docs]class matrix_constraint(constraint_tuple): """ A container for constraints of the form lb <= Ax <= ub. Args: A: A scipy sparse matrix or 2D numpy array (always copied) lb: A scalar or array with the same number of rows as A that defines the lower bound of the constraints ub: A scalar or array with the same number of rows as A that defines the upper bound of the constraints rhs: A scalar or array with the same number of rows as A that defines the right-hand side of the constraints (implies equality constraints) x: A list with the same number of columns as A that stores the variable associated with each column sparse: Indicates whether or not sparse storage (CSR format) should be used to store A. Default is :const:`True`. """ __slots__ = ("_A", "_sparse", "_lb", "_ub", "_equality", "_x") def __init__(self, A, lb=None, ub=None, rhs=None, x=None, sparse=True): if (not has_numpy) or (not has_scipy): #pragma:nocover raise ValueError("This class requires numpy and scipy") m, n = A.shape assert m > 0 assert n > 0 cons = (_MatrixConstraintData(i) for i in range(m)) super(matrix_constraint, self).__init__(cons) if sparse: self._sparse = True self._A = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(A, dtype=float, copy=True) self._A.indices.setflags(write=False) self._A.indptr.setflags(write=False) else: self._sparse = False self._A = numpy.array(A, dtype=float, copy=True) self._A.setflags(write=False) self._lb = numpy.ndarray(m, dtype=float) self._ub = numpy.ndarray(m, dtype=float) self._equality = numpy.ndarray(m, dtype=bool) self._equality.fill(False) # now use the setters to fill the arrays self.x = x if rhs is None: = lb self.ub = ub else: if ((lb is not None) or \ (ub is not None)): raise ValueError("The 'rhs' keyword can not " "be used with the 'lb' or " "'ub' keywords to initialize" " a constraint.") self.rhs = rhs @property def sparse(self): """Boolean indicating whether or not the underlying matrix uses sparse storage""" return self._sparse @property def A(self): """A read-only view of the constraint matrix""" if self._sparse: return scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(self._A, copy=False) else: return self._A.view() @property def x(self): """The list of variables associated with the columns of the constraint matrix""" return self._x @x.setter def x(self, x): if x is None: self._x = None else: x = tuple(x) m,n = self._A.shape if len(x) != n: raise ValueError( "Argument length must be %s " "not %s" % (n, len(x))) self._x = x @property def lb(self): """The array of constraint lower bounds""" return self._lb.view() @lb.setter def lb(self, lb): if self.equality.any(): raise ValueError( "The lb array can not be set " "when there are indices of the " "equality array that are True") if lb is None: lb = -numpy.inf if isinstance(lb, numpy.ndarray): numpy.copyto(self._lb, lb) elif isinstance(lb, NumericValue): raise ValueError("lb must be set to " "a simple numeric type " "or a numpy array") else: self._lb.fill(lb) @property def ub(self): """The array of constraint upper bounds""" return self._ub.view() @ub.setter def ub(self, ub): if self.equality.any(): raise ValueError( "The ub array can not be set " "when there are indices of the " "equality array that are True") if ub is None: ub = numpy.inf if isinstance(ub, numpy.ndarray): numpy.copyto(self._ub, ub) elif isinstance(ub, NumericValue): raise ValueError("ub must be set to " "a simple numeric type " "or a numpy array") else: self._ub.fill(ub) @property def rhs(self): """The array of constraint right-hand sides. Can be set to a scalar or a numpy array of the same dimension. This property can only be read when the equality property is :const:`True` on every index. Assigning to this property implicitly sets the equality property to :const:`True` on every index.""" if not self.equality.all(): raise ValueError( "The rhs array can not be read when " "there are indices of the equality array " "that are False.") return self._lb.view() @rhs.setter def rhs(self, rhs): if rhs is None: # None has a different meaning depending on the # context (lb or ub), so there is no way to # interpret this raise ValueError( "Constraint right-hand side can not " "be assigned a value of None.") elif isinstance(rhs, NumericValue): raise ValueError("rhs must be set to " "a simple numeric type " "or a numpy array") elif isinstance(rhs, numpy.ndarray): numpy.copyto(self._lb, rhs) numpy.copyto(self._ub, rhs) else: self._lb.fill(rhs) self._ub.fill(rhs) self._equality.fill(True) @property def equality(self): """The array of boolean entries indicating the indices that are equality constraints""" return self._equality.view() @equality.setter def equality(self, equality): if equality: raise ValueError( "The constraint equality flag can " "only be set to True by assigning " "an expression to the rhs property " "(e.g., con.rhs =") assert not equality self._equality.fill(False) def __call__(self, exception=True): """Compute the value of the body of this constraint""" if self.x is None: raise ValueError( "No variable order has been assigned") values = numpy.array([v.value for v in self.x], dtype=float) if numpy.isnan(values).any(): if exception: raise ValueError("One or more variables " "do not have a value") return None return @property def lslack(self, body=_noarg): """Lower slack (body - lb)""" # this method is written so that constraint # types that build the body expression on the # fly do not have to here if body is _noarg: body = self(exception=False) if body is None: return None return body - @property def uslack(self, body=_noarg): """Upper slack (ub - body)""" # this method is written so that constraint # types that build the body expression on the # fly do not have to here if body is _noarg: body = self(exception=False) if body is None: return None return self.ub - body @property def slack(self): """min(lslack, uslack)""" # this method is written so that constraint # types that build the body expression on the # fly do not have to here body = self(exception=False) if body is None: return None lslack = self.__class__.lslack.fget(self, body=body) uslack = self.__class__.uslack.fget(self, body=body) return numpy.minimum(lslack, uslack)