Source code for pyomo.contrib.appsi.base

import abc
import enum
from typing import Sequence, Dict, Optional, Mapping, NoReturn, List, Tuple
from pyomo.core.base.constraint import _GeneralConstraintData, Constraint
from pyomo.core.base.sos import _SOSConstraintData, SOSConstraint
from pyomo.core.base.var import _GeneralVarData, Var
from pyomo.core.base.param import _ParamData, Param
from pyomo.core.base.block import _BlockData, Block
from pyomo.core.base.objective import _GeneralObjectiveData
from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap
from collections import OrderedDict
from .utils.get_objective import get_objective
from .utils.collect_vars_and_named_exprs import collect_vars_and_named_exprs
from pyomo.common.timing import HierarchicalTimer
from pyomo.common.config import ConfigDict, ConfigValue, NonNegativeFloat
from pyomo.common.errors import ApplicationError
from pyomo.opt.base import SolverFactory as LegacySolverFactory
from pyomo.common.factory import Factory
import os
from pyomo.opt.results.results_ import SolverResults as LegacySolverResults
from pyomo.opt.results.solution import Solution as LegacySolution, SolutionStatus as LegacySolutionStatus
from pyomo.opt.results.solver import TerminationCondition as LegacyTerminationCondition, SolverStatus as LegacySolverStatus
from pyomo.core.kernel.objective import minimize
from pyomo.core.base import SymbolMap
import weakref
from .cmodel import cmodel, cmodel_available
from pyomo.core.staleflag import StaleFlagManager
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import NumericConstant

[docs]class TerminationCondition(enum.Enum): """ An enumeration for checking the termination condition of solvers """ unknown = 0 """unknown serves as both a default value, and it is used when no other enum member makes sense""" maxTimeLimit = 1 """The solver exited due to a time limit""" maxIterations = 2 """The solver exited due to an iteration limit """ objectiveLimit = 3 """The solver exited due to an objective limit""" minStepLength = 4 """The solver exited due to a minimum step length""" optimal = 5 """The solver exited with the optimal solution""" unbounded = 8 """The solver exited because the problem is unbounded""" infeasible = 9 """The solver exited because the problem is infeasible""" infeasibleOrUnbounded = 10 """The solver exited because the problem is either infeasible or unbounded""" error = 11 """The solver exited due to an error""" interrupted = 12 """The solver exited because it was interrupted""" licensingProblems = 13 """The solver exited due to licensing problems"""
[docs]class SolverConfig(ConfigDict): """ Attributes ---------- time_limit: float Time limit for the solver stream_solver: bool If True, then the solver log goes to stdout load_solution: bool If False, then the values of the primal variables will not be loaded into the model symbolic_solver_labels: bool If True, the names given to the solver will reflect the names of the pyomo components. Cannot be changed after set_instance is called. report_timing: bool If True, then some timing information will be printed at the end of the solve. """ def __init__(self, description=None, doc=None, implicit=False, implicit_domain=None, visibility=0): super(SolverConfig, self).__init__(description=description, doc=doc, implicit=implicit, implicit_domain=implicit_domain, visibility=visibility) self.declare('time_limit', ConfigValue(domain=NonNegativeFloat)) self.declare('stream_solver', ConfigValue(domain=bool)) self.declare('load_solution', ConfigValue(domain=bool)) self.declare('symbolic_solver_labels', ConfigValue(domain=bool)) self.declare('report_timing', ConfigValue(domain=bool)) self.time_limit: Optional[float] = None self.stream_solver: bool = False self.load_solution: bool = True self.symbolic_solver_labels: bool = False self.report_timing: bool = False
[docs]class MIPSolverConfig(SolverConfig): """ Attributes ---------- mip_gap: float Solver will terminate if the mip gap is less than mip_gap relax_integrality: bool If True, all integer variables will be relaxed to continuous variables before solving """ def __init__(self, description=None, doc=None, implicit=False, implicit_domain=None, visibility=0): super(MIPSolverConfig, self).__init__(description=description, doc=doc, implicit=implicit, implicit_domain=implicit_domain, visibility=visibility) self.declare('mip_gap', ConfigValue(domain=NonNegativeFloat)) self.declare('relax_integrality', ConfigValue(domain=bool)) self.mip_gap: Optional[float] = None self.relax_integrality: bool = False
class SolutionLoaderBase(abc.ABC): def load_vars(self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) -> NoReturn: """ Load the solution of the primal variables into the value attribute of the variables. Parameters ---------- vars_to_load: list A list of the variables whose solution should be loaded. If vars_to_load is None, then the solution to all primal variables will be loaded. """ for v, val in self.get_primals(vars_to_load=vars_to_load).items(): v.set_value(val, skip_validation=True) StaleFlagManager.mark_all_as_stale(delayed=True) @abc.abstractmethod def get_primals(self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) -> Mapping[_GeneralVarData, float]: """ Returns a ComponentMap mapping variable to var value. Parameters ---------- vars_to_load: list A list of the variables whose solution value should be retreived. If vars_to_load is None, then the values for all variables will be retreived. Returns ------- primals: ComponentMap Maps variables to solution values """ pass def get_duals(self, cons_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralConstraintData]] = None) -> Dict[_GeneralConstraintData, float]: """ Returns a dictionary mapping constraint to dual value. Parameters ---------- cons_to_load: list A list of the constraints whose duals should be retreived. If cons_to_load is None, then the duals for all constraints will be retreived. Returns ------- duals: dict Maps constraints to dual values """ raise NotImplementedError(f'{type(self)} does not support the get_duals method') def get_slacks(self, cons_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralConstraintData]] = None) -> Dict[_GeneralConstraintData, float]: """ Returns a dictionary mapping constraint to slack. Parameters ---------- cons_to_load: list A list of the constraints whose duals should be loaded. If cons_to_load is None, then the duals for all constraints will be loaded. Returns ------- slacks: dict Maps constraints to slacks """ raise NotImplementedError(f'{type(self)} does not support the get_slacks method') def get_reduced_costs(self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) -> Mapping[_GeneralVarData, float]: """ Returns a ComponentMap mapping variable to reduced cost. Parameters ---------- vars_to_load: list A list of the variables whose reduced cost should be retreived. If vars_to_load is None, then the reduced costs for all variables will be loaded. Returns ------- reduced_costs: ComponentMap Maps variables to reduced costs """ raise NotImplementedError(f'{type(self)} does not support the get_reduced_costs method') class SolutionLoader(SolutionLoaderBase): def __init__(self, primals, duals, slacks, reduced_costs): """ Parameters ---------- primals: dict maps id(Var) to (var, value) duals: dict maps Constraint to dual value slacks: dict maps Constraint to slack value reduced_costs: dict maps id(Var) to (var, reduced_cost) """ self._primals = primals self._duals = duals self._slacks = slacks self._reduced_costs = reduced_costs def get_primals(self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) -> Mapping[_GeneralVarData, float]: if vars_to_load is None: return ComponentMap(self._primals.values()) else: primals = ComponentMap() for v in vars_to_load: primals[v] = self._primals[id(v)][1] return primals def get_duals(self, cons_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralConstraintData]] = None) -> Dict[_GeneralConstraintData, float]: if cons_to_load is None: duals = dict(self._duals) else: duals = dict() for c in cons_to_load: duals[c] = self._duals[c] return duals def get_slacks(self, cons_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralConstraintData]] = None) -> Dict[_GeneralConstraintData, float]: if cons_to_load is None: slacks = dict(self._slacks) else: slacks = dict() for c in cons_to_load: slacks[c] = self._slacks[c] return slacks def get_reduced_costs(self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) -> Mapping[_GeneralVarData, float]: if vars_to_load is None: rc = ComponentMap(self._reduced_costs.values()) else: rc = ComponentMap() for v in vars_to_load: rc[v] = self._reduced_costs[id(v)][1] return rc
[docs]class Results(object): """ Attributes ---------- termination_condition: TerminationCondition The reason the solver exited. This is a member of the TerminationCondition enum. best_feasible_objective: float If a feasible solution was found, this is the objective value of the best solution found. If no feasible solution was found, this is None. best_objective_bound: float The best objective bound found. For minimization problems, this is the lower bound. For maximization problems, this is the upper bound. For solvers that do not provide an objective bound, this should be -inf (minimization) or inf (maximization) Here is an example workflow: >>> import pyomo.environ as pe >>> from pyomo.contrib import appsi >>> m = pe.ConcreteModel() >>> m.x = pe.Var() >>> m.obj = pe.Objective(expr=m.x**2) >>> opt = appsi.solvers.Ipopt() >>> opt.config.load_solution = False >>> results = opt.solve(m) #doctest:+SKIP >>> if results.termination_condition == appsi.base.TerminationCondition.optimal: #doctest:+SKIP ... print('optimal solution found: ', results.best_feasible_objective) #doctest:+SKIP ... results.solution_loader.load_vars() #doctest:+SKIP ... print('the optimal value of x is ', m.x.value) #doctest:+SKIP ... elif results.best_feasible_objective is not None: #doctest:+SKIP ... print('sub-optimal but feasible solution found: ', results.best_feasible_objective) #doctest:+SKIP ... results.solution_loader.load_vars(vars_to_load=[m.x]) #doctest:+SKIP ... print('The value of x in the feasible solution is ', m.x.value) #doctest:+SKIP ... elif results.termination_condition in {appsi.base.TerminationCondition.maxIterations, appsi.base.TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit}: #doctest:+SKIP ... print('No feasible solution was found. The best lower bound found was ', results.best_objective_bound) #doctest:+SKIP ... else: #doctest:+SKIP ... print('The following termination condition was encountered: ', results.termination_condition) #doctest:+SKIP """ def __init__(self): self.solution_loader: Optional[SolutionLoaderBase] = None self.termination_condition: TerminationCondition = TerminationCondition.unknown self.best_feasible_objective: Optional[float] = None self.best_objective_bound: Optional[float] = None def __str__(self): s = '' s += 'termination_condition: ' + str(self.termination_condition) + '\n' s += 'best_feasible_objective: ' + str(self.best_feasible_objective) + '\n' s += 'best_objective_bound: ' + str(self.best_objective_bound) return s
[docs]class UpdateConfig(ConfigDict): """ Attributes ---------- check_for_new_or_removed_constraints: bool check_for_new_or_removed_vars: bool check_for_new_or_removed_params: bool update_constraints: bool update_vars: bool update_params: bool update_named_expressions: bool """ def __init__(self, description=None, doc=None, implicit=False, implicit_domain=None, visibility=0): if doc is None: doc = 'Configuration options to detect changes in model between solves' super(UpdateConfig, self).__init__(description=description, doc=doc, implicit=implicit, implicit_domain=implicit_domain, visibility=visibility) self.declare('check_for_new_or_removed_constraints', ConfigValue(domain=bool, default=True, doc="""If False, new/old constraints will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.add_constraints() and opt.remove_constraints() or when you are certain constraints are not being added to/removed from the model.""")) self.declare('check_for_new_or_removed_vars', ConfigValue(domain=bool, default=True, doc="""If False, new/old variables will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.add_variables() and opt.remove_variables() or when you are certain variables are not being added to / removed from the model.""")) self.declare('check_for_new_or_removed_params', ConfigValue(domain=bool, default=True, doc="""If False, new/old parameters will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.add_params() and opt.remove_params() or when you are certain parameters are not being added to / removed from the model.""")) self.declare('check_for_new_objective', ConfigValue(domain=bool, default=True, doc="""If False, new/old objectives will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.set_objective() or when you are certain objectives are not being added to / removed from the model.""")) self.declare('update_constraints', ConfigValue(domain=bool, default=True, doc="""If False, changes to existing constraints will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. This includes changes to the lower, body, and upper attributes of constraints. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.remove_constraints() and opt.add_constraints() or when you are certain constraints are not being modified.""")) self.declare('update_vars', ConfigValue(domain=bool, default=True, doc="""If False, changes to existing variables will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. This includes changes to the lb, ub, domain, and fixed attributes of variables. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.update_variables() or when you are certain variables are not being modified.""")) self.declare('update_params', ConfigValue(domain=bool, default=True, doc="""If False, changes to parameter values will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.update_params() or when you are certain parameters are not being modified.""")) self.declare('update_named_expressions', ConfigValue(domain=bool, default=True, doc="""If False, changes to Expressions will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.remove_constraints() and opt.add_constraints() or when you are certain Expressions are not being modified.""")) self.declare('update_objective', ConfigValue(domain=bool, default=True, doc="""If False, changes to objectives will not be automatically detected on subsequent solves. This includes the expr and sense attributes of objectives. Use False only when manually updating the solver with opt.set_objective() or when you are certain objectives are not being modified.""")) self.declare('treat_fixed_vars_as_params', ConfigValue(domain=bool, default=True, doc="""This is an advanced option that should only be used in special circumstances. With the default setting of True, fixed variables will be treated like parameters. This means that z == x*y will be linear if x or y is fixed and the constraint can be written to an LP file. If the value of the fixed variable gets changed, we have to completely reprocess all constraints using that variable. If treat_fixed_vars_as_params is False, then constraints will be processed as if fixed variables are not fixed, and the solver will be told the variable is fixed. This means z == x*y could not be written to an LP file even if x and/or y is fixed. However, updating the values of fixed variables is much faster this way.""")) self.check_for_new_or_removed_constraints: bool = True self.check_for_new_or_removed_vars: bool = True self.check_for_new_or_removed_params: bool = True self.check_for_new_objective: bool = True self.update_constraints: bool = True self.update_vars: bool = True self.update_params: bool = True self.update_named_expressions: bool = True self.update_objective: bool = True self.treat_fixed_vars_as_params: bool = True
[docs]class Solver(abc.ABC):
[docs] class Availability(enum.IntEnum): NotFound = 0 BadVersion = -1 BadLicense = -2 FullLicense = 1 LimitedLicense = 2 NeedsCompiledExtension = -3 def __bool__(self): return self._value_ > 0 def __format__(self, format_spec): # We want general formatting of this Enum to return the # formatted string value and not the int (which is the # default implementation from IntEnum) return format(str(self).split('.')[-1], format_spec)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def solve(self, model: _BlockData, timer: HierarchicalTimer = None) -> Results: """ Solve a Pyomo model. Parameters ---------- model: _BlockData The Pyomo model to be solved timer: HierarchicalTimer An option timer for reporting timing Returns ------- results: Results A results object """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def available(self): """Test if the solver is available on this system. Nominally, this will return True if the solver interface is valid and can be used to solve problems and False if it cannot. Note that for licensed solvers there are a number of "levels" of available: depending on the license, the solver may be available with limitations on problem size or runtime (e.g., 'demo' vs. 'community' vs. 'full'). In these cases, the solver may return a subclass of enum.IntEnum, with members that resolve to True if the solver is available (possibly with limitations). The Enum may also have multiple members that all resolve to False indicating the reason why the interface is not available (not found, bad license, unsupported version, etc). Returns ------- available: Solver.Availability An enum that indicates "how available" the solver is. Note that the enum can be cast to bool, which will be True if the solver is runable at all and False otherwise. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def version(self) -> Tuple: """ Returns ------- version: tuple A tuple representing the version """
@property @abc.abstractmethod def config(self): """ An object for configuring solve options. Returns ------- SolverConfig An object for configuring pyomo solve options such as the time limit. These options are mostly independent of the solver. """ pass @property @abc.abstractmethod def symbol_map(self): pass
[docs] def is_persistent(self): """ Returns ------- is_persistent: bool True if the solver is a persistent solver. """ return False
[docs]class PersistentSolver(Solver):
[docs] def is_persistent(self): return True
[docs] def load_vars(self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) -> NoReturn: """ Load the solution of the primal variables into the value attribut of the variables. Parameters ---------- vars_to_load: list A list of the variables whose solution should be loaded. If vars_to_load is None, then the solution to all primal variables will be loaded. """ for v, val in self.get_primals(vars_to_load=vars_to_load).items(): v.set_value(val, skip_validation=True) StaleFlagManager.mark_all_as_stale(delayed=True)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_primals(self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) -> Mapping[_GeneralVarData, float]: pass
[docs] def get_duals(self, cons_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralConstraintData]] = None) -> Dict[_GeneralConstraintData, float]: """ Declare sign convention in docstring here. Parameters ---------- cons_to_load: list A list of the constraints whose duals should be loaded. If cons_to_load is None, then the duals for all constraints will be loaded. Returns ------- duals: dict Maps constraints to dual values """ raise NotImplementedError('{0} does not support the get_duals method'.format(type(self)))
[docs] def get_slacks(self, cons_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralConstraintData]] = None) -> Dict[_GeneralConstraintData, float]: """ Parameters ---------- cons_to_load: list A list of the constraints whose slacks should be loaded. If cons_to_load is None, then the slacks for all constraints will be loaded. Returns ------- slacks: dict Maps constraints to slack values """ raise NotImplementedError('{0} does not support the get_slacks method'.format(type(self)))
[docs] def get_reduced_costs(self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) -> Mapping[_GeneralVarData, float]: """ Parameters ---------- vars_to_load: list A list of the variables whose reduced cost should be loaded. If vars_to_load is None, then all reduced costs will be loaded. Returns ------- reduced_costs: ComponentMap Maps variable to reduced cost """ raise NotImplementedError('{0} does not support the get_reduced_costs method'.format(type(self)))
@property @abc.abstractmethod def update_config(self) -> UpdateConfig: pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_instance(self, model): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_variables(self, variables: List[_GeneralVarData]): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_params(self, params: List[_ParamData]): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_constraints(self, cons: List[_GeneralConstraintData]): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_block(self, block: _BlockData): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def remove_variables(self, variables: List[_GeneralVarData]): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def remove_params(self, params: List[_ParamData]): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def remove_constraints(self, cons: List[_GeneralConstraintData]): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def remove_block(self, block: _BlockData): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_objective(self, obj: _GeneralObjectiveData): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def update_variables(self, variables: List[_GeneralVarData]): pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def update_params(self): pass
class PersistentSolutionLoader(SolutionLoaderBase): def __init__(self, solver: PersistentSolver): self._solver = solver self._valid = True def _assert_solution_still_valid(self): if not self._valid: raise RuntimeError('The results in the solver are no longer valid.') def get_primals(self, vars_to_load=None): self._assert_solution_still_valid() return self._solver.get_primals(vars_to_load=vars_to_load) def get_duals(self, cons_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralConstraintData]] = None) -> Dict[_GeneralConstraintData, float]: self._assert_solution_still_valid() return self._solver.get_duals(cons_to_load=cons_to_load) def get_slacks(self, cons_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralConstraintData]] = None) -> Dict[_GeneralConstraintData, float]: self._assert_solution_still_valid() return self._solver.get_slacks(cons_to_load=cons_to_load) def get_reduced_costs(self, vars_to_load: Optional[Sequence[_GeneralVarData]] = None) -> Mapping[_GeneralVarData, float]: self._assert_solution_still_valid() return self._solver.get_reduced_costs(vars_to_load=vars_to_load) def invalidate(self): self._valid = False """ What can change in a pyomo model? - variables added or removed - constraints added or removed - objective changed - objective expr changed - params added or removed - variable modified - lb - ub - fixed or unfixed - domain - value - constraint modified - lower - upper - body - active or not - named expressions modified - expr - param modified - value Ideas: - Consider explicitly handling deactivated constraints; favor deactivation over removal and activation over addition Notes: - variable bounds cannot be updated with mutable params; you must call update_variables """ class PersistentBase(abc.ABC): def __init__(self): self._model = None self._active_constraints = dict() # maps constraint to (lower, body, upper) self._vars = dict() # maps var id to (var, lb, ub, fixed, domain, value) self._params = dict() # maps param id to param self._objective = None self._objective_expr = None self._objective_sense = None self._named_expressions = dict() # maps constraint to list of tuples (named_expr, named_expr.expr) self._external_functions = ComponentMap() self._obj_named_expressions = list() self._update_config = UpdateConfig() self._referenced_variables = dict() # var_id: [dict[constraints, None], dict[sos constraints, None], None or objective] self._vars_referenced_by_con = dict() self._vars_referenced_by_obj = list() self._expr_types = None self.use_extensions = False @property def update_config(self): return self._update_config @update_config.setter def update_config(self, val: UpdateConfig): self._update_config = val def set_instance(self, model): saved_update_config = self.update_config self.__init__() self.update_config = saved_update_config self._model = model if self.use_extensions and cmodel_available: self._expr_types = cmodel.PyomoExprTypes() self.add_block(model) if self._objective is None: self.set_objective(None) @abc.abstractmethod def _add_variables(self, variables: List[_GeneralVarData]): pass def add_variables(self, variables: List[_GeneralVarData]): for v in variables: if id(v) in self._referenced_variables: raise ValueError('variable {name} has already been added'.format( self._referenced_variables[id(v)] = [dict(), dict(), None] self._vars[id(v)] = (v, v._lb, v._ub, v.fixed, v.domain.get_interval(), v.value) self._add_variables(variables) @abc.abstractmethod def _add_params(self, params: List[_ParamData]): pass def add_params(self, params: List[_ParamData]): for p in params: self._params[id(p)] = p self._add_params(params) @abc.abstractmethod def _add_constraints(self, cons: List[_GeneralConstraintData]): pass def add_constraints(self, cons: List[_GeneralConstraintData]): all_fixed_vars = dict() for con in cons: if con in self._named_expressions: raise ValueError('constraint {name} has already been added'.format( self._active_constraints[con] = (con.lower, con.body, con.upper) if self.use_extensions and cmodel_available: tmp = cmodel.prep_for_repn(con.body, self._expr_types) else: tmp = collect_vars_and_named_exprs(con.body) named_exprs, variables, fixed_vars, external_functions = tmp self._named_expressions[con] = [(e, e.expr) for e in named_exprs] if len(external_functions) > 0: self._external_functions[con] = external_functions self._vars_referenced_by_con[con] = variables for v in variables: self._referenced_variables[id(v)][0][con] = None if not self.update_config.treat_fixed_vars_as_params: for v in fixed_vars: v.unfix() all_fixed_vars[id(v)] = v self._add_constraints(cons) for v in all_fixed_vars.values(): v.fix() @abc.abstractmethod def _add_sos_constraints(self, cons: List[_SOSConstraintData]): pass def add_sos_constraints(self, cons: List[_SOSConstraintData]): for con in cons: if con in self._vars_referenced_by_con: raise ValueError('constraint {name} has already been added'.format( self._active_constraints[con] = tuple() variables = con.get_variables() self._named_expressions[con] = list() self._vars_referenced_by_con[con] = variables for v in variables: self._referenced_variables[id(v)][1][con] = None self._add_sos_constraints(cons) @abc.abstractmethod def _set_objective(self, obj: _GeneralObjectiveData): pass def set_objective(self, obj: _GeneralObjectiveData): if self._objective is not None: for v in self._vars_referenced_by_obj: self._referenced_variables[id(v)][2] = None self._external_functions.pop(self._objective, None) if obj is not None: self._objective = obj self._objective_expr = obj.expr self._objective_sense = obj.sense if self.use_extensions and cmodel_available: tmp = cmodel.prep_for_repn(obj.expr, self._expr_types) else: tmp = collect_vars_and_named_exprs(obj.expr) named_exprs, variables, fixed_vars, external_functions = tmp self._obj_named_expressions = [(i, i.expr) for i in named_exprs] if len(external_functions) > 0: self._external_functions[obj] = external_functions self._vars_referenced_by_obj = variables for v in variables: self._referenced_variables[id(v)][2] = obj if not self.update_config.treat_fixed_vars_as_params: for v in fixed_vars: v.unfix() self._set_objective(obj) for v in fixed_vars: v.fix() else: self._vars_referenced_by_obj = list() self._objective = None self._objective_expr = None self._objective_sense = None self._obj_named_expressions = list() self._set_objective(obj) def add_block(self, block): param_dict = OrderedDict() for p in block.component_objects(Param, descend_into=True, sort=False): if p.mutable: for _p in p.values(): param_dict[id(_p)] = _p self.add_params(list(param_dict.values())) self.add_variables(list(OrderedDict((id(var), var) for var in block.component_data_objects(Var, descend_into=True, sort=False)).values())) self.add_constraints([con for con in block.component_data_objects(Constraint, descend_into=True, active=True, sort=False)]) self.add_sos_constraints([con for con in block.component_data_objects(SOSConstraint, descend_into=True, active=True, sort=False)]) obj = get_objective(block) if obj is not None: self.set_objective(obj) @abc.abstractmethod def _remove_constraints(self, cons: List[_GeneralConstraintData]): pass def remove_constraints(self, cons: List[_GeneralConstraintData]): self._remove_constraints(cons) for con in cons: if con not in self._named_expressions: raise ValueError('cannot remove constraint {name} - it was not added'.format( for v in self._vars_referenced_by_con[con]: self._referenced_variables[id(v)][0].pop(con) del self._active_constraints[con] del self._named_expressions[con] self._external_functions.pop(con, None) del self._vars_referenced_by_con[con] @abc.abstractmethod def _remove_sos_constraints(self, cons: List[_SOSConstraintData]): pass def remove_sos_constraints(self, cons: List[_SOSConstraintData]): self._remove_sos_constraints(cons) for con in cons: if con not in self._vars_referenced_by_con: raise ValueError('cannot remove constraint {name} - it was not added'.format( for v in self._vars_referenced_by_con[con]: self._referenced_variables[id(v)][1].pop(con) del self._active_constraints[con] del self._named_expressions[con] del self._vars_referenced_by_con[con] @abc.abstractmethod def _remove_variables(self, variables: List[_GeneralVarData]): pass def remove_variables(self, variables: List[_GeneralVarData]): self._remove_variables(variables) for v in variables: v_id = id(v) if v_id not in self._referenced_variables: raise ValueError('cannot remove variable {name} - it has not been added'.format( cons_using, sos_using, obj_using = self._referenced_variables[v_id] if cons_using or sos_using or (obj_using is not None): raise ValueError('cannot remove variable {name} - it is still being used by constraints or the objective'.format( del self._referenced_variables[v_id] del self._vars[v_id] @abc.abstractmethod def _remove_params(self, params: List[_ParamData]): pass def remove_params(self, params: List[_ParamData]): self._remove_params(params) for p in params: del self._params[id(p)] def remove_block(self, block): self.remove_constraints([con for con in block.component_data_objects(ctype=Constraint, descend_into=True, active=True, sort=False)]) self.remove_sos_constraints([con for con in block.component_data_objects(ctype=SOSConstraint, descend_into=True, active=True, sort=False)]) self.remove_variables(list(OrderedDict((id(var), var) for var in block.component_data_objects(ctype=Var, descend_into=True, sort=False)).values())) self.remove_params(list(OrderedDict((id(p), p) for p in block.component_data_objects(ctype=Param, descend_into=True, sort=False)).values())) @abc.abstractmethod def _update_variables(self, variables: List[_GeneralVarData]): pass def update_variables(self, variables: List[_GeneralVarData]): for v in variables: self._vars[id(v)] = (v, v._lb, v._ub, v.fixed, v.domain.get_interval(), v.value) self._update_variables(variables) @abc.abstractmethod def update_params(self): pass def update(self, timer: HierarchicalTimer = None): if timer is None: timer = HierarchicalTimer() config = self.update_config new_vars = list() old_vars = list() new_params = list() old_params = list() new_cons = list() old_cons = list() old_sos = list() new_sos = list() current_vars_dict = dict() current_cons_dict = dict() current_sos_dict = dict() timer.start('vars') if config.check_for_new_or_removed_vars or config.update_vars: current_vars_dict = {id(v): v for v in self._model.component_data_objects(Var, descend_into=True, sort=False)} for v_id, v in current_vars_dict.items(): if v_id not in self._vars: new_vars.append(v) for v_id, v_tuple in self._vars.items(): if v_id not in current_vars_dict: old_vars.append(v_tuple[0]) timer.stop('vars') timer.start('params') if config.check_for_new_or_removed_params: current_params_dict = dict() for p in self._model.component_objects(Param, descend_into=True, sort=False): if p.mutable: for _p in p.values(): current_params_dict[id(_p)] = _p for p_id, p in current_params_dict.items(): if p_id not in self._params: new_params.append(p) for p_id, p in self._params.items(): if p_id not in current_params_dict: old_params.append(p) timer.stop('params') timer.start('cons') if config.check_for_new_or_removed_constraints or config.update_constraints: current_cons_dict = {c: None for c in self._model.component_data_objects(Constraint, descend_into=True, active=True, sort=False)} current_sos_dict = {c: None for c in self._model.component_data_objects(SOSConstraint, descend_into=True, active=True, sort=False)} for c in current_cons_dict.keys(): if c not in self._vars_referenced_by_con: new_cons.append(c) for c in current_sos_dict.keys(): if c not in self._vars_referenced_by_con: new_sos.append(c) for c in self._vars_referenced_by_con.keys(): if c not in current_cons_dict and c not in current_sos_dict: if (c.ctype is Constraint) or (c.ctype is None and isinstance(c, _GeneralConstraintData)): old_cons.append(c) else: assert (c.ctype is SOSConstraint) or (c.ctype is None and isinstance(c, _SOSConstraintData)) old_sos.append(c) self.remove_constraints(old_cons) self.remove_sos_constraints(old_sos) timer.stop('cons') timer.start('vars') self.remove_variables(old_vars) timer.stop('vars') timer.start('params') self.remove_params(old_params) # sticking this between removal and addition # is important so that we don't do unnecessary work if config.update_params: self.update_params() self.add_params(new_params) timer.stop('params') timer.start('vars') self.add_variables(new_vars) timer.stop('vars') timer.start('cons') self.add_constraints(new_cons) self.add_sos_constraints(new_sos) new_cons_set = set(new_cons) new_sos_set = set(new_sos) new_vars_set = set(id(v) for v in new_vars) cons_to_remove_and_add = dict() need_to_set_objective = False if config.update_constraints: cons_to_update = list() sos_to_update = list() for c in current_cons_dict.keys(): if c not in new_cons_set: cons_to_update.append(c) for c in current_sos_dict.keys(): if c not in new_sos_set: sos_to_update.append(c) for c in cons_to_update: lower, body, upper = self._active_constraints[c] new_lower, new_body, new_upper = c.lower, c.body, c.upper if new_body is not body: cons_to_remove_and_add[c] = None continue if new_lower is not lower: if type(new_lower) is NumericConstant and type(lower) is NumericConstant and new_lower.value == lower.value: pass else: cons_to_remove_and_add[c] = None continue if new_upper is not upper: if type(new_upper) is NumericConstant and type(upper) is NumericConstant and new_upper.value == upper.value: pass else: cons_to_remove_and_add[c] = None continue self.remove_sos_constraints(sos_to_update) self.add_sos_constraints(sos_to_update) timer.stop('cons') timer.start('vars') if config.update_vars: vars_to_check = list() for v_id, v in current_vars_dict.items(): if v_id not in new_vars_set: vars_to_check.append(v) vars_to_update = list() for v in vars_to_check: _v, lb, ub, fixed, domain_interval, value = self._vars[id(v)] if lb is not v._lb: vars_to_update.append(v) elif ub is not v._ub: vars_to_update.append(v) elif (fixed is not v.fixed) or (fixed and (value != v.value)): vars_to_update.append(v) if self.update_config.treat_fixed_vars_as_params: for c in self._referenced_variables[id(v)][0]: cons_to_remove_and_add[c] = None if self._referenced_variables[id(v)][2] is not None: need_to_set_objective = True elif domain_interval != v.domain.get_interval(): vars_to_update.append(v) self.update_variables(vars_to_update) timer.stop('vars') timer.start('cons') cons_to_remove_and_add = list(cons_to_remove_and_add.keys()) self.remove_constraints(cons_to_remove_and_add) self.add_constraints(cons_to_remove_and_add) timer.stop('cons') timer.start('named expressions') if config.update_named_expressions: cons_to_update = list() for c, expr_list in self._named_expressions.items(): if c in new_cons_set: continue for named_expr, old_expr in expr_list: if named_expr.expr is not old_expr: cons_to_update.append(c) break self.remove_constraints(cons_to_update) self.add_constraints(cons_to_update) for named_expr, old_expr in self._obj_named_expressions: if named_expr.expr is not old_expr: need_to_set_objective = True break timer.stop('named expressions') timer.start('objective') if self.update_config.check_for_new_objective: pyomo_obj = get_objective(self._model) if pyomo_obj is not self._objective: need_to_set_objective = True else: pyomo_obj = self._objective if self.update_config.update_objective: if pyomo_obj is not None and pyomo_obj.expr is not self._objective_expr: need_to_set_objective = True elif pyomo_obj is not None and pyomo_obj.sense is not self._objective_sense: # we can definitely do something faster here than resetting the whole objective need_to_set_objective = True if need_to_set_objective: self.set_objective(pyomo_obj) timer.stop('objective') legacy_termination_condition_map = { TerminationCondition.unknown: LegacyTerminationCondition.unknown, TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit: LegacyTerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit, TerminationCondition.maxIterations: LegacyTerminationCondition.maxIterations, TerminationCondition.objectiveLimit: LegacyTerminationCondition.minFunctionValue, TerminationCondition.minStepLength: LegacyTerminationCondition.minStepLength, TerminationCondition.optimal: LegacyTerminationCondition.optimal, TerminationCondition.unbounded: LegacyTerminationCondition.unbounded, TerminationCondition.infeasible: LegacyTerminationCondition.infeasible, TerminationCondition.infeasibleOrUnbounded: LegacyTerminationCondition.infeasibleOrUnbounded, TerminationCondition.error: LegacyTerminationCondition.error, TerminationCondition.interrupted: LegacyTerminationCondition.resourceInterrupt, TerminationCondition.licensingProblems: LegacyTerminationCondition.licensingProblems } legacy_solver_status_map = { TerminationCondition.unknown: LegacySolverStatus.unknown, TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit: LegacySolverStatus.aborted, TerminationCondition.maxIterations: LegacySolverStatus.aborted, TerminationCondition.objectiveLimit: LegacySolverStatus.aborted, TerminationCondition.minStepLength: LegacySolverStatus.error, TerminationCondition.optimal: LegacySolverStatus.ok, TerminationCondition.unbounded: LegacySolverStatus.error, TerminationCondition.infeasible: LegacySolverStatus.error, TerminationCondition.infeasibleOrUnbounded: LegacySolverStatus.error, TerminationCondition.error: LegacySolverStatus.error, TerminationCondition.interrupted: LegacySolverStatus.aborted, TerminationCondition.licensingProblems: LegacySolverStatus.error } legacy_solution_status_map = { TerminationCondition.unknown: LegacySolutionStatus.unknown, TerminationCondition.maxTimeLimit: LegacySolutionStatus.stoppedByLimit, TerminationCondition.maxIterations: LegacySolutionStatus.stoppedByLimit, TerminationCondition.objectiveLimit: LegacySolutionStatus.stoppedByLimit, TerminationCondition.minStepLength: LegacySolutionStatus.error, TerminationCondition.optimal: LegacySolutionStatus.optimal, TerminationCondition.unbounded: LegacySolutionStatus.unbounded, TerminationCondition.infeasible: LegacySolutionStatus.infeasible, TerminationCondition.infeasibleOrUnbounded: LegacySolutionStatus.unsure, TerminationCondition.error: LegacySolutionStatus.error, TerminationCondition.interrupted: LegacySolutionStatus.error, TerminationCondition.licensingProblems: LegacySolutionStatus.error } class LegacySolverInterface(object): def solve(self, model: _BlockData, tee: bool = False, load_solutions: bool = True, logfile: Optional[str] = None, solnfile: Optional[str] = None, timelimit: Optional[float] = None, report_timing: bool = False, solver_io: Optional[str] = None, suffixes: Optional[Sequence] = None, options: Optional[Dict] = None, keepfiles: bool = False, symbolic_solver_labels: bool = False): original_config = self.config self.config = self.config() self.config.stream_solver = tee self.config.load_solution = load_solutions self.config.symbolic_solver_labels = symbolic_solver_labels self.config.time_limit = timelimit self.config.report_timing = report_timing if solver_io is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Still working on this') if suffixes is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Still working on this') if logfile is not None: raise NotImplementedError('Still working on this') if 'keepfiles' in self.config: self.config.keepfiles = keepfiles if solnfile is not None: if 'filename' in self.config: filename = os.path.splitext(solnfile)[0] self.config.filename = filename original_options = self.options if options is not None: self.options = options results: Results = super(LegacySolverInterface, self).solve(model) legacy_results = LegacySolverResults() legacy_soln = LegacySolution() legacy_results.solver.status = legacy_solver_status_map[results.termination_condition] legacy_results.solver.termination_condition = legacy_termination_condition_map[results.termination_condition] legacy_soln.status = legacy_solution_status_map[results.termination_condition] legacy_results.solver.termination_message = str(results.termination_condition) obj = get_objective(model) legacy_results.problem.sense = obj.sense if obj.sense == minimize: legacy_results.problem.lower_bound = results.best_objective_bound legacy_results.problem.upper_bound = results.best_feasible_objective else: legacy_results.problem.upper_bound = results.best_objective_bound legacy_results.problem.lower_bound = results.best_feasible_objective if results.best_feasible_objective is not None and results.best_objective_bound is not None: = abs(results.best_feasible_objective - results.best_objective_bound) else: = None symbol_map = SymbolMap() symbol_map.byObject = dict(self.symbol_map.byObject) symbol_map.bySymbol = {symb: weakref.ref(obj()) for symb, obj in self.symbol_map.bySymbol.items()} symbol_map.aliases = {symb: weakref.ref(obj()) for symb, obj in self.symbol_map.aliases.items()} symbol_map.default_labeler = self.symbol_map.default_labeler legacy_results._smap_id = id(symbol_map) delete_legacy_soln = True if load_solutions: if hasattr(model, 'dual') and model.dual.import_enabled(): for c, val in results.solution_loader.get_duals().items(): model.dual[c] = val if hasattr(model, 'slack') and model.slack.import_enabled(): for c, val in results.solution_loader.get_slacks().items(): model.slack[c] = val if hasattr(model, 'rc') and model.rc.import_enabled(): for v, val in results.solution_loader.get_reduced_costs().items(): model.rc[v] = val elif results.best_feasible_objective is not None: delete_legacy_soln = False for v, val in results.solution_loader.get_primals().items(): legacy_soln.variable[symbol_map.getSymbol(v)] = {'Value': val} if hasattr(model, 'dual') and model.dual.import_enabled(): for c, val in results.solution_loader.get_duals().items(): legacy_soln.constraint[symbol_map.getSymbol(c)] = {'Dual': val} if hasattr(model, 'slack') and model.slack.import_enabled(): for c, val in results.solution_loader.get_slacks().items(): symbol = symbol_map.getSymbol(c) if symbol in legacy_soln.constraint: legacy_soln.constraint[symbol]['Slack'] = val if hasattr(model, 'rc') and model.rc.import_enabled(): for v, val in results.solution_loader.get_reduced_costs().items(): legacy_soln.variable['Rc'] = val legacy_results.solution.insert(legacy_soln) if delete_legacy_soln: legacy_results.solution.delete(0) self.config = original_config self.options = original_options return legacy_results def available(self, exception_flag=True): ans = super(LegacySolverInterface, self).available() if exception_flag and not ans: raise ApplicationError(f'Solver {self.__class__} is not available ({ans}).') return bool(ans) def license_is_valid(self) -> bool: """Test if the solver license is valid on this system. Note that this method is included for compatibility with the legacy SolverFactory interface. Unlicensed or open source solvers will return True by definition. Licensed solvers will return True if a valid license is found. Returns ------- available: bool True if the solver license is valid. Otherwise, False. """ return bool(self.available()) @property def options(self): for solver_name in ['gurobi', 'ipopt', 'cplex', 'cbc']: if hasattr(self, solver_name + '_options'): return getattr(self, solver_name + '_options') raise NotImplementedError('Could not find the correct options') @options.setter def options(self, val): found = False for solver_name in ['gurobi', 'ipopt', 'cplex', 'cbc']: if hasattr(self, solver_name + '_options'): setattr(self, solver_name + '_options', val) found = True if not found: raise NotImplementedError('Could not find the correct options') def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, t, v, traceback): pass class SolverFactoryClass(Factory): def register(self, name, doc=None): def decorator(cls): self._cls[name] = cls self._doc[name] = doc class LegacySolver(LegacySolverInterface, cls): pass LegacySolverFactory.register(name, doc)(LegacySolver) return cls return decorator SolverFactory = SolverFactoryClass()