Source code for pyomo.dataportal.TableData

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

__all__ = ['TableData']

from pyomo.common.collections import Bunch
from pyomo.dataportal.process_data import _process_data

[docs]class TableData(object): """ A class used to read/write data from/to a table in an external data source. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ self._info=None self._data=None self.options = Bunch() self.options.ncolumns = 1
[docs] def available(self): """ Returns: Return :const:`True` if the data manager is available. """ return True
[docs] def initialize(self, **kwds): """ Initialize the data manager with keyword arguments. The `filename` argument is recognized here, and other arguments are passed to the :func:`add_options` method. """ self.filename = kwds.pop('filename') self.add_options(**kwds)
[docs] def add_options(self, **kwds): """ Add the keyword options to the :class:`Options` object in this object. """ self.options.update(kwds)
[docs] def open(self): #pragma:nocover """ Open the data manager. """ pass
[docs] def read(self): #pragma:nocover """ Read data from the data manager. """ return False
[docs] def write(self, data): #pragma:nocover """ Write data to the data manager. """ return False
[docs] def close(self): #pragma:nocover """ Close the data manager. """ pass
[docs] def process(self, model, data, default): """ Process the data that was extracted from this data manager and return it. """ if model is None: model = self.options.model if not self.options.namespace in data: data[self.options.namespace] = {} return _process_data( self._info, model, data[self.options.namespace], default, self.filename, index=self.options.index, set=self.options.set, param=self.options.param, ncolumns = self.options.ncolumns)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the data that was extracted from this table """ self._info = None
def _set_data(self, headers, rows): from pyomo.core.base.set import Set from pyomo.core.base.param import Param header_index = [] if is None: for i in range(len(headers)): header_index.append(i) else: for i in try: header_index.append(headers.index(str(i))) except: print("Model declaration '%s' not found in returned query columns" %str(i)) raise self.options.ncolumns = len(headers) if not self.options.param is None: if not type(self.options.param) in (list, tuple): self.options.param = (self.options.param,) _params = [] for p in self.options.param: if isinstance(p, Param): self.options.model = p.model() _params.append(p.local_name) else: _params.append(p) self.options.param = tuple(_params) if isinstance(self.options.set, Set): self.options.model = self.options.set.model() self.options.set = self.options.set.local_name if isinstance(self.options.index, Set): self.options.model = self.options.index.model() self.options.index = self.options.index.local_name elif type(self.options.index) in [tuple, list]: tmp = [] for val in self.options.index: if isinstance(val, Set): tmp.append(val.local_name) self.options.model = val.model() else: tmp.append(val) self.options.index = tuple(tmp) if self.options.format is None: if not self.options.set is None: self.options.format = 'set' elif not self.options.param is None: self.options.format = 'table' if self.options.format is None: raise ValueError("Unspecified format and data option") elif self.options.set is None and self.options.param is None: msg = "Must specify the set or parameter option for data" raise IOError(msg) if self.options.format == 'set': if not self.options.index is None: msg = "Cannot specify index for data with the 'set' format: %s" raise IOError(msg % str(self.options.index)) self._info = ["set",self.options.set,":="] for row in rows: if self.options.ncolumns > 1: self._info.append(tuple(row)) else: self._info.extend(row) elif self.options.format == 'set_array': if not self.options.index is None: msg = "Cannot specify index for data with the 'set_array' " \ 'format: %s' raise IOError(msg % str(self.options.index)) self._info = ["set",self.options.set, ":"] self._info.extend(headers[1:]) self._info.append(":=") for row in rows: self._info.extend(row) elif self.options.format == 'transposed_array': self._info = ["param",self.options.param[0],"(tr)",":"] self._info.extend(headers[1:]) self._info.append(":=") for row in rows: self._info.extend(row) elif self.options.format == 'array': self._info = ["param",self.options.param[0],":"] self._info.extend(headers[1:]) self._info.append(":=") for row in rows: self._info.extend(row) elif self.options.format == 'table': if self.options.index is not None: self._info = ["param",":",self.options.index,":"] else: self._info = ["param",":"] for param in self.options.param: self._info.append(param) self._info.append(":=") for row in rows: for i in header_index: self._info.append(row[i]) self.options.ncolumns = len(header_index) else: msg = "Unknown parameter format: '%s'" raise ValueError(msg % self.options.format) def _get_table(self): from pyomo.core.expr import value tmp = [] if self.options.columns is not None: tmp.append(self.options.columns) if self.options.set is not None: # Create column names if self.options.columns is None: cols = [] for i in range(self.options.set.dimen): cols.append(self.options.set.local_name+str(i)) tmp.append(cols) # Get rows if self.options.sort is not None: for data in sorted(self.options.set): if self.options.set.dimen > 1: tmp.append(list(data)) else: tmp.append([data]) else: for data in self.options.set: if self.options.set.dimen > 1: tmp.append(list(data)) else: tmp.append([data]) elif self.options.param is not None: if type(self.options.param) in (list,tuple): _param = self.options.param else: _param = [self.options.param] # Collect data for index in _param[0]: if index is None: row = [] elif type(index) in (list,tuple): row = list(index) else: row = [index] for param in _param: row.append(value(param[index])) tmp.append(row) # Create column names if self.options.columns is None: cols = [] for i in range(len(tmp[0])-len(_param)): cols.append('I'+str(i)) for param in _param: cols.append(param) tmp.insert(0,cols) return tmp