Source code for pyomo.core.kernel.piecewise_library.transforms_nd

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

This module contains transformations for representing a
multi-variate piecewise linear function using a
mixed-interger problem formulation. Reference::

  Mixed-Integer Models for Non-separable Piecewise Linear \
Optimization: Unifying framework and Extensions (Vielma, \
Nemhauser 2008)

from import Sized
import logging

from pyomo.core.kernel.block import block
from pyomo.core.kernel.set_types import IntegerSet
from pyomo.core.kernel.variable import (variable,
from pyomo.core.kernel.constraint import (linear_constraint,
from pyomo.core.kernel.expression import (expression,
import pyomo.core.kernel.piecewise_library.util

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')

registered_transforms = {}

[docs]def piecewise_nd(tri, values, input=None, output=None, bound='eq', repn='cc'): """ Models a multi-variate piecewise linear function. This function takes a D-dimensional triangulation and a list of function values associated with the points of the triangulation and transforms this input data into a block of variables and constraints that enforce a piecewise linear relationship between an D-dimensional vector of input variable and a single output variable. In the general case, this transformation requires the use of discrete decision variables. Args: tri (scipy.spatial.Delaunay): A triangulation over the discretized variable domain. Can be generated using a list of variables using the utility function :func:`util.generate_delaunay`. Required attributes: - points: An (npoints, D) shaped array listing the D-dimensional coordinates of the discretization points. - simplices: An (nsimplices, D+1) shaped array of integers specifying the D+1 indices of the points vector that define each simplex of the triangulation. values (numpy.array): An (npoints,) shaped array of the values of the piecewise function at each of coordinates in the triangulation points array. input: A D-length list of variables or expressions bound as the inputs of the piecewise function. output: The variable constrained to be the output of the piecewise linear function. bound (str): The type of bound to impose on the output expression. Can be one of: - 'lb': y <= f(x) - 'eq': y = f(x) - 'ub': y >= f(x) repn (str): The type of piecewise representation to use. Can be one of: - 'cc': convex combination Returns: TransformedPiecewiseLinearFunctionND: a block \ containing any new variables, constraints, and \ other components used by the piecewise \ representation """ transform = None try: transform = registered_transforms[repn] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "Keyword assignment repn='%s' is not valid. " "Must be one of: %s" % (repn, str(sorted(registered_transforms.keys())))) assert transform is not None func = PiecewiseLinearFunctionND(tri, values) return transform(func, input=input, output=output, bound=bound)
[docs]class PiecewiseLinearFunctionND(object): """A multi-variate piecewise linear function Multi-varite piecewise linear functions are defined by a triangulation over a finite domain and a list of function values associated with the points of the triangulation. The function value between points in the triangulation is implied through linear interpolation. Args: tri (scipy.spatial.Delaunay): A triangulation over the discretized variable domain. Can be generated using a list of variables using the utility function :func:`util.generate_delaunay`. Required attributes: - points: An (npoints, D) shaped array listing the D-dimensional coordinates of the discretization points. - simplices: An (nsimplices, D+1) shaped array of integers specifying the D+1 indices of the points vector that define each simplex of the triangulation. values (numpy.array): An (npoints,) shaped array of the values of the piecewise function at each of coordinates in the triangulation points array. """ __slots__ = ("_tri", "_values") def __init__(self, tri, values, validate=True, **kwds): assert pyomo.core.kernel.piecewise_library.util.numpy_available assert pyomo.core.kernel.piecewise_library.util.scipy_available assert isinstance(tri, pyomo.core.kernel.piecewise_library.\ util.scipy.spatial.Delaunay) assert isinstance(values, pyomo.core.kernel.piecewise_library.\ util.numpy.ndarray) npoints, ndim = tri.points.shape nsimplices, _ = tri.simplices.shape assert tri.simplices.shape[1] == ndim + 1 assert nsimplices > 0 assert npoints > 0 assert ndim > 0 self._tri = tri self._values = values def __getstate__(self): """Required for older versions of the pickle protocol since this class uses __slots__""" return {key:getattr(self, key) for key in self.__slots__} def __setstate__(self, state): """Required for older versions of the pickle protocol since this class uses __slots__""" for key in state: setattr(self, key, state[key]) @property def triangulation(self): """The triangulation over the domain of this function""" return self._tri @property def values(self): """The set of values used to defined this function""" return self._values
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """ Evaluates the piecewise linear function using interpolation. This method supports vectorized function calls as the interpolation process can be expensive for high dimensional data. For the case when a single point is provided, the argument x should be a (D,) shaped numpy array or list, where D is the dimension of points in the triangulation. For the vectorized case, the argument x should be a (n,D)-shaped numpy array. """ assert isinstance(x, Sized) if isinstance(x, pyomo.core.kernel.piecewise_library.\ util.numpy.ndarray): if x.shape != self._tri.points.shape[1:]: multi = True assert x.shape[1:] == self._tri.points[0].shape, \ "%s[1] != %s" % (x.shape, self._tri.points[0].shape) else: multi = False else: multi = False _, ndim = self._tri.points.shape i = self._tri.find_simplex(x) if multi: Tinv = self._tri.transform[i,:ndim] r = self._tri.transform[i,ndim] b = pyomo.core.kernel.piecewise_library.util.\ numpy.einsum('ijk,ik->ij', Tinv, x-r) b = pyomo.core.kernel.piecewise_library.util.\ numpy.c_[b, 1 - b.sum(axis=1)] s = self._tri.simplices[i] return (b*self._values[s]).sum(axis=1) else: b = self._tri.transform[i,:ndim,:ndim].dot( x - self._tri.transform[i,ndim,:]) s = self._tri.simplices[i] val =[s[:ndim]]) val += (1-b.sum())*self._values[s[ndim]] return val
[docs]class TransformedPiecewiseLinearFunctionND(block): """Base class for transformed multi-variate piecewise linear functions A transformed multi-variate piecewise linear functions is a block of variables and constraints that enforce a piecewise linear relationship between an vector input variables and a single output variable. Args: f (:class:`PiecewiseLinearFunctionND`): The multi-variate piecewise linear function to transform. input: The variable constrained to be the input of the piecewise linear function. output: The variable constrained to be the output of the piecewise linear function. bound (str): The type of bound to impose on the output expression. Can be one of: - 'lb': y <= f(x) - 'eq': y = f(x) - 'ub': y >= f(x) """ def __init__(self, f, input=None, output=None, bound='eq'): super(TransformedPiecewiseLinearFunctionND, self).__init__() assert isinstance(f, PiecewiseLinearFunctionND) if bound not in ('lb', 'ub', 'eq'): raise ValueError("Invalid bound type %r. Must be " "one of: ['lb','ub','eq']" % (bound)) self._bound = bound self._f = f _,ndim = f._tri.points.shape if input is None: input = [None]*ndim self._input = expression_tuple( expression(input[i]) for i in range(ndim)) self._output = expression(output) @property def input(self): """The tuple of expressions that store the inputs to the piecewise function. The returned objects can be updated by assigning to their :attr:`expr` attribute.""" return self._input @property def output(self): """The expression that stores the output of the piecewise function. The returned object can be updated by assigning to its :attr:`expr` attribute.""" return self._output @property def bound(self): """The bound type assigned to the piecewise relationship ('lb','ub','eq').""" return self._bound @property def triangulation(self): """The triangulation over the domain of this function""" return self._f.triangulation @property def values(self): """The set of values used to defined this function""" return self._f.values
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """ Evaluates the piecewise linear function using interpolation. This method supports vectorized function calls as the interpolation process can be expensive for high dimensional data. For the case when a single point is provided, the argument x should be a (D,) shaped numpy array or list, where D is the dimension of points in the triangulation. For the vectorized case, the argument x should be a (n,D)-shaped numpy array. """ return self._f(x)
[docs]class piecewise_nd_cc(TransformedPiecewiseLinearFunctionND): """Discrete CC multi-variate piecewise representation Expresses a multi-variate piecewise linear function using the CC formulation. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(piecewise_nd_cc, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) ndim = len(self.input) nsimplices = len(self.triangulation.simplices) npoints = len(self.triangulation.points) pointsT = list(zip(*self.triangulation.points)) # create index objects dimensions = range(ndim) simplices = range(nsimplices) vertices = range(npoints) # create vars self.v = variable_dict() lmbda = self.v['lambda'] = variable_tuple( variable(lb=0) for v in vertices) y = self.v['y'] = variable_tuple( variable(domain_type=IntegerSet, lb=0, ub=1) for s in simplices) lmbda_tuple = tuple(lmbda) # create constraints self.c = constraint_list() clist = [] for d in dimensions: clist.append(linear_constraint( variables=lmbda_tuple + (self.input[d],), coefficients=tuple(pointsT[d]) + (-1,), rhs=0)) self.c.append(constraint_tuple(clist)) del clist self.c.append(linear_constraint( variables=lmbda_tuple + (self.output,), coefficients=tuple(self.values) + (-1,))) if self.bound == 'ub': self.c[-1].lb = 0 elif self.bound == 'lb': self.c[-1].ub = 0 else: assert self.bound == 'eq' self.c[-1].rhs = 0 self.c.append(linear_constraint( variables=lmbda_tuple, coefficients=(1,)*len(lmbda_tuple), rhs=1)) # generate a map from vertex index to simplex index, # which avoids an n^2 lookup when generating the # constraint vertex_to_simplex = [[] for v in vertices] for s, simplex in enumerate(self.triangulation.simplices): for v in simplex: vertex_to_simplex[v].append(s) clist = [] for v in vertices: variables = tuple(y[s] for s in vertex_to_simplex[v]) clist.append(linear_constraint( variables=variables + (lmbda[v],), coefficients=(1,)*len(variables) + (-1,), lb=0)) self.c.append(constraint_tuple(clist)) del clist self.c.append(linear_constraint( variables=y, coefficients=(1,)*len(y), rhs=1))
registered_transforms['cc'] = piecewise_nd_cc