Source code for pyomo.core.expr.logical_expr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from __future__ import division

import types
from itertools import islice

import logging
import traceback

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.core')
from pyomo.common.errors import PyomoException, DeveloperError
from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecation_warning
from .numvalue import (

from .boolean_value import (

from .expr_common import (
    _lt, _le,
    _and, _or, _equiv, _inv, _xor, _impl)

from .visitor import (
    evaluate_expression, expression_to_string, polynomial_degree,
    clone_expression, sizeof_expression, _expression_is_fixed

from .numeric_expr import _LinearOperatorExpression, _process_arg
import operator

# Expression classes

class RangedExpression(_LinearOperatorExpression):
    Ranged expressions, which define relations with a lower and upper bound::

        x < y < z
        x <= y <= z

        args (tuple): child nodes
        strict (tuple): flags that indicates whether the inequalities are strict

    __slots__ = ('_strict',)

    # Shared tuples for the most common RangedExpression objects encountered
    # in math programming.  Creating a single (shared) tuple saves memory
    STRICT = {
        False: (False, False),
        True: (True, True),
        (True, True): (True, True),
        (False, False): (False, False),
        (True, False): (True, False),
        (False, True): (False, True),

    def __init__(self, args, strict):
        super(RangedExpression, self).__init__(args)
        self._strict = RangedExpression.STRICT[strict]

    def nargs(self):
        return 3

    def create_node_with_local_data(self, args):
        return self.__class__(args, self._strict)

    def __getstate__(self):
        state = super(RangedExpression, self).__getstate__()
        for i in RangedExpression.__slots__:
            state[i] = getattr(self, i)
        return state

    def __bool__(self):
        if self.is_constant():
            return bool(self())
        raise PyomoException("""
Cannot convert non-constant Pyomo expression (%s) to bool.
This error is usually caused by using a Var, unit, or mutable Param in a
Boolean context such as an "if" statement, or when checking container
membership or equality. For example,
    >>> m.x = Var()
    >>> if m.x >= 1:
    ...     pass
    >>> m.y = Var()
    >>> if m.y in [m.x, m.y]:
    ...     pass
would both cause this exception.""".strip() % (self,))

    def is_relational(self):
        return True

    def _precedence(self):
        return RangedExpression.PRECEDENCE

    def _apply_operation(self, result):
        _l, _b, _r = result
        if not self._strict[0]:
            if not self._strict[1]:
                return _l <= _b and _b <= _r
                return _l <= _b and _b < _r
        elif not self._strict[1]:
            return _l < _b and _b <= _r
            return _l < _b and _b < _r

    def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values):
        return "{0}  {1}  {2}  {3}  {4}".format(values[0], '<' if self._strict[0] else '<=', values[1], '<' if self._strict[1] else '<=', values[2])

    def is_constant(self):
        return all(arg is None
                   or arg.__class__ in native_numeric_types
                   or arg.is_constant()
                   for arg in self._args_)

    def is_potentially_variable(self):
        return any(map(is_potentially_variable, self._args_))

    def strict(self):
        return self._strict

[docs]class InequalityExpression(_LinearOperatorExpression): """ Inequality expressions, which define less-than or less-than-or-equal relations:: x < y x <= y args: args (tuple): child nodes strict (bool): a flag that indicates whether the inequality is strict """ __slots__ = ('_strict',) PRECEDENCE = 9 def __init__(self, args, strict): super(InequalityExpression,self).__init__(args) self._strict = strict
[docs] def nargs(self): return 2
[docs] def create_node_with_local_data(self, args): return self.__class__(args, self._strict)
def __getstate__(self): state = super(InequalityExpression, self).__getstate__() for i in InequalityExpression.__slots__: state[i] = getattr(self, i) return state def __bool__(self): if self.is_constant(): return bool(self()) raise PyomoException(""" Cannot convert non-constant Pyomo expression (%s) to bool. This error is usually caused by using a Var, unit, or mutable Param in a Boolean context such as an "if" statement, or when checking container membership or equality. For example, >>> m.x = Var() >>> if m.x >= 1: ... pass and >>> m.y = Var() >>> if m.y in [m.x, m.y]: ... pass would both cause this exception.""".strip() % (self,))
[docs] def is_relational(self): return True
[docs] def _precedence(self): return InequalityExpression.PRECEDENCE
[docs] def _apply_operation(self, result): _l, _r = result if self._strict: return _l < _r return _l <= _r
[docs] def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): if len(values) == 2: return "{0} {1} {2}".format(values[0], '<' if self._strict else '<=', values[1])
[docs] def is_constant(self): return all(arg is None or arg.__class__ in native_numeric_types or arg.is_constant() for arg in self._args_)
[docs] def is_potentially_variable(self): return any(map(is_potentially_variable, self._args_))
@property def strict(self): return self._strict
def inequality(lower=None, body=None, upper=None, strict=False): """ A utility function that can be used to declare inequality and ranged inequality expressions. The expression:: inequality(2, model.x) is equivalent to the expression:: 2 <= model.x The expression:: inequality(2, model.x, 3) is equivalent to the expression:: 2 <= model.x <= 3 .. note:: This ranged inequality syntax is deprecated in Pyomo. This function provides a mechanism for expressing ranged inequalities without chained inequalities. args: lower: an expression defines a lower bound body: an expression defines the body of a ranged constraint upper: an expression defines an upper bound strict (bool): A boolean value that indicates whether the inequality is strict. Default is :const:`False`. Returns: A relational expression. The expression is an inequality if any of the values :attr:`lower`, :attr:`body` or :attr:`upper` is :const:`None`. Otherwise, the expression is a ranged inequality. """ if lower is None: if body is None or upper is None: raise ValueError("Invalid inequality expression.") return InequalityExpression((body, upper), strict) if body is None: if lower is None or upper is None: raise ValueError("Invalid inequality expression.") return InequalityExpression((lower, upper), strict) if upper is None: return InequalityExpression((lower, body), strict) return RangedExpression((lower, body, upper), strict)
[docs]class EqualityExpression(_LinearOperatorExpression): """ Equality expression:: x == y """ __slots__ = () PRECEDENCE = 9
[docs] def nargs(self): return 2
def __bool__(self): lhs, rhs = self.args if lhs is rhs: return True if self.is_constant(): return bool(self()) raise PyomoException(""" Cannot convert non-constant Pyomo expression (%s) to bool. This error is usually caused by using a Var, unit, or mutable Param in a Boolean context such as an "if" statement, or when checking container membership or equality. For example, >>> m.x = Var() >>> if m.x >= 1: ... pass and >>> m.y = Var() >>> if m.y in [m.x, m.y]: ... pass would both cause this exception.""".strip() % (self,))
[docs] def is_relational(self): return True
[docs] def _precedence(self): return EqualityExpression.PRECEDENCE
[docs] def _apply_operation(self, result): _l, _r = result return _l == _r
[docs] def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): return "{0} == {1}".format(values[0], values[1])
[docs] def is_constant(self): return self._args_[0].is_constant() and self._args_[1].is_constant()
[docs] def is_potentially_variable(self): return any(map(is_potentially_variable, self._args_))
def _generate_relational_expression(etype, lhs, rhs): rhs_is_relational = False lhs_is_relational = False constant_lhs = True constant_rhs = True if lhs is not None and lhs.__class__ not in native_numeric_types: lhs = _process_arg(lhs) # Note: _process_arg can return a native type if lhs is not None and lhs.__class__ not in native_numeric_types: lhs_is_relational = lhs.is_relational() constant_lhs = False if rhs is not None and rhs.__class__ not in native_numeric_types: rhs = _process_arg(rhs) # Note: _process_arg can return a native type if rhs is not None and rhs.__class__ not in native_numeric_types: rhs_is_relational = rhs.is_relational() constant_rhs = False if constant_lhs and constant_rhs: if etype == _eq: return lhs == rhs elif etype == _le: return lhs <= rhs elif etype == _lt: return lhs < rhs else: raise ValueError("Unknown relational expression type '%s'" % etype) if etype == _eq: if lhs_is_relational or rhs_is_relational: raise TypeError( "Cannot create an EqualityExpression where one of the " "sub-expressions is a relational expression:\n" " %s\n {==}\n %s" % (lhs, rhs,) ) return EqualityExpression((lhs, rhs)) else: if etype == _le: strict = False elif etype == _lt: strict = True else: raise DeveloperError( "Unknown relational expression type '%s'" % (etype,)) if lhs_is_relational: if lhs.__class__ is InequalityExpression: if rhs_is_relational: raise TypeError( "Cannot create an InequalityExpression where both " "sub-expressions are relational expressions:\n" " %s\n {%s}\n %s" % (lhs, "<" if strict else "<=", rhs,)) return RangedExpression( lhs._args_ + (rhs,), (lhs._strict, strict)) else: raise TypeError( "Cannot create an InequalityExpression where one of the " "sub-expressions is an equality or ranged expression:\n" " %s\n {%s}\n %s" % (lhs, "<" if strict else "<=", rhs,)) elif rhs_is_relational: if rhs.__class__ is InequalityExpression: return RangedExpression( (lhs,) + rhs._args_, (strict, rhs._strict)) else: raise TypeError( "Cannot create an InequalityExpression where one of the " "sub-expressions is an equality or ranged expression:\n" " %s\n {%s}\n %s" % (lhs, "<" if strict else "<=", rhs,)) else: return InequalityExpression((lhs, rhs), strict) def _generate_logical_proposition(etype, lhs, rhs): if lhs.__class__ in native_types and lhs.__class__ not in native_logical_types: raise TypeError("Cannot create Logical expression with lhs of type '%s'" % lhs.__class__) if rhs.__class__ in native_types and rhs.__class__ not in native_logical_types and rhs is not None: raise TypeError("Cannot create Logical expression with rhs of type '%s'" % rhs.__class__) if etype == _equiv: return EquivalenceExpression((lhs, rhs)) elif etype == _inv: assert rhs is None return NotExpression((lhs,)) elif etype == _xor: return XorExpression((lhs, rhs)) elif etype == _impl: return ImplicationExpression((lhs, rhs)) elif etype == _and: return land(lhs, rhs) elif etype == _or: return lor(lhs, rhs) else: raise ValueError("Unknown logical proposition type '%s'" % etype) # pragma: no cover class BooleanExpressionBase(BooleanValue): """ Logical expressions base expression. This class is used to define nodes in an expression tree. Abstract args: args (list or tuple): Children of this node. """ __slots__ = ('_args_',) PRECEDENCE = 0 def __init__(self, args): self._args_ = args def nargs(self): """ Returns the number of child nodes. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Derived expression (%s) failed to " "implement nargs()" % (str(self.__class__), )) def args(self, i): """ Return the i-th child node. args: i (int): Nonnegative index of the child that is returned. Returns: The i-th child node. """ if i >= self.nargs(): raise KeyError("Invalid index for expression argsument: %d" % i) if i < 0: return self._args_[self.nargs()+i] return self._args_[i] @property def args(self): """ Return the child nodes Returns: Either a list or tuple (depending on the node storage model) containing only the child nodes of this node """ return self._args_[:self.nargs()] def __getstate__(self): """ Pickle the expression object Returns: The pickled state. """ state = super(BooleanExpressionBase, self).__getstate__() for i in BooleanExpressionBase.__slots__: state[i] = getattr(self,i) return state def __call__(self, exception=True): """ Evaluate the value of the expression tree. args: exception (bool): If :const:`False`, then an exception raised while evaluating is captured, and the value returned is :const:`None`. Default is :const:`True`. Returns: The value of the expression or :const:`None`. """ return evaluate_expression(self, exception) def __str__(self): """ Returns a string description of the expression. Note: The value of ``pyomo.core.expr.expr_common.TO_STRING_VERBOSE`` is used to configure the execution of this method. If this value is :const:`True`, then the string representation is a nested function description of the expression. The default is :const:`False`, which is an algebraic description of the expression. Returns: A string. """ return expression_to_string(self) def to_string(self, verbose=None, labeler=None, smap=None, compute_values=False): """ Return a string representation of the expression tree. args: verbose (bool): If :const:`True`, then the the string representation consists of nested functions. Otherwise, the string representation is an algebraic equation. Defaults to :const:`False`. labeler: An object that generates string labels for variables in the expression tree. Defaults to :const:`None`. smap: If specified, this :class:`SymbolMap <pyomo.core.expr.symbol_map.SymbolMap>` is used to cache labels for variables. compute_values (bool): If :const:`True`, then parameters and fixed variables are evaluated before the expression string is generated. Default is :const:`False`. Returns: A string representation for the expression tree. """ return expression_to_string(self, verbose=verbose, labeler=labeler, smap=smap, compute_values=compute_values) def _precedence(self): return BooleanExpressionBase.PRECEDENCE def _associativity(self): """Return the associativity of this operator. Returns 1 if this operator is left-to-right associative or -1 if it is right-to-left associative. Any other return value will be interpreted as "not associative" (implying any arguments that are at this operator's _precedence() will be enclosed in parens). """ return 1 def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): #pragma: no cover """ Construct a string representation for this node, using the string representations of its children. This method is called by the :class:`_ToStringVisitor <pyomo.core.expr.current._ToStringVisitor>` class. It must must be defined in subclasses. args: values (list): The string representations of the children of this node. verbose (bool): If :const:`True`, then the the string representation consists of nested functions. Otherwise, the string representation is an algebraic equation. smap: If specified, this :class:`SymbolMap <pyomo.core.expr.symbol_map.SymbolMap>` is used to cache labels for variables. compute_values (bool): If :const:`True`, then parameters and fixed variables are evaluated before the expression string is generated. Returns: A string representation for this node. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Derived expression (%s) failed to " "implement _to_string()" % (str(self.__class__), )) def getname(self, *args, **kwds): #pragma: no cover """ Return the text name of a function associated with this expression object. In general, no arguments are passed to this function. args: *arg: a variable length list of arguments **kwds: keyword arguments Returns: A string name for the function. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Derived expression (%s) failed to " "implement getname()" % (str(self.__class__), )) def clone(self, substitute=None): """ Return a clone of the expression tree. Note: This method does not clone the leaves of the tree, which are numeric constants and variables. It only clones the interior nodes, and expression leaf nodes like :class:`_MutableLinearExpression<pyomo.core.expr.current._MutableLinearExpression>`. However, named expressions are treated like leaves, and they are not cloned. args: substitute (dict): a dictionary that maps object ids to clone objects generated earlier during the cloning process. Returns: A new expression tree. """ return clone_expression(self, substitute=substitute) def create_node_with_local_data(self, args): """ Construct a node using given arguments. This method provides a consistent interface for constructing a node, which is used in tree visitor scripts. In the simplest case, this simply returns:: self.__class__(args) But in general this creates an expression object using local data as well as arguments that represent the child nodes. args: args (list): A list of child nodes for the new expression object memo (dict): A dictionary that maps object ids to clone objects generated earlier during a cloning process. This argsument is needed to clone objects that are owned by a model, and it can be safely ignored for most expression classes. Returns: A new expression object with the same type as the current class. """ return self.__class__(args) def is_constant(self): """Return True if this expression is an atomic constant This method contrasts with the is_fixed() method. This method returns True if the expression is an atomic constant, that is it is composed exclusively of constants and immutable parameters. NumericValue objects returning is_constant() == True may be simplified to their numeric value at any point without warning. Note: This defaults to False, but gets redefined in sub-classes. """ return False def is_fixed(self): """ Return :const:`True` if this expression contains no free variables. Returns: A boolean. """ return _expression_is_fixed(self) def _is_fixed(self, values): """ Compute whether this expression is fixed given the fixed values of its children. This method is called by the :class:`_IsFixedVisitor <pyomo.core.expr.current._IsFixedVisitor>` class. It can be over-written by expression classes to customize this logic. args: values (list): A list of boolean values that indicate whether the children of this expression are fixed Returns: A boolean that is :const:`True` if the fixed values of the children are all :const:`True`. """ return all(values) def is_potentially_variable(self): """ Return :const:`True` if this expression might represent a variable expression. This method returns :const:`True` when the expression tree contains one or more variables Returns: A boolean. Defaults to :const:`True` for expressions. """ return True def is_expression_type(self): """ Return :const:`True` if this object is an expression. This method obviously returns :const:`True` for this class, but it is included in other classes within Pyomo that are not expressions, which allows for a check for expressions without evaluating the class type. Returns: A boolean. """ return True def size(self): """ Return the number of nodes in the expression tree. Returns: A nonnegative integer that is the number of interior and leaf nodes in the expression tree. """ return sizeof_expression(self) def _apply_operation(self, result): #pragma: no cover """ Compute the values of this node given the values of its children. This method is called by the :class:`_EvaluationVisitor <pyomo.core.expr.current._EvaluationVisitor>` class. It must be over-written by expression classes to customize this logic. Note: This method applies the logical operation of the operator to the arguments. It does *not* evaluate the arguments in the process, but assumes that they have been previously evaluated. But noted that if this class contains auxiliary data (e.g. like the numeric coefficients in the :class:`LinearExpression <pyomo.core.expr.current.LinearExpression>` class, then those values *must* be evaluated as part of this function call. An uninitialized parameter value encountered during the execution of this method is considered an error. args: values (list): A list of values that indicate the value of the children expressions. Returns: A floating point value for this expression. """ raise NotImplementedError( "Derived expression (%s) failed to " "implement _apply_operation()" % (str(self.__class__), )) """ ---------------------------******************-------------------- The following methods are static methods for nodes creator. Those should do the exact same thing as the class methods as well as overloaded operators. """ def lnot(Y): """ Construct a NotExpression for the passed BooleanValue. """ return NotExpression((Y,)) def equivalent(Y1, Y2): """ Construct an EquivalenceExpression Y1 == Y2 """ return EquivalenceExpression((Y1, Y2)) def xor(Y1, Y2): """ Construct an XorExpression Y1 xor Y2 """ return XorExpression((Y1, Y2)) def implies(Y1, Y2): """ Construct an Implication using function, where Y1 implies Y2 """ return ImplicationExpression((Y1, Y2)) def _flattened(args): """Flatten any potentially indexed arguments.""" for arg in args: if arg.__class__ in native_types: yield arg else: if isinstance(arg, (types.GeneratorType, list)): for _argdata in arg: yield _argdata elif arg.is_indexed(): for _argdata in arg.values(): yield _argdata else: yield arg def land(*args): """ Construct an AndExpression between passed arguments. """ result = AndExpression([]) for argdata in _flattened(args): result = result.add(argdata) return result def lor(*args): """ Construct an OrExpression between passed arguments. """ result = OrExpression([]) for argdata in _flattened(args): result = result.add(argdata) return result def exactly(n, *args): """Creates a new ExactlyExpression Require exactly n arguments to be True, to make the expression True Usage: exactly(2, m.Y1, m.Y2, m.Y3, ...) """ result = ExactlyExpression([n, ] + list(_flattened(args))) return result def atmost(n, *args): """Creates a new AtMostExpression Require at most n arguments to be True, to make the expression True Usage: atmost(2, m.Y1, m.Y2, m.Y3, ...) """ result = AtMostExpression([n, ] + list(_flattened(args))) return result def atleast(n, *args): """Creates a new AtLeastExpression Require at least n arguments to be True, to make the expression True Usage: atleast(2, m.Y1, m.Y2, m.Y3, ...) """ result = AtLeastExpression([n, ] + list(_flattened(args))) return result class UnaryBooleanExpression(BooleanExpressionBase): """ Abstract class for single-argument logical expressions. """ def nargs(self): """ Returns number of arguments in expression """ return 1 class NotExpression(UnaryBooleanExpression): """ This is the node for a NotExpression, this node should have exactly one child """ PRECEDENCE = 2 def getname(self, *arg, **kwd): return 'Logical Negation' def _precedence(self): return NotExpression.PRECEDENCE def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): return "~%s" % values[0] def _apply_operation(self, result): return not result[0] class BinaryBooleanExpression(BooleanExpressionBase): """ Abstract class for binary logical expressions. """ def nargs(self): """ Return the number of argument the expression has """ return 2 class EquivalenceExpression(BinaryBooleanExpression): """ Logical equivalence statement: Y_1 iff Y_2. """ __slots__ = () PRECEDENCE = 6 def getname(self, *arg, **kwd): return 'iff' def _precedence(self): return EquivalenceExpression.PRECEDENCE def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): return " iff ".join(values) def _apply_operation(self, result): return result[0] == result[1] class XorExpression(BinaryBooleanExpression): """ Logical Exclusive OR statement: Y_1 ⊻ Y_2 """ __slots__ = () PRECEDENCE = 5 def getname(self, *arg, **kwd): return 'xor' def _precedence(self): return XorExpression.PRECEDENCE def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): return " ⊻ ".join(values) def _apply_operation(self, result): return operator.xor(result[0], result[1]) class ImplicationExpression(BinaryBooleanExpression): """ Logical Implication statement: Y_1 --> Y_2. """ __slots__ = () PRECEDENCE = 6 def getname(self, *arg, **kwd): return 'implies' def _precedence(self): return ImplicationExpression.PRECEDENCE def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): return " --> ".join(values) def _apply_operation(self, result): return (not result[0]) or result[1] class NaryBooleanExpression(BooleanExpressionBase): """ The abstract class for NaryBooleanExpression. This class should never be initialized. """ __slots__ = ('_nargs',) def __init__(self, args): self._args_ = args self._nargs = len(self._args_) def nargs(self): """ Return the number of expression arguments """ return self._nargs def getname(self, *arg, **kwd): return 'NaryBooleanExpression' def __getstate__(self): """ Pickle the expression object Returns: The pickled state. """ state = super().__getstate__() for i in NaryBooleanExpression.__slots__: state[i] = getattr(self, i) return state def _add_to_and_or_expression(orig_expr, new_arg): """ Since AND and OR are Nary expressions, we extend the existing expression instead of creating a nested expression object if the types are compatible. """ # Clone 'self', because AndExpression/OrExpression are immutable if new_arg.__class__ is orig_expr.__class__: # adding new AndExpression/OrExpression on the right new_expr = orig_expr.__class__(orig_expr._args_) new_expr._args_.extend(islice(new_arg._args_, new_arg._nargs)) else: # adding new singleton on the right new_expr = orig_expr.__class__(orig_expr._args_) new_expr._args_.append(new_arg) # TODO set up id()-based scheme for avoiding duplicate entries new_expr._nargs = len(new_expr._args_) return new_expr class AndExpression(NaryBooleanExpression): """ This is the node for AndExpression. """ __slots__ = () PRECEDENCE = 4 def getname(self, *arg, **kwd): return 'and' def _precedence(self): return AndExpression.PRECEDENCE def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): return " ∧ ".join(values) def _apply_operation(self, result): return all(result) def add(self, new_arg): if new_arg.__class__ in native_logical_types: if new_arg is False: return BooleanConstant(False) elif new_arg is True: return self return _add_to_and_or_expression(self, new_arg) class OrExpression(NaryBooleanExpression): """ This is the node for OrExpression. """ __slots__ = () PRECEDENCE = 4 def getname(self, *arg, **kwd): return 'or' def _precedence(self): return OrExpression.PRECEDENCE def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): return " ∨ ".join(values) def _apply_operation(self, result): return any(result) def add(self, new_arg): if new_arg.__class__ in native_logical_types: if new_arg is False: return self elif new_arg is True: return BooleanConstant(True) return _add_to_and_or_expression(self, new_arg) class ExactlyExpression(NaryBooleanExpression): """ Logical constraint that exactly N child statements are True. The first argument N is expected to be a numeric non-negative integer. Subsequent arguments are expected to be Boolean. Usage: exactly(1, True, False, False) --> True """ __slots__ = () PRECEDENCE = 9 def getname(self, *arg, **kwd): return 'exactly' def _precedence(self): return ExactlyExpression.PRECEDENCE def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): return "exactly(%s: [%s])" % (values[0], ", ".join(values[1:])) def _apply_operation(self, result): return sum(result[1:]) == result[0] class AtMostExpression(NaryBooleanExpression): """ Logical constraint that at most N child statements are True. The first argument N is expected to be a numeric non-negative integer. Subsequent arguments are expected to be Boolean. Usage: atmost(1, True, False, False) --> True """ __slots__ = () PRECEDENCE = 9 def getname(self, *arg, **kwd): return 'atmost' def _precedence(self): return AtMostExpression.PRECEDENCE def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): return "atmost(%s: [%s])" % (values[0], ", ".join(values[1:])) def _apply_operation(self, result): return sum(result[1:]) <= result[0] class AtLeastExpression(NaryBooleanExpression): """ Logical constraint that at least N child statements are True. The first argument N is expected to be a numeric non-negative integer. Subsequent arguments are expected to be Boolean. Usage: atleast(1, True, False, False) --> True """ __slots__ = () PRECEDENCE = 9 def getname(self, *arg, **kwd): return 'atleast' def _precedence(self): return AtLeastExpression.PRECEDENCE def _to_string(self, values, verbose, smap, compute_values): return "atleast(%s: [%s])" % (values[0], ", ".join(values[1:])) def _apply_operation(self, result): return sum(result[1:]) >= result[0] special_boolean_atom_types = {ExactlyExpression, AtMostExpression, AtLeastExpression}