Source code for pyomo.contrib.preprocessing.plugins.var_aggregator

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and 
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain 
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

"""Transformation to aggregate equal variables."""

from __future__ import division

from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap, ComponentSet
from pyomo.core.base import (
    Block, Constraint, VarList, Objective, TransformationFactory,
from pyomo.core.expr.current import ExpressionReplacementVisitor
from pyomo.core.expr.numvalue import value
from pyomo.core.plugins.transform.hierarchy import IsomorphicTransformation
from pyomo.repn import generate_standard_repn
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.contrib.preprocessing')

def _get_equality_linked_variables(constraint):
    """Return the two variables linked by an equality constraint x == y.

    If the constraint does not match this form, skip it.

    if value(constraint.lower) != 0 or value(constraint.upper) != 0:
        # LB and UB on constraint must be zero; otherwise, return empty tuple.
        return ()
    if constraint.body.polynomial_degree() != 1:
        # must be a linear constraint; otherwise, return empty tuple.
        return ()

    # Generate the standard linear representation
    repn = generate_standard_repn(constraint.body)
    nonzero_coef_vars = tuple(v for i, v in enumerate(repn.linear_vars)
                              # if coefficient on variable is nonzero
                              if repn.linear_coefs[i] != 0)
    if len(nonzero_coef_vars) != 2:
        # Expect two variables with nonzero cofficient in constraint;
        # otherwise, return empty tuple.
        return ()
    if sorted(coef for coef in repn.linear_coefs if coef != 0) != [-1, 1]:
        # Expect a constraint of form x == y --> 0 == -1 * x + 1 * y;
        # otherwise, return empty tuple.
        return ()
    # Above checks are satisifed. Return the variables.
    return nonzero_coef_vars

def _fix_equality_fixed_variables(model, scaling_tolerance=1E-10):
    """Detects variables fixed by a constraint: ax=b.

    Fixes the variable to the constant value (b/a) and deactivates the relevant

    This sub-transformation is different than contrib.detect_fixed_vars because
    it looks for x = const rather than = x.ub.

    for constraint in model.component_data_objects(
        ctype=Constraint, active=True, descend_into=True
        if not (constraint.has_lb() and constraint.has_ub()):
            # Constraint is not an equality. Skip.
        if value(constraint.lower) != value(constraint.upper):
            # Constraint is not an equality. Skip.
        if constraint.body.polynomial_degree() != 1:
            # Constraint is not linear. Skip.

        # Generate the standard linear representation
        repn = generate_standard_repn(constraint.body)
        # Generator of tuples with the coefficient and variable object for
        # nonzero coefficients.
        nonzero_coef_vars = (
            (repn.linear_coefs[i], v)
            for i, v in enumerate(repn.linear_vars)
            # if coefficient on variable is nonzero
            if repn.linear_coefs[i] != 0)
        # get the coefficient and variable object
        coef, var = next(nonzero_coef_vars)
        if next(nonzero_coef_vars, None) is not None:
            # Expect one variable with nonzero cofficient in constraint;
            # otherwise, skip.
        # Constant term on the constraint body
        const = repn.constant if repn.constant is not None else 0

        if abs(coef) <= scaling_tolerance:
                "Skipping fixed variable processing for constraint %s: "
                "%s * %s + %s = %s because coefficient %s is below "
                "tolerance of %s. Check your problem scaling." %
                (, coef,, const,
                 value(constraint.lower), coef, scaling_tolerance))

        # Constraint has form lower <= coef * var + const <= upper. We know that
        # lower = upper, so coef * var + const = lower.
        var_value = (value(constraint.lower) - const) / coef


def _build_equality_set(model):
    """Construct an equality set map.

    Maps all variables to the set of variables that are linked to them by
    equality. Mapping takes place using id(). That is, if you have x = y, then
    you would have id(x) -> ComponentSet([x, y]) and id(y) -> ComponentSet([x,
    y]) in the mapping.

    # Map of variables to their equality set (ComponentSet)
    eq_var_map = ComponentMap()

    # Loop through all the active constraints in the model
    for constraint in model.component_data_objects(
            ctype=Constraint, active=True, descend_into=True):
        eq_linked_vars = _get_equality_linked_variables(constraint)
        if not eq_linked_vars:
            continue  # if we get an empty tuple, skip to next constraint.
        v1, v2 = eq_linked_vars
        set1 = eq_var_map.get(v1, ComponentSet((v1, v2)))
        set2 = eq_var_map.get(v2, (v2,))

        # if set1 and set2 are equivalent, skip to next constraint.
        if set1 is set2:

        # add all elements of set2 to set 1
        # Update all elements to point to set 1
        for v in set1:
            eq_var_map[v] = set1

    return eq_var_map

# TODO: these two functions were copied from contrib.gdp_bounds.compute_bounds
# at some point, these all should be moved into pyomo.common.
def min_if_not_None(iterable):
    """Returns the minimum among non-None elements.

    Returns None when all elements are None.

    non_nones = [a for a in iterable if a is not None]
    return min(non_nones or [None])  # min( [] or [None] ) -> None

def max_if_not_None(iterable):
    """Returns the maximum among non-None elements.

    Returns None when all elements are None.

    non_nones = [a for a in iterable if a is not None]
    return max(non_nones or [None])  # min( [] or [None] ) -> None

[docs]@TransformationFactory.register('contrib.aggregate_vars', doc="Aggregate model variables that are linked by equality constraints.") class VariableAggregator(IsomorphicTransformation): """Aggregate model variables that are linked by equality constraints. Before: .. math:: x &= y \\\\ a &= 2x + 6y + 7 \\\\ b &= 5y + 6 \\\\ After: .. math:: z &= x = y \\\\ a &= 8z + 7 \\\\ b &= 5z + 6 .. warning:: TODO: unclear what happens to "capital-E" Expressions at this point in time. """ def _apply_to(self, model, detect_fixed_vars=True): """Apply the transformation to the given model.""" # Generate the equality sets eq_var_map = _build_equality_set(model) # Detect and process fixed variables. if detect_fixed_vars: _fix_equality_fixed_variables(model) # Generate aggregation infrastructure model._var_aggregator_info = Block( doc="Holds information for the variable aggregation " "transformation system.") z = model._var_aggregator_info.z = VarList(doc="Aggregated variables.") # Map of the aggregate var to the equalty set (ComponentSet) z_to_vars = model._var_aggregator_info.z_to_vars = ComponentMap() # Map of variables to their corresponding aggregate var var_to_z = model._var_aggregator_info.var_to_z = ComponentMap() processed_vars = ComponentSet() # TODO This iteritems is sorted by the variable name of the key in # order to preserve determinism. Unfortunately, is an # expensive operation right now. for var, eq_set in sorted(eq_var_map.items(), key=lambda tup: tup[0].name): if var in processed_vars: continue # Skip already-process variables # This would be weird. The variable hasn't been processed, but is # in the map. Raise an exception. assert var_to_z.get(var, None) is None z_agg = z.add() z_to_vars[z_agg] = eq_set var_to_z.update(ComponentMap((v, z_agg) for v in eq_set)) # Set the bounds of the aggregate variable based on the bounds of # the variables in its equality set. z_agg.setlb(max_if_not_None( for v in eq_set if v.has_lb())) z_agg.setub(min_if_not_None(v.ub for v in eq_set if v.has_ub())) # Set the fixed status of the aggregate var fixed_vars = [v for v in eq_set if v.fixed] if fixed_vars: # Check to make sure all the fixed values are the same. if any(var.value != fixed_vars[0].value for var in fixed_vars[1:]): raise ValueError( "Aggregate variable for equality set is fixed to " "multiple different values: %s" % (fixed_vars,)) z_agg.fix(fixed_vars[0].value) # Check that the fixed value lies within bounds. if z_agg.has_lb() and z_agg.value < value( raise ValueError( "Aggregate variable for equality set is fixed to " "a value less than its lower bound: %s < LB %s" % (z_agg.value, value( ) if z_agg.has_ub() and z_agg.value > value(z_agg.ub): raise ValueError( "Aggregate variable for equality set is fixed to " "a value greater than its upper bound: %s > UB %s" % (z_agg.value, value(z_agg.ub)) ) else: # Set the value to be the average of the values within the # bounds only if the value is not already fixed. values_within_bounds = [ v.value for v in eq_set if ( v.value is not None and (not z_agg.has_lb() or v.value >= value( and (not z_agg.has_ub() or v.value <= value(z_agg.ub)) )] if values_within_bounds: z_agg.set_value(sum(values_within_bounds) / len(values_within_bounds), skip_validation=True) processed_vars.update(eq_set) # Do the substitution substitution_map = {id(var): z_var for var, z_var in var_to_z.items()} visitor = ExpressionReplacementVisitor( substitute=substitution_map, descend_into_named_expressions=True, remove_named_expressions=False, ) for constr in model.component_data_objects( ctype=Constraint, active=True ): orig_body = constr.body new_body = visitor.walk_expression(constr.body) if orig_body is not new_body: constr.set_value((constr.lower, new_body, constr.upper)) for objective in model.component_data_objects( ctype=Objective, active=True ): orig_expr = objective.expr new_expr = visitor.walk_expression(objective.expr) if orig_expr is not new_expr: objective.set_value(new_expr)
[docs] def update_variables(self, model): """Update the values of the variables that were replaced by aggregates. TODO: reduced costs """ datablock = model._var_aggregator_info for agg_var in datablock.z.itervalues(): if not agg_var.stale: for var in datablock.z_to_vars[agg_var]: # We don't want to accidentally trigger the reset of # the global stale indicator, so we will set this # variable to be "stale", knowing that set_value # will switch it back to "not stale". In normal # situations, we would expect var to already be # stale. var.stale = True var.set_value(agg_var.value, skip_validation=True)