Source code for pyomo.common.timing

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  This module was originally developed as part of the PyUtilib project
#  Copyright (c) 2008 Sandia Corporation.
#  This software is distributed under the BSD License.
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
#  the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________
import functools
import logging
import sys
import time
import traceback
from pyomo.common.modeling import NOTSET as _NotSpecified

_logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.common.timing')
_logger.propagate = False

[docs]def report_timing(stream=True): """Set reporting of Pyomo timing information. Parameters ---------- stream: bool, TextIOBase The destination stream to emit timing information. If ``True``, defaults to ``sys.stdout``. If ``False`` or ``None``, disables reporting of timing information. """ if stream: _logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if stream is True: stream = sys.stdout handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(" %(message)s")) _logger.addHandler(handler) return handler else: _logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) for h in _logger.handlers: _logger.removeHandler(h)
_construction_logger = logging.getLogger('') class ConstructionTimer(object): fmt = "%%6.%df seconds to construct %s %s; %d %s total" def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj self.timer = TicTocTimer() def report(self): # Record the elapsed time, as some log handlers may not # immediately generate the messge string self.timer = self.timer.toc(msg=None) def __str__(self): total_time = self.timer try: idx = len(self.obj.index_set()) except AttributeError: idx = 1 try: name = except RuntimeError: try: name = self.obj.local_name except RuntimeError: name = '(unknown)' except AttributeError: name = '(unknown)' try: _type = self.obj.ctype.__name__ except AttributeError: _type = type(self.obj).__name__ try: return self.fmt % ( 2 if total_time>=0.005 else 0, _type, name, idx, 'indices' if idx > 1 else 'index', ) % total_time except TypeError: return "ConstructionTimer object for %s %s; %s elapsed seconds" % ( _type, name, self.timer.toc("") ) _transform_logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.common.timing.transformation') class TransformationTimer(object): fmt = "%%6.%df seconds to apply Transformation %s%s" def __init__(self, obj, mode=None): self.obj = obj if mode is None: self.mode = '' else: self.mode = " (%s)" % (mode,) self.timer = TicTocTimer() def report(self): # Record the elapsed time, as some log handlers may not # immediately generate the message string self.timer = self.timer.toc(msg=None) def __str__(self): total_time = self.timer name = self.obj.__class__.__name__ try: return self.fmt % ( 2 if total_time>=0.005 else 0, name, self.mode, ) % total_time except TypeError: return "TransformationTimer object for %s; %s elapsed seconds" % ( name, self.timer.toc("") ) # # Setup the timer # # TODO: Remove this bit for Pyomo 6.0 - we won't care about older versions if sys.version_info >= (3,3): # perf_counter is guaranteed to be monotonic and the most accurate timer default_timer = time.perf_counter elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): # On old Pythons, clock() is more accurate than time() on Windows # (.35us vs 15ms), but time() is more accurate than clock() on Linux # (1ns vs 1us). It is unfortunate that time() is not monotonic, but # since the TicTocTimer is used for (potentially very accurate) # timers, we will sacrifice monotonicity on Linux for resolution. default_timer = time.clock else: default_timer = time.time
[docs]class TicTocTimer(object): """A class to calculate and report elapsed time. Examples: >>> from pyomo.common.timing import TicTocTimer >>> timer = TicTocTimer() >>> timer.tic('starting timer') # starts the elapsed time timer (from 0) [ 0.00] starting timer >>> # ... do task 1 >>> dT = timer.toc('task 1') [+ 0.00] task 1 >>> print("elapsed time: %0.1f" % dT) elapsed time: 0.0 If no ostream or logger is provided, then output is printed to sys.stdout Args: ostream (FILE): an optional output stream to print the timing information logger (Logger): an optional output stream using the python logging package. Note: the timing logged using ```` """ def __init__(self, ostream=_NotSpecified, logger=None): self._lastTime = self._loadTime = default_timer() self.ostream = ostream self.logger = logger self._start_count = 0 self._cumul = 0
[docs] def tic(self, msg=_NotSpecified, ostream=_NotSpecified, logger=_NotSpecified): """Reset the tic/toc delta timer. This resets the reference time from which the next delta time is calculated to the current time. Args: msg (str): The message to print out. If not specified, then prints out "Resetting the tic/toc delta timer"; if msg is None, then no message is printed. ostream (FILE): an optional output stream (overrides the ostream provided when the class was constructed). logger (Logger): an optional output stream using the python logging package (overrides the ostream provided when the class was constructed). Note: timing logged using """ self._lastTime = default_timer() if msg is _NotSpecified: msg = "Resetting the tic/toc delta timer" if msg is not None: self.toc(msg=msg, delta=False, ostream=ostream, logger=logger)
[docs] def toc(self, msg=_NotSpecified, delta=True, ostream=_NotSpecified, logger=_NotSpecified): """Print out the elapsed time. This resets the reference time from which the next delta time is calculated to the current time. Args: msg (str): The message to print out. If not specified, then print out the file name, line number, and function that called this method; if msg is None, then no message is printed. delta (bool): print out the elapsed wall clock time since the last call to :meth:`tic` or :meth:`toc` (``True`` (default)) or since the module was first loaded (``False``). ostream (FILE): an optional output stream (overrides the ostream provided when the class was constructed). logger (Logger): an optional output stream using the python logging package (overrides the ostream provided when the class was constructed). Note: timing logged using """ if msg is _NotSpecified: msg = 'File "%s", line %s in %s' % \ traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0][:3] now = default_timer() if self._start_count or self._lastTime is None: ans = self._cumul if self._lastTime: ans += default_timer() - self._lastTime if msg is not None: msg = "[%8.2f|%4d] %s\n" % (ans, self._start_count, msg) elif delta: ans = now - self._lastTime self._lastTime = now if msg is not None: msg = "[+%7.2f] %s\n" % (ans, msg) else: ans = now - self._loadTime if msg is not None: msg = "[%8.2f] %s\n" % (ans, msg) if msg is not None: if logger is _NotSpecified: logger = self.logger if logger is not None: if ostream is _NotSpecified: ostream = self.ostream if ostream is _NotSpecified and logger is None: ostream = sys.stdout if ostream is not None: ostream.write(msg) return ans
def stop(self): try: delta = default_timer() - self._lastTime except TypeError: if self._lastTime is None: raise RuntimeError( "Stopping a TicTocTimer that was already stopped") raise self._cumul += delta self._lastTime = None return delta def start(self): if self._lastTime: self.stop() self._start_count += 1 self._lastTime = default_timer() def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, et, ev, tb): self.stop()
_globalTimer = TicTocTimer() tic = functools.partial(TicTocTimer.tic, _globalTimer) tic.__doc__ = """ Reset the global :py:class:`TicTocTimer` instance. See :py:meth:`TicTocTimer.tic()`. """ toc = functools.partial(TicTocTimer.toc, _globalTimer) toc.__doc__ = """ Print the elapsed time from the global :py:class:`TicTocTimer` instance. See :py:meth:`TicTocTimer.toc()`. """ class _HierarchicalHelper(object): def __init__(self): self.tic_toc = TicTocTimer() self.timers = dict() self.total_time = 0 self.n_calls = 0 def start(self): self.n_calls += 1 self.tic_toc.start() def stop(self): self.total_time += self.tic_toc.stop() def to_str(self, indent, stage_identifier_lengths): s = '' if len(self.timers) > 0: underline = indent + '-' * (sum(stage_identifier_lengths) + 36) + '\n' s += underline name_formatter = '{name:<' + str(sum(stage_identifier_lengths)) + '}' other_time = self.total_time sub_stage_identifier_lengths = stage_identifier_lengths[1:] for name, timer in sorted(self.timers.items()): if self.total_time > 0: _percent = timer.total_time / self.total_time * 100 else: _percent = float('nan') s += indent s += ( name_formatter + '{ncalls:>9d} {cumtime:>9.3f} ' '{percall:>9.3f} {percent:>6.1f}\n' ).format( name=name, ncalls=timer.n_calls, cumtime=timer.total_time, percall=timer.total_time/timer.n_calls, percent=_percent ) s += timer.to_str( indent=indent + ' '*stage_identifier_lengths[0], stage_identifier_lengths=sub_stage_identifier_lengths) other_time -= timer.total_time if self.total_time > 0: _percent = other_time / self.total_time * 100 else: _percent = float('nan') s += indent s += ( name_formatter + '{ncalls:>9} {cumtime:>9.3f} ' '{percall:>9} {percent:>6.1f}\n' ).format( name='other', ncalls='n/a', cumtime=other_time, percall='n/a', percent=_percent ) s += underline.replace('-', '=') return s def get_timers(self, res, prefix): for name, timer in self.timers.items(): _name = prefix + '.' + name res.append(_name) timer.get_timers(res, _name)
[docs]class HierarchicalTimer(object): """A class for hierarchical timing. Examples -------- >>> import time >>> from pyomo.common.timing import HierarchicalTimer >>> timer = HierarchicalTimer() >>> timer.start('all') >>> time.sleep(0.2) >>> for i in range(10): ... timer.start('a') ... time.sleep(0.1) ... for i in range(5): ... timer.start('aa') ... time.sleep(0.01) ... timer.stop('aa') ... timer.start('ab') ... timer.stop('ab') ... timer.stop('a') ... >>> for i in range(10): ... timer.start('b') ... time.sleep(0.02) ... timer.stop('b') ... >>> timer.stop('all') >>> print(timer) # doctest: +SKIP Identifier ncalls cumtime percall % --------------------------------------------------- all 1 2.248 2.248 100.0 ---------------------------------------------- a 10 1.787 0.179 79.5 ----------------------------------------- aa 50 0.733 0.015 41.0 ab 10 0.000 0.000 0.0 other n/a 1.055 n/a 59.0 ========================================= b 10 0.248 0.025 11.0 other n/a 0.213 n/a 9.5 ============================================== =================================================== <BLANKLINE> The columns are: ncalls The number of times the timer was started and stopped cumtime The cumulative time (in seconds) the timer was active (started but not stopped) percall cumtime (in seconds) / ncalls "%" This is cumtime of the timer divided by cumtime of the parent timer times 100 >>> print('a total time: %f' % timer.get_total_time('all.a')) \ # doctest: +SKIP a total time: 1.902037 >>> print('ab num calls: %d' % timer.get_num_calls('all.a.ab')) \ # doctest: +SKIP ab num calls: 10 >>> print('aa %% time: %f' % timer.get_relative_percent_time('all.a.aa')) \ # doctest: +SKIP aa % time: 44.144148 >>> print('aa %% total: %f' % timer.get_total_percent_time('all.a.aa')) \ # doctest: +SKIP aa % total: 35.976058 Notes ----- The :py:class:`HierarchicalTimer` use a stack to track which timers are active at any point in time. Additionally, each timer has a dictionary of timers for its children timers. Consider >>> timer = HierarchicalTimer() >>> timer.start('all') >>> timer.start('a') >>> timer.start('aa') After the above code is run, ``timer.stack`` will be ``['all', 'a', 'aa']`` and ``timer.timers`` will have one key, ``'all'`` and one value which will be a :py:class:`_HierarchicalHelper`. The :py:class:`_HierarchicalHelper` has its own timers dictionary: ``{'a': _HierarchicalHelper}`` and so on. This way, we can easily access any timer with something that looks like the stack. The logic is recursive (although the code is not). """ def __init__(self): self.stack = list() self.timers = dict() def _get_timer(self, identifier, should_exist=False): """ This method gets the timer associated with the current state of self.stack and the specified identifier. Parameters ---------- identifier: str The name of the timer should_exist: bool The should_exist is True, and the timer does not already exist, an error will be raised. If should_exist is False, and the timer does not already exist, a new timer will be made. Returns ------- timer: _HierarchicalHelper """ parent = self._get_timer_from_stack(self.stack) if identifier in parent.timers: return parent.timers[identifier] else: if should_exist: raise RuntimeError( 'Could not find timer {0}'.format( '.'.join(self.stack + [identifier]))) parent.timers[identifier] = _HierarchicalHelper() return parent.timers[identifier]
[docs] def start(self, identifier): """Start incrementing the timer identified with identifier Parameters ---------- identifier: str The name of the timer """ timer = self._get_timer(identifier) timer.start() self.stack.append(identifier)
[docs] def stop(self, identifier): """Stop incrementing the timer identified with identifier Parameters ---------- identifier: str The name of the timer """ if identifier != self.stack[-1]: raise ValueError( str(identifier) + ' is not the currently active timer. ' 'The only timer that can currently be stopped is ' + '.'.join(self.stack)) self.stack.pop() timer = self._get_timer(identifier, should_exist=True) timer.stop()
def _get_identifier_len(self): stage_timers = list(self.timers.items()) stage_lengths = list() while len(stage_timers) > 0: new_stage_timers = list() max_len = 0 for identifier, timer in stage_timers: new_stage_timers.extend(timer.timers.items()) if len(identifier) > max_len: max_len = len(identifier) stage_lengths.append(max(max_len, len('other'))) stage_timers = new_stage_timers return stage_lengths def __str__(self): const_indent = 4 max_name_length = 200 - 36 stage_identifier_lengths = self._get_identifier_len() name_field_width = sum(stage_identifier_lengths) if name_field_width > max_name_length: # switch to a constant indentation of const_indent spaces # (to hopefully shorten the line lengths name_field_width = max( const_indent*i + l for i, l in enumerate(stage_identifier_lengths) ) for i in range(len(stage_identifier_lengths) - 1): stage_identifier_lengths[i] = const_indent stage_identifier_lengths[-1] = ( name_field_width - const_indent*(len(stage_identifier_lengths) - 1) ) name_formatter = '{name:<' + str(name_field_width) + '}' s = ( name_formatter + '{ncalls:>9} {cumtime:>9} ' '{percall:>9} {percent:>6}\n').format( name='Identifier', ncalls='ncalls', cumtime='cumtime', percall='percall', percent='%') underline = '-' * (name_field_width + 36) + '\n' s += underline sub_stage_identifier_lengths = stage_identifier_lengths[1:] for name, timer in sorted(self.timers.items()): s += ( name_formatter + '{ncalls:>9d} {cumtime:>9.3f} ' '{percall:>9.3f} {percent:>6.1f}\n').format( name=name, ncalls=timer.n_calls, cumtime=timer.total_time, percall=timer.total_time/timer.n_calls, percent=self.get_total_percent_time(name)) s += timer.to_str( indent=' '*stage_identifier_lengths[0], stage_identifier_lengths=sub_stage_identifier_lengths) s += underline.replace('-', '=') return s
[docs] def reset(self): """ Completely reset the timer. """ self.stack = list() self.timers = dict()
def _get_timer_from_stack(self, stack): """ This method gets the timer associated with stack. Parameters ---------- stack: list of str A list of identifiers. Returns ------- timer: _HierarchicalHelper """ tmp = self for i in stack: tmp = tmp.timers[i] return tmp
[docs] def get_total_time(self, identifier): """ Parameters ---------- identifier: str The full name of the timer including parent timers separated with dots. Returns ------- total_time: float The total time spent with the specified timer active. """ stack = identifier.split('.') timer = self._get_timer_from_stack(stack) return timer.total_time
[docs] def get_num_calls(self, identifier): """ Parameters ---------- identifier: str The full name of the timer including parent timers separated with dots. Returns ------- num_calss: int The number of times start was called for the specified timer. """ stack = identifier.split('.') timer = self._get_timer_from_stack(stack) return timer.n_calls
[docs] def get_relative_percent_time(self, identifier): """ Parameters ---------- identifier: str The full name of the timer including parent timers separated with dots. Returns ------- percent_time: float The percent of time spent in the specified timer relative to the timer's immediate parent. """ stack = identifier.split('.') timer = self._get_timer_from_stack(stack) parent = self._get_timer_from_stack(stack[:-1]) if parent is self: return self.get_total_percent_time(identifier) else: if parent.total_time > 0: return timer.total_time / parent.total_time * 100 else: return float('nan')
[docs] def get_total_percent_time(self, identifier): """ Parameters ---------- identifier: str The full name of the timer including parent timers separated with dots. Returns ------- percent_time: float The percent of time spent in the specified timer relative to the total time in all timers. """ stack = identifier.split('.') timer = self._get_timer_from_stack(stack) total_time = 0 for _timer in self.timers.values(): total_time += _timer.total_time if total_time > 0: return timer.total_time / total_time * 100 else: return float('nan')
[docs] def get_timers(self): """ Returns ------- identifiers: list of str Returns a list of all timer identifiers """ res = list() for name, timer in self.timers.items(): res.append(name) timer.get_timers(res, name) return res