Source code for pyomo.contrib.doe.doe

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  Pyomo.DoE was produced under the Department of Energy Carbon Capture Simulation
#  Initiative (CCSI), and is copyright (c) 2022 by the software owners:
#  TRIAD National Security, LLC., Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.,
#  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
#  Battelle Memorial Institute, University of Notre Dame,
#  The University of Pittsburgh, The University of Texas at Austin,
#  University of Toledo, West Virginia University, et al. All rights reserved.
#  NOTICE. This Software was developed under funding from the
#  U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Government consequently retains
#  certain rights. As such, the U.S. Government has been granted for itself
#  and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable,
#  worldwide license in the Software to reproduce, distribute copies to the
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#  ___________________________________________________________________________

from pyomo.common.dependencies import numpy as np, numpy_available

import pyomo.environ as pyo
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
import pickle
from itertools import permutations, product
import logging
from enum import Enum
from pyomo.common.timing import TicTocTimer
from pyomo.contrib.sensitivity_toolbox.sens import get_dsdp
from pyomo.contrib.doe.scenario import ScenarioGenerator, FiniteDifferenceStep
from pyomo.contrib.doe.result import FisherResults, GridSearchResult

import inspect

class CalculationMode(Enum):
    sequential_finite = "sequential_finite"
    direct_kaug = "direct_kaug"

class ObjectiveLib(Enum):
    det = "det"
    trace = "trace"
    zero = "zero"

class ModelOptionLib(Enum):
    parmest = "parmest"
    stage1 = "stage1"
    stage2 = "stage2"

[docs]class DesignOfExperiments:
[docs] def __init__( self, param_init, design_vars, measurement_vars, create_model, solver=None, prior_FIM=None, discretize_model=None, args=None, ): """ This package enables model-based design of experiments analysis with Pyomo. Both direct optimization and enumeration modes are supported. NLP sensitivity tools, e.g., sipopt and k_aug, are supported to accelerate analysis via enumeration. It can be applied to dynamic models, where design variables are controlled throughout the experiment. Parameters ---------- param_init: A ``dictionary`` of parameter names and values. If they defined as indexed Pyomo variable, put the variable name and index, such as 'theta["A1"]'. design_vars: A ``DesignVariables`` which contains the Pyomo variable names and their corresponding indices and bounds for experiment degrees of freedom measurement_vars: A ``MeasurementVariables`` which contains the Pyomo variable names and their corresponding indices and bounds for experimental measurements create_model: A Python ``function`` that returns a Concrete Pyomo model, similar to the interface for ``parmest`` solver: A ``solver`` object that User specified, default=None. If not specified, default solver is IPOPT MA57. prior_FIM: A 2D numpy array containing Fisher information matrix (FIM) for prior experiments. The default None means there is no prior information. discretize_model: A user-specified ``function`` that discretizes the model. Only use with Pyomo.DAE, default=None args: Additional arguments for the create_model function. """ # parameters if not isinstance(param_init, raise ValueError("param_init should be a dictionary.") self.param = param_init # design variable name self.design_name = design_vars.variable_names self.design_vars = design_vars self.create_model = create_model self.args = args # create the measurement information object self.measurement_vars = measurement_vars self.measure_name = self.measurement_vars.variable_names # check if user-defined solver is given if solver: self.solver = solver # if not given, use default solver else: self.solver = self._get_default_ipopt_solver() # check if discretization is needed self.discretize_model = discretize_model # check if there is prior info if prior_FIM is None: self.prior_FIM = np.zeros((len(self.param), len(self.param))) else: self.prior_FIM = prior_FIM self._check_inputs() # if print statements self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.logger.setLevel(level=logging.INFO)
def _check_inputs(self): """ Check if the prior FIM is N*N matrix, where N is the number of parameter """ if type(self.prior_FIM) != type(None): if np.shape(self.prior_FIM)[0] != np.shape(self.prior_FIM)[1]: raise ValueError('Found wrong prior information matrix shape.') elif np.shape(self.prior_FIM)[0] != len(self.param): raise ValueError('Found wrong prior information matrix shape.')
[docs] def stochastic_program( self, if_optimize=True, objective_option="det", scale_nominal_param_value=False, scale_constant_value=1, optimize_opt=None, if_Cholesky=False, L_LB=1e-7, L_initial=None, jac_initial=None, fim_initial=None, formula="central", step=0.001, tee_opt=True, ): """ Optimize DOE problem with design variables being the decisions. The DOE model is formed invasively and all scenarios are computed simultaneously. The function will first run a square problem with design variable being fixed at the given initial points (Objective function being 0), then a square problem with design variables being fixed at the given initial points (Objective function being Design optimality), and then unfix the design variable and do the optimization. Parameters ---------- if_optimize: if true, continue to do optimization. else, just run square problem with given design variable values objective_option: choose from the ObjectiveLib enum, "det": maximizing the determinant with ObjectiveLib.det, "trace": or the trace of the FIM with ObjectiveLib.trace scale_nominal_param_value: if True, the parameters are scaled by its own nominal value in param_init scale_constant_value: scale all elements in Jacobian matrix, default is 1. optimize_opt: A dictionary, keys are design variables, values are True or False deciding if this design variable will be optimized as DOF or not if_Cholesky: if True, Cholesky decomposition is used for Objective function for D-optimality. L_LB: L is the Cholesky decomposition matrix for FIM, i.e. FIM = L*L.T. L_LB is the lower bound for every element in L. if FIM is positive definite, the diagonal element should be positive, so we can set a LB like 1E-10 L_initial: initialize the L jac_initial: a matrix used to initialize jacobian matrix fim_initial: a matrix used to initialize FIM matrix formula: choose from "central", "forward", "backward", which refers to the Enum FiniteDifferenceStep.central, .forward, or .backward step: Sensitivity perturbation step size, a fraction between [0,1]. default is 0.001 tee_opt: if True, IPOPT console output is printed Returns ------- analysis_square: result summary of the square problem solved at the initial point analysis_optimize: result summary of the optimization problem solved """ # store inputs in object self.design_values = self.design_vars.variable_names_value self.optimize = if_optimize self.objective_option = ObjectiveLib(objective_option) self.scale_nominal_param_value = scale_nominal_param_value self.scale_constant_value = scale_constant_value self.Cholesky_option = if_Cholesky self.L_LB = L_LB self.L_initial = L_initial self.jac_initial = jac_initial self.fim_initial = fim_initial self.formula = FiniteDifferenceStep(formula) self.step = step self.tee_opt = tee_opt # calculate how much the FIM element is scaled by a constant number # FIM = Jacobian.T@Jacobian, the FIM is scaled by squared value the Jacobian is scaled self.fim_scale_constant_value = self.scale_constant_value**2 # Start timer sp_timer = TicTocTimer() sp_timer.tic(msg=None) # build the large DOE pyomo model m = self._create_doe_model(no_obj=True) # solve model, achieve results for square problem, and results for optimization problem m, analysis_square = self._compute_stochastic_program(m, optimize_opt) if self.optimize: # If set to optimize, solve the optimization problem (with degrees of freedom) analysis_optimize = self._optimize_stochastic_program(m) dT = sp_timer.toc(msg=None)"elapsed time: %0.1f seconds" % dT) # Return both square problem and optimization problem results return analysis_square, analysis_optimize else: dT = sp_timer.toc(msg=None)"elapsed time: %0.1f seconds" % dT) # Return only square problem results return analysis_square
def _compute_stochastic_program(self, m, optimize_option): """ Solve the stochastic program problem as a square problem. """ # Solve square problem first # result_square: solver result result_square = self._solve_doe(m, fix=True, opt_option=optimize_option) # extract Jac jac_square = self._extract_jac(m) # create result object analysis_square = FisherResults( list(self.param.keys()), self.measurement_vars, jacobian_info=None, all_jacobian_info=jac_square, prior_FIM=self.prior_FIM, scale_constant_value=self.scale_constant_value, ) # for simultaneous mode, FIM and Jacobian are extracted with extract_FIM() analysis_square.result_analysis(result=result_square) analysis_square.model = m self.analysis_square = analysis_square return m, analysis_square def _optimize_stochastic_program(self, m): """ Solve the stochastic program problem as an optimization problem. """ m = self._add_objective(m) result_doe = self._solve_doe(m, fix=False) # extract Jac jac_optimize = self._extract_jac(m) # create result object analysis_optimize = FisherResults( list(self.param.keys()), self.measurement_vars, jacobian_info=None, all_jacobian_info=jac_optimize, prior_FIM=self.prior_FIM, ) # for simultaneous mode, FIM and Jacobian are extracted with extract_FIM() analysis_optimize.result_analysis(result=result_doe) analysis_optimize.model = m return analysis_optimize
[docs] def compute_FIM( self, mode="direct_kaug", FIM_store_name=None, specified_prior=None, tee_opt=True, scale_nominal_param_value=False, scale_constant_value=1, store_output=None, read_output=None, extract_single_model=None, formula="central", step=0.001, ): """ This function calculates the Fisher information matrix (FIM) using sensitivity information obtained from two possible modes (defined by the CalculationMode Enum): 1. sequential_finite: sequentially solve square problems and use finite difference approximation 2. direct_kaug: solve a single square problem then extract derivatives using NLP sensitivity theory Parameters ---------- mode: supports CalculationMode.sequential_finite or CalculationMode.direct_kaug FIM_store_name: if storing the FIM in a .csv or .txt, give the file name here as a string. specified_prior: a 2D numpy array providing alternate prior matrix, default is no prior. tee_opt: if True, IPOPT console output is printed scale_nominal_param_value: if True, the parameters are scaled by its own nominal value in param_init scale_constant_value: scale all elements in Jacobian matrix, default is 1. store_output: if storing the output (value stored in Var 'output_record') as a pickle file, give the file name here as a string. read_output: if reading the output (value for Var 'output_record') as a pickle file, give the file name here as a string. extract_single_model: if True, the solved model outputs for each scenario are all recorded as a .csv file. The output file uses the name AB.csv, where string A is store_output input, B is the index of scenario. scenario index is the number of the scenario outputs which is stored. formula: choose from the Enum FiniteDifferenceStep.central, .forward, or .backward. This option is only used for CalculationMode.sequential_finite mode. step: Sensitivity perturbation step size, a fraction between [0,1]. default is 0.001 Returns ------- FIM_analysis: result summary object of this solve """ # save inputs in object self.design_values = self.design_vars.variable_names_value self.scale_nominal_param_value = scale_nominal_param_value self.scale_constant_value = scale_constant_value self.formula = FiniteDifferenceStep(formula) self.mode = CalculationMode(mode) self.step = step # This method only solves square problem self.optimize = False # Set the Objective Function to 0 helps solve square problem quickly self.objective_option = self.tee_opt = tee_opt self.FIM_store_name = FIM_store_name self.specified_prior = specified_prior # calculate how much the FIM element is scaled by a constant number # As FIM~Jacobian.T@Jacobian, FIM is scaled twice the number the Q is scaled self.fim_scale_constant_value = self.scale_constant_value**2 square_timer = TicTocTimer() square_timer.tic(msg=None) if self.mode == CalculationMode.sequential_finite: FIM_analysis = self._sequential_finite( read_output, extract_single_model, store_output ) elif self.mode == CalculationMode.direct_kaug: FIM_analysis = self._direct_kaug() dT = square_timer.toc(msg=None)"elapsed time: %0.1f seconds" % dT) return FIM_analysis
def _sequential_finite(self, read_output, extract_single_model, store_output): """Sequential_finite mode uses Pyomo Block to evaluate the sensitivity information.""" # if measurements are provided if read_output: with open(read_output, 'rb') as f: output_record = pickle.load(f) f.close() jac = self._finite_calculation(output_record) # if measurements are not provided else: mod = self._create_block() # dict for storing model outputs output_record = {} # solve model square_result = self._solve_doe(mod, fix=True) if extract_single_model: mod_name = store_output + '.csv' dataframe = extract_single_model(mod, square_result) dataframe.to_csv(mod_name) # loop over blocks for results for s in range(len(self.scenario_list)): # loop over measurement item and time to store model measurements output_iter = [] # extract variable values for r in self.measure_name: cuid = pyo.ComponentUID(r) try: var_up = cuid.find_component_on(mod.block[s]) except: raise ValueError( f"measurement {r} cannot be found in the model." ) output_iter.append(pyo.value(var_up)) output_record[s] = output_iter output_record['design'] = self.design_values if store_output: f = open(store_output, 'wb') pickle.dump(output_record, f) f.close() # calculate jacobian jac = self._finite_calculation(output_record) # return all models formed self.model = mod # Store the Jacobian information for access by users, not necessarily call result object to achieve jacobian information # It is the overall set of Jacobian information, # while in the result object the jacobian can be cut to achieve part of the FIM information self.jac = jac # Assemble and analyze results if self.specified_prior is None: prior_in_use = self.prior_FIM else: prior_in_use = self.specified_prior FIM_analysis = FisherResults( list(self.param.keys()), self.measurement_vars, jacobian_info=None, all_jacobian_info=jac, prior_FIM=prior_in_use, store_FIM=self.FIM_store_name, scale_constant_value=self.scale_constant_value, ) return FIM_analysis def _direct_kaug(self): # create model mod = self.create_model(model_option=ModelOptionLib.parmest) # discretize if needed if self.discretize_model: mod = self.discretize_model(mod, block=False) # add objective function mod.Obj = pyo.Objective(expr=0, sense=pyo.minimize) # set ub and lb to parameters for par in self.param.keys(): cuid = pyo.ComponentUID(par) var = cuid.find_component_on(mod) var.setlb(self.param[par]) var.setub(self.param[par]) # generate parameter name list and value dictionary with index var_name = list(self.param.keys()) # call k_aug get_dsdp function square_result = self._solve_doe(mod, fix=True) dsdp_re, col = get_dsdp( mod, list(self.param.keys()), self.param, tee=self.tee_opt ) # analyze result dsdp_array = dsdp_re.toarray().T self.dsdp = dsdp_array self.dsdp = col # store dsdp returned dsdp_extract = [] # get right lines from results measurement_index = [] # loop over measurement variables and their time points for mname in self.measure_name: try: kaug_no = col.index(mname) measurement_index.append(kaug_no) # get right line of dsdp dsdp_extract.append(dsdp_array[kaug_no]) except: # k_aug does not provide value for fixed variables self.logger.debug('The variable is fixed: %s', mname) # produce the sensitivity for fixed variables zero_sens = np.zeros(len(self.param)) # for fixed variables, the sensitivity are a zero vector dsdp_extract.append(zero_sens) # Extract and calculate sensitivity if scaled by constants or parameters. # Convert sensitivity to a dictionary jac = {} for par in self.param.keys(): jac[par] = [] for d in range(len(dsdp_extract)): for p, par in enumerate(self.param.keys()): # if scaled by parameter value or constant value sensi = dsdp_extract[d][p] * self.scale_constant_value if self.scale_nominal_param_value: sensi *= self.param[par] jac[par].append(sensi) # check if another prior experiment FIM is provided other than the user-specified one if self.specified_prior is None: prior_in_use = self.prior_FIM else: prior_in_use = self.specified_prior # Assemble and analyze results FIM_analysis = FisherResults( list(self.param.keys()), self.measurement_vars, jacobian_info=None, all_jacobian_info=jac, prior_FIM=prior_in_use, store_FIM=self.FIM_store_name, scale_constant_value=self.scale_constant_value, ) self.jac = jac self.mod = mod return FIM_analysis def _create_block(self): """ Create a pyomo Concrete model and add blocks with different parameter perturbation scenarios. Returns ------- mod: Concrete Pyomo model """ # create scenario information for block scenarios scena_gen = ScenarioGenerator( parameter_dict=self.param, formula=self.formula, step=self.step ) self.scenario_data = scena_gen.ScenarioData # a list of dictionary, each one is a parameter dictionary with perturbed parameter values self.scenario_list = self.scenario_data.scenario # dictionary, keys are parameter name, values are a list of scenario index where this parameter is perturbed. self.scenario_num = self.scenario_data.scena_num # dictionary, keys are parameter name, values are the perturbation step self.eps_abs = self.scenario_data.eps_abs self.scena_gen = scena_gen # Create a global model mod = pyo.ConcreteModel() # Set for block/scenarios mod.scenario = pyo.Set(initialize=self.scenario_data.scenario_indices) # Determine if create_model takes theta as an optional input pass_theta_to_initialize = ( 'theta' in inspect.getfullargspec(self.create_model).args ) # Allow user to self-define complex design variables self.create_model(mod=mod, model_option=ModelOptionLib.stage1) # Fix parameter values in the copy of the stage1 model (if they exist) for par in self.param: cuid = pyo.ComponentUID(par) var = cuid.find_component_on(mod) if var is not None: # Fix the parameter value # Otherwise, the parameter does not exist on the stage 1 model var.fix(self.param[par]) def block_build(b, s): # create block scenarios # idea: check if create_model takes theta as an optional input, if so, pass parameter values to create_model if pass_theta_to_initialize: # Grab the values of theta for this scenario/block theta_initialize = self.scenario_data.scenario[s] # Add model on block with theta values self.create_model( mod=b, model_option=ModelOptionLib.stage2, theta=theta_initialize ) else: # Otherwise add model on block without theta values self.create_model(mod=b, model_option=ModelOptionLib.stage2) # fix parameter values to perturbed values for par in self.param: cuid = pyo.ComponentUID(par) var = cuid.find_component_on(b) var.fix(self.scenario_data.scenario[s][par]) mod.block = pyo.Block(mod.scenario, rule=block_build) # discretize the model if self.discretize_model is not None: mod = self.discretize_model(mod) # force design variables in blocks to be equal to global design values for name in self.design_name: def fix1(mod, s): cuid = pyo.ComponentUID(name) design_var_global = cuid.find_component_on(mod) design_var = cuid.find_component_on(mod.block[s]) return design_var == design_var_global con_name = "con" + name mod.add_component(con_name, pyo.Constraint(mod.scenario, expr=fix1)) return mod def _finite_calculation(self, output_record): """ Calculate Jacobian for sequential_finite mode Parameters ---------- output_record: a dict of outputs, keys are scenario names, values are a list of measurements values scena_gen: an object generated by Scenario_creator class Returns ------- jac: Jacobian matrix, a dictionary, keys are parameter names, values are a list of jacobian values with respect to this parameter """ # dictionary form of jacobian jac = {} # After collecting outputs from all scenarios, calculate sensitivity for para in self.param.keys(): # extract involved scenario No. for each parameter from scenario class involved_s = self.scenario_data.scena_num[para] # each parameter has two involved scenarios s1 = involved_s[0] # positive perturbation s2 = involved_s[1] # negative perturbation list_jac = [] for i in range(len(output_record[s1])): sensi = ( (output_record[s1][i] - output_record[s2][i]) / self.scenario_data.eps_abs[para] * self.scale_constant_value ) if self.scale_nominal_param_value: sensi *= self.param[para] list_jac.append(sensi) # get Jacobian dict, keys are parameter name, values are sensitivity info jac[para] = list_jac return jac def _extract_jac(self, m): """ Extract jacobian from the stochastic program Parameters ---------- m: solved stochastic program model Returns ------- JAC: the overall jacobian as a dictionary """ # dictionary form of jacobian jac = {} # loop over parameters for p in self.param.keys(): jac_para = [] for res in m.measured_variables: jac_para.append(pyo.value(m.sensitivity_jacobian[p, res])) jac[p] = jac_para return jac def _create_doe_model(self, no_obj=True): """ Add equations to compute sensitivities, FIM, and objective. Parameters ----------- no_obj: if True, objective function is 0. Return ------- model: the DOE model """ model = self._create_block() # variables for jacobian and FIM model.regression_parameters = pyo.Set(initialize=list(self.param.keys())) model.measured_variables = pyo.Set(initialize=self.measure_name) def identity_matrix(m, i, j): if i == j: return 1 else: return 0 ### Initialize the Jacobian if provided by the user # If the user provides an initial Jacobian, convert it to a dictionary if self.jac_initial is not None: dict_jac_initialize = {} for i, bu in enumerate(model.regression_parameters): for j, un in enumerate(model.measured_variables): if isinstance(self.jac_initial, dict): # Jacobian is a dictionary of arrays or lists where the key is the regression parameter name dict_jac_initialize[(bu, un)] = self.jac_initial[bu][j] elif isinstance(self.jac_initial, np.ndarray): # Jacobian is a numpy array, rows are regression parameters, columns are measured variables dict_jac_initialize[(bu, un)] = self.jac_initial[i][j] # Initialize the Jacobian matrix def initialize_jac(m, i, j): # If provided by the user, use the values now stored in the dictionary if self.jac_initial is not None: return dict_jac_initialize[(i, j)] # Otherwise initialize to 0.1 (which is an arbitrary non-zero value) else: return 0.1 model.sensitivity_jacobian = pyo.Var( model.regression_parameters, model.measured_variables, initialize=initialize_jac, ) if self.fim_initial is not None: dict_fim_initialize = {} for i, bu in enumerate(model.regression_parameters): for j, un in enumerate(model.regression_parameters): dict_fim_initialize[(bu, un)] = self.fim_initial[i][j] def initialize_fim(m, j, d): return dict_fim_initialize[(j, d)] if self.fim_initial is not None: model.fim = pyo.Var( model.regression_parameters, model.regression_parameters, initialize=initialize_fim, ) else: model.fim = pyo.Var( model.regression_parameters, model.regression_parameters, initialize=identity_matrix, ) # move the L matrix initial point to a dictionary if type(self.L_initial) != type(None): dict_cho = {} for i, bu in enumerate(model.regression_parameters): for j, un in enumerate(model.regression_parameters): dict_cho[(bu, un)] = self.L_initial[i][j] # use the L dictionary to initialize L matrix def init_cho(m, i, j): return dict_cho[(i, j)] # if cholesky, define L elements as variables if self.Cholesky_option: # Define elements of Cholesky decomposition matrix as Pyomo variables and either # Initialize with L in L_initial if type(self.L_initial) != type(None): model.L_ele = pyo.Var( model.regression_parameters, model.regression_parameters, initialize=init_cho, ) # or initialize with the identity matrix else: model.L_ele = pyo.Var( model.regression_parameters, model.regression_parameters, initialize=identity_matrix, ) # loop over parameter name for i, c in enumerate(model.regression_parameters): for j, d in enumerate(model.regression_parameters): # fix the 0 half of L matrix to be 0.0 if i < j: model.L_ele[c, d].fix(0.0) # Give LB to the diagonal entries if self.L_LB: if c == d: model.L_ele[c, d].setlb(self.L_LB) # jacobian rule def jacobian_rule(m, p, n): """ m: Pyomo model p: parameter n: response """ cuid = pyo.ComponentUID(n) var_up = cuid.find_component_on(m.block[self.scenario_num[p][0]]) var_lo = cuid.find_component_on(m.block[self.scenario_num[p][1]]) if self.scale_nominal_param_value: return ( m.sensitivity_jacobian[p, n] == (var_up - var_lo) / self.eps_abs[p] * self.param[p] * self.scale_constant_value ) else: return ( m.sensitivity_jacobian[p, n] == (var_up - var_lo) / self.eps_abs[p] * self.scale_constant_value ) # A constraint to calculate elements in Hessian matrix # transfer prior FIM to be Expressions fim_initial_dict = {} for i, bu in enumerate(model.regression_parameters): for j, un in enumerate(model.regression_parameters): fim_initial_dict[(bu, un)] = self.prior_FIM[i][j] def read_prior(m, i, j): return fim_initial_dict[(i, j)] model.priorFIM = pyo.Expression( model.regression_parameters, model.regression_parameters, rule=read_prior ) def fim_rule(m, p, q): """ m: Pyomo model p: parameter q: parameter """ return ( m.fim[p, q] == sum( 1 / self.measurement_vars.variance[n] * m.sensitivity_jacobian[p, n] * m.sensitivity_jacobian[q, n] for n in model.measured_variables ) + m.priorFIM[p, q] * self.fim_scale_constant_value ) model.jacobian_constraint = pyo.Constraint( model.regression_parameters, model.measured_variables, rule=jacobian_rule ) model.fim_constraint = pyo.Constraint( model.regression_parameters, model.regression_parameters, rule=fim_rule ) return model def _add_objective(self, m): ### Initialize the Cholesky decomposition matrix if self.Cholesky_option: # Assemble the FIM matrix fim = np.zeros((len(self.param), len(self.param))) for i, bu in enumerate(m.regression_parameters): for j, un in enumerate(m.regression_parameters): fim[i][j] = m.fim[bu, un].value # Calculate the eigenvalues of the FIM matrix eig = np.linalg.eigvals(fim) # If the smallest eigenvalue is (practically) negative, add a diagonal matrix to make it positive definite small_number = 1e-10 if min(eig) < small_number: fim = fim + np.eye(len(self.param)) * (small_number - min(eig)) # Compute the Cholesky decomposition of the FIM matrix L = np.linalg.cholesky(fim) # Initialize the Cholesky matrix for i, c in enumerate(m.regression_parameters): for j, d in enumerate(m.regression_parameters): m.L_ele[c, d].value = L[i, j] def cholesky_imp(m, c, d): """ Calculate Cholesky L matrix using algebraic constraints """ # If it is the left bottom half of L if list(self.param.keys()).index(c) >= list(self.param.keys()).index(d): return m.fim[c, d] == sum( m.L_ele[c, list(self.param.keys())[k]] * m.L_ele[d, list(self.param.keys())[k]] for k in range(list(self.param.keys()).index(d) + 1) ) else: # This is the empty half of L above the diagonal return pyo.Constraint.Skip def trace_calc(m): """ Calculate FIM elements. Can scale each element with 1000 for performance """ return m.trace == sum(m.fim[j, j] for j in m.regression_parameters) def det_general(m): r"""Calculate determinant. Can be applied to FIM of any size. det(A) = sum_{\sigma \in \S_n} (sgn(\sigma) * \Prod_{i=1}^n a_{i,\sigma_i}) Use permutation() to get permutations, sgn() to get signature """ r_list = list(range(len(m.regression_parameters))) # get all permutations object_p = permutations(r_list) list_p = list(object_p) # generate a name_order to iterate \sigma_i det_perm = 0 for i in range(len(list_p)): name_order = [] x_order = list_p[i] # sigma_i is the value in the i-th position after the reordering \sigma for x in range(len(x_order)): for y, element in enumerate(m.regression_parameters): if x_order[x] == y: name_order.append(element) # det(A) = sum_{\sigma \in \S_n} (sgn(\sigma) * \Prod_{i=1}^n a_{i,\sigma_i}) det_perm = sum( self._sgn(list_p[d]) * sum( m.fim[each, name_order[b]] for b, each in enumerate(m.regression_parameters) ) for d in range(len(list_p)) ) return m.det == det_perm if self.Cholesky_option: m.cholesky_cons = pyo.Constraint( m.regression_parameters, m.regression_parameters, rule=cholesky_imp ) m.Obj = pyo.Objective( expr=2 * sum(pyo.log(m.L_ele[j, j]) for j in m.regression_parameters), sense=pyo.maximize, ) # if not cholesky but determinant, calculating det and evaluate the OBJ with det elif self.objective_option == ObjectiveLib.det: m.det_rule = pyo.Constraint(rule=det_general) m.Obj = pyo.Objective(expr=pyo.log(m.det), sense=pyo.maximize) # if not determinant or cholesky, calculating the OBJ with trace elif self.objective_option == ObjectiveLib.trace: m.trace_rule = pyo.Constraint(rule=trace_calc) m.Obj = pyo.Objective(expr=pyo.log(m.trace), sense=pyo.maximize) elif self.objective_option == m.Obj = pyo.Objective(expr=0) return m def _fix_design(self, m, design_val, fix_opt=True, optimize_option=None): """ Fix design variable Parameters ---------- m: model design_val: design variable values dict fix_opt: if True, fix. Else, unfix optimize: a dictionary, keys are design variable name, values are True or False, deciding if this design variable is optimized as DOF this time Returns ------- m: model """ for name in self.design_name: # Loop over design variables # Get Pyomo variable object cuid = pyo.ComponentUID(name) var = cuid.find_component_on(m) if fix_opt: # If fix_opt is True, fix the design variable var.fix(design_val[name]) else: # Otherwise check optimize_option if optimize_option is None: # If optimize_option is None, unfix all design variables var.unfix() else: # Otherwise, unfix only the design variables listed in optimize_option with value True if optimize_option[name]: var.unfix() return m def _get_default_ipopt_solver(self): """Default solver""" solver = SolverFactory('ipopt') solver.options['linear_solver'] = 'ma57' solver.options['halt_on_ampl_error'] = 'yes' solver.options['max_iter'] = 3000 return solver def _solve_doe(self, m, fix=False, opt_option=None): """Solve DOE model. If it's a square problem, fix design variable and solve. Else, fix design variable and solve square problem first, then unfix them and solve the optimization problem Parameters ---------- m:model fix: if true, solve two times (square first). Else, just solve the square problem opt_option: a dictionary, keys are design variable name, values are True or False, deciding if this design variable is optimized as DOF this time. If None, all design variables are optimized as DOF this time. Returns ------- solver_results: solver results """ # if fix = False, solve the optimization problem # if fix = True, solve the square problem # either fix or unfix the design variables mod = self._fix_design( m, self.design_values, fix_opt=fix, optimize_option=opt_option ) # if user gives solver, use this solver. if not, use default IPOPT solver solver_result = self.solver.solve(mod, tee=self.tee_opt) return solver_result def _sgn(self, p): """ This is a helper function for stochastic_program function to compute the determinant formula. Give the signature of a permutation Parameters ----------- p: the permutation (a list) Returns ------- 1 if the number of exchange is an even number -1 if the number is an odd number """ if len(p) == 1: return 1 trans = 0 for i in range(0, len(p)): j = i + 1 for j in range(j, len(p)): if p[i] > p[j]: trans = trans + 1 if (trans % 2) == 0: return 1 else: return -1