Source code for pyomo.common.fileutils

#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
#  Copyright (c) 2008-2024
#  National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
#  rights in this software.
#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________
#  This module was originally developed as part of the PyUtilib project
#  Copyright (c) 2008 Sandia Corporation.
#  This software is distributed under the BSD License.
#  Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
#  the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
#  ___________________________________________________________________________

"""This module provides general utilities for working with the file system

.. autosummary::


import glob
import inspect
import logging
import os
import platform
import importlib.util
import subprocess
import sys

from . import envvar
from .dependencies import ctypes
from .deprecation import deprecated, relocated_module_attribute

relocated_module_attribute('StreamIndenter', 'pyomo.common.formatting', version='6.2')

[docs]def this_file(stack_offset=1): """Returns the file name for the module that calls this function. This function is more reliable than __file__ on platforms like Windows and in situations where the program has called os.chdir(). """ # __file__ fails if script is called in different ways on Windows # __file__ fails if someone does os.chdir() before # sys.argv[0] also fails because it does not always contains the path callerFrame = inspect.currentframe() while stack_offset: callerFrame = callerFrame.f_back stack_offset -= 1 frameName = callerFrame.f_code.co_filename if frameName and frameName[0] == '<' and frameName[-1] == '>': return frameName return os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(callerFrame))
[docs]def this_file_dir(stack_offset=1): """Returns the directory containing the module that calls this function.""" return os.path.dirname(this_file(stack_offset=1 + stack_offset))
PYOMO_ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(this_file_dir()))
[docs]def find_path( name, validate, cwd=True, mode=os.R_OK, ext=None, pathlist=[], allow_pathlist_deep_references=True, ): """Locate a path, given a set of search parameters Parameters ---------- name : str The name to locate. The name may contain references to a user's home directory (``~user``), environment variables (``${HOME}/bin``), and shell wildcards (``?`` and ``*``); all of which will be expanded. validate : function A function to call to validate the path (used by find_file and find_dir to discriminate files and directories) cwd : bool Start by looking in the current working directory [default: True] mode : mask If not None, only return entries that can be accessed for reading/writing/executing. Valid values are the inclusive OR of {os.R_OK, os.W_OK, os.X_OK} [default: ``os.R_OK``] ext : str or iterable of str If not None, also look for name+ext [default: None] pathlist : str or iterable of str A list of strings containing paths to search, each string contains a single path. If pathlist is a string, then it is first split using os.pathsep to generate the pathlist [default: ``[]``]. allow_pathlist_deep_references : bool If allow_pathlist_deep_references is True and the name appears to be a relative path, allow deep reference matches relative to directories in the pathlist (e.g., if name is ``foo/my.exe`` and ``/usr/bin`` is in the pathlist, then :py:func:`find_file` could return ``/usr/bin/foo/my.exe``). If allow_pathlist_deep_references is False and the name appears to be a relative path, then only matches relative to the current directory are allowed (assuming cwd==True). [default: True] Notes ----- find_path uses glob, so the path and/or name may contain wildcards. The first matching entry is returned. """ # Support shell-style paths like ~user and $HOME/bin name = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(name)) locations = [] if cwd: locations.append(os.getcwd()) if allow_pathlist_deep_references or os.path.basename(name) == name: if isinstance(pathlist, str): locations.extend(pathlist.split(os.pathsep)) else: locations.extend(pathlist) extlist = [''] if ext: if isinstance(ext, str): extlist.append(ext) else: extlist.extend(ext) for path in locations: if not path: continue for _ext in extlist: for test in glob.glob(os.path.join(path, name + _ext)): if not validate(test): continue if mode is not None and not os.access(test, mode): continue return os.path.abspath(test) return None
[docs]def find_file( filename, cwd=True, mode=os.R_OK, ext=None, pathlist=[], allow_pathlist_deep_references=True, ): """Locate a file, given a set of search parameters Parameters ---------- filename : str The file name to locate. The file name may contain references to a user's home directory (``~user``), environment variables (``${HOME}/bin``), and shell wildcards (``?`` and ``*``); all of which will be expanded. cwd : bool Start by looking in the current working directory [default: True] mode : mask If not None, only return files that can be accessed for reading/writing/executing. Valid values are the inclusive OR of {os.R_OK, os.W_OK, os.X_OK} [default: ``os.R_OK``] ext : str or iterable of str If not None, also look for filename+ext [default: None] pathlist : str or iterable of str A list of strings containing paths to search, each string contains a single path. If pathlist is a string, then it is first split using os.pathsep to generate the pathlist [default: ``[]``]. allow_pathlist_deep_references : bool If allow_pathlist_deep_references is True and the filename appears to be a relative path, allow deep reference matches relative to directories in the pathlist (e.g., if filename is ``foo/my.exe`` and ``/usr/bin`` is in the pathlist, then :py:func:`find_file` could return ``/usr/bin/foo/my.exe``). If allow_pathlist_deep_references is False and the filename appears to be a relative path, then only matches relative to the current directory are allowed (assuming cwd==True). [default: True] Notes ----- find_file uses glob, so the path and/or file name may contain wildcards. The first matching file is returned. """ return find_path( filename, os.path.isfile, cwd=cwd, mode=mode, ext=ext, pathlist=pathlist, allow_pathlist_deep_references=allow_pathlist_deep_references, )
[docs]def find_dir( dirname, cwd=True, mode=os.R_OK, pathlist=[], allow_pathlist_deep_references=True ): """Locate a directory, given a set of search parameters Parameters ---------- dirname : str The directory name to locate. The name may contain references to a user's home directory (``~user``), environment variables (``${HOME}/bin``), and shell wildcards (``?`` and ``*``); all of which will be expanded. cwd : bool Start by looking in the current working directory [default: True] mode : mask If not None, only return directories that can be accessed for reading/writing/executing. Valid values are the inclusive OR of {os.R_OK, os.W_OK, os.X_OK} [default: ``os.R_OK``] pathlist : str or iterable of str A list of strings containing paths to search, each string contains a single path. If pathlist is a string, then it is first split using os.pathsep to generate the pathlist [default: ``[]``]. allow_pathlist_deep_references : bool If allow_pathlist_deep_references is True and the dirname appears to be a relative path, allow deep reference matches relative to directories in the pathlist (e.g., if dirname is ``foo/bar`` and ``/usr/bin`` is in the pathlist, then :py:func:`find_dir` could return ``/usr/bin/foo/bar``). If allow_pathlist_deep_references is False and the dirname appears to be a relative path, then only matches relative to the current directory are allowed (assuming cwd==True). [default: True] Notes ----- find_dir uses glob, so the path and/or directory name may contain wildcards. The first matching directory is returned. """ return find_path( dirname, os.path.isdir, cwd=cwd, mode=mode, pathlist=pathlist, allow_pathlist_deep_references=allow_pathlist_deep_references, )
_exeExt = {'linux': None, 'windows': '.exe', 'cygwin': '.exe', 'darwin': None} _libExt = { 'linux': ('.so', '.so.*'), 'windows': ('.dll', '.pyd'), 'cygwin': ('.dll', '.so', '.so.*'), 'darwin': ('.dylib', '.so', '.so.*'), } def _system(): system = platform.system().lower() for c in '.-_': system = system.split(c)[0] return system def _path(): return (os.environ.get('PATH', '') or os.defpath).split(os.pathsep)
[docs]def find_library(libname, cwd=True, include_PATH=True, pathlist=None): """Find a dynamic library using find_file to search typical locations. Finds a specified library (file) by searching a specified set of paths. This routine will look for the specified file name, as well as looking for the filename followed by architecture-specific extensions (e.g., `.dll`, `.so`, or `.dynlib`). Note that as this uses :py:func:find_file(), the filename and search paths may contain wildcards. If the explicit path search fails to locate a library, then this returns the result from passing the basename (with 'lib' and extension removed) to ctypes.util.find_library() Parameters ---------- libname : str The library name to search for cwd : bool Start by looking in the current working directory [default: True] include_PATH : bool Include the executable search PATH at the end of the list of directories to search. [default: True] pathlist : str or list of str List of paths to search for the file. If None, then pathlist will default to the local Pyomo configuration library directory (and the local Pyomo binary directory if include_PATH is set) and the contents of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If a string, then the string is split using os.pathsep. [default: None] Notes ----- find_library() uses :py:func:`find_file` with ``allow_pathlist_deep_references=True``, so libnames containing relative paths will be matched relative to all paths in pathlist. """ if pathlist is None: # Note: PYOMO_CONFIG_DIR/lib comes before LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and # PYOMO_CONFIG_DIR/bin comes immediately before PATH pathlist = [os.path.join(envvar.PYOMO_CONFIG_DIR, 'lib')] pathlist.extend(os.environ.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', '').split(os.pathsep)) if include_PATH: pathlist.append(os.path.join(envvar.PYOMO_CONFIG_DIR, 'bin')) elif isinstance(pathlist, str): pathlist = pathlist.split(os.pathsep) else: pathlist = list(pathlist) if include_PATH: pathlist.extend(_path()) ext = _libExt.get(_system(), None) # Search 1: original filename (with extensions) in our paths lib = find_file(libname, cwd=cwd, ext=ext, pathlist=pathlist) if lib is None and not libname.startswith('lib'): # Search 2: prepend 'lib' (with extensions) in our paths lib = find_file('lib' + libname, cwd=cwd, ext=ext, pathlist=pathlist) if lib is not None: return lib # Search 3: use ctypes.util.find_library (which expects 'lib' and # extension to be removed from the name) libname_base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(libname)) if libname_base.startswith('lib') and _system() != 'windows': libname_base = libname_base[3:] if ext.lower().startswith(('.so', '.dll', '.dylib')): lib = ctypes.util.find_library(libname_base) else: lib = ctypes.util.find_library(libname) if lib and os.path.sep not in lib: # work around, # where python does not return the absolute path on *nix try: libname = lib + ' ' with subprocess.Popen( ['/sbin/ldconfig', '-p'], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env={'LC_ALL': 'C', 'LANG': 'C'}, ) as p: for line in os.fsdecode( if line.lstrip().startswith(libname): return os.path.realpath(line.split()[-1]) except: pass return lib
[docs]def find_executable(exename, cwd=True, include_PATH=True, pathlist=None): """Find an executable using find_file to search typical locations. Finds a specified executable by searching a specified set of paths. This routine will look for the specified file name, as well as looking for the filename followed by architecture-specific extensions (e.g., ``.exe``). Note that as this uses :py:func:`find_file()`, the filename and search paths may contain wildcards. Parameters ---------- exename : str The executable file name to search for cwd : bool Start by looking in the current working directory [default: True] include_PATH : bool Include the executable search PATH at the end of the list of directories to search. [default: True] pathlist : str or list of str List of paths to search for the file. If None, then pathlist will default to the local Pyomo configuration binary directory. If a string, then the string is split using os.pathsep. [Default: None] Notes ----- find_executable() uses :py:func:`find_file` with ``allow_pathlist_deep_references=False``, so search strings containing relative paths will only be matched relative to the current working directory. This prevents confusion in the case where a user called ``find_executable("./foo")`` and forgot to copy ``foo`` into the local directory, but this function picked up another ``foo`` in the user's PATH that they did not want to use. """ if pathlist is None: pathlist = [os.path.join(envvar.PYOMO_CONFIG_DIR, 'bin')] elif isinstance(pathlist, str): pathlist = pathlist.split(os.pathsep) else: pathlist = list(pathlist) if include_PATH: pathlist.extend(_path()) ext = _exeExt.get(_system(), None) return find_file( exename, cwd=cwd, ext=ext, mode=os.R_OK | os.X_OK, pathlist=pathlist, allow_pathlist_deep_references=False, )
[docs]def import_file(path, clear_cache=False, infer_package=True, module_name=None): """ Import a module given the full path/filename of the file. Replaces import_file from pyutilib (Pyomo 6.0.0). This function returns the module object that is created. Parameters ---------- path: str Full path to .py file. clear_cache: bool Remove module if already loaded. The default is False. """ path = os.path.normpath( os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(path))) ) if not os.path.exists(path): raise FileNotFoundError('File does not exist. Check path.') module_dir, module_file = os.path.split(path) if module_name is None: module_name, module_ext = os.path.splitext(module_file) if infer_package: while module_dir and os.path.exists(os.path.join(module_dir, '')): module_dir, mod = os.path.split(module_dir) module_name = mod + '.' + module_name if clear_cache and module_name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[module_name] sys.path.insert(0, module_dir) try: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(module_name, path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) if module_name not in sys.modules: sys.modules[module_name] = module spec.loader.exec_module(module) finally: sys.path.pop(0) return module
[docs]class PathData(object): """An object for storing and managing a :py:class:`PathManager` path""" def __init__(self, manager, name): self._mngr = manager self._registered_name = name self._path = None self._path_override = None self._status = None
[docs] def path(self): """Return the full, normalized path to the registered path entry. If the object is not found (or was marked "disabled"), ``path()`` returns None. """ if self._status is None: if self._path_override: target = self._path_override else: target = self._registered_name tmp = self._mngr._find(target, pathlist=self._mngr.pathlist) self._path = tmp if tmp else self._path_override self._status = bool(tmp) return self._path
def set_path(self, value): self._path_override = value self.rehash() if not self._status: logging.getLogger('pyomo.common').warning( "explicitly setting the path for '%s' to an " "invalid object or nonexistent location ('%s')" % (self._registered_name, value) )
[docs] @deprecated( "get_path() is deprecated; use pyomo.common.Executable(name).path()", version='5.6.2', ) def get_path(self): return self.path()
[docs] def disable(self): """Disable this path entry This method "disables" this path entry by marking it as "not found". Disabled entries return False for `available()` and None for `path()`. The disabled status will persist until the next call to `rehash()`. """ self._status = False self._path = None
[docs] def available(self): """Returns True if the registered path is available. Entries are available if the object was found found in the search locations and has not been explicitly disabled. """ if self._status is None: self.path() return self._status
[docs] def rehash(self): """Requery the location of this path entry This method derives its name from the csh command of the same name, which rebuilds the hash table of executables reachable through the PATH. """ self._status = None self.path()
def __nonzero__(self): """Alias for ``available()``.""" return self.available() # "if <obj>" triggers __nonzero__ in Py2 and __bool__ in Py3 __bool__ = __nonzero__ def __str__(self): ans = self.path() if not ans: return "" return ans
[docs]class ExecutableData(PathData): """A :py:class:`PathData` class specifically for executables.""" @property def executable(self): """Get (or set) the path to the executable""" return self.path() @executable.setter def executable(self, value): self.set_path(value)
[docs]class PathManager(object): """The PathManager defines a registry class for path locations The :py:class:`PathManager` defines a class very similar to the :py:class:`CachedFactory` class; however it does not register type constructors. Instead, it registers instances of :py:class:`PathData` (or :py:class:`ExecutableData`). These contain the resolved path to the directory object under which the :py:class:`PathData` object was registered. We do not use the PyUtilib ``register_executable`` and ``registered_executable`` functions so that we can automatically include Pyomo-specific locations in the search path (namely the ``PYOMO_CONFIG_DIR``). Users will generally interact with this class through global instances of this class (``pyomo.common.Executable`` and ``pyomo.common.Library``). Users are not required or expected to register file names with the :py:class:`PathManager`; they will be automatically registered upon first use. Generally, users interact through the ``path()`` and ``available()`` methods: .. doctest:: :hide: >>> import pyomo.common >>> import os >>> from stat import S_IXUSR, S_IXGRP, S_IXOTH >>> _testfile = os.path.join( ... pyomo.common.envvar.PYOMO_CONFIG_DIR, 'bin', 'demo_exec_file') >>> _del_testfile = not os.path.exists(_testfile) >>> if _del_testfile: ... open(_testfile,'w').close() ... _mode = os.stat(_testfile).st_mode ... os.chmod(_testfile, _mode | S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) .. doctest:: >>> from pyomo.common import Executable >>> if Executable('demo_exec_file').available(): ... loc = Executable('demo_exec_file').path() ... print(os.path.isfile(loc)) True >>> print(os.access(loc, os.X_OK)) True For convenience, :py:meth:`available()` and :py:meth:`path()` are available by casting the :py:class:`PathData` object requrned from ``Executable`` or ``Library`` to either a ``bool`` or ``str``: .. doctest:: >>> if Executable('demo_exec_file'): ... cmd = "%s --help" % Executable('demo_exec_file') The :py:class:`PathManager` caches the location / existence of the target directory entry. If something in the environment changes (e.g., the PATH) or the file is created or removed after the first time a client queried the location or availability, the PathManager will return incorrect information. You can cause the :py:class:`PathManager` to refresh its cache by calling ``rehash()`` on either the :py:class:`PathData` (for the single file) or the :py:class:`PathManager` to refresh the cache for all files: .. doctest:: >>> # refresh the cache for a single file >>> Executable('demo_exec_file').rehash() >>> # or all registered files >>> Executable.rehash() The ``Executable`` singleton looks for executables in the system ``PATH`` and in the list of directories specified by the ``pathlist`` attribute. ``Executable.pathlist`` defaults to a list containing the ``os.path.join(pyomo.common.envvar.PYOMO_CONFIG_DIR, 'bin')``. The ``Library`` singleton looks for executables in the system ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH``, ``PATH`` and in the list of directories specified by the ``pathlist`` attribute. ``Library.pathlist`` defaults to a list containing the ``os.path.join(pyomo.common.envvar.PYOMO_CONFIG_DIR, 'lib')``. Users may also override the normal file resolution by explicitly setting the location using :py:meth:`set_path`: .. doctest:: >>> Executable('demo_exec_file').set_path(os.path.join( ... pyomo.common.envvar.PYOMO_CONFIG_DIR, 'bin', 'demo_exec_file')) Explicitly setting the path is an absolute operation and will set the location whether or not that location points to an actual file. Additionally, the explicit location will persist through calls to ``rehash()``. If you wish to remove the explicit executable location, call ``set_path(None)``: .. doctest:: >>> Executable('demo_exec_file').set_path(None) The ``Executable`` singleton uses :py:class:`ExecutableData`, an extended form of the :py:class:`PathData` class, which provides the ``executable`` property as an alais for :py:meth:`path()` and :py:meth:`set_path()`: .. doctest:: >>> loc = Executable('demo_exec_file').executable >>> print(os.path.isfile(loc)) True >>> Executable('demo_exec_file').executable = os.path.join( ... pyomo.common.envvar.PYOMO_CONFIG_DIR, 'bin', 'demo_exec_file') >>> Executable('demo_exec_file').executable = None .. doctest:: :hide: >>> if _del_testfile: ... os.remove(_testfile) """ def __init__(self, finder, dataClass): self._pathTo = {} self._find = finder self._dataClass = dataClass self.pathlist = None def __call__(self, path): if path not in self._pathTo: self._pathTo[path] = self._dataClass(self, path) return self._pathTo[path]
[docs] def rehash(self): """Requery the location of all registered executables This method derives its name from the csh command of the same name, which rebuilds the hash table of executables reachable through the PATH. """ for _path in self._pathTo.values(): _path.rehash()
# # Define singleton objects for Pyomo / Users to interact with # Executable = PathManager(find_executable, ExecutableData) Library = PathManager(find_library, PathData)
[docs]@deprecated( "pyomo.common.register_executable(name) has been deprecated; " "explicit registration is no longer necessary", version='5.6.2', ) def register_executable(name, validate=None): # Setting to None will cause Executable to re-search the pathlist return Executable(name).rehash()
[docs]@deprecated( """pyomo.common.registered_executable(name) has been deprecated; use pyomo.common.Executable(name).path() to get the path or pyomo.common.Executable(name).available() to get a bool indicating file availability. Equivalent results can be obtained by casting Executable(name) to string or bool.""", version='5.6.2', ) def registered_executable(name): ans = Executable(name) if ans.path() is None: return None else: return ans
[docs]@deprecated( "pyomo.common.unregister_executable(name) has been deprecated; " "use Executable(name).disable()", version='5.6.2', ) def unregister_executable(name): Executable(name).disable()